The Republican question of “what is a woman?”

I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.
Don't worry, you will find a man that says he's a woman.
There is nothing the least bit subjective about the distinction between men and women, nor understanding that to be confused by this distinction is a sure sign of a defective and disordered mind.
The fundamental attribute of American liberals.

Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world where transsexualism or gender dysphoria is non-existent. There are people who suffer from gender dysphoria and there are also people who are multi-gendered, born with both male and female genitalia. There are people who are female morphologically, with breasts, and a vagina, and yet are genetically male. This may not fit neatly into your perfect Christian world, where everyone is born either male or female or no one suffers from gender dysphoria, but that's not the world we live in. We can mitigate the negative consequences of these conditions by making a clear distinction at least on paper when it comes to official documents like IDs and records that the person is a "trans" person, to not confuse them with those who aren't.
Referring to multigendered people, is about as relevant as referring to snow in Florida.
How will your Christian worldview handle a born male who through technology transitions himself into a woman, genetically and otherwise? Within a few decades, it may be possible to completely, and actually transition people from one sex to another.
No, that would NOT be possible. If you're born a man, you live a man, you die a man. Period. No matter what looney things you do to yourself.
No, that would NOT be possible. If you're born a man, you live a man, you die a man. Period. No matter what looney things you do to yourself.

Well, that's not a reasonable position to take if technology transforms a human male's genetic makeup and body into that of a human female, in every way (or vice versa, a female into a male). Just as a male child becomes something else as they develop into a man, going from childhood to adulthood, likewise if a male can adopt the genetic, chromosomal makeup and body of a woman, reproductive system and all, then it's not unreasonable to identify that person as a human female and woman. I don't see us having the technology to transform someone from one gender to another for at least another 100 years, maybe even 200+ years. It's going to require some very advanced technology, in the area of genetic therapy, and nanotechnology. etc. In my previous post, I said "decades", but it would be more accurate to say a century or two instead.
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I can tell you what's NOT a woman OP!

This is not a woman


He hasn't even had sex reassignment surgery and its debatable whether this person is on hormones. I believe if a male is on female hormone therapy and gets the surgery, he should be identified as a trans-woman, not a woman.
I believe if a male is on female hormone therapy and gets the surgery, he should be identified as a trans-woman, not a woman.

Still not a woman, in any meaningful sense. Just a very fucked-up man, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Of course, you're an admitted Communist, so by definition, you're already fucked in the head. It is no surprise that a freak such as yourself would support this madness as well.
Still not a woman, in any meaningful sense. Just a very fucked-up man, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Of course, you're an admitted Communist, so by definition, you're already fucked in the head. It is no surprise that a freak such as yourself would support this madness as well.

You're definitely the one who is messed up "spiritually", thinking you're going to resolve the issue by dehumanizing these people. If a man or woman identifies with the opposite gender as a result of being dysphoric, then denying them that can and often leads to deep depression and a dysfunctional life. Many of them commit suicide when they're denied the ability to dress like and identify with the opposite gender. So, as long as we don't confuse trans-females and trans-males with actual, genetic females and males, I don't see why we can't make a concession and show transgender people some compassion. We can be more inclusive, provided there are some healthy boundaries. I'm against subjecting children to puberty blockers or in any way encouraging them to adopt a particular sexual orientation. I believe children should develop their own sexuality naturally, as they mature, without pressure from society or anyone else.

Foul-mouthed, religious right-wingers like you are the actual freaks.
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Uh yeah still nothing to do with transitioning. Those people who identify as gender fluid don’t even necessarily transition dumbass lol

Moving the goalposts again.

You asked who was teaching kids transgender material.

Go back and look at your original question.
Quit trying to duck out, bub. Pointing out that your reading comprehension clearly sucks is not accusing you of knowing nothing. Grab yours balls and pick which one you would like us to believe describes you, Modern or Postmodern? Then you'll be Golden Rule treated using your own Wikipedia explanation for guidance.

It is never going to happen. Certainly not in my lifetime, at least. I don't think ever.

One has to be as mentally fucked-up as you obviously are, to believe that that is anything close to a plausible reality.
In all likelihood, it probably will. . . . "and otherwise?"

These mRna jabs, work on nano-lipid proteins which are completely artificial. Folks with IQs under 150, don't even have a hope of understanding how they work. Before 2010, the mRna molecule, could not even exist outside the lab, w/o artificial mean to keep it intact. When those elites and technocrats say, government is moving at the, "speed of science," they are not lying. . .

The MSM and government, blatantly LIED, it does do some reprogramming of your DNA, and they will be able to update it, to do many things, once they get they bugs worked out of the entire system.

They might combine it with artificial tech, so humans are not even entirely biological anymore. . . . the applications are really, dazzling, and might be endless.

It is right around the corner. If you plan to die in the next four or five years, no, maybe not in your life time, but by 2030? Yeah, it'll be here.

I'm transhuman. I'm going to become digital - BBC (Three years ago now 2019)​

Five years in the future, in the London of 2024, Stephen and Celeste worry about their daughter, Bethany, who declares herself a transhuman.
In all likelihood, it probably will. . . . "and otherwise?"

These mRna jabs, work on nano-lipid proteins which are completely artificial. Folks with IQs under 150, don't even have a hope of understanding how they work. Before 2010, the mRna molecule, could not even exist outside the lab, w/o artificial mean to keep it intact. When those elites and technocrats say, government is moving at the, "speed of science," they are not lying. . .

The MSM and government, blatantly LIED, it does do some reprogramming of your DNA, and they will be able to update it, to do many things, once they get they bugs worked out of the entire system.

They might combine it with artificial tech, so humans are not even entirely biological anymore. . . . the applications are really, dazzling, and might be endless.

It is right around the corner. If you plan to die in the next four or five years, no, maybe not in your life time, but by 2030? Yeah, it'll be here.

I'm transhuman. I'm going to become digital - BBC (Three years ago now 2019)​

Five years in the future, in the London of 2024, Stephen and Celeste worry about their daughter, Bethany, who declares herself a transhuman.

They think Jesus is going to come back for them and whisk them up to the heavens in a "rapture". Ironically it's not their infantile religion that's going to give them eternal life, it's science and technology. Watch most if not all of these bible thumpers throw their religious nonsense out the window the moment science is able to give them an endless lifespan.
I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.

The DSM is a complete joke, just like most of the rest of the "medical establishment".

If you have "body dysmorphia" as part of an eating disorder you could be hospitalized. But if you have "body dysmorphia" related to sexuality--the Left's forever hobby horse--you are to be celebrated.

Let me put a finer point on it.

If you weigh 75 pounds but look down and say "I'm fat", the Left says, "poor dear. She's so sick."

But if you have a penis and look down and say, "I'm a woman", the Left gives you a flag, a pin and says, "GO YOU!"

Soon, Jesus. Please.
The DSM is a complete joke, just like most of the rest of the "medical establishment".

If you have "body dysmorphia" as part of an eating disorder you could be hospitalized. But if you have "body dysmorphia" related to sexuality--the Left's forever hobby horse--you are to be celebrated.

Let me put a finer point on it.

If you weigh 75 pounds but look down and say "I'm fat", the Left says, "poor dear. She's so sick."

But if you have a penis and look down and say, "I'm a woman", the Left gives you a flag, a pin and says, "GO YOU!"

Soon, Jesus. Please.

As long as children are protected, I don't have a problem with there being transgender people in society. Trans people should be identified as such, and not as actual members of the sex they want to transition to until technology allows them to fully and actually transition. Maybe in 100 or 150 years, people will be able to change their gender.

Jesus, Muhammad, Sai Baba, Hare Krishna, none of them are going to save you. Humanity needs to save itself. You have to save yourself, through your character and actions.

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