The Republican question of “what is a woman?”

Here is something to ponder...

In the 60's we were told not to call them colored people. That was deemed as racist....instead call them black people.
In the 80's we were told not to call them black people. That was deemed as racist......instead call them African Americans. That was a problem, however, when one was a black person who was from England and simply visiting America. African American wasn't thought out well.
Now we are told to call them people of color....pretty much what we were told NOT to call them in the 60's.

I faintly remember from back when some big disaster or unrest was happening in some part of Africa (Somalia, I think) and American troops were sent to help. An image was shown of a black American soldier holding a Somalian child, and some airheaded reporterette described it as “An African-American soldier holding an African-American child”. (Hint, a child that is a citizen of Somalia is not any kind of “-American”.)

I've also heard of white immigrants to America from South Africa being told that they cannot call themselves African-Americans.
Ponder how any of that harms you.. Given you remain unharmed, why do you care what "they claim to have the right to insist" upon? Simples. THEY are not the boss of you. Ignore that! Just as YOU are not the boss of them. Freedom. Love it or leave it, baby.

Tell that to girls and women who are forced to share restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such, with creepy male perverts who claim to be “trans women”.

Or to female athletes forced to compete against “trans woman” athletes who have an unfair advantage by virtue of actually being male.
That's silly. If adults choose to transition to another gender with the advanced technology I mentioned, that's their prerogative and none of your business.

As a matter of unalterable scientific fact, it is not possible, and never will be possible, for a human to “transition” from one gender to the other.

You continue to show us what a mentally-fucked-up freak you are, by insisting that this is a realistic possibility.

But then, being an admitted Communist, you're already established as a mentally-fucked-up freak anyway.

Ponder how any of that harms you.. Given you remain unharmed, why do you care what "they claim to have the right to insist" upon? Simples. THEY are not the boss of you. Ignore that! Just as YOU are not the boss of them. Freedom. Love it or leave it, baby.
I dont call them names.

They call me a homophobe.

Does it affect me?

Yes, when it is said out loud in front of 100's of people.

And yes, it happened and it was pretty tough to continue enjoying my evening. Got spit on, my wife had someone spit in her drink....some girl grabbed my wifes crotch....and we decided to leave.

So yes, their actions dictated what we had to do.

And all my wife did was ask a guy in a skirt who was peeing in the sink in the ladies room to please use the men's bathroom. All hell broke loose.
While there is nothing wrong, inherently, with being gay, lesbian, or bi, the post-modern critical theorists, have taken up the queer cause, and politicized it. Which, I don't know if you are buying into this, out of stupidity, because you tend to be a useful idiot, or if you are being a partisan tool, for you, like others on the right tend, to consume too much of your preferred agitprop., but the the fact of the matter is, this is a line which educated liberals will not even cross.

It is the simple lack of Restraint ... And the desire one may have to insist everyone must accept their ideology.
It is an assault on Individualism and attempts to put society's opinion above all by simply applying numbers to it ... As the Collective.

It has nothing to do with Principles that Respect the Rights of All ... And is quite the opposite in application and execution.
It uses "Humanity" ... In an utter attempt to destroy the Respect we could possibly have for each other ... Through Forced Compliance.

You're definitely the one who is messed up "spiritually", thinking you're going to resolve the issue by dehumanizing these people. If a man or woman identifies with the opposite gender as a result of being dysphoric, then denying them that can and often leads to deep depression and a dysfunctional life. Many of them commit suicide when they're denied the ability to dress like and identify with the opposite gender. So, as long as we don't confuse trans-females and trans-males with actual, genetic females and males, I don't see why we can't make a concession and show transgender people some compassion. We can be more inclusive, provided there are some healthy boundaries. I'm against subjecting children to puberty blockers or in any way encouraging them to adopt a particular sexual orientation. I believe children should develop their own sexuality naturally, as they mature, without pressure from society or anyone else.

Foul-mouthed, religious right-wingers like you are the actual freaks.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.
They think Jesus is going to come back for them and whisk them up to the heavens in a "rapture". Ironically it's not their infantile religion that's going to give them eternal life, it's science and technology. Watch most if not all of these bible thumpers throw their religious nonsense out the window the moment science is able to give them an endless lifespan.
Did it ever occur to you that this has nothing to do with religion ? Things are what they are. A man is a man. A woman is a woman. A table is a table. A lamp is a lamp.

Nutjob liberals constantly trying to rearrange reality to how it would suit them. :rolleyes:
Taking the primary biological need from women? You haven’t thought through this.

Hanging might be too easy on those who research and promote this wacko idea. Maybe burning at the stake?
What do you mean by "taking the primary biological need from women"? You're uttering gobbledygook.
As a matter of unalterable scientific fact, it is not possible, and never will be possible, for a human to “transition” from one gender to the other.

You continue to show us what a mentally-fucked-up freak you are, by insisting that this is a realistic possibility.

But then, being an admitted Communist, you're already established as a mentally-fucked-up freak anyway.

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With the technology of the future, using nanotechnology (nanorobots) and advanced genetic engineering i.e. gene therapy, there might be a way to completely alter a man's or woman's body to that of the opposite gender. Saying that it is impossible is ridiculous because you wouldn't know that.

As far as being a mentally screwed-up freak, that's you for believing in all of your religious nonsense. In the not-too-distant future, communism will be the only option, due to advanced 21st-century automation technology, so you might as well become a communist now. Communism is the future.
What do you mean by "taking the primary biological need from women"? You're uttering gobbledygook.

Only women bare offspring. Change that in even a small way and you commit crimes against humanity. Our species do not need it, or those who would propose such.
With the technology of the future, using nanotechnology (nanorobots) and advanced genetic engineering i.e. gene therapy, there might be a way to completely alter a man's or woman's body to that of the opposite gender. Saying that it is impossible is ridiculous because you wouldn't know that.

As far as being a mentally screwed-up freak, that's you for believing in all of your religious nonsense. In the not-too-distant future, communism will be the only option, due to advanced 21st-century automation technology, so you might as well become a communist now. Communism is the future.

Lol, what a fool.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

Did it ever occur to you that this has nothing to do with religion ? Things are what they are. A man is a man. A woman is a woman. A table is a table. A lamp is a lamp.

Nutjob liberals constantly trying to rearrange reality to how it would suit them. :rolleyes:

Things are what they are, while they are that which they actually are. If a caterpillar transforms itself into a moth or butterfly, it's no longer a caterpillar, it's now a moth or butterfly. If you're a cancer patient and science saves you by eliminating that cancer, you're no longer a cancer patient. An infant isn't an adolescent child nor a teenager or adult. A tadpole isn't a frog. And if we have the technology in the future, perhaps men will be able to become women and women men. Your claim that sex/gender is static and permanent, is groundless and arbitrary.
Only women bare offspring. Change that in even a small way and you commit crimes against humanity. Our species do not need it, or those who would propose such.

If those men became women then they would be women who can reproduce as women. Most men wouldn't become women, so your point is moot. Moreover, we may be able to reproduce without sex in the future. There are scientists right now working on developing artificial wombs:

Within the next 100 years, we will definitely have artificial wombs and ways of conceiving human life without sex or a man and woman.
All this to justify your need to be trans.

I'm not trans or dysphoric, so once again you're grasping at straws. I'm a straight male, who is 100% satisfied as a man, who is exclusively sexually attracted to genetic, actual women. But if you are trans, and want to become a woman, for whatever reason, I could care less. It's none of my business and I'm not going to dehumanize or demonize you, because that would be wrong. As long as you're not trying to influence children to become transsexuals (confused about their sex):


It's none of my business what you decide to do with your body on this issue. My only concern is for the children, not the adults who decide to be trans or are LGBTQ. I don't care what consenting adults do with each other sexually, again, it's none of my business. Just don't do this:





Keep the children out of it, and I don't care how "homo" or trans you are.
thank gawd , i'd freak if i woke up in a dress !

say what?


If in the future, technology allows men to become women, genetically, morphologically (the physique/shape of their bodies), physiologically (with a vagina and womb, uterus with eggs), then that human being would now be a woman. It wouldn't matter that in the past they were born male and were men, if technology allowed them to transform themselves (transition), into women. That wouldn't be a man anymore but a woman. If in the future, technology becomes so advanced that we can transform people's bodies to whatever type of life we want to transform it into, then whoever goes through one of those transformations, isn't going to end how they started, ontologically and otherwise. What they were, in the beginning, won't be what they are at the end of the process.
Oh, no doubt you are. And this your ultimate fantasy

No, but you can delude yourself into thinking that if you want. Go ahead and fantasize about me being trans or gay, it makes no difference to me what you believe about me.
I dont call them names.

They call me a homophobe.

Does it affect me?

Yes, when it is said out loud in front of 100's of people.

And yes, it happened and it was pretty tough to continue enjoying my evening. Got spit on, my wife had someone spit in her drink....some girl grabbed my wifes crotch....and we decided to leave.

So yes, their actions dictated what we had to do.

And all my wife did was ask a guy in a skirt who was peeing in the sink in the ladies room to please use the men's bathroom. All hell broke loose.
You had a bad night. Perhaps your response ruined some of the evening for some of them as well. Who knows. Wouldn't blame you for that, but I'm curious as to how you would respond if you walked into the men's bathroom and saw the same idiot peeing into the sink there? I would suggest (not nicely) that they either use a stall or a urinal, not the women's bathroom. Point being, I don't care what you're wearing or what you think you are, I just know I don't want to see your private parts. I don't want anyone peeing into sinks. It's obviously unsanitary. I don't want to witness anyone peeing period. They're just making a gross spectacle of themself with little to no concern for anyone else. Doing it primary to grab attention rather than from any need to pee.
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I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.

Its patheticehen snowflakes and Democratsxtry to accusethers of what they do / did....

The Democrats's black female USSC nominee / Justice was widely reported to have been unable to answer the question;yet Billy os attempting to rewrite history, hoping Americans have a faulty memory as he does.

Democrats have proven they have no idea what a woman is,which bathroom to use, and believe biological males can give birth....but poor billy will try to convince people that it was / is tbe Republicans.


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