The Republican question of “what is a woman?”

Of course transgenderism is understood. It is a mental illness. Fortunately it affects only a fraction of a percent. What the current explosion in transgenderism is, is a more virulent form of mental illness. It is people who have been screaming for attention their whole lives.

No matter how virulent, they must learn to leave children alone or, yes there will be tranny hunters looking to tan hides and mount them.

It's not really a mental illness. Before ultraliberal psychologists started giving effeminate gay males, who envied straight women, the idea that they, too, could become female, and viola, their dreams would come true, they were just transvestites, men in drag. That was the case when i was in my 20s/30s. I don't recall transgenderism becoming a thing until my 40s, and I believe the psychologists are to blame. These are just gays, effeminate gays, and homosexuality is abundant in nature, even in the animal kingdom, thus it's not a mental illness, because if it were, then animals would be mentally ill, and since they are not self aware, the idea is absurd.
It's not really a mental illness. Before ultraliberal psychologists started giving effeminate gay males, who envied straight women, the idea that they, too, could become female, and viola, their dreams would come true, they were just transvestites, men in drag. That was the case when i was in my 20s/30s. I don't recall transgenderism becoming a thing until my 40s, and I believe the psychologists are to blame. These are just gays, effeminate gays, and homosexuality is abundant in nature, even in the animal kingdom, thus it's not a mental illness, because if it were, then animals would be mentally ill, and since they are not self aware, the idea is absurd.
You are malinformed. For one thing homosexuality does not exist among animals at all. So start with disabusing yourself of that notion. Your understanding of trans women simply being effeminate gay men in drag is likewise malinformation. Plenty of men, believing they are women, are not gay at all. They are not attracted to men and consider themselves lesbians with a penis. Caitlin Jenner is the most recognizable of these.

In the last few years, Transgenderism has seen a 4000% increase. It has become the catch all for every mentally ill basket case.

Not all. Men pretending to be women has become one of the most effective scams there is. A weak man unable to compete with men can pick a sport, dominate the women's division, make money and go on to restore their manliness. That's a scam. It wouldn't be possible without the glorification of transiness.
You are malinformed. For one thing homosexuality does not exist among animals at all. So start with disabusing yourself of that notion.

EvilCat Gay Pride
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I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.
You are malinformed. For one thing homosexuality does not exist among animals at all.
Well, "homo" means 'man' so technically you're correct, but in essence, you are wrong. Clearly, I meant 'same sex attraction in animals'

But, on that score, you are emphatically wrong. Same sex mating and/or attraction is abundant in the animal kingdom and beyond: same-sex mating occurs in the animal kingdom, and it has been observed in many species. Here are some examples and credible sources that confirm this phenomenon:

  1. Bonobos: Bonobos are primates that are closely related to chimpanzees. They are known for their high level of sexual activity, including same-sex sexual behavior. In fact, female-female sexual behavior is more common in bonobos than male-female sexual behavior. (Source: de Waal, F. B. M., & Lanting, F. (1997). Bonobo: The forgotten ape.)
  2. Dolphins: Male dolphins have been observed engaging in same-sex sexual behavior with other males. (Source: Connor, R. C., Wells, R. S., Mann, J., & Read, A. J. (2000). The bottlenose dolphin: social relationships in a fission-fusion society. In C. P. Van Schaik & C. H. Janson (Eds.), Infanticide by Males and Its Implications (pp. 315-361). Cambridge University Press.)
  3. Penguins: Both male and female penguins have been observed forming same-sex pair bonds and engaging in mating behaviors with same-sex partners. (Source: Jouventin, P., Aubin, T., & Lengagne, T. (1999). Finding a partner in a king penguin colony: the role of vocal displays. Animal Behaviour, 57(2), 267-274.)
  4. Sheep: Same-sex behavior has been observed in sheep, including mounting and genital licking. (Source: Roselli, C. E., & Stormshak, F. (2009). The neurobiology of sexual partner preferences in rams. Hormones and Behavior, 55(5), 611-620.)
These are just a few examples, but same-sex mating has been observed in many other species as well, including birds, reptiles, and insects. The scientific literature on this topic is extensive and growing, providing ample evidence that same-sex mating is a natural phenomenon in the animal kingdom.
So start with disabusing yourself of that notion. Your understanding of trans women simply being effeminate gay men in drag is likewise malinformation. Plenty of men, believing they are women, are not gay at all.
The vast majority of them are. I've lived two gay neighborhoods, West Hollywood and Hillcrest in San Diego, for a combination of 40 years, and have dealt first hand with the community, interacting with literally hundreds of transfemales, mostly. Probably much more than that, a lot more, over the years and I never counted. Even in the gay neighborhoods, they are a small minority within a minority.

They are not attracted to men and consider themselves lesbians with a penis. Caitlin Jenner is the most recognizable of these.
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. The vast majority of them are effeminate males, and are gay. More are bisexual than preferring women. I know this having worked in this community.
In the last few years, Transgenderism has seen a 4000% increase. It has become the catch all for every mentally ill basket case.
Bill Maher addressed this, very accurately, but not to point out that it's a mental illness, which it isn't.

Not all. Men pretending to be women has become one of the most effective scams there is. A weak man unable to compete with men can pick a sport, dominate the women's division, make money and go on to restore their manliness. That's a scam. It wouldn't be possible without the glorification of transiness.
If you had read by link to my post on this subject, you'd know that I support the plight of women athletes.
but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.
In other words, rightly because they ARE?

A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.
There is no way of changing the chromosomal arrangement of your body which directs the development of your bones and muscles and hormones and psychological arrangement. That is set at conception.

However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population.
If there is logic in point 1 then there cannot be any real transgender population, and is it really dehumanization or just fear of things like HIV + the fact that so many of them try to FORCE their views on others? I like telescopes, but do you see me trying to shove the buying attributes of an f/11 schmidt-cassegrain down your throat?

They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else.
If I dressed like this, I'd kinda EXPECT people to ridicule me! This is a cry for attention!

Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible.
More like it just makes others uncomfortable and they don't want their minors exposed to such things. But you never stop to consider how these people impose and intrude upon the feelings of others, all you care about is THEIR feelings.

“Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder
But it IS a mental disorder, by every rule in the book as it is an ABERRATION conflicting sharply with societal norms whose justification cannot be established in any external locus other than within the person's own imagination (meaning, it's all in your head)! Just that the psychological community has utterly FAILED at finding an effective way of treating it.

A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them.
Oh there is GREAT harm going on here! Both to the person with it:


And to those around them made to feel uncomfortable.

Summarize for me that transgendered people have a psychological harm on children.
All I need to do is think back upon my happy, balanced, normal childhood to admit that seeing such a freak as above would both frighten and confuse the hell out of most kids confused about how to interpret it, especially if treated as "normal" by other adults, not to mention the harm of such a person's intrusion upon a child's space. A parent DOES NOT WANT their kid put in that position, it is NOT your place to make that choice FOR the parent, if the parent WANTS that for their kid, it is up to THEM to make that decision, not you--- GET IT?

If only you had half as much respect for the space and rights of others as you try to claim for yourself, then you might half understand, and transgenders might endear far
greater sympathy.
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In other words, rightly because they ARE?

There is no way of changing the chromosomal arrangement of your body which directs the development of your bones and muscles and hormones and psychological arrangement. That is set at conception.

If there is logic in point 1 then there cannot be any real transgender population, and is it really dehumanization or just fear of things like HIV + the fact that so many of them try to FORCE their views on others? I like telescopes, but do you see me trying to shove the buying attributes of an f/11 schmidt-cassegrain down your throat?

Really? View attachment 770215 If I dressed like this, I'd kinda EXPECT people to ridicule me! This is a cry for attention!

More like it just makes others uncomfortable and they don't want their minors exposed to such things. But you never stop to consider how these people impose and intrude upon the feelings of others, all you care about is THEIR feelings.

But it IS a mental disorder, by every rule in the book as it is an ABERRATION conflicting sharply with societal norms whose justification cannot be established in any external locus other than within the person's own imagination (meaning, it's all in your head)! Just that the psychological community has utterly FAILED at finding an effective way of treating it.

Oh there is GREAT harm going on here! Both to the person with it:

View attachment 770217

And to those around them made to feel uncomfortable.

All I need to do is think back upon my happy, balanced, normal childhood to admit that seeing such a freak as above would both frighten and confuse the hell out of most kids confused about how to interpret it, especially if treated as "normal" by other adults, not to mention the harm of such a person's intrusion upon a child's space. A parent DOES NOT WANT their kid put in that position, it is NOT your place to make that choice FOR the parent, if the parent WANTS that for their kid, it is up to THEM to make that decision, not you--- GET IT?

If only you had half as much respect for the space and rights of others as you try to claim for yourself, then you might half understand, and transgenders might endear far
greater sympathy.

In short, your diatribe against trans people reads like a bigot complaining about the plight of other bigots.

Stop being a bigot and y'all might endear far greater respect. The Times They Are a Changing, to quote a great songwriter.
In short, your diatribe against trans people reads like a bigot

Kinda like being such a bigot that you think people expressing violations of their space and the uncomfortableness it causes them just FINE if you are a gay, freak, tranny, black or ANYONE BUT A FUCKING NORMAL PERSON, right motherfucker?

So long as it doesn't invade YOUR SICK FUCKING BULLSHIT it is OK, but just let ONE PERSON say that what you do makes OTHER people uncomfortable and rather than to RESPECT THEIR SPACE as well, you call them a "bigot."
In short, your diatribe against trans people reads like a bigot complaining about the plight of other bigots.

Stop being a bigot and y'all might endear far greater respect. The Times They Are a Changing, to quote a great songwriter.
Bless your heart trannies are mentally sick
The end
The Times They Are a Changing

No asshole. The times they are NOT changing. Morality and ethics are not something you just make up to suit yourself year after year or they would mean nothing. What kind of country has a different morality every five years???

The times may be changing for YOU asshole, but they are NOT changing for me and hundreds of millions of others just because YOU say they are changing, butthead. But let's use your own stupid logic: yeah, the times they are a changing, butthole, and WE are changing them back and aren't asking your permission no more than you asked us when you decided to change them FOR US.

Get it, kumquat?!
Kinda like being such a bigot that you think people expressing violations of their space and the uncomfortableness it causes them just FINE if you are a gay, freak, tranny, black or ANYONE BUT A FUCKING NORMAL PERSON, right motherfucker?
So, gays, trans, et al, are not normal? Thanks for confirming that you are a bigot.
So long as it doesn't invade YOUR SICK FUCKING BULLSHIT it is OK, but just let ONE PERSON say that what you do makes OTHER people uncomfortable and rather than to RESPECT THEIR SPACE as well, you call them a "bigot."

People who are intolerant of those who are not like them are bigots.

It's really that simple.
No asshole. The times they are NOT changing. Morality and ethics are not something you just make up to suit yourself year after year or they would mean nothing. What kind of country has a different morality every five years???

The times may be changing for YOU asshole, but they are NOT changing for me and hundreds of millions of others just because YOU say they are changing, butthead. But let's use your own stupid logic: yeah, the times they are a changing, butthole, and WE are changing them back and aren't asking your permission no more than you asked us when you decided to change them FOR US.

Get it, kumquat?!

Trans folks have been around for centuries. In Victorian England, they were found in the theatre, where they were somewhat tolerated, and men played women's roles and Trans folks found an outlet where they could be themselves, and find employment. Still, they treaded on a dangerous ground, given that, in the majority of Victorian England, such was a crime, as the playwright Oscar Wilde was sentenced to two years of hard labor for being a homosexual.

See. you're confirming my point, you are asserting that gays and trans people are 'immoral'.

That is the quintessence of the mind of a bigot.

Failure to adapt to a changing environment equals eventual extinction.

Just sayin'
It's late. Go back. Read your article again. Homosexual behavior exists in response to stressors. Homosexuality does NOT. Animals simply do not have the same societal structure.
I did as you asked and nope, the word "stress" does not appear in the "article." In fact, this much broader "article" defines homosexuality as:
Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender.
So not limited to humans nor our societal structure though we do structure societal things much like other mammals.
I did as you asked and nope, the word "stress" does not appear in the "article." In fact, this much broader "article" defines homosexuality as:

So not limited to humans nor our societal structure though we do structure societal things much like other mammals.
Except that other mammals are never homosexual even though they may exhibit homosexual behavior, normally when subjected to a lack of access to the opposite sex.
Trans folks have been around for centuries. In Victorian England, they were found in the theatre, where they were somewhat tolerated, and men played women's roles and Trans folks found an outlet where they could be themselves, and find employment. Still, they treaded on a dangerous ground, given that, in the majority of Victorian England, such was a crime, as the playwright Oscar Wilde was sentenced to two years of hard labor for being a homosexual.

See. you're confirming my point, you are asserting that gays and trans people are 'immoral'.

That is the quintessence of the mind of a bigot.

Failure to adapt to a changing environment equals eventual extinction.

Just sayin'
Men would not have played women's roles because it was illegal for a woman to be on the stage. Do you think that might have had something to do with it?
I have to hand it to republicans on this one. Nothing else gets woke liberals studdering more. It’s a basic question and they have trouble answering it. Republicans milk that effect for all it’s worth, but sure, they rightfully feel “correct”.

Here’s the thing though:

1) Not every liberal agrees with the woke left on this narrative about gender. A lot of us agree that people are born as they are and biologically there is no changing it.

2) However, given the logic of point number 1, it doesn’t somehow excuse the dehumanization of the transgender population. They are still people and they deserve as much as respect as anyone else. Republicans often think it is “gross” or “weird” to them so they try to dehumanize them as much as possible. They can’t accept that what makes us human is often pretty complicated and they don’t need to have any natural empathy for it.

3) “Gender” has a varied definition that sets it apart from “sex”. While these terms can be used interchangeably, there is a variation of the word of the word “gender” that is defined purely psychologically. “Gender” can be defined as a social construct. Someone might naturally reject any psychological norms that often defines their sex. They may feel, for whatever reason, they are not the sex they are born with. One might argue with this position all day long, but the reality is that is how they feel regardless of whether or not you and I think it is based in biology. When it comes to mental disorders, it is no longer considered a mental disorder in the DSM. When it was, it was called “gender identity disorder”. Even when this was a considered a disorder, it was defined by the mental distress it caused in the person with it. It wasn’t defined by how others saw it. A mental disorder can only be defined as something that harms the person with it or causes harm to the people around them. If you think this causes psychological harm to people around them, you are willfully ignorant.
Politics is politics. Both sides lie out of their asses as ammunition against the other side.

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