The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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Asking the Saudis to hold off restricting their oil supply until after the midterms "or there would be consequences" probably the latest thing Biden did that would be a slam dunk impeachment.
Considering that is exactly the kind of political dirty trick the democrats falsely accused Trump of in the first, false impeachment, Biden should easily be impeached by the House, and if any of the Democrats have any ethics at all, convicted and removed from office so he can face criminal charges.
I call For NO Revenge
Let’s be the adults that end this shit by voting his like kind out in Nov and he in 2024. That’s Victory
I call For NO Revenge
Let’s be the adults that end this shit by voting his like kind out in Nov and he in 2024. That’s Victorv

And if they did that, do you think next time they are in power they will stop their Nazi games? Don't you believe it.
Impeachment is a waster of time and money. Democrats watered it down last time.
Ray it’s gotta end this horrid acrimony . Let’s do it via the ballot and maintain control for decades.

Again I question, do you really think it will end, especially if Trump runs and wins the 24 elections? Sure, you can hope that we maintain leadership for a long time, but you know how politics is, people have a short memory, and it may not be long that they do take leadership again.

In time of peace, prepare for war. Although it may be unpopular, the Republicans have to teach the Democrats a lesson. The only way to stop the bully from punching you in the face and taking your lunch money is to punch back. If you don't, get used to getting your face punched in.
Written proof that someone told him something.

Are you really this dumb or is it just an act?
these are emails between eastman and trump.
eastman telling trump his voter fraud numbers are false.
This is documented proof trump knew he was making a false statement to court under oath.

Again I question, do you really think it will end, especially if Trump runs and wins the 24 elections? Sure, you can hope that we maintain leadership for a long time, but you know how politics is, people have a short memory, and it may not be long that they do take leadership again.

In time of peace, prepare for war. Although it may be unpopular, the Republicans have to teach the Democrats a lesson. The only way to stop the bully from punching you in the face and taking your lunch money is to punch back. If you don't, get used to getting your face punched in.
I overwhelm the bully at the ballot box. And yes I do think by winning we can gain control. We are on same side of it just splitting hairs. 😊
He broke US law by delaying it. The US, EU and IMF all threaten to pull their loan guarantees unless that prosecutor was removed. Biden even told them to call Obama in that interview clip Rudy got from the Russians.
Not any lethal aid at that point. Plenty of not lethal military aid.
No, but Hunter, as well as other connected sons and daughters, can and do get some pretty sweet gigs.
No, Trump did not break the Law, released the aid before the deadline. Biden used extortion to get Shokin fired.
I call bullshit about the EU and IMF, there were no complaints about Shokin before Biden's extortion.

If given the chance, the Republicans should not impeach Mr. Biden.

They should just ignore him.

Let him continue to sit in the Oval Office and spend his time playing with his dog.

He is a mentally challenged old man who needs everyone's help to reach January, 2025, and then return to Delaware for his retirement.

Republicans should show how magnanimous they are.

Whenever Mr. Biden spouts off with some of his "fibs," the Republican reply should be "No comment."

If given the chance, the Republicans should not impeach Mr. Biden.

They should just ignore him.

Let him continue to sit in the Oval Office and spend his time playing with his dog.

He is a mentally challenged old man who needs everyone's help to reach January, 2025, and then return to Delaware for his retirement.

Republicans should show how magnanimous they are.

Whenever Mr. Biden spouts off with some of his "fibs," the Republican reply should be "No comment."
You do realize that if Trump were to win a second term, and the dems kept the house, that they would impeach him, again, and again, and again, and again...

I understand the need to be "the bigger person" but when dealing with people who, themselves have demonstrated they are willing to use the government as a weapon against their opponents, you have to use those same tactics.
Of course I fear them. They have no idea they are supporting the Communist party. Communists are who we lost a lot of Americans fighting, and now they are part of our political system. You bet I'm scared; every real American should be.
You're either batshit or cynically dishonest
They approved it long before the phone call. It was up to Trump to deliver which he did before the expiration date.

As I mentioned a few posts up, Biden was not Trump's political rival at the time the call was made. He was running for the Democrat nomination. "Look into it" is not an official request for an investigation.
It was the tip of the ice berg of what a senior official called a "Drug Deal" plot to use the aid we all paid for to attack his political rivals and besmirch the Democrat candidate most likely to beat him in 2020. He tried to leverage all of our's money to attack our half our country and the Neo-GOP most all support that.
It was the tip of the ice berg of what a senior official called a "Drug Deal" plot to use the aid we all paid for to attack his political rivals and besmirch the Democrat candidate most likely to beat him in 2020. He tried to leverage all of our's money to attack our half our country and the Neo-GOP most all support that.

Pretty neat trick since money or aid was never mentioned in the conversation.

As I told you before, this entire clown show was to stop Zelenskyy from talking about the Biden corruption. If they created a phony impeachment deal, that would shut Zelenskyy up which apparently it did.

Now.....if the Communists really thought that's what Trump was up to, why didn't they give it time so he actually went through with it? They would have had a solid case. The answer is because they didn't have any time. They had to act and act fast.
Oh no. BLM had 12,000 dollars to their name three days before the riots.

The day after the first riot in Minnesota, they suddenly and magically had 262,000 dollars.

Amazing, that.

So after the images of Mr Floyd being snuffed out by the police, they gained significant financial support, and that made the thugs who rioted (like has happened repeatedly in our history) riot how?

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