The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
We will only need to impeach him once. The crime of selling access to the presidency (Obama), or the money laundering along with his son, or the corruption with the Ukrainians, any of those three are grounds enough and the evidence is clear enough that it will get an easy conviction and removal.

The only question is whether the GOP has the stones to oust their useless leader and actually do it.
Yes, there is. You know in advance you don't have the votes to make it stick. The whole thing becomes symbolic, which is a waste of time and money.

Did Dims consider it to be a waste of time and money? No, They endlessly regurgitate the mantra of how Trump is the only president impeached twice. It makes for great propaganda. The great mass of moron voters suck that stuff up.

Go after what really matters. Make life difficult for Soros AG's, sanctuary cities, and leftard school board and union officials. DRAIN the swamp, don't fucking grandstand like the worthless libtards.

Is there any reason we can't do both? Obviously not. Furthermore, Biden will have little time for advancing his pernicious legislation if he's under assault.

Haven't you learned anything by watching the Democrats?
1. Pelosi made Impeachment as a weapon against the opposition, so remember that.

2. I voted no because they have nothing to Impeach Biden over that is legitimate and if they do it enough the stress could kill Biden and then the Nation would have a negative reaction, so do not do as the Democrats did with Trump with using impeachment when you lack the votes in the Senate for any conviction and removal.
There are several legitimate articles of impeachment for Joe Biden:
1. Open Borders in violation of US Law.
2. Abuse of Power, leaving $85b of US equipment for our enemies in AFG
3. Abuse of Power, forgiving student loans
3. Abuse of Power, having the FBI investigate concerned parents
4. Abuse of Power, hiring 87,000 IRS agents willing to KILL.
5. Abuse of Power, the Biden Crime Family benefits illegally by selling influence
6. Abuse of Power, violates the Emoluments clause by selling "art" to unknown entities.
7. Abuse of Power, turning the US military into "woke" and "feckless" affecting readiness.
Yes, there is. You know in advance you don't have the votes to make it stick. The whole thing becomes symbolic, which is a waste of time and money.
Go after what really matters. Make life difficult for Soros AG's, sanctuary cities, and leftard school board and union officials. DRAIN the swamp, don't fucking grandstand like the worthless libtards.
So how many of your "really matters" would pass the democrat's senate filibuster and have Joe sign? List them please:
If you vote for Republican Congressmen you are voting for a “revenge Impeachment or three.

I understand that has appeal to right wing Trump fanatics but to everyone else?

Is that really what you want Congress doing?
If you vote for Republican Congressmen you are voting for a “revenge Impeachment or three.

I understand that has appeal to right wing Trump fanatics but to everyone else?

Is that really what you want Congress doing?
That’s all a Republican-controlled Congress ever does, engage in partisan politics.

Republicans have no interest in sound, responsible governance.

And what Republicans consider to be sound, responsible governance, isn’t.
If you vote for Republican Congressmen you are voting for a “revenge Impeachment or three.
I understand that has appeal to right wing Trump fanatics but to everyone else?
Is that really what you want Congress doing?
Normal people do
And what do they think Biden should be Impeached for?

"High crimes and Misdemeanors"...

Pelosi made Impeachment as a weapon against the opposition, so remember that.
BS. She was force to use it when Benedict Donald was caught attempting to weaponize Foreign Military aid against his fellow countrymen. The country would have been better served by Pence from that point on but the Neo-GOP are simply too corrupt to do what is good for the country.
And what do they think Biden should be Impeached for?
"High crimes and Misdemeanors"...
Illegal open borders
illegally forgiving student loans
abandoning AFG and $85b in US military equipment against the recommendation of the military
abuse of power as per the whistleblowers in the FBI
abuse of power as per the crimes from Hunter's laptop
Follow the money from Burisma, China, as reported by many US banks

Compared to Trump's legitimate phone call.

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