The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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I'm at ten to one for Joe Biden over Harris. Hear me out scruffy....Joe could become desperate soon. "Desperate men do desperate things" Harris just wants to giggle. If Joe's handlers put something on a teleprompter Joe will read it word for word (end of quote). Harris might actually know what she is reading....Joe's fifty year old career as a goofy clown politician (and his life) are coming to an end, he may very well want to end it with a bang that forever changes humanity.....Harris just wants to giggle.
I believe that millions of Biden voter's are saying to themselves "I didn't vote for this". ,,,as they buy groceries, fill their gas tanks, and pay the gas bill. To these people I say ... "Well you kinda did. We tried to tell you". And when Harris becomes the most powerful person on Earth...........the same conversation will be repeated. I want that to happen. I want it to be painfully obviously that voting for Biden and Harris was a very stupid thing to do.




And you can thank GREEDY oil companies for the high gas prices!
Revenge has nothing to do with it.

The President has intentionally and with malice formally elected to flout U.S. election laws, virtually inviting armies of ineligible foreigners to storm our borders, knowing that only the tiniest percentage of them have any legitimate basis to claim refugee status (for the record, wanting to be more prosperous is not a valid argument),

He has done this with the stated intention of creating a "path to citizenship" for these illegals, in effect stealing national elections for at least a generation.

While the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" is somewhat vague, intentionally voiding the very laws that he swore to execute undoubtedly qualifies.

Revenge? Gimmeafukkinbreak.
Also scruffy,,, Biden's conscience is not tiny, it is evil. Joe enabled his own son to be a complete degenerate , with ill gotten money, knowing full well that the last thing his own son needed was a trip to China on Airfoce 2 to get even more ill gotten money to continue his perverse lifestyle, that Joe ( his father) was fully aware of happening. For a father to do that to his drug addicted son .....PROVES he has NO conscience. Ten percent for the big guy.
It would be tempting to impeach him. But on the other hand, it might be more fun to keep him in office for the next two years, so he can experience how impotent he and the Democrat Party are after they become a bunch of lame ducks.

Can you imagine how furious they'd be when everything they try to do gets blocked by a Republican-held House and Senate? Especially since he's going to be harassed, investigated, subpoenad, and questioned constantly for the next two years. And think about how he's going to come unglued after his own son Hunter ends up in prison.


I kind of agree. They could get an insider to slip him faulty and misleading cue cards... it would be priceless.
Revenge has nothing to do with it.

The President has intentionally and with malice formally elected to flout U.S. election laws, virtually inviting armies of ineligible foreigners to storm our borders, knowing that only the tiniest percentage of them have any legitimate basis to claim refugee status (for the record, wanting to be more prosperous is not a valid argument),

He has done this with the stated intention of creating a "path to citizenship" for these illegals, in effect stealing national elections for at least a generation.

While the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" is somewhat vague, intentionally voiding the very laws that he swore to execute undoubtedly qualifies.

Revenge? Gimmeafukkinbreak.

Some Americans use this forum to learn, and post their opinions and knowledge. This discussion peaked my interest and I was compelled to contribute. Oh, and by the way the memes you post ad nauseam in the humor section... often get tiresome.
Some Americans use this forum to learn, and post their opinions and knowledge. This discussion peaked my interest and I was compelled to contribute. Oh, and by the way the memes you post ad nauseam in the humor section... often get tiresome.

Well, gee, just ignore my posts in the humor section if they make you tired... It ain't rocket science...

BTW, my posts in the humor section contain more facts and truth than you'll find on the NaziCon sites like Fox News, OAN, Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, etc...
If Biden is Impeached it will not be a case of 'Recenge Impeachment' - he will have earned it.

From confessions of extortion to proven criminal conflicts of interest to proven crimes found on Hunter Biden's laptop to violations of Constitution and Rule of Law, there is enough criminal evidence to bury the Biden family crime syndicate ... if it were nit for the DOJ & FBI protecting the Biden's.
I'm at ten to one for Joe Biden over Harris. Hear me out scruffy....Joe could become desperate soon. "Desperate men do desperate things" Harris just wants to giggle. If Joe's handlers put something on a teleprompter Joe will read it word for word (end of quote). Harris might actually know what she is reading....Joe's fifty year old career as a goofy clown politician (and his life) are coming to an end, he may very well want to end it with a bang that forever changes humanity.....Harris just wants to giggle.
You have a good point.
IMHO the left simply can not "meme". They are often easily debunked, lack any sort of humor and always have the same bold yellow type. What the hell is with the same super bold yellow type on almost every one of these "memes?
Fucking up the country is a high crime, and Sleepy Joe is guilty as shit.

Really, if the Democrat Congress took their job seriously, Biden would already be impeached.

Then every president is "fucking up the country" according to one side or the other.

Literally you'd not be able to have a president who doesn't get impeached.
Third-world countries must be laughing their asses off at us. We need to sell more bananas.
Third-world countries must be laughing their asses off at us. We need to sell more bananas.
Well, thats what happens when you put a senile old man in the Oval Office. Democrats are going to pay a heavy price for it, as they should.

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