The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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From an impartial persective, Is either "side" any different?

Not a supporter of either, however politics during my lifetime, and now more than ever have degenerated into an ugly range war between the two parties.

Civility and diplomacy in politics are behaviors of the long ago past.

Even during some of the most turbulent political times in history back in the 60's, I don't recall such an adversariel relationship between both "parties".

Today, both parties are not above attacking the physical disabilities of one another, questioning each others morality as humans, and generally slinging whatever mud they can against one another.

All to the detriment of the entire country.

"Revenge" has become the standard protocol.

If the sides were reversed,
Democrats would likely do the same.

Just an opinion/observation.

Well...... it reminds me of the movie Rambo, where Stallone read the line "I didn't draw first blood sir!"
In short....DeSantis would likely be better at "healing" our nation. But Trump would be more likely to kick ass and take names. IMHO, it's time to kick ass and take names. Every thinking American knows, deep down, that Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzock etc.. have gotten away with murder (literally) right in front of our eyes and have been laughing in our faces as they smash their cell phones. Often times, actual healing, requires removing extensive amounts of "tissue". DeSantis might feel good ....but perhaps we truly need more "invasive surgery" for our nation to survive another 200 years.

Here's the problem: DeSantis is a public servant. He's a damned fine Governor who does his job very well but all the same, he's a politician. He's not rich and has nothing to fall back on if he loses his job.

Trump on the other hand is wealthy. He doesn't have to worry about what people think. He does what he likes, one of those things being to restore America to it's rightful place on the world stage. And if he fails, he just gets to go home, count his money, and live happily ever after.

Now you can bet that if elected, DeSantis is going to get hammered by the left, just as hard as they hammered President Trump. So which one has the most to lose? Trump or DeSantis? Which one isn't going to give a flying fuck how hard the left hammers him? Trump or DeSantis?
As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

And what did the Communists impeach Trump over? Asking the leader of another country for a favor and holding a rally.

Your comrades created the new rules of the game, so don't bitch about us playing by them.
JGalt, I much appreciate your response and question. I have read it several times. I believe both men have no money worries. They are both set for life. That being said, sheer power is what they both have to gain. IMHO Trump would sink his teeth in the swamp creatures like a reptilian predator, in his second term. I want that. DeSantis may be a politician, but he could actually be more lethal (in the end) to the swamp creatures, if and when, Trump is finally defeated or dead.
Impeachment is too good for them! They must be immediately found guilty and sent off to prison. All will be set right in the New Order!
The irony is you spouting this shit off when you don't even grasp the basics of sarcasm.

Investigation first.

The authority of Congress to investigate is an implied constitutional power, one that Congress has exercised since the earliest days of the republic. The Supreme Court has firmly established Congress's investigative authority as an essential part of its legislative responsibilities. James Madison anticipated the significance of congressional inquiry in The Federalist, No. 51 when he urged: "In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men . . . you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." Today, congressional oversight enables House and Senate members to serve as the eyes and ears of the American public.

If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.

There are adequate legal grounds to impeach xiden, but it won't happen, so you can relax. Republicans aren't into exercises in futility, they know they could never get the votes in the senate to convict. I still think xiden will resign early next year and will cite declining health. He'll let kneepads deal with a republican congress.

Asking the Saudis to hold off restricting their oil supply until after the midterms "or there would be consequences" probably the latest thing Biden did that would be a slam dunk impeachment.

Yep, but they could never get the votes to convict, so it won't happen.

If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.

Oh sweetheart.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.

Revenge is the only thing that really interests the sad conservative these days. He sees his influence, position, and clout lessening every day so revenge is the only thing they are interested in.
Shut up retard. No one cares what your idiot ass thinks. You need to leave these discussion to more superior republicans. Getting Biden is the number 1 thing we should do.

Yes it is. That is the one and only thing the Repubs should do over the next two years.
No, its one of MANY things we WILL do.

Well, here is on more thing you all should be doing...

Marjorie Taylor Greene says a GOP-led House will investigate companies that stopped donating to Republicans after the Capitol riot

How dare they not send you their money, you all should use the full power of Congress to punish them for this.
Understand folks...if you vote for Republicans to the House you are voting for bogus Impeachments...legislating national abortion bans...and all manner of bogus "investigations"

NOTHING that will do anything for the nation

And if you vote for the commies they will spend yet another two years trying to stop Trump from running in 24.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.

Don't you folks ever get tired of being laughed at? Look at your reaction score for this post. Two out of twelve people agree with you so far.

Perhaps you need to find a board that's a little less challenging, like reddit.

Understand folks...if you vote for Republicans to the House you are voting for bogus Impeachments...legislating national abortion bans...and all manner of bogus "investigations"

NOTHING that will do anything for the nation
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.

Biden is dangerously incompetent and a criminal, that’s impeachable.

Republicans, being the Kabuki theater part of the game will impeach Biden to continue the pretense that they want what’s best for America.

They shouldn’t even bother impeaching Biden

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