The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

The innerweb irony meter just exploded.

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Biden shouldn't be impeached, because he won't be removed.


Payback's a bitch, asshole.

Not the point.

It's a waste of a Congress.

Our Congress is supposed to MAKE LAW, not "investigate".

The FBI investigates. The DOJ investigates. Congress makes law. That's their job. I want them to do their job
Not the point.

It's a waste of a Congress.

Our Congress is supposed to MAKE LAW, not "investigate".

The FBI investigates. The DOJ investigates. Congress makes law. That's their job. I want them to do their job
"Their job" includes investigating executive felonious malfeasance.

Forget Xiden....Garland and Mayorkis should be removed with all deliberate speed.
It would be tempting to impeach him. But on the other hand, it might be more fun to keep him in office for the next two years, so he can experience how impotent he and the Democrat Party are after they become a bunch of lame ducks.

Can you imagine how furious they'd be when everything they try to do gets blocked by a Republican-held House and Senate? Especially since he's going to be harassed, investigated, subpoenad, and questioned constantly for the next two years. And think about how he's going to come unglued after his own son Hunter ends up in prison.

And beyond all that..............if he gets removed from office we are stuck with the Cackling Cock Holster.

No thanks.

Make Joe serve out his term so the world can watch him deteriorate even more. Thanks Dimtards.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.
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If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
From an impartial persective, Is either "side" any different?

Not a supporter of either, however politics during my lifetime, and now more than ever have degenerated into an ugly range war between the two parties.

Civility and diplomacy in politics are behaviors of the long ago past.

Even during some of the most turbulent political times in history back in the 60's, I don't recall such an adversariel relationship between both "parties".

Today, both parties are not above attacking the physical disabilities of one another, questioning each others morality as humans, and generally slinging whatever mud they can against one another.

All to the detriment of the entire country.

"Revenge" has become the standard protocol.

If the sides were reversed,
Democrats would likely do the same.

Just an opinion/observation.
I want to rub the nose of every Biden voter in the dog crap pile known as Harris. Biden said he wanted to choose his running mate based on skin tone and sexual body parts.. I would seriously like to see how that plays out. Comedy gold! Maybe , just maybe, that would get millions of Americans to pull their heads out of their ass and pay attention. She could be the tipping point were sanity returns to our nation.
Wow, all of a sudden revenge isn't a motive for impeachment after the left spent two years trying to impeach Trump. Note to the radical left: Biden will become irrelevant after the mid terms and republicans don't want to deal with his ditsy giggling V.P. The political agenda seems to revolve around caring for the aging dude without giving him enough power to do America any further harm until he fades away.
From an impartial persective, Is either "side" any different?

Not a supporter of either, however politics during my lifetime, and now more than ever have degenerated into an ugly range war between the two parties.

Civility and diplomacy in politics is a behavior of the past.

Both parties are not above attacking the physical disabilities, of each other, questioning each others morality as humans, and generally slinging whatever mud they can against one another.

Hasn't "revenge" become the standard protocol?

If the sides were reversed,

Democrats would likely do the same.
Just an opinion/observation.

The two Parties are NOT equal. There is no comparison!
Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Dr. Fauci, and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
The fact you don't realize Pedo Joe is violating his oath of office is not surprising since MSM will never tell you facts like this &, even if they did, your cognitive dissonance would most likely block it anyway.

Presidential Oath of Office:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion;
and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

By failing to follow the duly passed immigration laws & defending our borders from invasion, he has not only committed impeachable offenses but he could be legally required to be removed from office.
I believe that millions of Biden voter's are saying to themselves "I didn't vote for this". ,,,as they buy groceries, fill their gas tanks, and pay the gas bill. To these people I say ... "Well you kinda did. We tried to tell you". And when Harris becomes the most powerful person on Earth...........the same conversation will be repeated. I want that to happen. I want it to be painfully obviously that voting for Biden and Harris was a very stupid thing to do.
I want to rub the nose of every Biden voter in the dog crap pile known as Harris. Biden said he wanted to choose his running mate based on skin tone and sexual body parts.. I would seriously like to see how that plays out. Comedy gold! Maybe , just maybe, that would get millions of Americans to pull their heads out of their ass and pay attention. She could be the tipping point were sanity returns to our nation.
She could also be World War 3.
Harris will likely be just another Puppet to fill Joes shoes. She, like Joe, is a perfect puppet....No shame, too stupid to comprehend what's going on, willing to let "handlers" do everything, and completely blinded to the fact that they are the stooges holding the bag of blame for "redistributing" the wealth of America.
If I was a bookie laying odds on who was more likely to start world war 3. I would overwhelming favor the odds on the senile old man with anger issues- over the stoner slut that likes to party. Am I wrong?
If I was a bookie laying odds on who was more likely to start world war 3. I would overwhelming favor the odds on the senile old man with anger issues- over the stoner slut that likes to party. Am I wrong?
The old man has a conscience. (Tiny as it may be).

The stoner slut doesn't. She throws her fellow weed smokers in jail.
If I was a bookie laying odds on who was more likely to start world war 3. I would overwhelming favor the odds on the senile old man with anger issues- over the stoner slut that likes to party. Am I wrong?

Huh? What does that even mean? Are you talking about Putin?
Forget Joe Biden - he should be the last one brought to Justice.

Republicans should start with Garland along with FBI Director Christopher Wray for a long list of abuses and crimes
- Violations of Constitution and Rule of Law, abuse of power, the cover-up of tbe Biden damily crimes / treason, etc...

Speaker Pelosi should be indicted for her long list of crimes, to include physically threatening a US President, Mis-appropriation and use of tax dollars and govt resources, vi9lation of Deparation of Powers (6 Jan), Sedition, and Treason. At a minimum she should be removed from office.

Chuck Schumer should be investigated and removed from office, at the leadt, for threatening USSC Justices, inciting an attempted political assassination afainst USSC Justices, undermining the federal govt / USSC, Sedition...

D-Schiff and D-Swalwell should be charged / removed from office for Sedition, Perjury, Treason - criminally manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the govt by illegally removing a sitting Presidrnt from office... At the very least they shoumd be removed from every committee they are own. Swalwell shoumd especually be removed fto. The Intel committee after screwing a Chinese spy and taking ChiCom money.

Finally, after everyone who has been protecting the Biden family from being held accountable for their crimes gave been dealt with THEN indict, perp-walk, charge, and convict Hunter Biden ... and James Biden. Freeze the Biden's bank accounts and assets whe the investigation tallies up just how many millions shared anong the family is from criminal endeavors and from China, Russia, etc...

Then and only then Impeach then indict Joe Biden...

Of course, this is what would / could / should be done in a world tbat has 1 equal justice system where criminals and traitors are all held accountable. We know, thanks to Democrats, no such world exists any more, and thanks to spineless Republicans the American people will be denied the justice owed them.

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