The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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Nonsense...Yes the GOP will try to Impeach Biden if they gain control of Congress...but not because of any Impeachable actions...

It would be an act of sheer revenge. I realize that to be attractive to MAGA types but will it do ANYTHING for the nation?

Kinda like the two Dimtard Shampeachments?
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
Aww some poor wittle Dimmer needs a tissue.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
I predicted this very scenario when it became obvious the democrats were out to impeach TRUMP! no matter what.

In addition to using impeachment as revenge, Republicans will also use it in bad faith as a political weapon.
They've finally decided to stop acting like statesmen and get in the mud with democrats. Only now are democrats starting to realize there are consequences for their behavior.
Yep, and CORRUPTION is the key ingredient in American politics today. It permeates both parties to the point it is the only thing that matters any longer.

Wrong. Corruption is NOT EQUAL in "both parties". There is no comparison. Corruption in the Republican Party far outweighs any corruption in the Democratic Party. I invite you to spend a week watching ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN and then honestly tell us that both parties are equally corrupt. There is no comparison. NONE!
Wrong. Corruption is NOT EQUAL in "both parties". There is no comparison. Corruption in the Republican Party far outweighs any corruption in the Democratic Party. I invite you to spend a week watching ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN and then honestly tell us that both parties are equally corrupt. There is no comparison. NONE!
Thats your kooks watch all the commie broadcast networks instead of looking for what really happens.
Please provide credible proof of impeachable actions by leading Democrats.
The evidence against the Hildabeast is well documented doofus....she and the FBI both admitted her treason yet did nothing about it. The Biden crime family has millions of dollars in kickbacks as documented in Hunter's laptop and in Poopeypants threatening call to the Ukraine. And the evidence on the fake Russian dossier by the Muslim in Chief and Hillary has been presented and proven, yet no criminal action.
Are you stupid or something Forrest???
Please provide credible proof of impeachable actions by leading Democrats.
Easy peazy. Allegations of fraud is all they've needed so far, why would that change? When questioned, just talk louder and longer about the allegations than those objecting to the fact that they have no facts.

SOP for the Neo-GOP.
Trump was and is a criminal - and he deserved to be impeached. He should have also been convicted by the Senate and removed from office on the 1st impeachment alone.
And therein lies your problem, that little word "convicted". TRUMP! hasn't been convicted of any crime to date, so calling him a criminal is just your frustration coming out.
Trump was impeached twice- once AFTER he left office- for improving the country. If its a high crime to help the country, how much worse is it to hurt the country.
Trump was impeached because he sought foreign interference in a US election and instigated an attack on America's democracy in an effort to overturn the 2020 election.


a. lack of provable substantive cause

b. lack of ability to convict in the Senate

c. Pubs don't want to look as stupid as Dems did when impeaching Rump (twice) (1) without cause or (2) without ability to convict or (3) lacking the seriousness to make it stick


The Democrats were totally unprepared in both instances and looked like petty, vindictive little jackasses that had zero chance of convicting...

Pure (and extremely dull) showboating, in both instances... with as much chance of succeeding as a snowball in hell, and about as exciting as watching paint dry...

But... if the Pubs want to look as idiotic as the Dems did and to cheapen Impeachment even more than the foolish Dems already have, then... knock yourselves out... have at it.
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Trump was impeached because he sought foreign interference in a US election and instigated an attack on America's democracy in an effort to overturn the 2020 election.
The foreign interference was proved to be instigated by the Muslim in Chief and Hildabeast commie.
His right to question the results of an election were set forth in previous elections by Gore and Hildabeast.
Are you stupid or something Forrest?
How would you feel if Biden were caught leveraging military aid over Ukraine now if they don't announce an investigation into all the Trump and the RNC's corruption in the Ukraine?

Fine if Trump actually did that, but the transcript is all over the internet and that's not what he did. He asked Zelenskyy for a favor, and asking for a favor is not an impeachable offense; it's not a misdemeanor, it's not a crime yet alone a high crime, and it's not treason.

On the other hand Dementia did threaten Saudi Arabia to keep their cut back on oil under the covers until after the election to favor his party. Because they told him to go beat a salt bag, he's draining more of our strategic reserves putting us in a potentially dangerous position to stop the price of gasoline from going up before the election. The strategic reserve is not for tilting an election your way, it's for emergency use only.

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