The Republican Revenge Impeachment Of President Joe Biden

Should Republicans impeach President Joe Biden?

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It is a dream, that is for sure. But it is also the only hope the country has.

The two party system worked mostly when the two parties cared about the country, now neither party puts the country before party power.

The little guy started to break through back in 92, and the result was a well planned, concerted effort by the duopoly to divide the country to ensure that it ever happened again.

Oh I completely agree with you on that, but they didn't let it happen back then, and they certainly won't now. And eventually that 3rd party, if it gains any power, will be bought out as well. It's the way of the world and humanity, always has been. So I don't really hold out much hope for it ever changing. As long as the human ego exists, so will quest for power, evil and corruption.
And therein lies your problem, that little word "convicted". TRUMP! hasn't been convicted of any crime to date, so calling him a criminal is just your frustration coming out.
Correct. Yet. Sux to be backing the kind of slippery lowlife that is routinely the target of civil and criminal investigations though, eh? :itsok:
And therein lies your problem, that little word "convicted". TRUMP! hasn't been convicted of any crime to date, so calling him a criminal is just your frustration coming out.
So Neo-GOP gang must really be frustrated with Sec. of State Clinton huh? So many of them wanting to falsely imprison her just makes me sad to see their frustration coming out like it did .............. poor things.
He asked Zelenskyy for a favor, and asking for a favor is not an impeachable offense
It was and rightly so imo, that favor was announcing a phony investigation to damage a domestic political rival.

The country would have been better served if the GOP had a backbone and stood up for the principles it once held and given him the Nixon treatment.

Furthermore Congress approved the aid without including "a favor" to Donnie as a sting.
Wrong. Corruption is NOT EQUAL in "both parties". There is no comparison. Corruption in the Republican Party far outweighs any corruption in the Democratic Party. I invite you to spend a week watching ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN and then honestly tell us that both parties are equally corrupt. There is no comparison. NONE!

Let me spend a week having the TV tell me what to think and see if I then agree with you...


So Neo-GOP gang must really be frustrated with Sec. of State Clinton huh? So many of them wanting to falsely imprison her just makes me sad to see their frustration coming out like it did .............. poor things.
Some might be. I don't hear from them, though, and at the last meeting no one even talked about her. It's like she's not important to anyone anymore, or something.
Correct. Yet. Sux to be backing the kind of slippery lowlife that is routinely the target of civil and criminal investigations though, eh? :itsok:
Not really, knowing that 90% of all that would disappear the day he announced he wasn't running for office ever again. Heck, to hear you guys go on, you'd be pardoned for thinking the election never happened and he's still in charge. I wonder why it hasn't dawned on you that they worst thing you can do to TRUMP! is to ignore him. He hates that.
o one even talked about her. It's like she's not important to anyone anymore, or something.
Oh I don't know about that, every time her gaping maw opens, somebody on here whines about what came out of it.
Wrong. Corruption is NOT EQUAL in "both parties". There is no comparison. Corruption in the Republican Party far outweighs any corruption in the Democratic Party. I invite you to spend a week watching ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN and then honestly tell us that both parties are equally corrupt. There is no comparison. NONE!

The 'both sides' lie is just that, a lie.
You tried to overturn a fair, accurate, and lawful election via a violent coup attempt contrary to the will of the American people; nothing is beneath the reprehensible right.
Wavy flags and baby carriages is not a violent coup. The only violence was the murder of an unarmed protestor by a cowardly cop.
Plenty of proof Poopeypants was not the "will" of the American people commie.
Please provide credible proof of impeachable actions by leading Democrats.
How about these for starters, until a real FBI investigates the Biden Crime Family:
Open borders, as sworn to by CBP. Flying migrants all over the US.
Abuse of power, allowing Fentanyl deaths with his open borders
Abuse of power using the FBI to investigate concerned parents
Abuse of power, hiring 87,000 IRS agents willing to use "deadly force"
Abuse of power, using a "Minister of Truth"
Abuse of Power, using the FBI for an armed raid an ex-president's home
Abuse of power, not listening to his generals, and ordering a disastrous withdrawal from AFG, leaving $86b of US military equipment.
Abuse of power, having the FBI coverup Hunter's obvious crimes, and emoluments violations
Abuse of power, a war on energy, killing KeystoneXL, killing ANWR, emptying the SPR, even selling US oil to China.
Abuse of power, forgiving student loans with an Exec Order.
I'm sure that there are many more.
If Republicans regain power - will the House impeach Biden? Will the Senate convict Biden? How many times will they impeach Biden: One time? Two times? Three times? Until he's convicted and removed?

As has been widely reported - many Republican leaders are threatening to impeach Biden if they regain power. Having an impeachable "reason" seems irrelevant to them. They just want to impeach Biden.

Some Republican leaders are also threatening to impeach VP Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, AG Merrick Garland, and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Personally, I feel more and more like I'm living in a third-world country.

REVENGE should not be grounds for impeachment.
There were zero valid grounds to impeach Trump. But you didn’t object to the Dem efforts either time.
How about these for starters, until a real FBI investigates the Biden Crime Family:
Open borders, as sworn to by CBP. Flying migrants all over the US.
Abuse of power, allowing Fentanyl deaths with his open borders
Abuse of power using the FBI to investigate concerned parents
Abuse of power, hiring 87,000 IRS agents willing to use "deadly force"
Abuse of power, using a "Minister of Truth"
Abuse of Power, using the FBI for an armed raid an ex-president's home
Abuse of power, not listening to his generals, and ordering a disastrous withdrawal from AFG, leaving $86b of US military equipment.
Abuse of power, having the FBI coverup Hunter's obvious crimes, and emoluments violations
Abuse of power, a war on energy, killing KeystoneXL, killing ANWR, emptying the SPR, even selling US oil to China.
Abuse of power, forgiving student loans with an Exec Order.
I'm sure that there are many more.
What a joke the Neo-GOP has become.

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