The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains In its last year, the bill r


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains
In its last year, the bill raises taxes on more than 53 percent of Americans.
By Dylan Matthews@[email protected] Dec 18, 2017, 4:01pm EST

By 2027, more than half of all Americans — 53 percent — would pay more in taxes under the tax bill agreed to by House and Senate Republicans, a new analysis by the Tax Policy Center finds. That year, 82.8 percent of the bill’s benefit would go to the top 1 percent, up from 62.1 under the Senate bill.

And even in the first years of the bill's implementation, when it’s an across-the-board tax cut, the benefits of the law would be heavily concentrated among the upper-middle and upper-class Americans, with nearly two-thirds of the benefit going to the richest fifth of Americans in 2018.

Chart showing distribution of tax bill in 2018, 2025, and 2027 Tax Policy Center

The paper is the first rigorous analysis of who wins and loses under the bill as agreed to in conference committee. House and Senate negotiators agreed to a number of changes in the bill, most notably lowering the top income tax rate for individuals to 37 percent from its current level of 39.6 percent. The analysis does not include an additional cost of the legislation: its repeal of the individual mandate, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates could cause as many as 13 million fewer people to have health insurance, reducing federal spending for poor and middle-class Americans’ health insurance by $338 billion over 10 years. That worsens the bill’s distribution for the poor and middle class.


The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains

Looks like the elite win big!
The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains
In its last year, the bill raises taxes on more than 53 percent of Americans.
By Dylan Matthews@[email protected] Dec 18, 2017, 4:01pm EST

By 2027, more than half of all Americans — 53 percent — would pay more in taxes under the tax bill agreed to by House and Senate Republicans, a new analysis by the Tax Policy Center finds. That year, 82.8 percent of the bill’s benefit would go to the top 1 percent, up from 62.1 under the Senate bill.

And even in the first years of the bill's implementation, when it’s an across-the-board tax cut, the benefits of the law would be heavily concentrated among the upper-middle and upper-class Americans, with nearly two-thirds of the benefit going to the richest fifth of Americans in 2018.

Chart showing distribution of tax bill in 2018, 2025, and 2027 Tax Policy Center

The paper is the first rigorous analysis of who wins and loses under the bill as agreed to in conference committee. House and Senate negotiators agreed to a number of changes in the bill, most notably lowering the top income tax rate for individuals to 37 percent from its current level of 39.6 percent. The analysis does not include an additional cost of the legislation: its repeal of the individual mandate, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates could cause as many as 13 million fewer people to have health insurance, reducing federal spending for poor and middle-class Americans’ health insurance by $338 billion over 10 years. That worsens the bill’s distribution for the poor and middle class.


The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains

Looks like the elite win big!
Thank you republicans for making me much richer because instead of being a victim of liberalism and staying on minimum wage, I got skills to make uber wages, which I invested in the stock market which has done me well.

By the way corporations have hundreds of thousands of employees who invest in their company making them wealthier than a welfare queen...Don't give a damn about the poor anymore as the liberals are fucking the poor and the poor are too stupid to know better...

Stop the war on poverty, instead of giving 1 trillion dollar to the poor, stop the funding, then the poor has to work, take the 1 trillion dollars saved and put it to the national debt, and in 22 years the United States would be in the RED.

War on poverty cost
$22 trillion -- three
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

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