The Republican Way To Make Prisons Work:

easy, enforce the Constitution. Liberals cant legally hold office since to do so you must pledge to preserve and defend the Constitution. Liberals oppose the Constitution and thus pretend it can mean anything they want it to mean. This is why liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb.

Constitution...isn't that the document which contains the bill of rights, which includes the guarantee to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

Here, read it over:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

And so I ask you again mr.Pretend Constitutionalist - how are going to make Liberalism illegal? How are you going to police all them liberal thoughts you fn cretin?
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.
Article 1 section 8 gives the federal government a few very carefully enumerated powers. What do you think the Constitution states or are you a liberal who thinks it's states anything you wanted to state and therefore does not really need to exist at all
Liberal criminals stay liberal criminals because they were brought up in liberal ghettos with a liberal mentality that at heart says you are a victim and thus must take what you want because in the unfair system you won't get it any other way. Good rehab would mean making liberalism illegal, dropping the liberal victimization meme, and socializing criminals to Republican culture with a college degree requirement, and massive exposure to 1950's family TV culture rather than to liberal hip-hop culture.

LOL, way to stomp all over that Constitution mr.Republican Nazi.

how so?????

How the hell are you going to "make liberalism illegal"?

How are going to "make illegal" thinking that it's appropriate for government to spend more during recession and pay down debt in good times? How are going to make illegal thinking that business ought to not be allowed to dump industrial waste into rivers? What the hell does that have to do with criminality? WTF are you talking about?
Just make it illegal to be stupid. simple.
Well liberalism is completely stupid in that it believes in magical government the way a child believes in a magical Santa Claus but we need to be specific when we make liberalism il legal and I think the way to do that Is to make liberalism unconstitutional
easy, enforce the Constitution. Liberals cant legally hold office since to do so you must pledge to preserve and defend the Constitution. Liberals oppose the Constitution and thus pretend it can mean anything they want it to mean. This is why liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb.

Constitution...isn't that the document which contains the bill of rights, which includes the guarantee to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

Here, read it over:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

And so I ask you again mr.Pretend Constitutionalist - how are going to make Liberalism illegal? How are you going to police all them liberal thoughts you fn cretin?
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.

Meanwhile I will continue to point authoritarians like you to the 1st Amendment that clearly protects the freedom of speech and implicitly thought, that protects people's rights to be as liberal or conservative as they want to be.
You show your have Abject confusion conservatives are not authoritarian they believe in the Constitution, they believe in limited government. Now do you understand
Constitution...isn't that the document which contains the bill of rights, which includes the guarantee to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

Here, read it over:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

And so I ask you again mr.Pretend Constitutionalist - how are going to make Liberalism illegal? How are you going to police all them liberal thoughts you fn cretin?
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.
Article 1 section 8 gives the federal government a few very carefully enumerated powers. What do you think the Constitution states or are you a liberal who thinks it's states anything you wanted to state and therefore does not really need to exist at all

And those enumerated powers are a lot more expansive than conservatives like to pretend.

Federal government has enumerated powers to tax, to regulate interstate commerce, and to spend to provide for the general welfare of the United States. None of that is inconsistent with any particular size of government you may have in mind and our government has always been quite liberal, just ask those European monarchs.
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.
Article 1 section 8 gives the federal government a few very carefully enumerated powers. What do you think the Constitution states or are you a liberal who thinks it's states anything you wanted to state and therefore does not really need to exist at all

And those enumerated powers are a lot more expansive than conservatives like to pretend.

Federal government has enumerated powers to tax, to regulate interstate commerce, and to provide for the general welfare of the United States. None of that is inconsistent with any particular size of government you may have in mind and our government has always been quite liberal, just ask those European monarchs.
Yes it has the power to tax to carry out the functions given to it by the enumerated powers does not have the power to tax to do anything that I wants if you did have such there would have been no need to create enumerated powers. This is what James Madison said he is the primary author of the constitution. Did you know that
Constitution...isn't that the document which contains the bill of rights, which includes the guarantee to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

Here, read it over:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

And so I ask you again mr.Pretend Constitutionalist - how are going to make Liberalism illegal? How are you going to police all them liberal thoughts you fn cretin?
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.

Meanwhile I will continue to point authoritarians like you to the 1st Amendment that clearly protects the freedom of speech and implicitly thought, that protects people's rights to be as liberal or conservative as they want to be.
You show your have Abject confusion conservatives are not authoritarian they believe in the Constitution, they believe in limited government. Now do you understand

It is VERY authoritarian to police ideas of the political opposition. You just don't get it because you have no fucking clue what makes America great, what separates our great country from a Banana Republic.
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.
Article 1 section 8 gives the federal government a few very carefully enumerated powers. What do you think the Constitution states or are you a liberal who thinks it's states anything you wanted to state and therefore does not really need to exist at all

And those enumerated powers are a lot more expansive than conservatives like to pretend.

Federal government has enumerated powers to tax, to regulate interstate commerce, and to spend to provide for the general welfare of the United States. None of that is inconsistent with any particular size of government you may have in mind and our government has always been quite liberal, just ask those European monarchs.

Yes The power to provide for the general welfare within the context of the enumerated powers if not it could provide for the general welfare in anyway at wanted andthe constitutional limitations of the enumerated powers would not have been necessarynotice how he lived, and he always gets back to the point that the constitution can mean anything they want it to mean.
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.

Meanwhile I will continue to point authoritarians like you to the 1st Amendment that clearly protects the freedom of speech and implicitly thought, that protects people's rights to be as liberal or conservative as they want to be.
You show your have Abject confusion conservatives are not authoritarian they believe in the Constitution, they believe in limited government. Now do you understand

It is VERY authoritarian to police ideas of the political opposition. You just don't get it because you have no fucking clue what makes America great, what separates our great country from a Banana Republic.
No it isn't the constitution is designed to Police ideas liberal ideas communist ideas dictatorial ideas are unconstitutional. This is a subject a child could understand
Another option is to simply have a law from the Congress make liberalism illlegal and have the conservative court confirm liberalism illegal on the grounds that America is about a limited government while liberal laws are about the opposite and thus unconstitutional

No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.

Meanwhile I will continue to point authoritarians like you to the 1st Amendment that clearly protects the freedom of speech and implicitly thought, that protects people's rights to be as liberal or conservative as they want to be.
You show your have Abject confusion conservatives are not authoritarian they believe in the Constitution, they believe in limited government. Now do you understand

It is VERY authoritarian to police ideas of the political opposition. You just don't get it because you have no fucking clue what makes America great, what separates our great country from a Banana Republic.
What separates our country from a banana republic is that we have freedom from big liberal government while banana republics will have a very powerful central government
No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.
Article 1 section 8 gives the federal government a few very carefully enumerated powers. What do you think the Constitution states or are you a liberal who thinks it's states anything you wanted to state and therefore does not really need to exist at all

And those enumerated powers are a lot more expansive than conservatives like to pretend.

Federal government has enumerated powers to tax, to regulate interstate commerce, and to provide for the general welfare of the United States. None of that is inconsistent with any particular size of government you may have in mind and our government has always been quite liberal, just ask those European monarchs.
Yes it has the power to tax to carry out the functions given to it by the enumerated powers does not have the power to tax to do anything that I wants if you did have such there would have been no need to create enumerated powers. This is what James Madison said he is the primary author of the constitution. Did you know that

James Madison was just one of many. Jefferson was another and he had much more expansive interpretation of the meaning of those words, interpretation that is by now solidly backed by a long judicial precedent.

Take Obamacare - most of it was ruled constitutional, by a conservative majority court no less, except the requirement for states to expand Medicare. THAT was ruled unconstitutional and stipped out of the law. No UNCONSTITUTIONAL thought police required.
What separates our country from a banana republic is that we have freedom from big liberal government while banana republics will have a very powerful central government

Wrong dummy, what separates us is the protection of free speech and other rights outlined in the Constitution.

We've had a big liberal government for a long time now so you can quit your conservative pipe dreams about a return to those romantic 1920s
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One of the current problems with the prison system is that because most have been privatized, private companies see no reason to provide them with facilities for rehabilitation, because it's easier to just keep them locked up in cells.

If you REALLY want to reduce the recidivism that is going on, you should rehabilitate the addicts and alcoholics, and provide education and job training for the prisoners.

The main reason most criminals go back to jail is because they can't find any jobs on the outside, so they rob again and go back.

And btw do you any evidence that is the main reason people go back to jail, or did you just make it up to fit your agenda?
Oh, no! Another member of the JoeyB Dolezal club in here? Not really a big deal as they're harmless but a bit entertaining sometimes.
Throw half of the legal book in the fire when it comes to non-violent crimes....

Less people in prison is a better functioning prison....You know as you conservatives like to say the smaller the government the better it works. lol

I agree.

End the for-profit system and end long sentences for non-violent offenders. That would end over-crowding and make real sentencing possible for the worst offenders.

Rocko its stupid and wasteful to simply lock people up with no attempt at rehabilitation.

@SpecialEdDear Read the US Constitution. You never know ... you just might learn a thing or two.
No dumbass, such a law would be blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Policing political opposition is at it's very core un-American, un-Constitutional, big-government Nazi shit.

So when yahoo's like you start talking about it one has to wonder if you even UNDERSTAND what American values actually are.
The most American value of the constitution is freedom from big liberal government.

Quote me the part of constitution that states that.

Good luck silly.

Meanwhile I will continue to point authoritarians like you to the 1st Amendment that clearly protects the freedom of speech and implicitly thought, that protects people's rights to be as liberal or conservative as they want to be.
You show your have Abject confusion conservatives are not authoritarian they believe in the Constitution, they believe in limited government. Now do you understand

It is VERY authoritarian to police ideas of the political opposition. You just don't get it because you have no fucking clue what makes America great, what separates our great country from a Banana Republic.
No it isn't the constitution is designed to Police ideas liberal ideas communist ideas dictatorial ideas are unconstitutional. This is a subject a child could understand

More nonsense. No wonder your Amazon "books" don't sell.

Its not just unconstitutional. Its also impossible to enforce. How is it you will identify those "liberals"?

Remember of when der fuhrer said he would identify Muslims by ASKING travelers? On of the RWNJs here said you can tell by their names.

Can't make this crap up.

Take heart SpecialEdDear - your fellow RWNJ traitors are just as dumb as you are.
Wrong dummy, what separates us is the protection of free speech and other rights outlined in the Constitution.

obviously if what was outlined in the Constitution meant anything to liberals they would not need to read it to say anything that they wanted it it to say. Do you understand?? Do you understand why liberals spied for Stalin and elected Sanders??
We've had a big liberal government for a long time now so you can quit your conservative pipe dreams about a return to those romantic 1920s

so we should quit our Founders dreams because we've had growing liberal govt for 100 years? Right now conservatives control all 3 branches to the dream of freedom is growing. Do you understand?
How is it you will identify those "liberals"?

liberals are very stupid people who believe in ever growing magical govt. Venezuela is the perfect example. They decided to end poverty on Monday by raising the minimum wage 60% in the belief any well intended govt action is magical no matter how totally stupid it is. Simple enough??
We've had a big liberal government for a long time now so you can quit your conservative pipe dreams about a return to those romantic 1920s

so we should quit our Founders dreams because we've had growing liberal govt for 100 years? Right now conservatives control all 3 branches to the dream of freedom is growing. Do you understand?

Founders dreams? I think America becoming the lone economic, cultural and military superpower in the world would more than satisfy all their dreams. Our government has worked well for us, you just need to get a good dose of perspective with side shot of reality.
Founders dreams? I think America becoming the lone economic, cultural and military superpower in the world would more than satisfy all their dreams..

except liberals now oppose the dream and are like a cancer spreading to all areas of our country!

Norman Thomas ( socialist presidential candidate)
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

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