The rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts

Europeans want Obama to win? Big deal, so does Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, and Mahmud Ahmadinijad.

Fuck the europeans and fuck the dictators.
You're a brainwashed moron LOL!

is that what you say when you look in the mirror Frankie?.......are you starting to come around?.....

Tell me ONE DEM LIE I believe. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda arm, they spend all their time correcting Pub lies, fear mongering and hateful character assassination.

Every time Pubs lie, there are 15 google pages of BS ors, institues, websites, bloggers and lying Pundits overwhelming the media... a disgrace.

One DEM LIE, chumps of the greedy idiot rich. ONE. Not promises Pubs obstructed, or or giant lists of total Pubcrappe propaganda. Try thinking for yourself for once.


This guy is comedy gold!
Let's not forget who else supports Obama. Dictators, like Chavez, think he's on the right track.

You think a Pub health reform plan is communism now LOL.

Chavez is not a dictator, dupe. He gets reelected every 6 years in elections approved by UN observers. He's cut poverty by 60% and ended illiteracy. Everything you know is wrong, chump of the greedy rich. Change the channel.
As usual, republicans think the rest of the world does not matter

My way.....or the highway diplomacy
Let's not forget who else supports Obama. Dictators, like Chavez, think he's on the right track.

You think a Pub health reform plan is communism now LOL.

Chavez is not a dictator, dupe. He gets reelected every 6 years in elections approved by UN observers. He's cut poverty by 60% and ended illiteracy. Everything you know is wrong, chump of the greedy rich. Change the channel.
Yeah, Lukashenko in Belarus keeps getting re-elected too. He fits right in with the other Dear Leaders.
As usual, republicans think the rest of the world does not matter

My way.....or the highway diplomacy

When Europe starts paying off our debt and starts paying for our defense instead of the other way around their opinions will matter.

Right now they just want to see us go down in flames so they can piss on the ashes.
As usual, republicans think the rest of the world does not matter

My way.....or the highway diplomacy

So the choices are that the rest of the world should decide who is President or they don't matter. Got it.

QFS. Quoted for Stupidity
Lies dupes believe: "Obama gutted workfare and Medicare, had total control for 2 years, Syria is Iran's path to the sea" LOL or my sig pp3. They always go back to WWII when Europe questions their idiocy.

Europe was fine until the SECOND Pub Great Depression, which moron Pub dupes don't think happened!! Or mindless Pub obstruction to get reelected, damn the country AND the world...GOP=a-holes and idiots...

"They always go back to WWII when Europe questions their idiocy."

Poor, sad, blanko.....

You know so very little.....

OK....I'll help:

"When the New Left emerged in the 1960s, something else was born that would mark American elites for decades thereafter: the notion that social-democratic Western Europe was far superior to the capitalist United States. For much of the American Left, Western Europe was nothing less than an abstract symbol of progressive utopia.

This rosy view was never accurate, of course. Europe’s socialized health care was blighted by outrageous (and sometimes deadly) waiting lists and rationing, to name just one example. To name another: Timbro, a Swedish think tank, found in 2004 that Sweden was poorer than all but five U.S. states and Denmark poorer than all but nine. But in recent years, something has happened to complicate the Left’s fanciful picture even further: Western European voters’ widespread reaction against social democracy.

...other major reason for the turn against the Left is economic. Western Europeans have long paid sky-high taxes for a social safety net that seems increasingly not worth the price. These taxes have slowed economic growth. Timbro’s Johnny Munkhammar noted in 2005 that Sweden, for instance, which in the first half of the twentieth century had the world’s second-highest growth rate, had since fallen to number 14, owing to enormous tax hikes. Government revenues in Western Europe go largely to support the unemployed, thus discouraging work."
Heirs to Fortuyn? by Bruce Bawer, City Journal Spring 2009

But I’m proud of you!
Not only are you a fool, but you have the energy to let everyone know it!

Good boy!
Wow, a whole bunch of socialist inclined nations want Obama to be re-elected? Go figure. Really, though, any one of those countries can have him. Seriously. Take him. Please. Send him to France. His policies will be magical for their economy.

Yup. Socialist Europe agrees with Barry and can't figure out why all of America isn't at his feet. Go figure.

Of course anyone who doesn't agree with Barry and socialist Europe is nuts.

Color me shocked.
The whole world but mega rich Pubs and silly dupes are stupid commies, despite the SECOND Pub World Depression, and you only need Rush, Beck etc etc to know the truth- despite everything they say being proved WRONG, and you're not brainwashed fools. Gotcha! LOL!
And EVERYONE in Europe is a Socialist. 92%! LOL You are MORONS.
80% of Japanese and Australians are communist!!
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The whole world but mega rich Pubs and silly dupes are stupid commies, despite the SECOND Pub World Depression, and you only need Rush, Beck etc etc to know the truth- despite everything they say being proved WRONG, and you're not brainwashed fools. Gotcha! LOL!
I certainly wouldn't say the whole world, but I would just as certainly include you among the silly duoes and brainwashed fools.
Tell me again the Dem lies I believe, and all about the gigantic Dem propaganda machine repeating them. ONE LIE.

I know, you just KNOW it's true zzzzzzzz
As usual, republicans think the rest of the world does not matter

My way.....or the highway diplomacy

To our elections? They don't.

But you can'r walk and chew gum simultaneously. So i suppose we should give you a break.

Well, believe it or not righties

Whoever gets elected President has to function with the rest of the world. Has to actually reach agreements and gain global consensus
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Tell me again the Dem lies I believe, and all about the gigantic Dem propaganda machine repeating them. ONE LIE.

Obamacare will cost $700 billion.

That employment is improving when people aren't finding jobs, they are quitting looking

He was going to get us out of Iraq faster than W

He was going to stop getting us into new conflicts

That the source of that he was born in Kenya was the cons when it was himself

That he didn't know about fast and furious, which he then used executive privilege which requires that he knew

That he didn't know the Embassy staff in Libya were in serious trouble

That he doesn't hate Israel

That he supports energy development in the US when production on federal lands is down over 10%

Oops, you said just "one." My bad... :redface:
Well, believe it or not righties

Whoever gets elected President has to function with the test of the world. Has to actually reach agreements and gain global consensus

So just to be clear, if the rest of the world supported Romney, then you would vote for Romney, right?

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