The rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts

You're a brainwashed moron LOL! The GOP is a worldwide laughingstock and horror, but you have to be careful because ugly 'Mericans have terrible tempempers, like most ignorant people.

No. You are the moron. The rest of the world is already fucked up. They just want us to join them!
Tell me again the Dem lies I believe, and all about the gigantic Dem propaganda machine repeating them. ONE LIE.

Obamacare will cost $700 billion.

That employment is improving when people aren't finding jobs, they are quitting looking

He was going to get us out of Iraq faster than W

He was going to stop getting us into new conflicts

That the source of that he was born in Kenya was the cons when it was himself

That he didn't know about fast and furious, which he then used executive privilege which requires that he knew

That he didn't know the Embassy staff in Libya were in serious trouble

That he doesn't hate Israel

That he supports energy development in the US when production on federal lands is down over 10%

Oops, you said just "one." My bad... :redface:

Those are pure Pubcrappe, every one. No new wars, ATF chief said neither Bush or Obama administrations knew about those gun walking programs, etc etc.

Oil production down over 14% on Federal lands is a total Romney lie. That was for the ONE YEAR after the Gulf oil spill. Changes were made, and now that production has never been higher. Huge Pub lie. Change the channel, dupe.
Let's not forget who else supports Obama. Dictators, like Chavez, think he's on the right track.
Don't forget his buddy, Putin...and Castro
. Hell..ALL the communists love his lying ass.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist!
I thought about this the other day when I saw that poll. It only took a minute or so to come to the conclusion that it is very good that the U.S.A. thinks and acts differently then many other nations. That is why we have been able to render more aid world wide then most other nations combined.
I thought about this the other day when I saw that poll. It only took a minute or so to come to the conclusion that it is very good that the U.S.A. thinks and acts differently then many other nations. That is why we have been able to render more aid world wide then most other nations combined.

So you don't think that leading the world means we follow it? either...
Well, believe it or not righties

Whoever gets elected President has to function with the test of the world. Has to actually reach agreements and gain global consensus

So just to be clear, if the rest of the world supported Romney, then you would vote for Romney, right?

It would come into play when I considered his foreign policy capabilities

How about you?
The whole world but mega rich Pubs and silly dupes are stupid commies, despite the SECOND Pub World Depression, and you only need Rush, Beck etc etc to know the truth- despite everything they say being proved WRONG, and you're not brainwashed fools. Gotcha! LOL!

"...despite the SECOND Pub World Depression,...."

Bulletin to blanko:

Here are the touchstones that led to the mortgage meltdown....everyone of 'em Democrat:

1. FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.
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Well, believe it or not righties

Whoever gets elected President has to function with the test of the world. Has to actually reach agreements and gain global consensus

So just to be clear, if the rest of the world supported Romney, then you would vote for Romney, right?

It would come into play when I considered his foreign policy capabilities

How about you?

I enjoyed having a Texan in the White House who wasn't afraid to tell other countries where they could get off.
Well, believe it or not righties

Whoever gets elected President has to function with the test of the world. Has to actually reach agreements and gain global consensus

So just to be clear, if the rest of the world supported Romney, then you would vote for Romney, right?

It would come into play when I considered his foreign policy capabilities

How about you?

The opinion of the rest of the world would make no difference how I would vote no matter what they thought
You're a brainwashed moron LOL! The GOP is a worldwide laughingstock and horror, but you have to be careful because ugly 'Mericans have terrible tempempers, like most ignorant people.

No. You are the moron. The rest of the world is already fucked up. They just want us to join them!

Of course your knowledge of the rest of the world you get from Rush and Beck.

QED, chumps.
Meanwhile, even though the City of New York is as fucking blue as blue can be, The NY Post today gave a front page endorsement to Mitt.


The Democrat Parody empty suit also playing the role of an empty chair is found to be on the other side of the ONLY Choice.

For America's future, The Post endorses Mitt Romney for president

Four frustratingly long years ago, a war-weary and economically battered America took a flier on a savior.

It didn’t work out.

Now, in 12 days, the nation will return to the polls — to reject, or to ratify, the results of the great Barack Obama experiment.

That is, to reject or to ratify the notion that hoping for change is a sound footing for productive national policy.

But, by the evidence, it is not.

It cannot create jobs.


It cannot reduce deficits.

It cannot restore foreign confidence in America — or Americans’ confidence in their own great nation.

America needs more than hope. It needs leadership. That is why The Post today endorses the candidacy of Mitt Romney for president of the United States.

Scrape it down to bedrock, and Mitt Romney knows that there is but one issue in this campaign: America’s woeful economy, and the demonstrated inability of President Obama to cope with it.

Obama says he inherited the mess, but he’s done nothing to fix it. Borrow, spend, regulate and redistribute is not a prescription for sustainable growth, yet that has been the totality of his program.

He says things will get better — soon. But there’s no evidence for that.

Obamanomics has produced:

* A sky-high national debt, now at a stupefying $16 trillion and growing.

* Intractable unemployment and a workforce hemorrhaging discouraged workers.

* No perceptible economic growth.

* Historic expansion in welfare programs — especially food stamps.

Obama proposes massive tax increases aimed not so much at the rich, as he claims, but squarely at the middle class and small business, which is insane: Small business — the real engine of American job creation — needs to be nurtured, not squeezed dry.

Americans need jobs — jobs for those trying to raise a family, jobs for those who are leaving school, jobs period!

Instead, they are about to be saddled with an unworkable health-care boondoggle that will suck hundreds of billions from a private-sector economy that could better use the cash to create — yes — more jobs!

Can Mitt Romney really turn all this around? Yes, he can.

In the debates, Americans saw a leader.

They saw a man with the experience, the temperament, the principles and the knowledge to address America’s economic woes instead of just blaming others.

After all, as governor of deep-blue Massachusetts, he worked with a Democratic legislature to close a $3 billion deficit without raising taxes or borrowing.

There is one other significant issue.

Four years ago, Obama vowed “to restore America’s standing in the world.” But he has sown rancor and confusion instead.

Our friends don’t know if they’re still our friends; our enemies wonder whether we have the courage to stand up to them.

The result has been a cataclysmic breakdown of US leadership in the Middle East.

Israel — and not just Israel — questions whether Obama is committed to curbing Iran’s nuclear threat.

Syria is in open civil war, while Egypt and Libya teeter on the brink. Osama bin Laden may be dead, but al Qaeda has hardly been contained — as Benghazi tragically proved.

In contrast, the smoke now hanging over the Middle East testifies to Obama’s inability to get the job done.

Any job.

Because, in the end, the fundamental problem is the president’s core philosophy.

He believes in equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity — and that is not how America is supposed to work.

America is not working right now.


For four more years?

We think not.

Mitt Romney for president.
-- EDITORIAL The New York Post endorses Mitt Romney for president -
The whole world but mega rich Pubs and silly dupes are stupid commies, despite the SECOND Pub World Depression, and you only need Rush, Beck etc etc to know the truth- despite everything they say being proved WRONG, and you're not brainwashed fools. Gotcha! LOL!

"...despite the SECOND Pub World Depression,...."

Bulletin to blanko:

Here are the touchstones that led to the mortgage meltdown....everyone of 'em Democrat:

1. FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

Total BS- that's how the worthy poor got to have homes. Under BOOOSH, his regulators looked the other way while ANYONE could get usually scam loans, sold as A assets around the world. Pure cronyism and corruption.

F+F's share of the market dropped from 75%+ to 20-25%. You are a brainwashed fool of the greedy rich, dupe.
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

Yeah, that's because they know the answer to this question:

So of course they realize that the GOP is 100% Grade-A nutzo! :lol:
And thanks for all the Pub propaganda Spam, liability, Available all OVER the place on the Pub propaganda machine, all sponsored by greedy idiot Pub billionnaires.
So just to be clear, if the rest of the world supported Romney, then you would vote for Romney, right?

It would come into play when I considered his foreign policy capabilities

How about you?

I enjoyed having a Texan in the White House who wasn't afraid to tell other countries where they could get off.

How did that work out for him when he was looking for allies to invade Iraq?
So just to be clear, if the rest of the world supported Romney, then you would vote for Romney, right?

It would come into play when I considered his foreign policy capabilities

How about you?

The opinion of the rest of the world would make no difference how I would vote no matter what they thought

Of course it doesn' are conservative and live in a bubble

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