The rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts

. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

Half of America thinks GOP voters are nuts. Hasn't always been that way.
The right wing responses in this thread is prima facia evidence that republicans got no business being anywhere near a public office.

16 trillion in debt
high unemployment
ever increasing deficits
anemic economy
obamacare that most Americans don't want

Yes, it's the republicans:rolleyes:
GOP voters are nuts.

And after this election the Republican Party will have to move to the center or die.

Because 300,000 Latinos a month are turning 18.

^ a world class fubar lecturing others on "nuts." :lol:

There are absolutely NOT 300,000 Latinos in America turning 18 every month. Your math skills are hideous. Chrissy. And your honesty is non-existent.

The Census Bureau—in its first nationwide demographic tally from the 2010 headcount—said Thursday the U.S. Hispanic population surged 43%, rising to 50.5 million in 2010 from 35.3 million in 2000. Latinos now constitute 16% of the nation's total
-- Hispanics Lead U.S. Population Growth -

Do some ACTUAL math and the 120 month's of Hispanic population growth comes to ~126,667 per month. That's TOTAL, you idiot. Not just the fraction turning 18.

50,000 a month are turning 18. My bad.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” - Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
Because the Modern Republican Party/GOP ARE A BUNCH OF NUTS!

It's not that hard. Many users on here show us why others think this.
Republicans don't believe in evolution, global warming, or the presidency of George W. Bush.
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

Sure they do. It's to their advantage to play us. Obama makes it too easy.
Of course foreign countries want Obama. A poorer American economy makes them look better.
The right wing responses in this thread is prima facia evidence that republicans got no business being anywhere near a public office.

16 trillion in debt
high unemployment
ever increasing deficits
anemic economy
obamacare that most Americans don't want

Yes, it's the republicans:rolleyes:

Republicans are responsible for most of that except Obamacare which they want to replace with Idon'tcare
The right wing responses in this thread is prima facia evidence that republicans got no business being anywhere near a public office.

16 trillion in debt
high unemployment
ever increasing deficits
anemic economy
obamacare that most Americans don't want

Yes, it's the republicans:rolleyes:

Republicans are responsible for most of that except Obamacare which they want to replace with Idon'tcare

Please explain how that was accomplished with Democratic led Congress in most cases. Obama single-handedly is responsible for over 25% in only one term.
GOP voters think the rest of the backward world, including the United Nations, is nuts.
16 trillion in debt
high unemployment
ever increasing deficits
anemic economy
obamacare that most Americans don't want

Yes, it's the republicans:rolleyes:

Republicans are responsible for most of that except Obamacare which they want to replace with Idon'tcare

Please explain how that was accomplished with Democratic led Congress in most cases. Obama single-handedly is responsible for over 25% in only one term.
The GOP voted down every jobs bill Obama put in front of them. So they share responsibility for the unemployment and economy problems. As far as the deficit and debt, they started these bullshit wars, increased the Pentagon budget after the cold war ended and the Bush tax cuts are still having it's affect.
We agree on needing a third party at least.
More than that. I'd like to see a half a dozen parties.

Keep in mind, reps and dems are just flip sides of the same coin. They both answer to the same class of people.

I'd like to get rid of the reps, then get rid of the dems.
The GOP voted down every jobs bill Obama put in front of them. So they share responsibility for the unemployment and economy problems. As far as the deficit and debt, they started these bullshit wars, increased the Pentagon budget after the cold war ended and the Bush tax cuts are still having it's affect.

Maybe because the "jobs bills" created unsustainable jobs like Solyndra or held on to governemnt positions which were not needed. You make it sound like the Dems missed voting days where military funding took place. WE were ALL for invading Afghanistan. My business started during the Bush era. It grew quite nicely until the unsustainable growth the Democrats tried to create (in order to support their objectives) fell apart.

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