The rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts

What modern world do refer to? The one the American people built?

We built it. We control it and come November it will be ours!! :tongue:
The whole world but mega rich Pubs and silly dupes are stupid commies, despite the SECOND Pub World Depression, and you only need Rush, Beck etc etc to know the truth- despite everything they say being proved WRONG, and you're not brainwashed fools. Gotcha! LOL!

"...despite the SECOND Pub World Depression,...."

Bulletin to blanko:

Here are the touchstones that led to the mortgage meltdown....everyone of 'em Democrat:

1. FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

Total BS- that's how the worthy poor got to have homes. Under BOOOSH, his regulators looked the other way while ANYONE could get usually scam loans, sold as A assets around the world. Pure cronyism and corruption.

F+F's share of the market dropped from 75%+ to 20-25%. You are a brainwashed fool of the greedy rich, dupe.

Now....see, blanks...that's why you'll never get out of junior high school!

You must learn to filter out the Leftist propaganda and see the truth.

"‘Reckless Endangerment’ by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner

1. 'In “Reckless Endangerment,” Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner argue that cozy connections between government and the financial industry were the primary cause of the financial crisis. In a series of clearly written narratives with many names, dates and figures, they show that government officials took actions that benefited well-connected individuals, who in turn helped the government officials. This mutual support system thwarted good economic policies and encouraged reckless ones. It thereby brought on the crisis, sending the economy into a tailspin.'
‘Reckless Endangerment’ by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner - The Washington Post

2. "The Republican Party and especially its Tea Party wing have just acquired a new weapon of mass destruction — and it has nothing to do with any of Congressman Wiener’s rogue body parts. If they deploy this weapon effectively in the next election cycle — a big if — then they have the biggest opportunity to move the country rightward since Ronald Reagan took the oath of office back in 1981.

3. The Tea Party WMD stockpile is currently stored in book form: Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon. By Gretchen Morgenson, one of America’s best business journalists who is currently at The New York Times, and noted financial analyst Joshua Rosner, Reckless Endangerment gives the best available account of how the growing chaos in the mortgage and personal finance markets and the rampant bundling of dubious loans into exotically toxic securities plunged the world, and millions of American families, into the gravest financial crisis since World War Two.

4. The villains? An unholy alliance between Wall Street, the Democratic establishment, community organizing groups like ACORN and La Raza, and politicians like Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and Henry Cisneros. (Frank got a cushy job for a lover, Pelosi got a job and layoff protection for a son, Cisneros apparently got a license to mint money bilking Mexican-Americans of their life savings in cheesy housing developments.)

5. ...the American dream didn’t die of old age; it was murdered and most of the fingerprints on the corpse come from Democratic insiders. Democratic power brokers stoked the housing bubble and turned a blind eye to the increasingly rampant corruption and incompetence at Fannie Mae and the associated predatory lenders who sheltered under its umbrella; core Democratic ideas may well be at fault.

6. Big government, affirmative action and influence peddling among Democratic insiders came within inches of smashing the US economy.
Fanniegate: Gamechanger For The GOP? | Via Meadia
It would come into play when I considered his foreign policy capabilities

How about you?

The opinion of the rest of the world would make no difference how I would vote no matter what they thought

Of course it doesn' are conservative

I am?

and live in a bubble

It makes no difference to you either, you'd vote the the one to the left of any two choices. I'm just honest about it.
NY Post- owned by Murdoch- what a good little Foxbot you are...
What modern world do refer to? The one the American people built?

We built it. We control it and come November it will be ours!! :tongue:

[ame=]Ann Romney doing her best Oprah impression at the RNC 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

I love you womeeeeenn!!!!​
Lies dupes believe: "Obama gutted workfare and Medicare, had total control for 2 years, Syria is Iran's path to the sea" LOL or my sig pp3. They always go back to WWII when Europe questions their idiocy.

Europe was fine until the SECOND Pub Great Depression, which moron Pub dupes don't think happened!! Or mindless Pub obstruction to get reelected, damn the country AND the world...GOP=a-holes and idiots...

Frankie i dont know if your an asshole.....but your posts sure make you look like an idiot......
NY Post- owned by Murdoch- what a good little Foxbot you are...

PLLLLLLEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ tell me that this does not refer to post #62!!!!!

Even if you have to lie!!!

Just tell me that you didn't just refer to my link that clearly says WASHINGTON Post!!!

I'm warning you...if you turn out to be so illiterate as to read 'Washington' and 'NY'...

I will henceforth refer to you as 'Fish-in-a-Barrel-Franco.'
You're a brainwashed moron LOL!

is that what you say when you look in the mirror Frankie?.......are you starting to come around?.....

Tell me ONE DEM LIE I believe. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda arm, they spend all their time correcting Pub lies, fear mongering and hateful character assassination.

Every time Pubs lie, there are 15 google pages of BS ors, institues, websites, bloggers and lying Pundits overwhelming the media... a disgrace.

One DEM LIE, chumps of the greedy idiot rich. ONE. Not promises Pubs obstructed, or or giant lists of total Pubcrappe propaganda. Try thinking for yourself for once.

Frankie i never mentioned "Dem" lies,you did.....i asked is that what you say when you look in the mirror.....but to answer your question....

Tell me ONE DEM LIE I believe

you believe them all....BECAUSE you never question anything they say or do....and if your going to now tell me Democrats dont lie......then lets go back to the beginning here.....where you said.......You're a brainwashed you know why i said what i said......
NY Post- owned by Murdoch- what a good little Foxbot you are...

PLLLLLLEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ tell me that this does not refer to post #62!!!!!

Even if you have to lie!!!

Just tell me that you didn't just refer to my link that clearly says WASHINGTON Post!!!
I'm warning you...if you turn out to be so illiterate as to read 'Washington' and 'NY'...

I will henceforth refer to you as 'Fish-in-a-Barrel-Franco.'

Of course not, stupid. And stop headlining "Washington Post" when all you do is quote the BULLSHYTTE of a Pub propaganda book as if the Post is saying it, or quoting a Post blog by some RW moron that has NO approval from the Post, a respected newspaper of record. Disgraceful but typical RW BS.
The opinion of the rest of the world would make no difference how I would vote no matter what they thought

Of course it doesn' are conservative

I am?

and live in a bubble

It makes no difference to you either, you'd vote the the one to the left of any two choices. I'm just honest about it.

I was being polite

Admitting you are libertarian completely destroys your credibility
is that what you say when you look in the mirror Frankie?.......are you starting to come around?.....

Tell me ONE DEM LIE I believe. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda arm, they spend all their time correcting Pub lies, fear mongering and hateful character assassination.

Every time Pubs lie, there are 15 google pages of BS ors, institues, websites, bloggers and lying Pundits overwhelming the media... a disgrace.

One DEM LIE, chumps of the greedy idiot rich. ONE. Not promises Pubs obstructed, or or giant lists of total Pubcrappe propaganda. Try thinking for yourself for once.

Frankie i never mentioned "Dem" lies,you did.....i asked is that what you say when you look in the mirror.....but to answer your question....

Tell me ONE DEM LIE I believe

you believe them all....BECAUSE you never question anything they say or do....and if your going to now tell me Democrats dont lie......then lets go back to the beginning here.....where you said.......You're a brainwashed you know why i said what i said......

No, Dems don't lie. They're trying to help the country- Pubs just want to win- so they and their cronies can rob us again...

Brainwashing is instilling lies with repitition, dupe.

Quote: Originally Posted by Harry Dresden
Quote: Originally Posted by francoHFW
You're a brainwashed moron LOL!
is that what you say when you look in the mirror Frankie?.......are you starting to come around?.....
Last edited:
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

But of course they are. They are not looking at your best interests but THEIRS.
And thanks for all the Pub propaganda Spam, liability, Available all OVER the place on the Pub propaganda machine, all sponsored by greedy idiot Pub billionnaires.

frenchiTug is all upsetty wetty that someone has dared to interrupt his endlessly unpersuasive lib crapaganda spew.

You poor hapless bitch.

Suck it up.

You know. Just pretend that you are finally getting your chance to suck the Obamessiah cock you crave.
GOP voters are nuts.

And after this election the Republican Party will have to move to the center or die.

Because 300,000 Latinos a month are turning 18.
GOP voters are nuts.

And after this election the Republican Party will have to move to the center or die.

Because 300,000 Latinos a month are turning 18.

^ a world class fubar lecturing others on "nuts." :lol:

There are absolutely NOT 300,000 Latinos in America turning 18 every month. Your math skills are hideous. Chrissy. And your honesty is non-existent.

The Census Bureau—in its first nationwide demographic tally from the 2010 headcount—said Thursday the U.S. Hispanic population surged 43%, rising to 50.5 million in 2010 from 35.3 million in 2000. Latinos now constitute 16% of the nation's total
-- Hispanics Lead U.S. Population Growth -

Do some ACTUAL math and the 120 month's of Hispanic population growth comes to ~126,667 per month. That's TOTAL, you idiot. Not just the fraction turning 18.
The right wing responses in this thread is prima facia evidence that republicans got no business being anywhere near a public office.

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