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We already know there was no insurrection.
.........No insurrection took place.

On the other hand, a Court in Colorado just declared that there was an insurrection.......and Don Trump was an insurrectionist.

From today's 'The Hill':

"For the first time, a judge, having heard evidence and conducted a hearing under section 3 of the 14th Amendment, has stated unequivocally that Donald Trump committed an “insurrection against the Constitution.” Section 3 provides:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office . . . under the United States . . .who, having previously taken an oath, . . . as an officer of the United States . . . to support the Constitution . . . shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same . . . .”

As Judge Sarah Wallace puts it in her 102-page decision: “The court finds that . . .Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, and that the First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech.”

"The court’s extensive findings include “Trump’s history with political extremists.” The court noted that “violent far right extremists understood that Trump’s calls to “‘fight’… were . . . literal calls to violence by these groups, while Trump’s statements negating that sentiment . . . existed to . . . create plausible deniability.”

Judge Wallace determined that “Trump knew his violent supporters understood his statements this way, and… were intended to incite violence” and “planted the seed” for the storming of the Capitol. Notably, she also found that “Trump knew he had lost the election.”

The judge highlights what Trump did as the Capitol siege unfolded. She notes that his video at 4:17 pm that day served to “endorse the actions of the mob in trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power. It did not condemn the mob but instead . . . praised them.”

"The Colorado court has put on the record what the former president has long denied, namely that Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection designed to overthrow the American Constitution and keep him in office in defiance of the people’s will."

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MAGA seems to think that selectively posting videos of police letting protesters through the Capitol in an orderly fashion is somehow their proof that the whole event was staged, fake news, or whatever new conspiracy they can come up with by the hour. The obvious and rational explanation is, of course, that those videos are from early in the day before any violence had begun and the Capitol Police had no reason to be concerned by the initial people entering the building. A second grader can understand that.

The problems started later.

MAGA knows this, of course. They continue to push their lies and conspiracies because that is exactly who these people are.

I also recall these guys clearly walking through the airport peacefully on 9/11.

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Just another election fraud denier.
Umm, yeah? So?
It's an old story.
The tapes were released months ago.
By Kevin McCarthy.
To Tucker Carlson.
Today your story is a non-story....... because it is worn, tired, and proved to be a nothingburger when McCarthy released 'em to Tucker.

The tape of Trump himself openly admitting he was committing a crime on tape that HE RECORDED and doing so while actively committing it proves without a shadow of a doubt that these people do not care about facts or evidence whatsoever. The excuses are just a coat of paint, superficial and irrelevant to the underlying problem.

It does not matter how strong the evidence is, that which does not agree with their priors is automatically false no matter what veneer they have to place on top of it.
I will end YOUR lame argument with this.

A person "assassinates" a historical Person.

Is this killer charged with.........answer honestly....... with

1) Assassination
2) Murder
So you have Zero insurrection charges Winco

Got it.
On the other hand, a Court in Colorado just declared that there was an insurrection.......and Don Trump was an insurrectionist.

From today's 'The Hill':

"For the first time, a judge, having heard evidence and conducted a hearing under section 3 of the 14th Amendment, has stated unequivocally that Donald Trump committed an “insurrection against the Constitution.” Section 3 provides:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office . . . under the United States . . .who, having previously taken an oath, . . . as an officer of the United States . . . to support the Constitution . . . shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same . . . .”

As Judge Sarah Wallace puts it in her 102-page decision: “The court finds that . . .Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, and that the First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech.”

"The court’s extensive findings include “Trump’s history with political extremists.” The court noted that “violent far right extremists understood that Trump’s calls to “‘fight’… were . . . literal calls to violence by these groups, while Trump’s statements negating that sentiment . . . existed to . . . create plausible deniability.”

Judge Wallace determined that “Trump knew his violent supporters understood his statements this way, and… were intended to incite violence” and “planted the seed” for the storming of the Capitol. Notably, she also found that “Trump knew he had lost the election.”

The judge highlights what Trump did as the Capitol siege unfolded. She notes that his video at 4:17 pm that day served to “endorse the actions of the mob in trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power. It did not condemn the mob but instead . . . praised them.”

"The Colorado court has put on the record what the former president has long denied, namely that Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection designed to overthrow the American Constitution and keep him in office in defiance of the people’s will."

State Judge appointed by a far left Governor.

You really are a moron Chillicothe :auiqs.jpg:
On the other hand, a Court judge in Colorado just declared that there was an insurrection.......and Don Trump was an insurrectionist.

From today's 'The Hill':

"For the first time, a judge, having heard evidence and conducted a hearing under section 3 of the 14th Amendment, has stated unequivocally that Donald Trump committed an “insurrection against the Constitution.” Section 3 provides:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office . . . under the United States . . .who, having previously taken an oath, . . . as an officer of the United States . . . to support the Constitution . . . shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same . . . .”

As Judge Sarah Wallace puts it in her 102-page decision: “The court finds that . . .Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, and that the First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech.”

"The court’s extensive findings include “Trump’s history with political extremists.” The court noted that “violent far right extremists understood that Trump’s calls to “‘fight’… were . . . literal calls to violence by these groups, while Trump’s statements negating that sentiment . . . existed to . . . create plausible deniability.”

Judge Wallace determined that “Trump knew his violent supporters understood his statements this way, and… were intended to incite violence” and “planted the seed” for the storming of the Capitol. Notably, she also found that “Trump knew he had lost the election.”

The judge highlights what Trump did as the Capitol siege unfolded. She notes that his video at 4:17 pm that day served to “endorse the actions of the mob in trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power. It did not condemn the mob but instead . . . praised them.”

"The Colorado court has put on the record what the former president has long denied, namely that Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection designed to overthrow the American Constitution and keep him in office in defiance of the people’s will."

Ok, so now let’s circle back to the 14th ammendment:

Here is the relevant information

Section 3.​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Ok, some are arguing that this doesn’t even apply to the president because he’s not running to be a senator, or representative, and he’s not trying to be an elector of a president or vice president. He’s not running for civil or military office.

But let’s say it does apply to him, then you have this:

Section 5.​

The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

The congress shall have the power to enforce, BY APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION, the provisions of this article…which they did, by passing:

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection​

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

So, I think there needs to be a charge and conviction of this 18 is code 2383. Just because a judge says he committed insurrection doesn’t mean he’s disqualified.

However, upon looking up information about this decision, I came across this interesting bit:


District Court Judge Sarah B. Wallace determined the provision of the 14th Amendment barring insurrectionists from holding office does not apply to presidents and, therefore, does not disqualify Trump.

So, it appears my previous statement about the question of whether or not the 14th ammendment applies to presidents has been answered, at least according to that judge.

Trump is cleared to be on the ballot in Colorado.

So you have Zero insurrection charges Winco

Got it.
In FACT, mr idiot Nostra................... Idiot Nostra, sounds Correct.

I hold in my hand, the exact same number of insurrection charges as the (R) party has ANY charges against Hunter, Hilary, 10% Joe, POTUS Joe, Obama, do you get the point yet ya shitstain?
So you think it was okay to smear feces on the walls of Congress? Most people would call that vandalism.
Just down the road at the National Gallery of Art such things are on full display. Just a matter of perspective. You liberals are a close minded bunch.
You, SIR Idiot, are correct,
No Insurrection, just sedition.

Why does this make me feel worse? It Does NOT
......Sedition carries a larger charge than Insurrection.
You should CHECK IT OUT.
Well, again, for clarification…nobody has been charged with sedition either, just seditious conspiracy, which is a separate charge.

It’s odd how all of these lefty prosecutors keep talking about insurrection and sedition, yet they won’t actually file those charges. Why?
Well, again, for clarification…nobody has been charged with sedition either, just seditious conspiracy, which is a separate charge.
Your ridiculous stance is the same as saying.......Bank Robbers were not charged with Bank Robbery, they were charged with Armed Robbery.

OMG, you RWI are a special stupid.
Your ridiculous stance is the same as saying.......Bank Robbers were not charged with Bank Robbery, they were charged with Armed Robbery.

OMG, you RWI are a special stupid.

Actually, if you rob a bank with a gun, you’d be charged with bank robbery, and having a deadly weapon would be an aggregated offence on top of that. I don’t think you be technically charged with “armed robbery”.

I’m not sure why you are conflating these things. Sedition and seditious conspiracy are two separate crimes and two separate charges. Using the term “seditious conspiracy” to describe sedition, in the legal sense, would be inaccurate.

All I’m doing is just correcting the assertion. Just like with insurrection, just because someone says it’s insurrection doesn’t automatically disqualify them, I believe there needs to be a relevant charge and conviction to enable the disqualification.
Your ridiculous stance is the same as saying.......Bank Robbers were not charged with Bank Robbery, they were charged with Armed Robbery.

OMG, you RWI are a special stupid.
There’s no charge called bank robber
The Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger resigned January 7th and mysteriously died in June 2022 one day before the J6 hearing where he was to present new evidence. He was replaced immediately by Jennifer Hemingway but that was short lived. Ms. Hemingway was replaced on March 22nd by Karen Gibson who remains today.
We know by watching the interview with Tucker Carlson that Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was forced to resign on January 8th only to be replaced by acting police chief Yogananda Pittman.
Yogananda Pittman is the same woman who ignored pleas by her own Capitol Police Officer Lt. Tarik Johnson when he made multiple requests to evacuate members of Congress. Remember him? He wore the MAGA hat in order to maneuver through the crowd, he tells us that his last day of work was on January 6, 2021. He was never allowed to return and was later fired.
The House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving vacated his seat on January 8th.
Four key witnesses on duty that day were all removed from their positions within days of the alleged "insurrection"
? Do the January 6th tapes tell this untold story? Is that why the truth has been kept from the American people for almost three years? Is that why President Trump continues to be accused? Many January 6th prisoners are still in jail living in awful conditions, others are still being surveilled, arrested and questioned for their peaceful attendance. The January 6th tapes are now revealing information that is paramount to these prisoners survival, their families, livelihoods and ultimately their innocence for being released. So why are they still there? Some without due process? It is time to release our J6 prisoners, we have seen the proof! Let's bring them home to their families for THANKSGIVING.

You, SIR Idiot, are correct,
No Insurrection, just sedition.

Why does this make me feel worse? It Does NOT
......Sedition carries a larger charge than Insurrection.
You should CHECK IT OUT.
Still no insurrection charges, vermin?
Actually, if you rob a bank with a gun, you’d be charged with bank robbery, and having a deadly weapon would be an aggregated offence on top of that. I don’t think you be technically charged with “armed robbery”.

I’m not sure why you are conflating these things. Sedition and seditious conspiracy are two separate crimes and two separate charges. Using the term “seditious conspiracy” to describe sedition, in the legal sense, would be inaccurate.

All I’m doing is just correcting the assertion. Just like with insurrection, just because someone says it’s insurrection doesn’t automatically disqualify them, I believe there needs to be a relevant charge and conviction to enable the disqualification.
You’re trying to discuss this with an idiot

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