The Rest of the Videos

A set up and a nation destroying hoax. The people who did this should be in prison.
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You see any Capitol Police opening Doors?
Nope, you see violent criminals breaking into the Capitol.

No, but you can see it in other videos. The violent groups had government agitators in charge.
No, but you can see it in other videos. The violent groups had government agitators in charge.
You have ZERO proof of that.

The FBI undercover agents were doing their JOB.
Fuckin'A.......You have as described by trump himself, as the largest CROWD ever, down to the Washington Monument, that were there to support POS45.

Now you want to deny trump and call trump stupid, do it.
trump said the masses were there and in force for him.
You want to pretend that FBI, Antifa, Fake Trump Supporters....did ALL the damage.

You cannot get any stupider than 3-4 explosive weeks, unless you care to defy trump and tell tump himself that those at the Capitol were just pawns.
MAGA seems to think that selectively posting videos of police letting protesters through the Capitol in an orderly fashion is somehow their proof that the whole event was staged, fake news, or whatever new conspiracy they can come up with by the hour. The obvious and rational explanation is, of course, that those videos are from early in the day before any violence had begun and the Capitol Police had no reason to be concerned by the initial people entering the building. A second grader can understand that.

The problems started later.

MAGA knows this, of course. They continue to push their lies and conspiracies because that is exactly who these people are.

I also recall these guys clearly walking through the airport peacefully on 9/11.

View attachment 860786

Perhaps you should have those people arrested and put on trial..

…oh wait…
You have ZERO proof of that.

The FBI undercover agents were doing their JOB.
Fuckin'A.......You have as described by trump himself, as the largest CROWD ever, down to the Washington Monument, that were there to support POS45.

Now you want to deny trump and call trump stupid, do it.
trump said the masses were there and in force for him.
You want to pretend that FBI, Antifa, Fake Trump Supporters....did ALL the damage.

You cannot get any stupider than 3-4 explosive weeks, unless you care to defy trump and tell tump himself that those at the Capitol were just pawns.
There is all kinds of proof. You fell for another lie.
MAGA seems to think that selectively posting videos of police letting protesters through the Capitol in an orderly fashion is somehow their proof that the whole event was staged, fake news, or whatever new conspiracy they can come up with by the hour. The obvious and rational explanation is, of course, that those videos are from early in the day before any violence had begun and the Capitol Police had no reason to be concerned by the initial people entering the building. A second grader can understand that.

The problems started later.

MAGA knows this, of course. They continue to push their lies and conspiracies because that is exactly who these people are.

I also recall these guys clearly walking through the airport peacefully on 9/11.

View attachment 860786

It’s not selectively posting videos, it’s showing the rest of what happened. Trust me, we’ve seen all
of the video of the violence that day, but what we weren’t shown was the apparent cooperation of capitol police that day.

Also, where are pelosis texts? Not that there’s a hope in hell of ever seeing those, I’m sure those have been thoroughly deleted.
It’s not selectively posting videos, it’s showing the rest of what happened. Trust me, we’ve seen all
of the video of the violence that day, but what we weren’t shown was the apparent cooperation of capitol police that day.

Also, where are pelosis texts? Not that there’s a hope in hell of ever seeing those, I’m sure those have been thoroughly deleted.
Has anyone else noticed the MSM is not touching this story. At least on TV.
Stop being obtuse! It happened on Jan 6th when you un-American assholes committed insurrection against the government of the United States.
No insurrection took place..unless there has been a charge of insurrection levied in the last few minutes.
Because "Sedition" is even better.

But you keep the LIE alive.
Poor Soul.

I haven’t lied, show me anyone who’s been charged with insurrection.

I’m not dismissing what happened that day, I’m just correcting misinformation…you know, that stuff that you lefty’s have spent years trying to suppress.
Because "Sedition" is even better.

But you keep the LIE alive.
Poor Soul.
It was another hoax to cover the fraud and facilitated a rule change that stopped debate on the alleged fraud. No challenges were permitted when the Congress reconvened.
I haven’t lied, show me anyone who’s been charged with insurrection.

I’m not dismissing what happened that day, I’m just correcting misinformation…you know, that stuff that you lefty’s have spent years trying to suppress.
I will end YOUR lame argument with this.

A person "assassinates" a historical Person.

Is this killer charged with.........answer honestly....... with

1) Assassination
2) Murder
I will end YOUR lame argument with this.

A person "assassinates" a historical Person.

Is this killer charged with.........answer honestly....... with

1) Assassination
2) Murder

You haven’t ended anything…

The person is charged with murder because as far as I know, there is no legal charge called “assassination”. There IS, however, a legal charge called insurrection, which nobody has been charged with.
Has anyone else noticed the MSM is not touching this story. At least on TV.
Umm, yeah? So?
It's an old story.
The tapes were released months ago.
By Kevin McCarthy.
To Tucker Carlson.
Today your story is a non-story....... because it is worn, tired, and proved to be a nothingburger when McCarthy released 'em to Tucker.


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