The Rest of the Videos

How many times do these videos need be released?
  1. First we watched the violence unfold live on TV on J6.
  2. We saw violence again in the 2nd impeachment hearing.
  3. We saw violence again in the J6 Congressional hearings.
  4. We saw J6 demonstrators only in their peaceful moments with the Kevin McCarthy/Tucker Carlson release and editing of all the tapes.
  5. And now we have a replacement Speaker releasing again what Tucker Carlson has already released.

The January 6th attack on our Congressional Representatives, on our Vice President, and on our Speaker......was clearly a dangerous insurrection.

The DOJ though, chose not charge 'insurrection'.....instead charged 'sedition' (we all be OK with that, as it carries a higher penalty); they chose to charge on battery; on attacks on uniformed officers; on disrupting an official proceeding; and on and on and the crimes by the J6 Jackasses were multiple.

Not only multiple by abundantly filmed by security cameras, by news crews, and remarkably by the criminals themselves which they conveniently then posted on their social media sites.

And then there is the Mohammed Atta paradigm.

I love this bar!!
Inexplicable. As always. It's the same three things:
  1. The video of the rubes standing around is the only thing that happened.
  2. Some security/Capitol cops may have been sympathetic and might have let some rubes in.
  3. Any violence was actually someone other than the rubes.
Wash, rinse, repeat. They did nothing wrong. They have been wrongly accused. They are innocent victims. As always.

I think they just keep trying this to convince themselves and each other.
If they aren’t invisible, why are you the only person that can see them?
There are videos of the gallows builders. There are videos of a man on top of the scaffold telling people to rush the Capitol. Why weren't they arrested and charged. You lose. This was a hoax to distract from the obvious fraud and seal the stolen election. Those are the facts.
Those are the facts.

That's really cool, poster Lastamender.
But why simply complain about it ----anonymously and using a fake name ----on an American social media site?

Why don't you take your 'facts' down to your state's AG, or whoever oversees elections? Why not take your facts to one or both of your Senators? To your Congressman? To the FBI?

Whining, complaining and hissyfitting on social media ain't really what can-do get-er-done men do.
It is what ineffectual inexperienced wannabes do.

Don't be one of them Lastamender.
Instead, be a 'get-er-done' kind of guy. Do something. And quit whining.

Good luck.

That's really cool, poster Lastamender.
But why simply complain about it ----anonymously and using a fake name ----on an American social media site?

Why don't you take your 'facts' down to your state's AG, or whoever oversees elections? Why not take your facts to one or both of your Senators? To your Congressman? To the FBI?

Whining, complaining and hissyfitting on social media ain't really what can-do get-er-done men do.
It is what ineffectual inexperienced wannabes do.

Don't be one of them Lastamender.
Instead, be a 'get-er-done' kind of guy. Do something. And quit whining.

Good luck.
There are videos of the gallows builders. There are videos of a man on top of the scaffold telling people to rush the Capitol. Why weren't they arrested and charged. You lose. This was a hoax to distract from the obvious fraud and seal the stolen election. Those are the facts.
You are delusional.
You are delusional.
Again, is that all you got? I have a shitload of videos showing peaceful Trump supporters that goes a long way to prove the violence came from planted government agents. That is the truth and you calling people delusional does not cut it, and you fucking know it.

Ah, sad Lastamender with his fascination with feces, fecal matter, human waste......and his coprophilia problem.

It's icky. Everybody knows that.
But Lastamender is who he is.
It may not be his fault. It could have been a distressing childhood home life?

We all wish him well.
Again, is that all you got? I have a shitload of videos showing peaceful Trump supporters that goes a long way to prove the violence came from planted government agents. That is the truth and you calling people delusional does not cut it, and you fucking know it.

Just like the WHITMER "kidnapping". Total FEDERAL Agent Provocateurs
Ah, sad Lastamender with his fascination with feces, fecal matter, human waste......and his coprophilia problem.

It's icky. Everybody knows that.
But Lastamender is who he is.
It may not be his fault. It could have been a distressing childhood home life?

We all wish him well.
Again, is that all you got? I have a shitload of videos showing peaceful Trump supporters that goes a long way to prove the violence came from planted government agents. That is the truth and you calling people delusional does not cut it, and you fucking know it.
I’ve got a shitload of videos showing the violence came from violent ultraMAGA Trump worshippers.

You have no video of violent government agents.
If YOU do not want the 44,000 hours of raw video released, you have to ask yourself why.

You have to ask yourself if those were really crimes that should be punishable by 20 years in prison.

If you think so, you have TDS.
I’ve got a shitload of videos showing the violence came from violent ultraMAGA Trump worshippers.

You have no video of violent government agents.
After they were shot at with rubber bullets and hit with flash grenades? It was another hoax and it is all going to come out.
I’ve got a shitload of videos showing the violence came from violent ultraMAGA Trump worshippers.

You have no video of violent government agents.

Agent Provacateurs.

You are simply a partisan. If you ACTUALLY cared about "INSURRECTIONS", you would be as concerned about 5/29 as J6. However, you ignore 5/29, and obsess over J6...thereby proving your bias and lack of objectivity about insurrections.
After they were shot at with rubber bullets and hit with flash grenades? It was another hoax and it is all going to come out.
When you’re shot with rubber bullets and hit with flash grenades, you’re at a riot and you need to go home.

Some people really need the obvious spelled out to them. You guys aren’t exactly the best and the brightest.
No there weren't

No they don't

No desperation needed. The videos are genuine. They simply don't depict your conspiracy theories.
So the Moderator Troll in Chief feels the need to keep pushing on this idiotic button, and spreading bullshit conspiracy theories, while pushing all contrary opinions into the conspiracy forum.

Stupid leftard click bait, is what it is.

Nothing more, nothing less.
Nobody was charged with trespass into any "public" area of the capitol.
Charges were based on them breaking into "off limits" secure locations.

In short, being let into the White House (for a tour), doesn't grant you permission to go to the Oval Office.

You stupid fuck, people who never entered the capitol were charged with trespassing. Do try to keep up.


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