The Rest of the Videos

No you don’t, it’s why he’s out
Sure we do....just search this site there is a thread on it with links..... You wanna confirm it, find it....or Google it, you will see the video.....the Shaman entered illegally, it's plain and clear as day!
Sure we do....just search this site there is a thread on it with links..... You wanna confirm it, find it....or Google it, you will see the video.....the Shaman entered illegally, it's plain and clear as day!
is he out? I think he's actually running for congress.
Sure we do....just search this site there is a thread on it with links..... You wanna confirm it, find it....or Google it, you will see the video.....the Shaman entered illegally, it's plain and clear as day!
Explain then why videos prove he was welcomed with open arms by the capitol police?

Honestly, don't have any words here accept to say, that cops shooting into a crowd without warning is insurrection at its worst, there is no country without people, and to revolt against the people on their public property that tax money supports, is insurrection!!! fk them and everything they are about. This can't go unpunished, it can't. The country will be lost indeed if it isn't. Come on Conservative reps, get these cops arrested!!!!!!!
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Stop whining.

So, I am curious how your cult math works.

For every nonviolent video, a violent video is canceled from existence? Is that
how it works?
it's far too much over your ability to understand what it means. Let me know when you really want to understand what the purpose is. Until then, you remain a parrot repeating what evil politicians and media tells you.
If I could offer a little common-sense here.

This is called "ENTRAPMENT".

If you're going to charge someone with a tends to weaken your case when you're caught instigating or encouraging the crime.

You weaken your case when you charge someone with trespassing when you literally invited people into the area you claimed was off-limits.

But that's not all that was happening.

I've seen videos of Capital cops shooting people in the face with paint ball guns to antagonize them.
They were also throwing dozens of flash-bangs and tear gas grenades into a crowd of protesters to cause a panic.
Yes , it would have been much better if they had shot them all with real bullets. That's what these terrorists deserved.
Honestly, don't have any words here accept to say, that cops shooting into a crowd without warning is insurrection at its worst, there is no country without people, and to revolt against the people on their public property that tax money supports, is insurrection!!! fk them and everything they are about. This can't go unpunished, it can't. The country will be lost indeed if it isn't. Come on Conservative reps, get these cops arrested!!!!!!!
Normally I side with the cops. Because COPS deal with bad people daily. And it is very rare it was the cop that started the events causing the death of the party being investigated.
At the Capitol on Jan 6, there is no doubt at all as we saw when Babbitt was murdered that the cop premeditated her murder. He had his gun pointed in her direction for a matter of minutes then shot to kill.

This video will explain what took place from the vantage point of a cop who was there.
At the Capitol on Jan 6, there is no doubt at all as we saw when Babbitt was murdered that the cop premeditated her murder.


Ummm, you may wanna re-think that one good poster Robert.
Because.....well, because it is silly and nonsensical.

Thousands of angry Trump supporters attack our elected Representatives and riot through the hallways of the People's House screaming, striking uniformed police, vandalizing the place......and you then allege this policeman 'pre-meditated' murdering her?

C'mon, man. You know better than that.

Maybe consider other ways to look at it.
  • Brandish the gun to intimidate the criminals?
  • Flash the gun so the criminals will re-consider before charging through the violently breached barricade?
  • Aim the gun as a 'stand-your-ground' defensive gesture in the face of a mob of violent criminals vigorously battering down a purpose-built police barricade?

Look, Robert, don't be one of those mindless QAnonMAGA's that come up with all kinds of Bizzaro Desk nutjob conspiracies.

You should be better than that.

Ummm, you may wanna re-think that one good poster Robert.
Because.....well, because it is silly and nonsensical.

Thousands of angry Trump supporters attack our elected Representatives and riot through the hallways of the People's House screaming, striking uniformed police, vandalizing the place......and you then allege this policeman 'pre-meditated' murdering her?

C'mon, man. You know better than that.

Maybe consider other ways to look at it.
  • Brandish the gun to intimidate the criminals?
  • Flash the gun so the criminals will re-consider before charging through the violently breached barricade?
  • Aim the gun as a 'stand-your-ground' defensive gesture in the face of a mob of violent criminals vigorously battering down a purpose-built police barricade?

Look, Robert, don't be one of those mindless QAnonMAGA's that come up with all kinds of Bizzaro Desk nutjob conspiracies.

You should be better than that.
What you said bears no resemblance to my remarks nor my beliefs.
Note this as my beliefs.
1. Inside the Capitol no violence happened nor other than the cop killing Babbitt, were shots fired. Did you wonder why as the window was being broke, the rest of the cops wandered off? Was that to keep them from also being killed by the rogue cop? When cops marched off, it sure looks like they knew the killing was about to to happen. The cop had his gun aimed way too long for it to be an accident.
2. We know for a fact that the protestors on the outside of the Capitol were not violent. Then suddenly out of nowhere the cops fire grenades back of them,. It was to rush them into the Capitol to be safe.

Corrupt Democrats caused all of this.

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