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Owen Shroyer, eh?
This Owen Shroyer?

"InfoWars host Owen Shroyer pleads guilty in Jan. 6 case
Shroyer, who was accompanied by InfoWars founder Alex Jones at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, admitted that he unlawfully entered and remained on restricted grounds."

If you can't do the time.....don't do the crime.
Or plead guilty to it?

Sorry you're as senile as xiden, the topic was people charged that never entered the capitol. Carry on commie.

The restricted area was not just the Capitol.

Anyone who broke down the barriers and entered the grounds was violating the restricted area.

Hope this helps.
The FBI took down the barriers. There is video of one doing just that. Fail dickhead.
If I could offer a little common-sense here.

This is called "ENTRAPMENT".

If you're going to charge someone with a tends to weaken your case when you're caught instigating or encouraging the crime.

You weaken your case when you charge someone with trespassing when you literally invited people into the area you claimed was off-limits.

But that's not all that was happening.

I've seen videos of Capital cops shooting people in the face with paint ball guns to antagonize them.
They were also throwing dozens of flash-bangs and tear gas grenades into a crowd of protesters to cause a panic.
You wouldn't know entrapment, if it bit you on your mud whistle.
So now the new conspiracy theory, after every other bullshit conspiracy theory collapsed, is the the FBI horse-whispered the weak-minded into violently attacking the Capitol.



The tards just get dumber and dumber every day.
MAGA seems to think that selectively posting videos of police letting protesters through the Capitol in an orderly fashion is somehow their proof that the whole event was staged, fake news, or whatever new conspiracy they can come up with by the hour. The obvious and rational explanation is, of course, that those videos are from early in the day before any violence had begun and the Capitol Police had no reason to be concerned by the initial people entering the building. A second grader can understand that.

The problems started later.

MAGA knows this, of course. They continue to push their lies and conspiracies because that is exactly who these people are.

I also recall these guys clearly walking through the airport peacefully on 9/11.

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Have we found the video of the ORIGINAL CONTACT between Capitol Police and Q-moron SHEmon???
Yep. Not one convict has claimed he was goaded into attacking the Capitol by the FBI.

These tards were planning this attack for MONTHS. They were invited by Trump, not the FBI.
Their orange god repeats falsehoods over and over, and they become reality, for the cult.

The cult thinks that trick will work for them on everyone else.

"......the topic was people charged that never entered the capitol. Carry on commie.
If my avatar recalls properly, it was your avatar..."OKTexas".....that introduced the guilty-pleading criminal, Owen Shroyer, to the discussion.
And you wanted him to be a poster-child for 'justice-gone-bad'.?
It wasn't my avatar's intention to make you feel bad.
Trust me.


The tards just get dumber and dumber every day.

A humble request poster g5k, let's not be too harsh on the Trumpity Dumpities. They are a wonderful source of amusement for my avatar......early in the morning with my cup of joe, and today, a gloomy cold and rainy day that's turned the fields into mud gumbo.

In short, those Trumpity ne'er-do-wells brighten my day. Even a day like this.
And, to be forthright, they offer a great comparative for my avatar to feel...probably unjustifiably.....but to make my avatar feel really smart.
Trump's Duped & Snookered are great example of a bad example.
So please don't stampede them all over to the QAnon site, or
Or to some CloudCuckooLand Reddit subforum.

He did win in '16. No one doubts that. He did not win in '20.
I don't remember you folks saying that until you had to say it to make The Big Steal look legit.

The evidence that Biden cheated is piling up.

Eventually you're going to have to admit it when it becomes a legal issue in the courts and the lawsuits start piling up.

You cult member's claims will become like a Mouse Fart in a hurricane, just like they did when it was discovered that Russian Collusion was a hoax, vaccines were killing more people than COVID, and Hunter Biden's laptop turned out to genuine.
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If my avatar recalls properly, it was your avatar..."OKTexas".....that introduced the guilty-pleading criminal, Owen Shroyer, to the discussion.
And you wanted him to be a poster-child for 'justice-gone-bad'.?

It wasn't my avatar's intention to make you feel bad.
Trust me.


A humble request poster g5k, let's not be too harsh on the Trumpity Dumpities. They are a wonderful source of amusement for my avatar......early in the morning with my cup of joe, and today, a gloomy cold and rainy day that's turned the fields into mud gumbo.

In short, those Trumpity ne'er-do-wells brighten my day. Even a day like this.
And, to be forthright, they offer a great comparative for my avatar to feel...probably unjustifiably.....but to make my avatar feel really smart.

Trump's Duped & Snookered are great example of a bad example.
So please don't stampede them all over to the QAnon site, or
Or to some CloudCuckooLand Reddit subforum.


charged with a crime despite having neither entered the Capitol building nor been accused of committing violence or destruction on Capitol grounds.
Nuff said.


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