The Rest of the Videos

Yes, at that particular time of day. Again, this isn't hard to understand.

Right. Im not saying there wasn't violence at different locations and at different times. This particular video is all about the time Babbitt was shot. thats also not hard to understand.
There were people banging on the door which was also very well barricaded, but other than that I could see that crowd was hardly displaying violence.
Please dont tell me you think what that cop did was professionalism
Oh "whataboutism"!

I love this game.

Do you think it was OK to burn down a police station in Minneapolis?

Do you think it was OK to kill 43 people (mostly minorities) in the name of social justice?

Do you think it was OK to foment the most expensive riots in the history of our nation during the summer of 2020 - for months on end?

If so, or if you don't even know about it, you just might be a braindead Democrat.

We are so done with your feigning moral superiority.

You clearly have none.
One piece of sh## information about our capital has Nothing TO DO WITH
SOME OTHER PIECE OF sh## happening at a different place & a different time.
No there weren't

No they don't

No desperation needed. The videos are genuine. They simply don't depict your conspiracy theories.

Yeah, the fact that it was Feds instigating violence on J6 is now well established.

The gallows that you simps loved to point at like baboons, was built by them.

Epps is a CI, there are photographs and an excellent report put out by Revolver that shows chapter and verse how the Feds orchestrated the violence.

But you go on being you. A willing corrupt little simpleton.
MAGA seems to think that selectively posting videos of police letting protesters through the Capitol in an orderly fashion is somehow their proof that the whole event was staged, fake news, or whatever new conspiracy they can come up with by the hour. The obvious and rational explanation is, of course, that those videos are from early in the day before any violence had begun and the Capitol Police had no reason to be concerned by the initial people entering the building. A second grader can understand that.

The problems started later.

MAGA knows this, of course. They continue to push their lies and conspiracies because that is exactly who these people are.

I also recall these guys clearly walking through the airport peacefully on 9/11.

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selectively posting videos

What do you think the J6 committee did? Fucking hypocrite.
Right. Im not saying there wasn't violence at different locations and at different times. This particular video is all about the time Babbitt was shot. thats also not hard to understand.
There were people banging on the door which was also very well barricaded, but other than that I could see that crowd was hardly displaying violence.
Please dont tell me you think what that cop did was professionalism
It was an execution.

No warning given before that foreign born cop shot her. That alone is a violation.

Then after he pulled the trigger one of the cops on the other side of the door fakes pointing a gun at the shooter/perp (Lt Byrd) then gives him a thumbs-up for a job well done.

I'm sure an unarmed woman was a threat to all of these cops holding guns.
MAGA seems to think that selectively posting videos of police letting protesters through the Capitol in an orderly fashion is somehow their proof that the whole event was staged, fake news, or whatever new conspiracy they can come up with by the hour. The obvious and rational explanation is, of course, that those videos are from early in the day before any violence had begun and the Capitol Police had no reason to be concerned by the initial people entering the building. A second grader can understand that.

The problems started later.

MAGA knows this, of course. They continue to push their lies and conspiracies because that is exactly who these people are.

I also recall these guys clearly walking through the airport peacefully on 9/11.

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Thanks for the reminder, Mika.
Lol, you're just mad because these videos are gonna prove there was no insurrection.
You can't 'void' or 'delete' the actual video of those criminals breaking the side windows then opening the main front doors from the inside, where that fuck Shaman Chansley walked through.

Are you denying that Chansley entered the Capitol through the front doors, which were OPENED by the people that broke the side windows then opened the front door.
In their minds, they absolutely do. The violence was someone else. The Trumpsters were merely peaceful protestors.

This is a fuckin' madness.
Scared of diluting the narrative with a little context, eh? That does not surprise me.
Not a single person should have been charged with any crime for being let into the capital. That video evidence is important, if we actually care about truth and fairness. You want to charge people for attacking cops outside, by all means, do so. Im always down to imprison people who attack cops, even though the left only cares about it on September 6th, but throwing people in jail for years after being let into the capital is fucking disgusting and it sets a very dangerous precedence.

I want revenge now as a result. I want democrats to be unfairly imprisoned now too. Im not alone. Many of our politicians are going to be under pressure to arrest democrats the moment we take control. All we need to do is trump up some charges and employ novel legal theories, just like you guys did. You let the genie out of the bottle and there WILL be a price for it.
Who gives a shit what you giant pussies want? You also wanted to change the out come of election and how did that work out for you cucks? :funnyface:
You can't 'void' or 'delete' the actual video of those criminals breaking the side windows then opening the main front doors from the inside, where that fuck Shaman Chansley walked through.

Are you denying that Chansley entered the Capitol through the front doors, which were OPENED by the people that broke the side windows then opened the front door.
You mean one of the doors that had to be opened from the inside with a code?

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