The Rest of the Videos

So many threads on this topic already, Troll.

One would think you would check to see if there are any other threads on this topic.

And violent undercover agents from the DHS and the FBI. Maybe some of them can be identified now. I am sure the FBI will help.

Our illegitimate government and the media have been caught in another huge. What else is new?
Right. Those invisible FBI agents that caused the whole thing. You know they exist because there’s zero evidence they exist which is what you’d expect from secret invisible mind control agents.
Deflection noted
Incorrect. Rather than deflection, I am pointing out bias. Further, your failure to acknowledge this evidences (1) that you are an non-perceptive dummy; (2) you recognized my point on bias and YOU were deflecting rather addressing said critique; and/or (3) you are just stupid/drunk.

Look, Spaz, I don’t have anything against you, personally. In fact, I am trying to do you a solid by pointing out what a simplistic imbecile you sound like. But you just don’t get it. Nothing seems to take with you. It’s like trying to teach algebra to a bunch of water heads who ride the short bus to school. Damn, man … DO BETTER!
there’s zero evidence they exist
Did you ever hear of this man>>>


Hey, Fisty! Good to see you, buddy! I was curious about something. By Sunday night does your rainbow fist become a little more … brown?
Why would it? It's a picture. Also you can see it for yourself. If you're imagining something else that's simply a you problem.
The premise of the OP is so obvious that I don't take anyone who ignores the actual violence seriously.

Which is, unfortunately, the majority of the USMB rightwingers and Republicans, including the MODs.
If I could offer a little common-sense here.

This is called "ENTRAPMENT".

If you're going to charge someone with a tends to weaken your case when you're caught instigating or encouraging the crime.

You weaken your case when you charge someone with trespassing when you literally invited people into the area you claimed was off-limits.

But that's not all that was happening.

I've seen videos of Capital cops shooting people in the face with paint ball guns to antagonize them.
They were also throwing dozens of flash-bangs and tear gas grenades into a crowd of protesters to cause a panic.
Entrapment. Really. Someone made these heifers walk up 80 steps into the capitol?

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