The Results Are In

Several states have instituted mandatory drug testing for those who receive public assistance. He are the results for the latest round of tests:

Arizona Drug Tested Welfare Recipients Here Are the Shocking Results - Mic

This policy hasn't resulted in cost savings for any of the states in which it has been implemented. Scott Walker is pushing it for Wisconsin, though. That's some responsible governing right there.

Basically....if you support mandatory drug testing for "welfare" are a dumb shit.
They should give your friends IQ tests instead.
Several states have instituted mandatory drug testing for those who receive public assistance. He are the results for the latest round of tests:

Arizona Drug Tested Welfare Recipients Here Are the Shocking Results - Mic

This policy hasn't resulted in cost savings for any of the states in which it has been implemented. Scott Walker is pushing it for Wisconsin, though. That's some responsible governing right there.

Basically....if you support mandatory drug testing for "welfare" are a dumb shit.

Hell, if you're on welfare, you're a bigger dumb shit


Pretty funny carla.
Would you like me show you a dozen videos of our wonderful,supposedly educated,youth from our liberal colleges fail miserably when asked to answer the most basic of question?
Or some of Waters videos maybe?
Nobody out stupids democrats.
Drug Testing for Welfare will now lead to Drug Testing and Mental Health Tests for Social Security recipients.

Whatever the Government can give you, they can just as easily take away.
Several states have instituted mandatory drug testing for those who receive public assistance. He are the results for the latest round of tests:

Arizona Drug Tested Welfare Recipients Here Are the Shocking Results - Mic

This policy hasn't resulted in cost savings for any of the states in which it has been implemented. Scott Walker is pushing it for Wisconsin, though. That's some responsible governing right there.

Basically....if you support mandatory drug testing for "welfare" are a dumb shit.

Hell, if you're on welfare, you're a bigger dumb shit


Pretty funny carla.
Would you like me show you a dozen videos of our wonderful,supposedly educated,youth from our liberal colleges fail miserably when asked to answer the most basic of question?
Or some of Waters videos maybe?
Nobody out stupids democrats.


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