The revenge of Kipling, Aesop and Grimm on Disney

Big Fitz

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Nov 23, 2009
Time to scare the liberals out of here, first off.

GLENN BECK. (watches the stampede to the door)

Today on his radio show (third hour 11/8/10) He goes on a bender about Rudyard Kipling. A very educational bender about how we have abandoned old wisdom for folly. He used the poem "Gods of the Copybook Headings"which he was oft mocked for using 6 lines for, to advertise his book "The Overton Window". The small problem is, how RIGHT Kipling was!

Here, read the poem, and consider what he's really saying.

Poems - 'The Gods of the Copybook Headings'

It addresses the wisdom of our ancient morality plays and fables. Work or die, Lie to much and no one will believe you, be prepared for disaster.... These myths, fables and fairy tales have been co-opted by those who fear or hate the realities in which these stories advise and warn. They don't want the world that is, they want the 'world that could be'. To that end, they have gone out and rewritten the tales.

So now, the industrious pig shelters his brothers who barely escape the wolf, instead of being eaten.

The grasshopper shares in the wealth of the hard working ant because of his piteous state instead of freezing and starving in the cold.

The boy who cried wolf is rescued in the nick of time by those who gave him just one more chance instead of being torn apart.

No. These lessons are 'too harsh' for the children of those who fear the actual mechanics of the world, and seek to shelter them from all ills and evils that exist. They've got Disney and Pixar now who maniplate their emotions to make them feel bad about having what they have and push the modern/hip/trendy virtues of today that have little attachment to the fundamentals of life. They are based on the world that "should be" but never WILL be, in a hope against hope that somehow, before the debt comes due, this world will somehow spring into existence.

So Kipling, seeing what the Fabian socialists, and the communists, and the anarchists who were behind the great movements of WW1, realized what was going on and published this warning to his present and future.

Now, the debt has come due. The world economy is tottering, ready to tumble from golden enlightenment into a new dark age of fear, terror, slaughter and ignorance. This is always the wages of following feel good advice. Those who promise the blessings of heaven on Earth and Utopia for all, will always fail. When they fail, the innocent and innocence dies, as the old truths, kept at bay by technology and philosophical delusion, return and assert what is rightfully theirs.

Kipling warned that the truths of Aesop and Grimm cannot be erased. Their stories are timeless purely because the lessons they teach cannot be expunged. The nature of the world will always trump the dreams of man.

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

Life is hard, (and beautiful.)

But there are other lessons too.

Like why the CEO of an invesment bank can massively fail so much so they bring down an entire nation's economy and still get balied out into a cushy retirement?

The world is not fair, that is the real lesson of this fairy tale.
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The world is not fair.

Preparations for the worst is never wasted effort.

There is real evil in the world, and good people cannot habitually do it and remain good.

The sins of life must be paid for eventually by everyone.

Honor, love and character are the only things anyone has of real value or can take with them.

Wisdom comes from Good Judgment. Good Judgement comes from Experience. Experience comes from Bad Judgment.

Not all mistakes are forgivable, repairable or survivable.
Life is hard, (and beautiful.)

But there are other lessons too.

Like why the CEO of an invesment bank can massively fail so much so they bring down an entire nation's economy and still get balied out into a cushy retirement?

The world is not fair, that is the real lesson of this fairy tale.

Why do the politicians who helped them get reelected?

Why do Americans blame the bankers and not bother looking in the mirror and taking some of the responsibility for the collapse?
Time to scare the liberals out of here, first off.

GLENN BECK. (watches the stampede to the door)

Today on his radio show (third hour 11/8/10) He goes on a bender about Rudyard Kipling. A very educational bender about how we have abandoned old wisdom for folly. He used the poem "Gods of the Copybook Headings"which he was oft mocked for using 6 lines for, to advertise his book "The Overton Window". The small problem is, how RIGHT Kipling was!

Here, read the poem, and consider what he's really saying.

Poems - 'The Gods of the Copybook Headings'

It addresses the wisdom of our ancient morality plays and fables. Work or die, Lie to much and no one will believe you, be prepared for disaster.... These myths, fables and fairy tales have been co-opted by those who fear or hate the realities in which these stories advise and warn. They don't want the world that is, they want the 'world that could be'. To that end, they have gone out and rewritten the tales.

So now, the industrious pig shelters his brothers who barely escape the wolf, instead of being eaten.

The grasshopper shares in the wealth of the hard working ant because of his piteous state instead of freezing and starving in the cold.

The boy who cried wolf is rescued in the nick of time by those who gave him just one more chance instead of being torn apart.

No. These lessons are 'too harsh' for the children of those who fear the actual mechanics of the world, and seek to shelter them from all ills and evils that exist. They've got Disney and Pixar now who maniplate their emotions to make them feel bad about having what they have and push the modern/hip/trendy virtues of today that have little attachment to the fundamentals of life. They are based on the world that "should be" but never WILL be, in a hope against hope that somehow, before the debt comes due, this world will somehow spring into existence.

So Kipling, seeing what the Fabian socialists, and the communists, and the anarchists who were behind the great movements of WW1, realized what was going on and published this warning to his present and future.

Now, the debt has come due. The world economy is tottering, ready to tumble from golden enlightenment into a new dark age of fear, terror, slaughter and ignorance. This is always the wages of following feel good advice. Those who promise the blessings of heaven on Earth and Utopia for all, will always fail. When they fail, the innocent and innocence dies, as the old truths, kept at bay by technology and philosophical delusion, return and assert what is rightfully theirs.

Kipling warned that the truths of Aesop and Grimm cannot be erased. Their stories are timeless purely because the lessons they teach cannot be expunged. The nature of the world will always trump the dreams of man.

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!


Oh crap! That's one of my favorite poems. I quote it often.
The world is not fair.

Preparations for the worst is never wasted effort.

doesnt chicken little cover this...or do you only want read the tales that apply to what you want?

There is real evil in the world, and good people cannot habitually do it and remain good.

one may have a lapse of evil but most men/women are faced with many choices along the road they have each crossroads they can opt to change but dont..people opt to remain evil

The sins of life must be paid for eventually by everyone.

the sins of life? one simply sins by existing? i have seen a lot of rich asshole....perhaps in reality no one really pays for their true sins

Honor, love and character are the only things anyone has of real value or can take with them.

perhaps compassion should be added...character can be good or bad just like honor and you still take it with you

Wisdom comes from Good Judgment. Good Judgement comes from Experience. Experience comes from Bad Judgment.

i simply cant find fault with that statement

Not all mistakes are forgivable, repairable or survivable.

o btw mr fitnah.....why would i listen to an admitted liar.....why would i?
[quote='bones]perhaps compassion should be added...character can be good or bad just like honor and you still take it with you[/quote]

Compassion at the expense of your needs and wants is folly.

Pity excuses evil and maligns wisdom more than anything else

False guilt goads many people into bad decisions for the gain of others.

Forgiveness is good, but to allow it to be done to you again shows you did not learn your lesson.
John Carpenter is a lib. This is known. Libs project their intent. This is also known. So it works regardless of who's in power.
[quote='bones]perhaps compassion should be added...character can be good or bad just like honor and you still take it with you

Compassion at the expense of your needs and wants is folly.

and that is not compassion now is it?

Pity excuses evil and maligns wisdom more than anything else

no it does not and why are you bringing up pity....compassion is not pity

False guilt goads many people into bad decisions for the gain of others.

is this your fancy way of saying...people will use people?

Forgiveness is good, but to allow it to be done to you again shows you did not learn your lesson.[/QUOTE]

part of repenting is the hope of not doing it again....i am not much for or receiving
and that is not compassion now is it?
Too often i have seen this as the application. Particularly in taxation which is often mistaken as moral charity.

no it does not and why are you bringing up pity....compassion is not pity
Pity is very successful masquerading as compassion. Pity is often mistaken for the same when the negative consequences should be allowed to play out. JRR Tolkeen gives excellent examples of when pity masquerades as compassion.

is this your fancy way of saying...people will use people?
Are you saying they don't?

part of repenting is the hope of not doing it again....i am not much for or receiving
Perchance the lady doth protest too much?

Repentance is done by the sinner. An effort to turn from the activity and never repeat it. One should be forgiven for sin, that is true. But one should also not be so stupid as to lose the wisdom gained from both suffering from the sin, as well as the act of forgiveness. This is not the point of this thread though, which is that we have strayed from the wisdom of history and the laws of nature and reality in which we live. We can postpone the repercussions, but this only makes he comeuppance all the worse.

And we have postponed it for oh so long.

And as a reminder from the OP which has already been forgotten...

So now, the industrious pig shelters his brothers who barely escape the wolf, instead of being eaten.

The grasshopper shares in the wealth of the hard working ant because of his piteous state instead of freezing and starving in the cold.

The boy who cried wolf is rescued in the nick of time by those who gave him just one more chance instead of being torn apart.

And a last quote from David Gerrold in his "War against the Chtorr" series:

Life's a bitch, then you die, then they throw dirt in your face, then the worms eat you. Be grateful it happens in THAT order.
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we are all in the gutter but some are looking at the stars....wilde i do believe

and no i dont protest too much.....

i just find the op amusing....
The world is not fair.

Preparations for the worst is never wasted effort.

doesnt chicken little cover this...or do you only want read the tales that apply to what you want?

There is real evil in the world, and good people cannot habitually do it and remain good.

one may have a lapse of evil but most men/women are faced with many choices along the road they have each crossroads they can opt to change but dont..people opt to remain evil

The sins of life must be paid for eventually by everyone.

the sins of life? one simply sins by existing? i have seen a lot of rich asshole....perhaps in reality no one really pays for their true sins

Honor, love and character are the only things anyone has of real value or can take with them.

perhaps compassion should be added...character can be good or bad just like honor and you still take it with you

Wisdom comes from Good Judgment. Good Judgement comes from Experience. Experience comes from Bad Judgment.

i simply cant find fault with that statement

Not all mistakes are forgivable, repairable or survivable.

o btw mr fitnah.....why would i listen to an admitted liar.....why would i?

No of is perfect, I listen to beck to find questions not answers . I check on what he says.
Okay.... I can accept that.

Another Oscar Wilde quote for you:

There is one thing worse than being talked about, and that's NOT being talked about.

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