Zone1 The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.—A Proud Unapologetic Zionist


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

More exact words were never said. They were told by the great civil rights leader, The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., the American hero whose life and dream America celebrates on Monday, January 15.

Dr. King was a great leader for civil rights, and as part of that, he was a Zionist who loved the Jewish people. One of the closest. Friends was Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.

Unlike some self-styled civil rights leaders today who seek divisiveness, Dr. King’s dream was a post-racial society where people were judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.

In recognition of MLK Day, some will reference a letter supposedly penned by Dr. King called “Letter to a Zionist Friend.” The most famous line in the letter, “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking Antisemitism,” was uttered by Dr. King and reflected his beliefs but wasn’t written in any letter.

Clarence B. Jones, Dr. King’s attorney, once wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

“I was his lawyer and one of his closest advisers, and I can say with absolute certainty that Martin abhorred antisemitism in all its forms, including anti-Zionism. “There isn’t anyone in this country more likely to understand our struggle than Jews,” Martin told me. “Whatever progress we’ve made so far as a people, their support has been essential.”

It is self evident that the Reverend King would be disgusted by Democrats today. Using skin color to judge people. Racist Jew hatred. Democrats are the inverse of everything Reverend King stood for.

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