The Rich Will Make Gazans of Us All


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Chris Hedges on how Empires die:

"Gaza is a window on our coming dystopia.

"The growing divide between the world’s elite and its miserable masses of humanity is maintained through spiraling violence. Many impoverished regions of the world, which have fallen off the economic cliff, are beginning to resemble Gaza, where 1.6 million Palestinians live in the planet’s largest internment camp..."

"The impending collapse of the international economy, the... precipitous decline in crop yields and rising food prices are creating a universe where power is divided between the narrow elites, who hold in their hands sophisticated instruments of death, and the enraged masses.

"The crises are fostering a class war that will dwarf anything imagined by Karl Marx..."

"Market forces and the military mechanisms that protect these forces are the sole ideology that governs industrial states and humans’ relationship to the natural world.

"It is an ideology that results in millions of dead and millions more displaced from their homes in the developing world.

"And the awful algebra of this ideology means that these forces will eventually be unleashed on us, too. Those who cannot be of use to market forces are considered expendable.

"They have no rights and legitimacy. Their existence, whether in Gaza or blighted postindustrial cities such as Camden, N.J., is considered a drain on efficiency and progress..."

"The concept of the common good is no longer part of the lexicon of power..." "It is Rome under Diocletian. It is us. Empires, in the end, decay into despotic, murderous and corrupt regimes that finally consume themselves.

"And we, like Israel, are now coughing up blood.

Chris Hedges: Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
The rich have no desire to make people poor. Poor people do not buy goods and services. The wealthy want to grow the pie, create more wealth and turn the poor into clients.
Liberals work under the false assumption that total wealth is finite. It can't be. consider a fixed amount of "money". The producers would eventually end up with all of it from people buying their product. Once the wealthy had accumulated all the money, they could no longer sell product, manufacture more of it or maintain what they had. The value would fall and everyone would be poor.
It is only by growing the pie by producing tangible assets that the economy produces wealth.
The rich have no desire to make people poor. Poor people do not buy goods and services. The wealthy want to grow the pie, create more wealth and turn the poor into clients.
Liberals work under the false assumption that total wealth is finite. It can't be. consider a fixed amount of "money". The producers would eventually end up with all of it from people buying their product. Once the wealthy had accumulated all the money, they could no longer sell product, manufacture more of it or maintain what they had. The value would fall and everyone would be poor.
It is only by growing the pie by producing tangible assets that the economy produces wealth.
The investor class in the US once needed a middle class to do exactly what you point out; however, since they now have a vastly larger middle class rising in China, India, and Brazil, they no longer need a vibrant US middle class to provide goods and services and drive 70% of US GDP with their purchasing power.

The pie is now much larger because it's global.
Democrats will do and say anything to open up their class warfare into open conflict.
Democrats will do and say anything to open up their class warfare into open conflict.
Elected Democrats depend on the same 1% of the US population to fund their campaigns as Republicans. Neither party is going to criticize the Fed for giving away trillion$ of interest-free money to US financial corporations or point out the nearly one hundred UNSC Resolutions condemning Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.
Chris Hedges on how Empires die:

"Gaza is a window on our coming dystopia.

"The growing divide between the world’s elite and its miserable masses of humanity is maintained through spiraling violence. Many impoverished regions of the world, which have fallen off the economic cliff, are beginning to resemble Gaza, where 1.6 million Palestinians live in the planet’s largest internment camp..."

"The impending collapse of the international economy, the... precipitous decline in crop yields and rising food prices are creating a universe where power is divided between the narrow elites, who hold in their hands sophisticated instruments of death, and the enraged masses.

"The crises are fostering a class war that will dwarf anything imagined by Karl Marx..."

"Market forces and the military mechanisms that protect these forces are the sole ideology that governs industrial states and humans’ relationship to the natural world.

"It is an ideology that results in millions of dead and millions more displaced from their homes in the developing world.

"And the awful algebra of this ideology means that these forces will eventually be unleashed on us, too. Those who cannot be of use to market forces are considered expendable.

"They have no rights and legitimacy. Their existence, whether in Gaza or blighted postindustrial cities such as Camden, N.J., is considered a drain on efficiency and progress..."

"The concept of the common good is no longer part of the lexicon of power..." "It is Rome under Diocletian. It is us. Empires, in the end, decay into despotic, murderous and corrupt regimes that finally consume themselves.

"And we, like Israel, are now coughing up blood.

Chris Hedges: Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Your a self-proclaimed loser in his 60s who never made more than minimum wage! You were a failure in life, why should anyone listen to you?
The rich have no desire to make people poor. Poor people do not buy goods and services. The wealthy want to grow the pie, create more wealth and turn the poor into clients.
Liberals work under the false assumption that total wealth is finite. It can't be. consider a fixed amount of "money". The producers would eventually end up with all of it from people buying their product. Once the wealthy had accumulated all the money, they could no longer sell product, manufacture more of it or maintain what they had. The value would fall and everyone would be poor.
It is only by growing the pie by producing tangible assets that the economy produces wealth.

That's not what Marxists believe
Democrats will do and say anything to open up their class warfare into open conflict.
Elected Democrats depend on the same 1% of the US population to fund their campaigns as Republicans. Neither party is going to criticize the Fed for giving away trillion$ of interest-free money to US financial corporations or point out the nearly one hundred UNSC Resolutions condemning Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.

Fuck "Palestine"

Israel gave up Gaza in 2005 for peace, how's that working out
If only the poor could get up the impetus to kill the rich, then neither would be getting the money from the 1% and we would have a true worker's paradise.

Israel should sterilize Gaza, and maybe the 1% should get up the nerve to teach the sainted and holy poor here a lesson too.
Chris Hedges on how Empires die:

"Gaza is a window on our coming dystopia.

"The growing divide between the world’s elite and its miserable masses of humanity is maintained through spiraling violence. Many impoverished regions of the world, which have fallen off the economic cliff, are beginning to resemble Gaza, where 1.6 million Palestinians live in the planet’s largest internment camp..."

"The impending collapse of the international economy, the... precipitous decline in crop yields and rising food prices are creating a universe where power is divided between the narrow elites, who hold in their hands sophisticated instruments of death, and the enraged masses.

"The crises are fostering a class war that will dwarf anything imagined by Karl Marx..."

"Market forces and the military mechanisms that protect these forces are the sole ideology that governs industrial states and humans’ relationship to the natural world.

"It is an ideology that results in millions of dead and millions more displaced from their homes in the developing world.

"And the awful algebra of this ideology means that these forces will eventually be unleashed on us, too. Those who cannot be of use to market forces are considered expendable.

"They have no rights and legitimacy. Their existence, whether in Gaza or blighted postindustrial cities such as Camden, N.J., is considered a drain on efficiency and progress..."

"The concept of the common good is no longer part of the lexicon of power..." "It is Rome under Diocletian. It is us. Empires, in the end, decay into despotic, murderous and corrupt regimes that finally consume themselves.

"And we, like Israel, are now coughing up blood.

Chris Hedges: Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Your a self-proclaimed loser in his 60s who never made more than minimum wage! You were a failure in life, why should anyone listen to you?
So...a big time success story like yourself probably knows why the US government ignores the nearly 100 UNSC Resolutions condemning Israel's occupation of Palestine; resolution the US government has itself signed? Explain that to the poor losers.
Palestine considers the entirety of Israel occupied palestine. If they didn't, they wouldn't be lobbing rockets into Tel Aviv nor would they have a blockade.

Israel and palestine lived peacefully side by side with most palestininans working in Israel and stable borders with no blockade until Yasser Arafat declared the intifada.
Democrats will do and say anything to open up their class warfare into open conflict.
Elected Democrats depend on the same 1% of the US population to fund their campaigns as Republicans. Neither party is going to criticize the Fed for giving away trillion$ of interest-free money to US financial corporations or point out the nearly one hundred UNSC Resolutions condemning Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.

Fuck "Palestine"

Israel gave up Gaza in 2005 for peace, how's that working out
Not too well if you depend of running water:

"Because it has the power to do so, Israel—as does the United States—flouts international law to keep a subject population in misery. The continued presence of Israeli occupation forces defies nearly a hundred U.N. Security Council resolutions calling for them to withdraw. The Israeli blockade of Gaza, established in June 2007, is a brutal form of collective punishment that violates Article 33 of the Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention, which set up rules for the 'Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"The blockade has turned Gaza into a sliver of hell, an Israeli-administered ghetto where thousands have died, including the 1,400 civilians killed in the Israeli incursion of 2008. With 95 percent of factories shut down, Palestinian industry has virtually ceased functioning. The remaining 5 percent operate at 25 to 50 percent capacity.

"Even the fishing industry is moribund. Israel refuses to let fishermen travel more than three miles from the coastline, and within the fishing zone boats frequently come under Israeli fire.

"The Israeli border patrols have seized 35 percent of the agricultural land in Gaza for a buffer zone. The collapsing infrastructure and Israeli seizure of aquifers mean that in many refugee camps, such as Khan Yunis, there is no running water."

Chris Hedges: Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

When's the last time you had to live without running water?
If only the poor could get up the impetus to kill the rich, then neither would be getting the money from the 1% and we would have a true worker's paradise.

Israel should sterilize Gaza, and maybe the 1% should get up the nerve to teach the sainted and holy poor here a lesson too.
Haven't you noticed how reluctant the 1% are when it comes time to actually fight in the class war?
Ask Dick and Dubya (or Bubba) if you don't believe me.
Palestine considers the entirety of Israel occupied palestine. If they didn't, they wouldn't be lobbing rockets into Tel Aviv nor would they have a blockade.

Israel and palestine lived peacefully side by side with most palestininans working in Israel and stable borders with no blockade until Yasser Arafat declared the intifada.
Here's why they are lobbing those missiles:

"The Israeli blockade of Gaza, established in June 2007, is a brutal form of collective punishment that violates Article 33 of the Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention, which set up rules for the 'Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"The blockade has turned Gaza into a sliver of hell, an Israeli-administered ghetto where thousands have died, including the 1,400 civilians killed in the Israeli incursion of 2008. With 95 percent of factories shut down, Palestinian industry has virtually ceased functioning.

"The remaining 5 percent operate at 25 to 50 percent capacity. Even the fishing industry is moribund. Israel refuses to let fishermen travel more than three miles from the coastline, and within the fishing zone boats frequently come under Israeli fire.

"The Israeli border patrols have seized 35 percent of the agricultural land in Gaza for a buffer zone. The collapsing infrastructure and Israeli seizure of aquifers mean that in many refugee camps, such as Khan Yunis, there is no running water."

Chris Hedges: Elites Will Make Gazans of Us All - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

The period of relative tranquility you reference was partially undone when the USSR collapsed and hundreds of thousands of Soviet "Jews" moved to Israel and took the jobs of Arabs who were living in Palestine before the Jewish State came into existence,
The Isralie blockade of gaza was necessary to stop the flow of arms. No matter how bad it is in gaza, it isn't bad enough because they are still lobbing rockets, Iranian rockets, smuggled in past the blockade. gaza shouldn't be under blockade, it shouldn't exist at all. The palestininas should be hunted down and put down like the rabid animals they are.
What is Israel's Eastern border?
If you think it's the Jordan River, then every Palestinian living under Israeli occupation is entitled to vote in Israeli elections unless Jews endorse apartheid?
Per the agreement with the PA, there are 3 areas in the WB - one where the PA has sole control and authority, one where it is shared, and one where it can be said the Israelis 'occupy' because they provide security and services.

Currently about 20% of the population of Israel per se (NOT the WB or Gaza) is 'Palestinian' - and they already have citizenship and voting rights. Including the Arab population of 'East Jerusalem' (which used to be the 'Jewish quarter' before the Jordanians engaged in ethnic cleansing in '48!) who have CHOSEN to become Israeli citizens. I posted CHOSEN because it was optional, not required.
Area C which is under full Israel control contains about 61% of the total West Bank, excluding Jerusalem, was once slated to provide the bulk of the Palestinian State. There were about 1000 Jews living there in 1972, by '93 the number increased to 110,000, and by 2012 they number over 300,000. During that time, Palestinians living there have been subjected to the same "creeping annexation" Moshe Dayan mentioned in 1970: we must tell the Palestinian refugees in the territories that we have no solution, you will continue to live like dogs, and whoever wishes may leave, and we will see where the process leads.

Apparently it leads to a racist, apartheid Jewish State on the Land of (Historical) Israel?

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