The Right loves Big Government

Well fake Toro, that's just stupid. What are you smoking that you think Republicans are "anti-vaccine?" Seriously, what? Dude be tripping
Trump was booed at his rally for saying he got the booster.

It just goes to show that the cult narrative is a false one.
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Why would someone be dumb for questioning? That is question everything and ask why.

One of the greatest travesties during the steady flow of political science has been the public's growing distrust of genuine science.

The authoritarian bureaucrats have effectively bastardized genuine science in the name of promoting political science in its place to guide policy in a manner more consistent with their hopes and dreams of equitable everything.
But we are only left with two choices in which to vote.

Only because people allow that to be the case. You all have become content choosing between syphilis or gonorrhea. Until that is no longer the case we will keep sinking as a nation.

At the end of the day, what does your personal notion of what a conservative really matter other than piss you off when you compare it to the buffoons chosen by both parties?

It matters because convictions matter.
One of the greatest travesties during the steady flow of political science has been the public's growing distrust of genuine science.

The authoritarian bureaucrats have effectively bastardized genuine science in the name of promoting political science in its place to guide policy in a manner more consistent with their hopes and dreams of equitable everything.
This is nothing new for the Left

In fact, this Russian "scientist", Lysenko, promoted a certain kind of agriculture he deemed anti-capitalist that was not corrupted by capitalisms.

The Russian government loved the propaganda and talking points, so they eagerly implemented his theories.

His theories did not work, however, because his premises were faulty as millions died of famine because their crops did not grow. But once the theory was associated with the communist party, they could not divorce the two.

The scary part is, the Russian government did not care. They were more interested in pushing their narrative than people dying, so this went on for a good 4 decades or more before the Russian government finally pulled the plug on it.

Actually, I can sit back and watch. Sure, it is sad, and some of the them are very nice relatively normal productive people with families and responsibilities. What they do or don't do about rejecting vaccines or even using fishbowl cleaner really does not affect me, personally. I am not in the working population, have had it and still chose to be fully vaxxed, and not working in a crowded public workspace, I can manage my own exposure just fine. It is just a curiosity to me, making me wonder, what happened to make them so dumb and even having a certain revulsion at the weakness in come to Jesus moments near the end, realizing their mistake, too late.
they are not rejecting vaccines.....just this one....
There was a time when they didn’t.

But that was before their primary imperatives were “owning the libs” and culture wars 24/7.

Is the anti-vaccine, anti-government alarmist bent on the American right here to stay? And if so, at what magnitude?​

Certainly cafeteria libertarianism is nothing new. It’s been a dozen years since members of the Tea Party movement expressed revolutionary zeal in opposing Obamacare but bitterly rejected even modest changes to shore up Medicare. It’s been 20 years that situational defenders of liberty have railed against the invasiveness of the TSA but supported policing initiatives like “stop and frisk.”​

So maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised that many of the same people who are now the most intensely opposed to vaccines and vaccine mandates come from the same nationalist wing of the right that wants to use government compulsion for its own causes. Whether it’s banning pornography, controlling online speech, or centrally planning an economy oriented toward manufacturing, the subscript on the Gadsden flags of the anti-vaxx protests should say “but maybe tread on thee.”​

You mean like poor blacks and Hispanics?
I just wanna know what "the right'' means.

Or "the left'' for that matter.

I keep asking but nobody ever explains.

I think it's important to establish some kind of meaning. Otherwise there's simply no meaningful benchmark for measuring consistency in terms of principles.

I mean, I guess you could say "I'm Red'' or I'm Blue'' but that's also about as deep as a mud puddle.

For instance. Is a belief in deficit finance left or right?
This is what these leftist dipshits say to each other.
That's why they need safe-spaces.
They can't get away with saying this anywhere else because it's so idiotic.
The people getting sickest in the largest numbers now are the unvaxxed. Numbers of infected may be more for vaxxed, but serious conditions and death are weighted to the unvaxxed, whose luck has run out.

Ummm......not really, vaccinated are high in numbers in hospitals around the world. Same where I live also.
Last week.....this is a new development.....or just one of Toro's fantasies.

Biden can't even remember what the GOP stands for....but we do.
Basically the GOP stands for everything you folks are against:

  • Smaller government (fewer regulations)
  • Upholding the constitution
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of religion
  • Support the 2nd Amendment
  • Making America #1, not #2
  • Maintaining a strong military
  • Getting out of the way of the engines driving the economy
  • Voter I.D. laws that make sense
  • 2 sexes
  • Equality not equity
Question, just to start with picked 2 from your list. Fewer regulations what regs would that be?
& explain by use of the constitution how religion is not free. Could be an interesting discussion.

The Right loves Big Government​

Thread headline above is false.

To correct it:

The Right hates Big Government​

- Or -

The GOP ACCEPTS Big Government​

The latter to alternatives are correct.
Question, just to start with picked 2 from your list. Fewer regulations what regs would that be?
& explain by use of the constitution how religion is not free. Could be an interesting discussion.
the ones around clean air and clean water. Let's start there.
I just wanna know what "the right'' means.

Or "the left'' for that matter.

I keep asking but nobody ever explains.

I think it's important to establish some kind of meaning. Otherwise there's simply no meaningful benchmark for measuring consistency in terms of principles.

I mean, I guess you could say "I'm Red'' or I'm Blue'' but that's also about as deep as a mud puddle.

For instance. Is a belief in deficit finance left or right?
it's one of those "insult in stereotypes" that trolls do.

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