"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

If some Muslims or gang members drove a car into a crowd killing people President Dump would have been tweeting within seconds calling it TERRORISM.
But since it was his neonazis base, he's still not calling it terrorism and it took two days for him to call out these racists for what they are.
Plus he was forced to make that comment today because of the public relations nightmare he created.

This white Nationalist president has got to go.
All the neonazis are out today, the tipsy whore, Lil Mikey, Bezerk, Blueballs, etc.
Desperately trying to excuse their racist brothers.
leftist fascists once again shutting down free speech and lawful assembly
jon you should be on FOX with the other racists,,,,lots of laughs

fuck you eds im not a racist you freedom hating asshole

i dont like the skin heads any more then you do fuck face

but i sure as hell do love free speech and the right to peacefully assemble unlike you leftist assholes
LOL jon you always were an ah Thanks for proving it

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