The Right To Bear Arms

Agreed. Also, they are traitors to the American people!
The American people no longer need guns, and haven't for decades.
I suppose I have no need to prevent a crack addict from robbing me at knife point or to prevent a violent drunk from raping my wife. I've done both.
Neither required a gun.
Neither required me to discharge my weapon, but both cases required me to show it, unless you think I should be able to defend myself from a 6 foot tall 200 pound man with a knife in one case or a 6'2" 280 pound drunk in the other.
Would you prefer I wait a half hour for a cop? Or should a man 5'9 and 135 pounds be able to ward off these attacks alone?
One wanted money and the other was drunk. Just because you are a tiny man doesn't mean you required a gun to be a real one. Had you truly needed a gun someone would have died, and they didn't, which means it was unnecessary in the first place.
It was only unnecessary to cause the guns to make a very loud noise. Had I not had a gun, my wife would have been raped and I would have been robbed and likely stabbed, but because no one died, your claim is the weapons were unnecessary. You're not only less than a man, you are less than simply mildly retarded.
Neither required a gun.
Neither required me to discharge my weapon, but both cases required me to show it, unless you think I should be able to defend myself from a 6 foot tall 200 pound man with a knife in one case or a 6'2" 280 pound drunk in the other.
Would you prefer I wait a half hour for a cop? Or should a man 5'9 and 135 pounds be able to ward off these attacks alone?

He doesn't care about you. He only cares about his stupid ridiculous ideology and what his "leaders" tell him to think and say.
The ideology is yours. I deal in reality where guns are for killing things.
Guns are for killing food, enemy soldiers and predators. Thieves and rapists are predators.
Is your shit worthy of killing a human being, yes or no?
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
How in the hell would you know? :cuckoo:
Because if he had needed a gun someone would be dead, and no one is.

That is not true, in the study by Dr. Kleck, it was found that most cases of self defense occur because the perp is scared away by the weapon (kind of like you), and runs away.
AKA pure bullshit. People go for a gun and think they needed it, when they didn't.
A guy walking towards me with a knife in his hand is clearly a case where I needed to defend myself. I showed the grips of my very large revolver with my right hand poised very close to it and he turned and ran when he was still maybe 20 feet away. Had he continued in my direction, he would have met his maker.
Had I seen the knife before he turned away from me, I would have drawn the gun and likely fired 2 .44 caliber bullets into his chest. I would not have lost any sleep.

Well maybe a little. A .44 magnum is very loud and causes a ringing in your ears that lasts hours.
Yeah, you're a real tough there 140 pounds of soaking wet manhood...
I am small. I'll grant you that, but I am NOT a coward, coward.
God, what a stupid post. It might just be one of the MOST stupid posts I've ever read. :cuckoo:
You believe lies. I can't help that.

What lies? Specify or GTFO.
The lie that guns saves lives. Guns take lives, they don't save them, and they were never designed to.
Guns were designed to take lives. That is quite correct. Sometimes it is necessary to take a life in defense of another life. I really don't want to be placed in the position of executioner, but I would gladly take the life of a thug if I was defending my wife or child. Would you?
If not, perhaps you are somewhat less than a man.
Unlike you, I don't need a gun to be a man.

I do appreciate you saying guns are for taking lives though. That's far more honest than most here.
What then, makes you a man? If you are not willing to defend your family, I say you are nothing but a pussy coward. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
Water-Guns: Behavior Rant

Remember folks that the Constitution was designed to promote debate and encourage revision.

When it was written, America was just forming out of the chaos of a quickly-assembled colonial militia - turned - provisional government. People still felt like decentralized village-based governance was the way to go in a pioneerism-centric New World and therefore the proverbial right to bear arms was considered a community values issue (and not a political one).

Can we reorient this issue to coordinate with modern age consumerism as it relates the marketing of war-themed toys?

For example, many toy stores in the USA and toy store chains such as Toys 'R Us carry plastic water-guns on their shelves. These water-guns have become popular consumer products for children during summer month sales, when the temperature is hot and outdoor water games are celebrated.

If we trumpet the 'right to bear arms' even today as neighborhood curfews are being effectively administered, how should we talk about the potential anti-violence imagination created in the consumer market by water-guns?


Curfew - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Neither required me to discharge my weapon, but both cases required me to show it, unless you think I should be able to defend myself from a 6 foot tall 200 pound man with a knife in one case or a 6'2" 280 pound drunk in the other.
Would you prefer I wait a half hour for a cop? Or should a man 5'9 and 135 pounds be able to ward off these attacks alone?

He doesn't care about you. He only cares about his stupid ridiculous ideology and what his "leaders" tell him to think and say.
The ideology is yours. I deal in reality where guns are for killing things.
Guns are for killing food, enemy soldiers and predators. Thieves and rapists are predators.
Is your shit worthy of killing a human being, yes or no?
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
Your material shit is worth more than a human life? Good to know little man.
He doesn't care about you. He only cares about his stupid ridiculous ideology and what his "leaders" tell him to think and say.
The ideology is yours. I deal in reality where guns are for killing things.
Guns are for killing food, enemy soldiers and predators. Thieves and rapists are predators.
Is your shit worthy of killing a human being, yes or no?
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
Cut his balls off, but I'd be too late since she is a real woman and I am a real man, and we both outweigh your gun-toting teenage boy skinny ass.
You'd cut his balls off? Yeah right. You'd hide in the closet and then offer him a cigarette when he was done, coward.
The ideology is yours. I deal in reality where guns are for killing things.
Guns are for killing food, enemy soldiers and predators. Thieves and rapists are predators.
Is your shit worthy of killing a human being, yes or no?
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
Cut his balls off, but I'd be too late since she is a real woman and I am a real man, and we both outweigh your gun-toting teenage boy skinny ass.
You'd cut his balls off? Yeah right. You'd hide in the closet and then offer him a cigarette when he was done, coward.
Take your tiny wounded ego and dick to bed little man.
He doesn't care about you. He only cares about his stupid ridiculous ideology and what his "leaders" tell him to think and say.
The ideology is yours. I deal in reality where guns are for killing things.
Guns are for killing food, enemy soldiers and predators. Thieves and rapists are predators.
Is your shit worthy of killing a human being, yes or no?
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
Your material shit is worth more than a human life? Good to know little man.
It's worth more than the punk ass thug who thinks the world owes him what others have worked for.

If you want something from me, ask. I am a generous man. BUT violate my home and family and I get a bit hard hearted.
Guns are for killing food, enemy soldiers and predators. Thieves and rapists are predators.
Is your shit worthy of killing a human being, yes or no?
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
Cut his balls off, but I'd be too late since she is a real woman and I am a real man, and we both outweigh your gun-toting teenage boy skinny ass.
You'd cut his balls off? Yeah right. You'd hide in the closet and then offer him a cigarette when he was done, coward.
Take your tiny wounded ego and dick to bed little man.
Aren't you about due to cough up a hairball, pussy?
The ideology is yours. I deal in reality where guns are for killing things.
Guns are for killing food, enemy soldiers and predators. Thieves and rapists are predators.
Is your shit worthy of killing a human being, yes or no?
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
Your material shit is worth more than a human life? Good to know little man.
It's worth more than the punk ass thug who thinks the world owes him what others have worked for.

If you want something from me, ask. I am a generous man. BUT violate my home and family and I get a bit hard.
Your value of human life has already been noted. When the guy tries to flee with cash you'll shoot him in the back, like any other psycho with a gun. No worries.
Guns are important in society. Lack of what was supposed to be a "well regulated militia" has caused many issues, mostly because Corporate Arms have convinced small brains that "regulated" means it's secondary meaning. When guns are regulated and stupid people don't get a chance to own them legally, there will be very little gun violence.

This pack of ignorant gun owners stating we can never have regulation are the cause of all this. Also, this pack of ignorant non- gun owners seem to think the only answer is to ban all guns.

REGULATION is key and it always has been. The words of the Constitution have been tainted by the Weapons Manufacturers that flood the NRA with money who then flood the (R)ight Wing with money.

What we have today is a society of gun owners that openly justify national homicide cases because they are scared to lose their guns. And we have gun owners trying to say that "hammers" are relatable to guns.........proof they don't know the gravity of knowledge that SHOULD come with gun ownership.

I've always proposed forced education and grandfather clause out 100 round mags and silencers. Funny thing is when I propose to force education on gun owners, some say that infringes their right to have a gun :coffee:
Just for fun, let's take the car discussion lately. "cars kill more than guns"

First of all, it takes education and a test to prove you are responsible to drive a car.

Secondly, cars were designed to drive. Guns were designed to kill. If you can't accept this historical fact, you aren't a responsible gun owner.

Last, if you are one who says, "Criminals are just going to get them anyway" you are a NIHILIST and nothing more. Your argument in whole is that we shouldn't have laws because criminals will just disobey them anyway........
Yes! You bet your ass it is. I worked for my possessions. I own them. I will defend my family and my home with all the force necessary.

Let me ask you a question: If you came home from work and found someone attempting to rape your wife, what would you do?
Cut his balls off, but I'd be too late since she is a real woman and I am a real man, and we both outweigh your gun-toting teenage boy skinny ass.
You'd cut his balls off? Yeah right. You'd hide in the closet and then offer him a cigarette when he was done, coward.
Take your tiny wounded ego and dick to bed little man.
Aren't you about due to cough up a hairball, pussy?
Men with small penis syndrome don't concern me in the slightest. It's why you cherish those big black phallic symbols, and so does the wife I hear.
Guns are important in society. Lack of what was supposed to be a "well regulated militia" has caused many issues, mostly because Corporate Arms have convinced small brains that "regulated" means it's secondary meaning. When guns are regulated and stupid people don't get a chance to own them legally, there will be very little gun violence.

This pack of ignorant gun owners stating we can never have regulation are the cause of all this. Also, this pack of ignorant non- gun owners seem to think the only answer is to ban all guns.

REGULATION is key and it always has been. The words of the Constitution have been tainted by the Weapons Manufacturers that flood the NRA with money who then flood the (R)ight Wing with money.

What we have today is a society of gun owners that openly justify national homicide cases because they are scared to lose their guns. And we have gun owners trying to say that "hammers" are relatable to guns.........proof they don't know the gravity of knowledge that SHOULD come with gun ownership.

I've always proposed forced education and grandfather clause out 100 round mags and silencers. Funny thing is when I propose to force education on gun owners, some say that infringes their right to have a gun :coffee:
You don't even know what "well regulated militia" means, do you?
Guns are important in society. Lack of what was supposed to be a "well regulated militia" has caused many issues, mostly because Corporate Arms have convinced small brains that "regulated" means it's secondary meaning. When guns are regulated and stupid people don't get a chance to own them legally, there will be very little gun violence.

This pack of ignorant gun owners stating we can never have regulation are the cause of all this. Also, this pack of ignorant non- gun owners seem to think the only answer is to ban all guns.

REGULATION is key and it always has been. The words of the Constitution have been tainted by the Weapons Manufacturers that flood the NRA with money who then flood the (R)ight Wing with money.

What we have today is a society of gun owners that openly justify national homicide cases because they are scared to lose their guns. And we have gun owners trying to say that "hammers" are relatable to guns.........proof they don't know the gravity of knowledge that SHOULD come with gun ownership.

I've always proposed forced education and grandfather clause out 100 round mags and silencers. Funny thing is when I propose to force education on gun owners, some say that infringes their right to have a gun :coffee:
You don't even know what "well regulated militia" means, do you?

^See lol...........He thinks he does..........He thinks "regulated" means "well trained" even though that is the SECONDARY definition. He will claim, "it didn't use to be".........

Just another small brain that listened to the $ driven NRA.

The least regulated Countries have the most gun violence, fun fact!

But to counter, gun free zones have even more.

So yes on regulation, no on bans. Pretty simple.
This concept of the people's self-regulation, that is, non-governmental regulation, is also in keeping with the limited grant of power to Congress "for calling forth" the militia for only certain, limited purposes, to "provide for" the militia only certain limited control and equipment, and the limited grant of power to the President regarding the militia, who only serves as Commander in Chief of that portion of the militia called into the actual service of the nation. The "well regula[tion]" of the militia set forth in the Second Amendment was apart from that control over the militia exercised by Congress and the President, which extended only to that part of the militia called into actual service of the Union. Thus, "well regula[tion]" referred to something else. Since the fundamental purpose of the militia was to serve as a check upon a standing army, it would seem the words "well regulated" referred to the necessity that the armed citizens making up the militia(s) have the level of equipment and training necessary to be an effective and formidable check upon the national government's standing army.

This view is confirmed by Alexander Hamilton's observation, in The Federalist, No. 29, regarding the people's militias ability to be a match for a standing army: " . . . but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights . . . ."

It is an absolute truism that law-abiding, armed citizens pose no threat to other law-abiding citizens. The Framers' writings show they also believed this. As we have seen, the Framers understood that "well regulated" militias, that is, armed citizens, ready to form militias that would be well trained, self-regulated and disciplined, would pose no threat to their fellow citizens, but would, indeed, help to "insure domestic Tranquility" and "provide for the common defence."
Agreed. Also, they are traitors to the American people!
The American people no longer need guns, and haven't for decades.

Says you, but we already know that you have an irrational fear of guns and run away from them whenever you see one. Lol.
That must be why I have one five feet from me eh ****?

You're just making shit up, of course. :lol:

of course you are

you are a garment soiling coward
Guns are important in society. Lack of what was supposed to be a "well regulated militia" has caused many issues, mostly because Corporate Arms have convinced small brains that "regulated" means it's secondary meaning. When guns are regulated and stupid people don't get a chance to own them legally, there will be very little gun violence.

This pack of ignorant gun owners stating we can never have regulation are the cause of all this. Also, this pack of ignorant non- gun owners seem to think the only answer is to ban all guns.

REGULATION is key and it always has been. The words of the Constitution have been tainted by the Weapons Manufacturers that flood the NRA with money who then flood the (R)ight Wing with money.

What we have today is a society of gun owners that openly justify national homicide cases because they are scared to lose their guns. And we have gun owners trying to say that "hammers" are relatable to guns.........proof they don't know the gravity of knowledge that SHOULD come with gun ownership.

I've always proposed forced education and grandfather clause out 100 round mags and silencers. Funny thing is when I propose to force education on gun owners, some say that infringes their right to have a gun :coffee:
You don't even know what "well regulated militia" means, do you?

^See lol...........He thinks he does..........He thinks "regulated" means "well trained" even though that is the SECONDARY definition. He will claim, "it didn't use to be".........

Just another small brain that listened to the $ driven NRA.

The least regulated Countries have the most gun violence, fun fact!

But to counter, gun free zones have even more.

So yes on regulation, no on bans. Pretty simple.

still a moron on this board

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