The Right To Bear Arms

You have to love it when people pick and choose their facts.
Right? I've always wondered why liberals do that.

It's not just liberals. People do it on both sides, mainly because they don't know how to debate properly.

People want everything so simple so they don't have to think about things properly.

That's why soundbites work really well. As Fox News said the other day, why is it Trump made a whole speech and the media (including Fox) picked up only of the silly statement that Trump made.

Well, it's because people can't be bothered to wade through a whole speech, they prefer their news in 30 seconds or less.
Yes, most guns are sold legally, yet most crimes are committed with guns that are obtained illegally.

You call me "biased" yet exactly as I said, you're targeting legal gun owners, not criminals

So, if most crimes committed with a gun are obtained illegally, what method(s) does the perp use to obtain the gun?

Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.

Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I don't default to fighting words with punks like you. You're entitled to your opinion, but always keep in mind that opinions built on a foundation of hate and fear and emotion are like assholes, existing for the single reason to spread shit.

I don't hate you, or fear you. I despise you. Look it up.
It's not just liberals. People do it on both sides, mainly because they don't know how to debate properly.

People want everything so simple so they don't have to think about things properly.

That's why soundbites work really well. As Fox News said the other day, why is it Trump made a whole speech and the media (including Fox) picked up only of the silly statement that Trump made.

Well, it's because people can't be bothered to wade through a whole speech, they prefer their news in 30 seconds or less.
While I grant you that there is some validity to your point - I do think you are over simplifying it quite a bit. Take your Trump example. If Fox News showed the entire speech it would eat up there entire news segment. Furthermore, why would anyone tune in to Fox if they are going to air the entire thing? Why not just watch it live? Finally - there are only 24 hours in a day and most people are pretty darn busy. They don't have the luxury of reading every government report in its entirety, watch every speech in its entirety, read every bill in its entirety, etc. We rely on various sources to give us the "Cliffs Notes" that we need.

Do you realize that government passed over 40,000 new laws in 2015 alone? Even if reading new laws was your full time job, there wouldn't be enough time in an entire year to read them all.
You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago. It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
What a testament to how liberals have horribly shredded the U.S. Constitution in general and the 2nd Amendment in particular. Thank you for making one of the most sound cases I have ever seen for expanding the American people's right to weapons.
You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago. It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
What a testament to how liberals have horribly shredded the U.S. Constitution in general and the 2nd Amendment in particular. Thank you for making one of the most sound cases I have ever seen for expanding the American people's right to weapons.

Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude. LOL

It's sad how some folks cling so desperately to a fantasy that died long ago.
If we do ever have to fight our own military the very first thing they will do is secure all of their assets, you know because they are their assets and they know right where all of them are, then mobilize all that firepower against us and the few divisions that may switch over and fight with us.
What a sad testament to your knowledge about the United States. Like all libtards, you truly believe the federal government is your ruler (like the King in England).

Here's the thing cupcake - who paid for those "assets"? The American people did. Who elected the people who purchased those "assets"? The American people did. Every single last item in the U.S. military inventory - from the most sophisticated top secret weapon system to the last roll of toilet paper, belongs to the American people.

And just so you know - the first thing the majority of the personnel in the U.S. military would do is "secure the assets" and use them against the government and liberals. They all swore an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the overwhelming majority take it very seriously. I've listened to dozens and dozens and dozens of Navy Seals express their disgust with liberalism and a handful of Delta Operators do likewise.
You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago. It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
What a testament to how liberals have horribly shredded the U.S. Constitution in general and the 2nd Amendment in particular. Thank you for making one of the most sound cases I have ever seen for expanding the American people's right to weapons.

Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude. LOL

It's sad how some folks cling so desperately to a fantasy that died long ago.
Profoundly illiterate, are we??? No where in my post did I say anything even remotely like you are claiming. Perhaps you can grab an adult nearby and ask them to read it to you?
The great myth of the 'seckund uhmendmunt' klingons that the population having single shot rifles is enough to protect us from our own military that has millions of fully automatic rifles, thousands of fully auto .60 caliber machine guns, 8,700 M1A1 tanks, 6,400 attack helicopters, 13,000 aircraft, 10 aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, B-52 bombers, ballistic missiles, and nuclear weapons.

If we do ever have to fight our own military the very first thing they will do is secure all of their assets, you know because they are their assets and they know right where all of them are, then mobilize all that firepower against us and the few divisions that may switch over and fight with us.

You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago.

It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
If I had to fight the mexican army, my rifles would be converted. And if shit happened in this country, military would take our side.

Obviously you never served in the US Military; to side with an insurrection is to violate the General Orders and suffer the consequences of the UCMJ. You're simply echoing a fantasy.
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.
The great myth of the 'seckund uhmendmunt' klingons that the population having single shot rifles is enough to protect us from our own military that has millions of fully automatic rifles, thousands of fully auto .60 caliber machine guns, 8,700 M1A1 tanks, 6,400 attack helicopters, 13,000 aircraft, 10 aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, B-52 bombers, ballistic missiles, and nuclear weapons.

If we do ever have to fight our own military the very first thing they will do is secure all of their assets, you know because they are their assets and they know right where all of them are, then mobilize all that firepower against us and the few divisions that may switch over and fight with us.

You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago.

It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
If I had to fight the mexican army, my rifles would be converted. And if shit happened in this country, military would take our side.

Obviously you never served in the US Military; to side with an insurrection is to violate the General Orders and suffer the consequences of the UCMJ. You're simply echoing a fantasy.
Obviously you're a liberal (i.e. you never have any clue about the topic at hand so you just make shit up). U.S. military personnel are trained to disobey orders that are unconstitutional, illegal, or violate international law (such as the Geneva Convention, etc.). Order a U.S. serviceman to attack their own country or their own fellow citizen. I can promise you that 90 out of every 100 of them will refuse. Only the rare military libtard will comply.
The great myth of the 'seckund uhmendmunt' klingons that the population having single shot rifles is enough to protect us from our own military that has millions of fully automatic rifles, thousands of fully auto .60 caliber machine guns, 8,700 M1A1 tanks, 6,400 attack helicopters, 13,000 aircraft, 10 aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, B-52 bombers, ballistic missiles, and nuclear weapons.

If we do ever have to fight our own military the very first thing they will do is secure all of their assets, you know because they are their assets and they know right where all of them are, then mobilize all that firepower against us and the few divisions that may switch over and fight with us.

You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago.

It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
If I had to fight the mexican army, my rifles would be converted. And if shit happened in this country, military would take our side.

Obviously you never served in the US Military; to side with an insurrection is to violate the General Orders and suffer the consequences of the UCMJ. You're simply echoing a fantasy.

Obviously you know nothing about me. And I will not share my background. I am a patriot, pure and simple.
You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago. It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
What a testament to how liberals have horribly shredded the U.S. Constitution in general and the 2nd Amendment in particular. Thank you for making one of the most sound cases I have ever seen for expanding the American people's right to weapons.

Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude. LOL

It's sad how some folks cling so desperately to a fantasy that died long ago.

Well hell, if they're just "pea shooters" they are nothing for you to be worried about. Right? So, you don't need to take anything away with your "common sense" anti gun legislation. Right?
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

Indeed. It is estimated that only 3% of the population in America took part in the Revolution. If we just use that number there are 10,050,000 people who will engage. That's a pretty big number.




Right or wrong, obsolete or relevant, the Second Amendment essentially means what five justices on the Supreme Court say it means.

Yeah... If I was in a crowded bar or theater, I'd be a lot happier taking my chances against some asshole with a muzzle loading musket than some nutjob with an AR-15.

Yeah because it happens soooo often
Happens more often than a zombie apocalypse, anti-tyrannical government revolutions, and invaders from space - the typical right wing reasons to have them.
But not more often than a home break in or a mugging on the street
but let's not talk about those things because it ruins your talking points
It's not just liberals. People do it on both sides, mainly because they don't know how to debate properly.

People want everything so simple so they don't have to think about things properly.

That's why soundbites work really well. As Fox News said the other day, why is it Trump made a whole speech and the media (including Fox) picked up only of the silly statement that Trump made.

Well, it's because people can't be bothered to wade through a whole speech, they prefer their news in 30 seconds or less.
While I grant you that there is some validity to your point - I do think you are over simplifying it quite a bit. Take your Trump example. If Fox News showed the entire speech it would eat up there entire news segment. Furthermore, why would anyone tune in to Fox if they are going to air the entire thing? Why not just watch it live? Finally - there are only 24 hours in a day and most people are pretty darn busy. They don't have the luxury of reading every government report in its entirety, watch every speech in its entirety, read every bill in its entirety, etc. We rely on various sources to give us the "Cliffs Notes" that we need.

Do you realize that government passed over 40,000 new laws in 2015 alone? Even if reading new laws was your full time job, there wouldn't be enough time in an entire year to read them all.

The point I was making wasn't that Fox should show the whole speech, but that they didn't actually report on the speech at all, other than to say it had happened. This is only one segment I'm talking about here, but they actually went off on one about how the other media outlets only concentrate on this one part. Irony?

The media outlets will pick and choose what they think is important. Fox is picking pro-Trump and anti-Clinton and complaining about left wing outlets being pro-Clinton and anti-Trump.....
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' that are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything. The only people threatening the right to bear arms are phony conservatives.
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Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' there are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything.
Fortunately for will be stacked near the bottom of the pile....
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' there are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything.
Listen to you whining about other people whining
The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

You don't seem to understand the distinction between what is lobbying and what is coercion.
Exactly! Liberals never do. Lobbying is what conservatives do. Coercion is what liberals do through government at the barrel of a gun (ironic since they want to ban them).

Yes, don't you love it? Wry wants government to have guns, not citizens. You know, because we can trust cops, not citizens. Then he's all on how cops are killing black kids. The only consistency in Wry is hypocrisy

I've brought this up as well on more than one occasion. They will tell us that the cops are racist and that we have "institutionalized racism" in this country, yet here they are seeming to say that they want ONLY the cops and government to be able to be armed. Makes sense, huh? :rolleyes-41:

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