The Right To Bear Arms

Dear Lakhota
But the DOCTORS and COURTS can. By declaring people mentally unfit.

You cannot trust the "legal lobby" who have infiltrated every branch of govt.

If they can make people pay for health INSURANCE and call it health CARE,
under "penalty by tax fines" and call it FREE CHOICE,
they can mandate anything they want. Now that the FEDS have their hands on doctors and health care regulations!

Do you even realize the abuse of power that has been going on? And more and more power keeps shifting to govt?

A friend of mine lost her house and property to legal abuse this way .Got declared incompetent WITHOUT any doctor EVER examining her, and blocked from suing in court to defend her property. ALL POLITICAL because the lawyers and judges wanted her GONE.

So this is already happening, abusing legal power to declare people incompetent and unfit for political agenda.

This is really fringe thinking. I suggest you run to the library and take out a copy of Lord of the Flies, a great primer for anyone contemplating libertarianism.

Yep, FREEMEN need a primer.


I don't know about all "FREEMEN"; I do now you need a therapist.
Of course. So you're thinking drug dealers wouldn't sell guns because that would be illegal?

And I thought you had no real argument. Nailed it ...

Have you ever sold a gun and not done a background check?

Would you sell a gun to a neighbor who was so agitated at his wife and said he wanted to buy a gun to kill her? If yes, you are a criminal; if no, you believe in gun control

Dear Wry Catcher:
The difference is NOT treating the LAW ABIDING citizens with the same 'deprivation of liberty' as the criminals who have mental or criminal issues or records.

That's the problem.

How do we screen out the truly dangerous people? Without infringing on rights of law abiding citizens?

One solution Wry Catcher is the process of spiritual healing that has been used effectively and VOLUNTARILY to diagnose the cause and also to CURE criminal illness, abuse and addiction issues.

Since this is VOLUNTARY, that's why it isn't implemented through govt, which has no jurisdiction over people's spiritual process of healing of their internal issues and sickness.

Only AFTER a crime has occurred is the govt authorized to intervene.

So that's where the conflict lies.

The solution would be for PEOPLE to VOLUNTARILY participate and apply these methods to screen out mental and criminal illness per community WITHOUT being forced by govt.

Maybe we could find a way to do that, sort of like the OPPOSITE of the ACA health care mandates that imposed the wrong way.

If people want to qualify for the health care program of their choice (either free market or single payer through govt), the condition could be added that everyone go through the spiritual healing diagnostics to cure any potential cause of illness that is internal, in order to reduce the COST so health care can be afforded for everyone. something like that.

this same process would SCREEN OUT the mentally ill and criminally dangerous people at the same time, not for punishment but for free treatment and recovery counseling. So everyone would win that way.

Which is the greatest "infringement", a license to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a gun; and, that all guns be registered with a national registry


Having a police office come to your door telling you, your child, sibling, parent or spouse was shot and killed at ABA Mall in America?

False dichotomy.

Also begging the question.

You've presented zero plans on how to keep guns from criminals, you're only targeting honest citizens.

Again, a drug lord puts drugs on a plane, flies them into the US, teenagers buy them.

That same drug lord can't throw some guns on the plane and sell them to criminals, because ....

You have no fricking clue, do you, Opie?

Don't use terms you don't understand.

  • The two questions I asked, could both be considered infringements
  • Background checks need to be more comprehensive, and may take longer
  • Registration provides a means to return a stolen gun to the rightful owner, and
  • There is no Constitutional guarantee of privacy.
The name here is Wry Catcher, in the future address me as Mr. Catcher, or Sir. Know you place.

The problem is using terms that you don't understand. Now what about answering the question?

"Again, a drug lord puts drugs on a plane, flies them into the US, teenagers buy them.

That same drug lord can't throw some guns on the plane and sell them to criminals, because ...."
Seriously, y'all 'Safe Space' pussies are gonna have to move to a pussy country like France, England, Belgium, and so on. America's a tough place. It always has been. It's not for the weak and whiny.

Folks have the right to bear arms. If you can't handle that, move to another country. If you don't wanna do that, just quit your whining and go hide in your 'Safe Spaces'. Folks are gonna have their guns. Deal with it.

All folks have a right to bear arms? Do you really believe "shall not be infringed applies to everyone"?

Come on, seriously? Y'all go run and hide in your Safe Spaces, and we'll keep our guns. Deal with it.
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This ^^^ is really fringe thinking. I suggest you run to the library and take out a copy of Lord of the Flies, a great primer for anyone contemplating libertarianism.

Libertarianism is real freedom and personal responsibility. Most Moon Bats don't like real freedom and they sure as hell hate to be held responsible for anything.

Socialism is slavery to the state. Moon Bats love it.

Have you read Lord of the Flies?

He said libertarian, not anarchist. How stupid are you? I've told you that dozens of times

Personal attacks are childish, and they are hard to avoid when dealing with assholes' like you!

If you would say something intelligent every once in awhile maybe we wouldn't ridicule you so much. Making a stupid statement about a fictitious book about children stranded on an island to attack individual liberty and personal responsibility will only get you ridicule in response.
Note again all you propose is restricting gun access to honest citizens. Not one of your proposals has anything to do with criminals who just buy them illegally. That's why you keep ignoring responses to your stupid ideas

Once again you biases color your judgment. Most guns are sold legally, yet criminals seem to get them too easily as do mass murderers who are (presumably) insane.

Answer this question: How do criminals and the insane get guns?

Yes, most guns are sold legally, yet most crimes are committed with guns that are obtained illegally.

You call me "biased" yet exactly as I said, you're targeting legal gun owners, not criminals

So, if most crimes committed with a gun are obtained illegally, what method(s) does the perp use to obtain the gun?

Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

Swish, another non-answer. If gun laws work, why could they get AK-47's in France where there are far stricter gun laws than we have?

Have you read Lord of the Flies?

Ten and eleven year olds stranded on an island can't make socialism work either you idiot.

Have you read Animal Farm?

Of course, Do you have a point?

Have you read: "It can't happen here"; a necessary read for those who support Trump.

Read it here:


I am not voting for Trump. He is a big government Liberal that will be be better than this Crooked Hillary bitch but not good enough.

My point is that you are an idiot that is uneducated and low information and is confused about many things. You prove it in just about every post that you make.

Since you want to play this silly game have you read "The Camp of the Saints"? A book about the third worlders overrunning and destroying the civilized world. Just what we are seeing nowadays.

The Camp of the Saints - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French apocalyptic novel by Jean Raspail. The novel depicts a setting wherein Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization.
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heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...

First it's one type, than the next. And why is the Armalite 15 the posterchild for gun control? Because those for gun control, are trying to regulate shit, they know nothing about. Oohhh it's a black scary boogie man gun. As far as I'm concerned, I should have an M-16. The infringement has already went too far. Liberals will not stop, until we are limited to single shot musket loaders.

Let's look at it. High Capacity Mags, high rate of fire, the type of weapon that has done the most murdering in schools, theaters, public areas. The death and wounded would have been a lot lower if a handgun or bolt action were to be used. You 2nd amendment clowns all seem to want more slaughter like it's been used. They are weapons or war, not self defense. You want one of the best home defense weapon, I suggest you look into the 410 pistol using 3 double aught buck pellets. Your .556 rifle kills two houses over. Just like it's not a real good idea to use your 700 bdl 30 cal since it will do the same thing. The difference in the 7.62 is that the rifle is usually a bolt action. You can also use a shotgun using the defender shells that are designed to hold the pattern without the extreme penetration. Common sense says that a 40 SW is a better choice as well if you are a fair shot or real close.

The only reason to have a .556 AR style weapon is to shoot long and fast. And that is why it's the choice of mass shootings. WE need to fix it where not every Tom Dick and Omar can get his or her hands on one. In the 20s, the Thompson 45 cal MG was taken out of circulation in 1926. Stop this nonsense and save a few lives in the process.

I'm going to need proof of your claim about less deaths related to the type of weapon. The second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history involved only a 9mm Glock and a 22 semi automatic.

There isn't but one person that can determine what I deems as the best defense weapon in my home and it isn't you. I see that you use the term common sense. Hate to break it to you but you believing something doesn't make it common sense nor does it fail to be common sense because you don't.
heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...
Dip shit, an ar15 is just a sporting rifle... Harmless on their own.
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heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...

All Hillary Clinton has to do is appoint and place enough liberal judges who agrees with her view towards guns. When has the United States Supreme Court, particularly judges who share a liberal ideological view of that document, actually abided by the rules written in the Constitution?

Have you read Lord of the Flies?

Ten and eleven year olds stranded on an island can't make socialism work either you idiot.

Have you read Animal Farm?

Of course, Do you have a point?

Have you read: "It can't happen here"; a necessary read for those who support Trump.

Read it here:


I am not voting for Trump. He is a big government Liberal that will be be better than this Crooked Hillary bitch but not good enough.

My point is that you are an idiot that is uneducated and low information and is confused about many things. You prove it in just about every post that you make.

Since you want to play this silly game have you read "The Camp of the Saints"? A book about the third worlders overrunning and destroying the civilized world. Just what we are seeing nowadays.

The Camp of the Saints - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French apocalyptic novel by Jean Raspail. The novel depicts a setting wherein Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization.

Hmmmm, no I haven't. But I'll read some reviews and if I'm interested I'll add it to my reading list.

Since you believe HRC is a crook, maybe you can offer what she did to be arraigned, tried and convicted of doing, which made her a crook. You might also explain who you conclude Trump is a big government liberal - his Stump speech leaves little doubt that he is a neo fascist as are his supporters.

For others here is the first synopsis I've read:

By the year 2000 there will on present projections be seven billion people swarming on the surface of the Earth. And only nine hundred million of them will be white. What will happen when the teeming billions of the so-called Third World - driven by unbearable hunger and despair, the inevitable consequences of insensate over-population - descend locust-like on the lush lands of the complacent white nations?

Jean Raspail has the rare imagination and courage necessary to face this terrifying question head-on. Readers of whatever color and political persuasion will find in The Camp of the Saints (already a bestseller in France & America) a hypnotically readable novel of compelling power that will disturb, provoke and horrify them by turns. And so powerful is its impact that once you have read it you will need brain surgery to forget it.

The NRA is not an "evil group." They are a group that is concerned with preserving one of our constitutionally guaranteed rights, and they have just as much a right to "lobby" the government as any other group.

If you are going to put down one for lobbying, then you must be against those who lobby for the things that YOU think are important as well. Get real.

Even more than that, the NRA is concerned with teaching gun owners to own and use them safely. And sure, preserving the right to own them is a critical part of that

LOL The NRA is a terrorist organization, it enables the crazy, the criminal and those driven by hate to easily obtain guns. It opposes any and all restrictions on the gun trade and its supporters are they themselves culpable in the deaths of so many innocent human beings.

The NRA is a terrorist organization but labling a particular group or region of Muslims as terrorists that are forbidden from entering this country is hate speech. Looks like you just validated Trump's position on choosing who is allowed to enter the United States with that rhetoric.
heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...

All Hillary Clinton has to do is appoint and place enough liberal judges who agrees with her view towards guns. When has the United States Supreme Court, particularly judges who share a liberal ideological view of that document, actually abided by the rules written in the Constitution?

And what do you believe five liberal judges can do to impact the Second A.? The have no authority to repeal it, so what is your worst case scenario?
heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...

All Hillary Clinton has to do is appoint and place enough liberal judges who agrees with her view towards guns. When has the United States Supreme Court, particularly judges who share a liberal ideological view of that document, actually abided by the rules written in the Constitution?

And what do you believe five liberal judges can do to impact the Second A.? The have no authority to repeal it, so what is your worst case scenario?
Link me to a Walmart where I can buy an automatic weapon? Thanks!!!!
The great myth of the 'seckund uhmendmunt' klingons that the population having single shot rifles is enough to protect us from our own military that has millions of fully automatic rifles, thousands of fully auto .60 caliber machine guns, 8,700 M1A1 tanks, 6,400 attack helicopters, 13,000 aircraft, 10 aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, B-52 bombers, ballistic missiles, and nuclear weapons.

If we do ever have to fight our own military the very first thing they will do is secure all of their assets, you know because they are their assets and they know right where all of them are, then mobilize all that firepower against us and the few divisions that may switch over and fight with us.

You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago.

It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
Note again all you propose is restricting gun access to honest citizens. Not one of your proposals has anything to do with criminals who just buy them illegally. That's why you keep ignoring responses to your stupid ideas

Once again you biases color your judgment. Most guns are sold legally, yet criminals seem to get them too easily as do mass murderers who are (presumably) insane.

Answer this question: How do criminals and the insane get guns?

Yes, most guns are sold legally, yet most crimes are committed with guns that are obtained illegally.

You call me "biased" yet exactly as I said, you're targeting legal gun owners, not criminals

So, if most crimes committed with a gun are obtained illegally, what method(s) does the perp use to obtain the gun?

Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.
The great myth of the 'seckund uhmendmunt' klingons that the population having single shot rifles is enough to protect us from our own military that has millions of fully automatic rifles, thousands of fully auto .60 caliber machine guns, 8,700 M1A1 tanks, 6,400 attack helicopters, 13,000 aircraft, 10 aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, B-52 bombers, ballistic missiles, and nuclear weapons.

If we do ever have to fight our own military the very first thing they will do is secure all of their assets, you know because they are their assets and they know right where all of them are, then mobilize all that firepower against us and the few divisions that may switch over and fight with us.

You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago.

It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
.50 caliber....fucking genius....

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