The Right To Bear Arms


I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

It is hardly a fantasy. In more recent times we had the Battle of Athens, Tennessee. Returning WWII vets used arms to fight against corrupt government officials.

It is not our military we have to fight against. It is the shithead corrupt oppressive politicians that give orders to the military that we sometimes need to remind them that we aren't going to take this shit any more. The military may or may not take the sides of the oppressors.

Thomas Jefferson said that we need to have these reminders from time to time so that the corrupt assholes in power don't get too cocky.

Government sucks for the most part. When it crosses the line (like we have seen in the last few years) the people need to have the means to hold the government accountable for the oppression. However, whether we have the courage to do it or not s a different matter altogether.
Since you believe HRC is a crook, maybe you can offer what she did to be arraigned, tried and convicted of doing, which made her a crook.
Just so we're clear -- by your standard, someone is not a criminal - a "crook" - until they are tried and convicted?

You might also explain who you conclude Trump is a big government liberal - his Stump speech leaves little doubt that he is a neo fascist as are his supporters.
More mindless nonsense.

By the year 2000 there will on present projections be seven billion people swarming on the surface of the Earth. And only nine hundred million of them will be white. What will happen when the teeming billions of the so-called Third World - driven by unbearable hunger and despair, the inevitable consequences of insensate over-population - descend locust-like on the lush lands of the complacent white nations?
Overpopulation is a joke.
There's more than enough space on this planet for everyone, and more than enough capacity to grow enough food for everyone..

Yep, unlike you I believe in innocent until proven guilty; you support the guilty until proven innocent policy of Stalin, Mao and other despots. Lucky for all Americans you are impotent and lack the power to implement your Authoritarian desires.

Yep, unlike you I believe in innocent until proven guilty; you support the guilty until proven innocent policy of Stalin, Mao and other despots. Lucky for all Americans you are impotent and lack the power to implement your Authoritarian desires.

You are either a liar or a very confused Moon Bat..

You believe in those filthy ass government background checks for firearms.

That is a great example of the government assuming you are guilty until proven innocence.
It would seem like a glaring flaw in the document itself. My personal opinion on the matter is that nowhere in there is it actually expressed directly that you must be in a militia to bear arms. Indeed, the founding fathers wrote this at a time when the knew for a fact that there were individuals not in militias who had weapons. The right expressed in the text is described as belonging to the people and not to the militia. The militia part reads, to me, as a suggestion of what we could do with our rights or an example of a potential use. In regards to what weapons people should be allowed to own, that has actually become somewhat more restricted over time. Back when the constitution first was ratified, the common man could arm himself in an identical fashion to the military of the time. Anyway, I personally do not believe in the second amendment as I believe that all rights and freedoms we have been given were intentionally given to us with the intent to breed complacency and spawn conflict among the lower classes. The powers that be count on it that the common man cares little for freedom, his country, or anything of meaningful value.

I'd like to add that people will likely acquire guns illegally if they cannot do so legally.


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So, if most crimes committed with a gun are obtained illegally, what method(s) does the perp use to obtain the gun?

Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.

Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I don't default to fighting words with punks like you. You're entitled to your opinion, but always keep in mind that opinions built on a foundation of hate and fear and emotion are like assholes, existing for the single reason to spread shit.

Gawd, you insult people all the time and you whine to high heaven when you get insulted. And yet, you can't answer this simple question, you keep running away and hiding. Here it is ... again ... coward ...

Drug smugglers smuggle all the drugs they want to and sell them to high school kids.

What stops them from bringing guns with the drugs and selling them to criminals?

Stop being a complete and utter sniveling coward and avoiding the question and ... answer it ...

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Wry turned his tail and fled ...

So you posted how many times in my thread on the subject? And every time you get the same simple question, you run away and hide. You know, I can see your head sticking up from behind the sofa.

" Drug smugglers smuggle all the drugs they want to and sell them to high school kids.

What stops them from bringing guns with the drugs and selling them to criminals? "

The question even Wry Catcher himself had to admit he's a sniveling coward who runs away and hides every time he's asked the question
Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.

Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I don't default to fighting words with punks like you. You're entitled to your opinion, but always keep in mind that opinions built on a foundation of hate and fear and emotion are like assholes, existing for the single reason to spread shit.

Gawd, you insult people all the time and you whine to high heaven when you get insulted. And yet, you can't answer this simple question, you keep running away and hiding. Here it is ... again ... coward ...

Drug smugglers smuggle all the drugs they want to and sell them to high school kids.

What stops them from bringing guns with the drugs and selling them to criminals?

Stop being a complete and utter sniveling coward and avoiding the question and ... answer it ...

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Wry turned his tail and fled ...

So you posted how many times in my thread on the subject? And every time you get the same simple question, you run away and hide. You know, I can see your head sticking up from behind the sofa.

" Drug smugglers smuggle all the drugs they want to and sell them to high school kids.

What stops them from bringing guns with the drugs and selling them to criminals? "

The question even Wry Catcher himself had to admit he's a sniveling coward who runs away and hides every time he's asked the question

Mostly I skip past posts on guns by you, 2aguy and M14.

This time I read your post and once I stopped laughing I decided to call you out for the fool you are.

Q. What stops a gas station from serving hot cross buns

Q. Who claimed drug smugglers do not bring guns to sell to other criminals? Not me.

Drug smugglers are mules, they bring contraband across borders. Few if any sell the product, most pass it on to others in the line of distribution, who in turn pass it on to sellers. Most dealers who sell to high school kids are in high school themselves, and most kids who buy drugs in high school never see the mule or anyone else in the distribution system, other than the dealer kid in their math class.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' there are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything.
Listen to you whining about other people whining

Stop yer whining Barney Fife. Exercise your right to bear arms by loading your one bullet and shooting yourself in the foot.

Still whining about other people I see

I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner
Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.

Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I don't default to fighting words with punks like you. You're entitled to your opinion, but always keep in mind that opinions built on a foundation of hate and fear and emotion are like assholes, existing for the single reason to spread shit.

Gawd, you insult people all the time and you whine to high heaven when you get insulted. And yet, you can't answer this simple question, you keep running away and hiding. Here it is ... again ... coward ...

Drug smugglers smuggle all the drugs they want to and sell them to high school kids.

What stops them from bringing guns with the drugs and selling them to criminals?

Stop being a complete and utter sniveling coward and avoiding the question and ... answer it ...

When danger reared it's ugly head, Sir Wry turned his tail and fled ...

So you posted how many times in my thread on the subject? And every time you get the same simple question, you run away and hide. You know, I can see your head sticking up from behind the sofa.

" Drug smugglers smuggle all the drugs they want to and sell them to high school kids.

What stops them from bringing guns with the drugs and selling them to criminals? "

The question even Wry Catcher himself had to admit he's a sniveling coward who runs away and hides every time he's asked the question

Mostly I skip past posts on guns by you, 2aguy and M14.

This time I read your post and once I stopped laughing I decided to call you out for the fool you are.

Q. What stops a gas station from serving hot cross buns

Q. Who claimed drug smugglers do not bring guns to sell to other criminals? Not me.

Drug smugglers are mules, they bring contraband across borders. Few if any sell the product, most pass it on to others in the line of distribution, who in turn pass it on to sellers. Most dealers who sell to high school kids are in high school themselves, and most kids who buy drugs in high school never see the mule or anyone else in the distribution system, other than the dealer kid in their math class.

:lmao: Yeah, you set such a high bar. You're really funny you're so stupid. And the stick up your ass is feigned, you've been skirting this question through hundreds of posts in my thread on that subject.

Keeping guns from criminals - liberals, what is your plan?

So basically all you have left now is to admit your war on guns is in fact to leave guns only in the hands of criminals, it is actually honest citizens that you are targeting to disarm
Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.

Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I don't default to fighting words with punks like you. You're entitled to your opinion, but always keep in mind that opinions built on a foundation of hate and fear and emotion are like assholes, existing for the single reason to spread shit.

I don't hate you, or fear you. I despise you. Look it up.

That's your right, not that I care. In fact most of what you post disgusts me.
Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.

Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I don't default to fighting words with punks like you. You're entitled to your opinion, but always keep in mind that opinions built on a foundation of hate and fear and emotion are like assholes, existing for the single reason to spread shit.

I don't hate you, or fear you. I despise you. Look it up.

That's your right, not that I care. In fact most of what you post disgusts me.

of course it does. You hate freedom, and you hate the fact that the PEOPLE of this country have Rights. Rights that prevent you from stomping them under your boots.




Right or wrong, obsolete or relevant, the Second Amendment essentially means what five justices on the Supreme Court say it means.

Yeah... If I was in a crowded bar or theater, I'd be a lot happier taking my chances against some asshole with a muzzle loading musket than some nutjob with an AR-15.

Yeah because it happens soooo often
Happens more often than a zombie apocalypse, anti-tyrannical government revolutions, and invaders from space - the typical right wing reasons to have them.
But not more often than a home break in or a mugging on the street
but let's not talk about those things because it ruins your talking points
You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15.

Yeah... If I was in a crowded bar or theater, I'd be a lot happier taking my chances against some asshole with a muzzle loading musket than some nutjob with an AR-15.

Yeah because it happens soooo often
Happens more often than a zombie apocalypse, anti-tyrannical government revolutions, and invaders from space - the typical right wing reasons to have them.
But not more often than a home break in or a mugging on the street
but let's not talk about those things because it ruins your talking points
You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15.

I didn't mention any particular weapon did I?

You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15.

Who are you tell somebody how they can effectively defend their home?

I have over two dozen ARs. It is not my weapon of choice for home defense but I may change my mind depending upon the threat.

Yeah... If I was in a crowded bar or theater, I'd be a lot happier taking my chances against some asshole with a muzzle loading musket than some nutjob with an AR-15.

Yeah because it happens soooo often
Happens more often than a zombie apocalypse, anti-tyrannical government revolutions, and invaders from space - the typical right wing reasons to have them.
But not more often than a home break in or a mugging on the street
but let's not talk about those things because it ruins your talking points
You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15.

Why look at that. A Mini-14 up on that roof defending themselves from the rioters and looters. Who knew....

And a revolver bullet will penetrate through multiple walls of a home. A .223 projectile won't. Thus, in a home defense situation the other residents of the home are safer in a defensive gun use situation if the homeowner is using an AR. They are also far more accurate than a revolver, and they are nearly impossible to take away from a homeowner.

There are many tactical benefits that an AR has over a revolver.


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