The Right To Bear Arms

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
What's the sport? Killing as many people as you can in a given time period? Do you get points for style?

There are over 9 million of them in private hands. At most 20 of them are used to commit a crime. France has all the laws you want to pass here (and more) and the scumbags there managed to kill more innocent people in a single terrible attack, than all of the US mass shootings over the last 15 years.

You were saying?
Yep, unlike you I believe in innocent until proven guilty; you support the guilty until proven innocent policy of Stalin, Mao and other despots. Lucky for all Americans you are impotent and lack the power to implement your Authoritarian desires.
You don't believe that all. Stop lying. What you believe in is making sure that Dumbocrats in power are above the law. You applaud every crime they commit and you attempt to deny they committed the crime by citing how they aren't prosecuted for it. It's a vicious cycle of unethical liberalism which you both perpetrate and celebrate.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
What's the sport? Killing as many people as you can in a given time period? Do you get points for style?
There are over 9 million of them in private hands. At most 20 of them are used to commit a crime. France has all the laws you want to pass here (and more) and the scumbags there managed to kill more innocent people in a single terrible attack, than all of the US mass shootings over the last 15 years.

You were saying?
He was just saying what an ignorant idiot he is...
You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15. can't. You're just too ignorant to know it. See, you don't know anything about firearms (but oddly that doesn't stop you from throwing you uninformed opinion out there). A "revolver" has 6 shots - after which you are dead. And since you're a libtard and get all of your information from Hollywood movies, you don't understand that nobody hits a moving target 6 out of 6 shots. In fact, most people under extreme duress won't even hit a moving target 1 out of 6 shots.

And again, because you get your "information" from Arnold Schwarzenegger movies - you think the "good guy" not only hits the first shot, but the "bad guy" goes down and the "good guy" then blows the smoke away from the end of his barrel. In real life however, a person will take 2, 3, 4, or even more shots before it incapacitates them. If they are all hopped up on something (like cocaine), they could take 10 or 12 rounds and still keep coming.

Is there an adult near you that you could grab real quick and start doing the math for you now? A revolver is just barely above a straw and a spit-wad when it comes to self defense. Please shut up now. You look like an idiot spouting Hollywood nonsense.
You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15.

Who are you tell somebody how they can effectively defend their home?
Are you serious? He's an idiot liberal - which means he believes he has the right to control everything that everybody does. Your money is not yours - he controls it in his mind. Your firearms are not yours - he controls it in his mind. Hell - even your children are not yours. Just ask Mellisa Harris-Perry. This is actually the mind-numbing mindset of the modern day idiot liberal...

You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15.
Thankfully for the American people - neither you nor your uneducated opinions matter at all!
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You could just as effectively defend your home with a shotgun or revolver than an AR-15. I've never heard of anyone thwarting a street mugging with an AR-15.

Who are you tell somebody how they can effectively defend their home?
Are you serious? He's an idiot liberal - which means he believes he has the right to control everything that everybody does. Your money is not yours - he controls it in his mind. Your firearms are not yours - he controls it in his mind. Hell - even your children are not yours. Just ask Mellisa Harris-Perry. This is actually the mind-numbing mindset of the modern day idiot liberal...

Yeppers. This is what the progressives believe. Here's a medal that they used to get for having kids................ for the government....


Cross of Honour of the German Mother - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More people die from falling out of bed than people killing other people by using an ar15... Fact
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
What's the sport? Killing as many people as you can in a given time period? Do you get points for style?
Varmints and such...

And such... you mean like cops, schoolkids, moviegoers, nightclubbers, shoppers at malls, etc? Truly a multipurpose sporting rifle, eh?

This statement is nothing more than temper tantrum type trolling. If you don't have a relevant comment to make then I suggest you simply bow out. You're only making a fool of yourself.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
What's the sport? Killing as many people as you can in a given time period? Do you get points for style?
Varmints and such...

And such... you mean like cops, schoolkids, moviegoers, nightclubbers, shoppers at malls, etc? Truly a multipurpose sporting rifle, eh?

This statement is nothing more than temper tantrum type trolling. If you don't have a relevant comment to make then I suggest you simply bow out. You're only making a fool of yourself.

Shit, you're the ones losing your minds over simple questions. Better hole up in your basement with your two dozen AR-15's and canned goods. I'm sure Obama will be by any day now to try to take them away from you. That or a Zombie apocalypse. Don't make a sound. We'll let you know when the coast is clear.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
What's the sport? Killing as many people as you can in a given time period? Do you get points for style?
Varmints and such...

And such... you mean like cops, schoolkids, moviegoers, nightclubbers, shoppers at malls, etc? Truly a multipurpose sporting rifle, eh?

This statement is nothing more than temper tantrum type trolling. If you don't have a relevant comment to make then I suggest you simply bow out. You're only making a fool of yourself.

Shit, you're the ones losing your minds over simple questions. Better hole up in your basement with your two dozen AR-15's and canned goods. I'm sure Obama will be by any day now to try to take them away from you. That or a Zombie apocalypse. Don't make a sound. We'll let you know when the coast is clear.

What "simple" question? The simpleton remarks that you keep making? This statement that you just made is yet another example of idiotic thought, reinforced with a temper tantrum worthy of a three year old laying on the ground stamping their feet.

The "simple" fact, is the Founders of this nation wanted the American People to be as well armed as the armies of the world. That is a fact which no amount of your hysterical whining, and thrashing about, can wipe away.
What's the sport? Killing as many people as you can in a given time period? Do you get points for style?
Varmints and such...

And such... you mean like cops, schoolkids, moviegoers, nightclubbers, shoppers at malls, etc? Truly a multipurpose sporting rifle, eh?

This statement is nothing more than temper tantrum type trolling. If you don't have a relevant comment to make then I suggest you simply bow out. You're only making a fool of yourself.

Shit, you're the ones losing your minds over simple questions. Better hole up in your basement with your two dozen AR-15's and canned goods. I'm sure Obama will be by any day now to try to take them away from you. That or a Zombie apocalypse. Don't make a sound. We'll let you know when the coast is clear.

What "simple" question? The simpleton remarks that you keep making? This statement that you just made is yet another example of idiotic thought, reinforced with a temper tantrum worthy of a three year old laying on the ground stamping their feet.

The "simple" fact, is the Founders of this nation wanted the American People to be as well armed as the armies of the world. That is a fact which no amount of your hysterical whining, and thrashing about, can wipe away.

Sure they did. They didn't have large standing armies back then. That's why they had well regulated militias of the type mentioned in the 2nd Amendment. Are you worried about the redcoats coming to get you? Don't worry. We have a large Army now, National Guard units, Reserve units, Air Force, Air National Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Navy reserves, Coast Guard, FBI, state cops, county cops, city cops, etc. Plus you have your own arsenal that nobody has come to take away from you.
Varmints and such...

And such... you mean like cops, schoolkids, moviegoers, nightclubbers, shoppers at malls, etc? Truly a multipurpose sporting rifle, eh?

This statement is nothing more than temper tantrum type trolling. If you don't have a relevant comment to make then I suggest you simply bow out. You're only making a fool of yourself.

Shit, you're the ones losing your minds over simple questions. Better hole up in your basement with your two dozen AR-15's and canned goods. I'm sure Obama will be by any day now to try to take them away from you. That or a Zombie apocalypse. Don't make a sound. We'll let you know when the coast is clear.

What "simple" question? The simpleton remarks that you keep making? This statement that you just made is yet another example of idiotic thought, reinforced with a temper tantrum worthy of a three year old laying on the ground stamping their feet.

The "simple" fact, is the Founders of this nation wanted the American People to be as well armed as the armies of the world. That is a fact which no amount of your hysterical whining, and thrashing about, can wipe away.

Sure they did. They didn't have large standing armies back then. That's why they had well regulated militias of the type mentioned in the 2nd Amendment. Are you worried about the redcoats coming to get you? Don't worry. We have a large Army now, National Guard units, Reserve units, Air Force, Air National Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Navy reserves, Coast Guard, FBI, state cops, county cops, city cops, etc. Plus you have your own arsenal that nobody has come to take away from you.

The Founders wanted the American People to be as heavily armed as we are to prevent a illegitimate government from taking over and oppressing us. Thus, in 1934 when the US Supreme Court outlawed sawed off shotguns they did so because they had "no foreseeable military purpose". I think you would have a hard time making that assertion for an AR now wouldn't you...
And such... you mean like cops, schoolkids, moviegoers, nightclubbers, shoppers at malls, etc? Truly a multipurpose sporting rifle, eh?

This statement is nothing more than temper tantrum type trolling. If you don't have a relevant comment to make then I suggest you simply bow out. You're only making a fool of yourself.
Shit, you're the ones losing your minds over simple questions. Better hole up in your basement with your two dozen AR-15's and canned goods. I'm sure Obama will be by any day now to try to take them away from you. That or a Zombie apocalypse. Don't make a sound. We'll let you know when the coast is clear.

What "simple" question? The simpleton remarks that you keep making? This statement that you just made is yet another example of idiotic thought, reinforced with a temper tantrum worthy of a three year old laying on the ground stamping their feet.

The "simple" fact, is the Founders of this nation wanted the American People to be as well armed as the armies of the world. That is a fact which no amount of your hysterical whining, and thrashing about, can wipe away.
Sure they did. They didn't have large standing armies back then. That's why they had well regulated militias of the type mentioned in the 2nd Amendment. Are you worried about the redcoats coming to get you? Don't worry. We have a large Army now, National Guard units, Reserve units, Air Force, Air National Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Navy reserves, Coast Guard, FBI, state cops, county cops, city cops, etc. Plus you have your own arsenal that nobody has come to take away from you.

The Founders wanted the American People to be as heavily armed as we are to prevent a illegitimate government from taking over and oppressing us. Thus, in 1934 when the US Supreme Court outlawed sawed off shotguns they did so because they had "no foreseeable military purpose". I think you would have a hard time making that assertion for an AR now wouldn't you...
So an AR-15 has legitimate military use? Military use == killing people? It isn't a "sporting"rifle? I agree. Such weapons would be better off left in the hands of the military or police.
It says 'well regulated' right in the 2nd amendment doesn't.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

That sentence is so simple and so basic - even a libtard could understand it.
That is a sentence fragment. Nutters always forget about the first part of the sentence "A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state,"

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