The Right To Bear Arms

heres the problem with republicans ....they are gullible ... they will believe just about everything they are told by their handlers
Hillary will take your guns away ... do you think she and the entire democrats would be that stupid to try and do that ??? really !!!!! do you ??? hears what they would have to do.... first get every democrat on board to pass legislation in removing the second amendment, how well do you think thats going to work you idiots republicans ??? then get the majority of the people in the country on board with them so they know they can get reelected ... mind you, this is how stupid you republicans are ... you would believe this crap that they would be this stupid to try and remove the second amendment ... I guess your stupidity is cause by your mother and your uncles being your father is the cause we have 294 post saying all kinds of bull shit reason that you believe we Dems will take the second amendment away ... because thats what it is ... right wing bull shit ... they can't come up with any kind of plan to run on, they rely on you ignorance they intern go after the flag burners, people on welfare, guns, and gays and you fools lap it up ... I can believe republicans are this stupid .... that they feel we democrats would be so stupid to try and repeal the 2 amendment ... a amend meant that we believe that every person should have a gun ... we don't believe that gun should be a AR 15 .. or any automatic weapons ... by us democrats saying this you have been duped into beliebing we will repeal the second amendment, how moronic is that ...

All Hillary Clinton has to do is appoint and place enough liberal judges who agrees with her view towards guns. When has the United States Supreme Court, particularly judges who share a liberal ideological view of that document, actually abided by the rules written in the Constitution?

And what do you believe five liberal judges can do to impact the Second A.? The have no authority to repeal it, so what is your worst case scenario?

Their gun hating interpretation can change the meaning of what it actually says.
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' there are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything.
Listen to you whining about other people whining

Stop yer whining Barney Fife. Exercise your right to bear arms by loading your one bullet and shooting yourself in the foot.

Still whining about other people I see
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' there are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything.
Listen to you whining about other people whining

Stop yer whining Barney Fife. Exercise your right to bear arms by loading your one bullet and shooting yourself in the foot.

Still whining about other people I see

I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' there are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything.
Listen to you whining about other people whining

Stop yer whining Barney Fife. Exercise your right to bear arms by loading your one bullet and shooting yourself in the foot.

Still whining about other people I see

I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.
You should read the 2A and supporting documents so you don't look like such a fool....
So, if most crimes committed with a gun are obtained illegally, what method(s) does the perp use to obtain the gun?

Why don't you ask your hero's in France who had no problem obtaining AK-47's which they used to gun down 150 people. Face it silly boy, gun laws affect only the law abiding. Evil people ignore your bullshit laws, and have NO problem getting what they want.

Temper temper, we all want to set a good example and play well with others.

I don't "play" with people who want to deprive me of fundamental Rights. I despise "people" like you. "People", just like you have made it possible for governments to murder over 150 million civilians over the last 125 years. You're scum.

Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I don't default to fighting words with punks like you. You're entitled to your opinion, but always keep in mind that opinions built on a foundation of hate and fear and emotion are like assholes, existing for the single reason to spread shit.

I don't hate you, or fear you. I despise you. Look it up.

That's your right, not that I care. In fact most of what you post disgusts me.
The great myth of the 'seckund uhmendmunt' klingons that the population having single shot rifles is enough to protect us from our own military that has millions of fully automatic rifles, thousands of fully auto .60 caliber machine guns, 8,700 M1A1 tanks, 6,400 attack helicopters, 13,000 aircraft, 10 aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, B-52 bombers, ballistic missiles, and nuclear weapons.

If we do ever have to fight our own military the very first thing they will do is secure all of their assets, you know because they are their assets and they know right where all of them are, then mobilize all that firepower against us and the few divisions that may switch over and fight with us.

You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago.

It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
If I had to fight the mexican army, my rifles would be converted. And if shit happened in this country, military would take our side.
The point is not whether armed civilians would be able to face down the American military in an ultimate battle to the death. The point is to make military occupation of the country as expensive and difficult as possible. An unarmed populace has no chance at all, but as we saw in Iraq, even a small portion of a populace that is armed can make occupation very costly. Add to that the specter of American soldiers turning against American civilians and it becomes even more costly.
You people live in a fantasy that died completely just before WW1, over 100 years ago. It is a very unpleasant reality but it is reality. The American people with their single shot AR15's couldn't beat the Mexican army.
What a testament to how liberals have horribly shredded the U.S. Constitution in general and the 2nd Amendment in particular. Thank you for making one of the most sound cases I have ever seen for expanding the American people's right to weapons.

Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude. LOL

It's sad how some folks cling so desperately to a fantasy that died long ago.
"A few thousand other fantasy rebel league members" with "pea shooters and 'can do' attitude" can make military occupation of the US not worth the effort. A population with access to the 300 million or so guns in this country can make military occupation very costly indeed. No one doubts the outcome of a private militia facing the American military on a battlefield, just as no one doubted the outcome of the Continental Army facing down the British military on the traditional battlefield, but we all know how that one ended.
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' that are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything. The only people threatening the right to bear arms are phony conservatives.
There were three groups in the American colonies when the Revolutionary War started, the British loyalists, the rebels, and the fence sitters. The rebels, though a minority, prevailed. You don't have to be a majority to bring about massive change.
The Founders and the 2nd Amendment

Advocates of gun control tend to be the same sort of people who argue in favor of the idea of a “living Constitution.” Of course, usually when people argue for a “living Constitution,” what they really want is a dead Constitution. Specifically, they want to eliminate almost every constitutional limit on the power of federal politicians and allow those politicians to control almost everything except abortion, which they want the politicians to subsidize.

Yet some of the people who think the Constitution should be manipulated to meet allegedly new conditions take a very different tack when applying the Second Amendment. To them, the Second Amendment, if it protects individual rights at all, should be limited to militia duty with muskets and flintlocks.

But if the Second Amendment is based partly on a right to personal self-defense—and it is—then this narrow view is wrong. The Second Amendment cannot be limited to muskets and flintlocks any more than the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce can be limited to trade in sailing ships and horse-drawn wagons. Even an old-fashioned constitutionalist like myself believes that Congress can use the Commerce Power to regulate railroads and air travel, although those forms of travel did not exist when the Constitution was ratified. Otherwise, the Commerce Power would mean nothing. For the same reason, the right to keep and bear arms must include the free use of modern technology appropriate for self-defense.

It is true that when the Second Amendment was ratified, a standard capacity 30 round magazine would not be necessary for personal self-defense. But now, when when mass murderers and terrorists have modern weapons, citizens need standard capacity magazines for self defense. They also need handguns and a range of other weapons. That is one reason the Second Amendment protects their use today.

In addition to self-defense, the Second Amendment was adopted to enable citizens to defend against tyrants foreign and domestic. At this point it becomes helpful to turn to the Second Amendment’s preamble: The Amendment seeks a “well regulated militia.” In 18th century language, “a well regulated militia” meant a “well-trained militia.”

The “militia” that the Second Amendment says should be well trained consists of all able bodied men. Article XVII, Section 1 of the Colorado Constitution expresses this well: It says, “The militia of the state shall consist of all able-bodied male residents of the state between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years; except, such persons as may be exempted by the laws of the United States, or of the state.” That was pretty much the American Founders’ view of the matter. Read Madison’s language in Number 46 of The Federalist Papers, and you’ll see what I mean. It is pretty much the understanding of our fathers and grandfathers when gun use and safety was commonly taught in public school.

So according to the Second Amendment, we want all men of military age well trained in the use of weapons. And why is this? Because, as the preamble tells us, this is “necessary for the security of a free state.” By “a free state,” the Constitution means “a free country.”

So all men of military age should be well-trained in weapons so that America survives as a free country.

Well, what weapons? Obviously, the muskets and single-shot rifles in use when the Second Amendment was adopted are no longer sufficient to do the job. Today the Second Amendment protects a range of weapons appropriate for citizen militias resisting foreign invaders and tyrannical politicians.

Now at this point someone favoring gun control always comes up with the line, “Well, does that mean that citizens have the right to hoard naval artillery and atomic bombs?” And the answer is “No, the Second Amendment doesn’t encompass naval artillery or atomic bombs any more than the First Amendment includes falsely shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.” The language and purposes of the Second Amendment, as well as its history, tell us what it excludes as well as what it includes. Naval artillery and atomic bombs are not customary for personal self-defense and they never have been militia weapons used for repelling foreign invaders and domestic tyrants. In fact, the Second Amendment itself refers to the right to bear arms—that is, to carry arms—referring to weapons that normally are carried by a human being.
Since you believe HRC is a crook, maybe you can offer what she did to be arraigned, tried and convicted of doing, which made her a crook.
Just so we're clear -- by your standard, someone is not a criminal - a "crook" - until they are tried and convicted?

You might also explain who you conclude Trump is a big government liberal - his Stump speech leaves little doubt that he is a neo fascist as are his supporters.
More mindless nonsense.

By the year 2000 there will on present projections be seven billion people swarming on the surface of the Earth. And only nine hundred million of them will be white. What will happen when the teeming billions of the so-called Third World - driven by unbearable hunger and despair, the inevitable consequences of insensate over-population - descend locust-like on the lush lands of the complacent white nations?
Overpopulation is a joke.
There's more than enough space on this planet for everyone, and more than enough capacity to grow enough food for everyone..
Continued . . .

Let’s focus for a minute on another purpose of the Second Amendment: protecting against domestic tyrants. We tend not to discuss this purpose much, but it might possibly have some relevance to the authoritarian types who currently dominate the Colorado legislature.

Politicians in America right now tend to fall into either of two groups. There are those who generally favor freedom but also strongly support law enforcement. And there are those who are skeptical toward law enforcement but nevertheless seek to expand the power of government in many areas of life, and particularly in economic affairs. It’s not intuitively obvious which group should be for gun control. You might think that those who favor economic freedom might be for gun control as a way of backing law enforcement. Or you might think those who favor more economic regulation might be against gun control because they are skeptical about law enforcement and might not want to give the police a monopoly over weapons.

But we all know what the situation is in real life: In real life, the biggest advocates of gun control are precisely those who want to lord it over the rest of us in nearly every other aspect of life.

Why is this? Well, reflect on the fact that the modern era of gun control began with the federal Gun Control Act of 1968. This law—if an unconstitutional act can be called a “law”—was passed in the wake of some ghastly political assassinations. I don’t think this is a coincidence. It’s reasonable to assume that those who wish to fasten more and more fetters on the productive people of American society might consider that one day they might go too far, and face physical and armed opposition.

Indeed, just the fact that many citizens are armed may have a moderating influence on authoritarian politicians.

The author of the first draft of the Second Amendment was James Madison. Madison’s favorite book of political theory was Aristotle’s Politics. Several times in that work Aristotle makes the point that all citizens should have weapons, and that only those with weapons should be citizens. Otherwise, he wrote, those that are disarmed are the slaves of those who are armed.

The point was made another way by Jean Louis DeLolme, a Swiss jurist. DeLolme wrote a book on the English constitution that we know Madison read, and that was a source for other American Founders as well. In speaking of the need for an armed citizenry, DeLolme wrote:

The Power of the People is not when they strike, but when they keep in awe. It is when they can overthrow every thing, that they never need to move; and Manlius [a Roman consul] included all in four words, when he said to the People of Rome, Ostendite bellum, pacem habebitis. [Look toward war, and you shall have peace].

The widespread ownership of firearms, therefore, helps to preserve freedom, usually without the need for armed violence. When politicians limit or harass gun ownership, the threat is far wider than the threat to guns alone. By reducing the number of citizens who are armed, gun control emboldens the authoritarian politicians to control everything else we do, thereby imperiling freedom generally.
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude. LOL

It's sad how some folks cling so desperately to a fantasy that died long ago.

Well hell, if they're just "pea shooters" they are nothing for you to be worried about. Right? So, you don't need to take anything away with your "common sense" anti gun legislation. Right?
Sir IsaacNewton just got bent over the table on that one. :lmao:

Liberal "logic" is fall down hilarious. It always contradicts itself. On one hand - guns are so dangerous they pose a threat to all of humanity. On the other, they are such insignificant little objects that they pose no threat at all to government.
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' that are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything. The only people threatening the right to bear arms are phony conservatives.
There were three groups in the American colonies when the Revolutionary War started, the British loyalists, the rebels, and the fence sitters. The rebels, though a minority, prevailed. You don't have to be a majority to bring about massive change.
Yes please explain how you and a few thousand other fantasy rebel league members will defeat the US Military with your pea shooters and 'can do' attitude.
Well let's start with this right here - there are a few thousand library cowards like you - just looking to be free loaders who receive handouts in exchange for liberty. There are tens of millions of American's like me.

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' that are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything. The only people threatening the right to bear arms are phony conservatives.
Well that clearly touched a nerve with little Newton here. Here's the thing cupcake - conservatives such as myself haven't threatened anyone. It's libtard free loaders such as yourself always threatening to take other people's money, other people's firearms, other people's livelihood, etc.

Your response really illustrated a ton of fear. What is it that you're so afraid of? That you won't be able to mooch off of other people any more?
I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.
Once again you prove how libtards like you have destroyed the 2nd Amendment while claiming you've done no such thing. If we can't stop our own government as you claim then you are making the best case yet to expand the types of modern weapons available to U.S. citizens.

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