The Right To Bear Arms

You are a coward and a free loader and the only 'others' there are like you are the Oregon Bird Sanctuary bungs who think you are going to overthrow the government of the United States. What are you waiting for mini mouse. Every single time you ladies start threatening everyone else don't you know we the population are laughing at you? You really don't know that? LOL

You aren't patriots, you don't know the Constitution, you aren't above the law, you aren't going to overthrow anything, and all the sane people in the country think you weak and lacking intelligence. The fact that you NEED to believe you are among 'a group who will soon exercise our second amendment rights so you 'libruls' better watch out' only paints you as wearing a tin foil hat and living in a trailer.

Threatening other people? You are cowards. You are like tiny hands trump who couldn't hold an 'arm' let alone fire it. He can't pay his own bills and stiffs honest people he hires who do real work. Why don't you get off welfare, put down your bb gun, and join adult society. And for f#$cks sake stop whining about everything.
Listen to you whining about other people whining

Stop yer whining Barney Fife. Exercise your right to bear arms by loading your one bullet and shooting yourself in the foot.

Still whining about other people I see

I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.
Listen to you whining about other people whining

Stop yer whining Barney Fife. Exercise your right to bear arms by loading your one bullet and shooting yourself in the foot.

Still whining about other people I see

I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens
Stop yer whining Barney Fife. Exercise your right to bear arms by loading your one bullet and shooting yourself in the foot.

Still whining about other people I see

I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.
Still whining about other people I see

I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so
I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
you hope
Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
you hope

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong
I love to hear you whine, don't stop. The right to bear arms and the ability to defend a population against it's own military have not been in the same universe for over a hundred years. But people cling to their fantasies.

OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Their family and friends are "civilians."
OK now quote me where I ever said anything about fighting the military.

Good luck because i have never said that.

So now go suck your thumb in the corner

Since the military takes an oath to defend the citizens of the US and the Constitution, then we don't need to worry about fighting the military. A lot of them would side with the people because THEY are also citizens of the United States who hate politicians.

The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Their family and friends are "civilians."

Most of the people in the country are not their friends and/or family.

Our military has killed innocent civilians in other countries it is not any stretch of the imagination to say they would kill civilians in this country if ordered
The oaths of enlistment say nothing about defending citizens

Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
you hope

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly
Well, WE are the United States, not the government. How many service men and women do you think would turn against the population? I think very FEW would be willing to do such a thing.

Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
you hope

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?
Servicemen follow orders

the military has no problem killing civilians if they are ordered to do so

Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
you hope

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?

Sure and my father was killed in the service

I just have no faith that soldiers who are trained to take orders would disobey them. Some might but not enough to matter if the order was given
Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
you hope

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?

Sure and my father was killed in the service

I just have no faith that soldiers who are trained to take orders would disobey them. Some might but not enough to matter if the order was given

Of course they would. They aren't brainwashed! I know plenty of people, ex and current military members, who would never turn their weapons on American citizens.
Some in the military, sure. But as for most, ordering them to kill innocent American civilians isn't something they'd be willing to do
you hope

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?

Sure and my father was killed in the service

I just have no faith that soldiers who are trained to take orders would disobey them. Some might but not enough to matter if the order was given

Well, my family and family friends cover Vietnam to current and every branch of the military and they believe strongly in that they are defending America and Americans, not conquering it and killing them. I believe them

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?

Sure and my father was killed in the service

I just have no faith that soldiers who are trained to take orders would disobey them. Some might but not enough to matter if the order was given

Of course they would. They aren't brainwashed! I know plenty of people, ex and current military members, who would never turn their weapons on American citizens.

Like I said not enough to matter if the order was given
All any superior officer has to do is tell them that the people to be killed are not innocent civilians ans are in fact a danger to the country. The average soldier will believe their superior officer

I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?

Sure and my father was killed in the service

I just have no faith that soldiers who are trained to take orders would disobey them. Some might but not enough to matter if the order was given

Well, my family and family friends cover Vietnam to current and every branch of the military and they believe strongly in that they are defending America and Americans, not conquering it and killing them. I believe them

Good for you. I don't. If the order was given for the military to open fire on Americans it would happen
I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?

Sure and my father was killed in the service

I just have no faith that soldiers who are trained to take orders would disobey them. Some might but not enough to matter if the order was given

Of course they would. They aren't brainwashed! I know plenty of people, ex and current military members, who would never turn their weapons on American citizens.

Like I said not enough to matter if the order was given
All any superior officer has to do is tell them that the people to be killed are not innocent civilians ans are in fact a danger to the country. The average soldier will believe their superior officer

Lol. No they wouldn't! Most would not.
I hope based on a lot of military people I know, including in my family. That they are defending America is a huge thing to them. The idea they would shoot Americans and have "no problem" is just wrong

All their superiors have to do is tell them that the Americans they are ordered to kill are a threat to America and the drones will fly

Do you know anyone in the military?

Sure and my father was killed in the service

I just have no faith that soldiers who are trained to take orders would disobey them. Some might but not enough to matter if the order was given

Of course they would. They aren't brainwashed! I know plenty of people, ex and current military members, who would never turn their weapons on American citizens.

Like I said not enough to matter if the order was given
All any superior officer has to do is tell them that the people to be killed are not innocent civilians ans are in fact a danger to the country. The average soldier will believe their superior officer

Do you think they are robots, incapable of thinking for themselves?
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