The Right To Bear Arms

Shay's Rebellion was in 1786 and 1787. The Bill of Rights was proposed in 1789. Tell me "A well regulated Militia" wasn't put in to by the paranoid founding fathers to provide themselves some control over gun ownership.

There are two problems with the Second Amendment. First, under any circumstance, it is confusing; something that an English teacher would mark up in red ink and tell the author to redo and clarify. Secondly, there are actually two versions of the Amendment; The first passed by two-thirds of the members of each house of Congress (the first step for ratifying a constitutional amendment). A different version passed by three-fourths of the states (the second step for ratifying a constitution amendment). The primary difference between the two versions are a capitalization and a simple comma.

DETAILS: Confusion -- the wording of the Second Amendment | Occasional Planet
Simple things often confuse you.
It is confusing to intelligent people.

granted, the wording and punctuation approaches inscrutability...

but when you read about how the final version came to be, with all the various rewrites and edits done in a hurried manner, you can sorta understand how it happened...

Ignorance is no excuse. What took place behind the scenes is irrelevant. Only the final product matters - and they fucked it up.
The only thing that is fucked up is a libtard claiming to know the constitution.
The Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, and is even more confusing today than when written. Things have changed...
The Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, and is even more confusing today than when written. Things have changed...
The only thing that has changed is socialist libtard idiots that say things have changed.

Really? Then why has the 2nd Amendment been restricted several times by the courts?

Because the courts are populated by fascists who, instead of declaring the law pursuant to the Constitution , use the Communist manifesto as a guide.

They can do so with impunity because the scumbags in the supreme court have usurped judicial immunity protection.

It is confusing to intelligent people.
A libtard claiming to be intelligent and then says he can't understand the 2nd ammendment. How funny.
They say they can't understand it on purpose, because they want to change it in this confusion created by them, where as if they act as if they don't understand it, especially as smart as they think they are, then surely a dum conservative won't be able to right ? So if we allow them to change it in order to make it simpler in so that we can all understand it in the way that they want us to, then they will have stolen vital parts of it and it's meaning by then (replacing it with their own), just so we can all feel good that there is no more mis-understanding anymore after they do this for us you see.:eusa_shifty:

Now do you see how they play these games ? Catch up man....Big Smile on my face :razz:
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