The Right To Bear Arms

Practical and effective gun-control will prove multi-faceted...

* Vetting
* Licensing
* Registration
* Training
* Centralized Database
* Nationwide Standards
* Tracking of all transfers
* Chipping individual firearms with locator technology
* Stiff fines and prison time for violators

No, because clearly no government can ever be trusted because they always constantly become more corrupt over time.
It helps to keep national governments out of it entirely because they are inherently the worst, and they have no clue as to need or accessibility to judicial appeals.

The way it is supposed to be, is universal and even mandatory weapons grade firearms by everyone of age.
That is the only way a democratic republic can ever be maintained.
No, because clearly no government can ever be trusted because they always constantly become more corrupt over time.
It helps to keep national governments out of it entirely because they are inherently the worst, and they have no clue as to need or accessibility to judicial appeals.

The way it is supposed to be, is universal and even mandatory weapons grade firearms by everyone of age.
That is the only way a democratic republic can ever be maintained.
I agree.

So did Thomas Jefferson.
Now why do you want to disarm law-abiding citizens who own guns? Why this obsession with taking away guns people who only want to hunt, target-practice, and defend themselves?
That is why Scalia decoupled the Militia Clause from the 2A. That argument was unsustainable
There is no “militia clause” in the 2nd Amendment. :lmao:

It clearly states...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
natural rights are covered in State Constitutions not our Second Amendment; it says so in the first clause.
A. Not it doesn’t

B. We have 50 individual states with 50 individual state constitutions. If your ignorant statement were true, all Americans would not have the same rights.
Let's take a look to see if the Illinois Militia has been disarmed.
Well, since nobody is talking about Illinois, this is almost as irrelevant as you are.

I see you edited most of it out so you could deny anything about the Illinois Militia might be overlooked. Sorry, cupcake, but you got your ass kicked by facts. You know, the pesky things that keep getting in your way.
natural rights are covered in State Constitutions not our Second Amendment; it says so in the first clause.
A. Not it doesn’t

B. We have 50 individual states with 50 individual state constitutions. If your ignorant statement were true, all Americans would not have the same rights.

And all 50 states in modern times are based on the US Constitution. They merely refine it.
I see you edited most of it out so you could deny anything about the Illinois Militia might be overlooked.
I didn’t “edit” anything, snowflake. I can’t. Your entire post idiotic post is still there for anyone to read (and be dumber for having read). We have been talking about Chicago (a city), and your dumb ass can’t stop talking about a state. :laugh:
And all 50 states in modern times are based on the US Constitution. They merely refine it.
I see you edited most of it out so you could deny anything about the Illinois Militia might be overlooked.
I didn’t “edit” anything, snowflake. I can’t. Your entire post idiotic post is still there for anyone to read (and be dumber for having read). We have been talking about Chicago (a city), and your dumb ass can’t stop talking about a state. :laugh:

I didn't bring up Illinois, cupcake. I answered their stupidity of that state militia.
Or if you rightwing nutjobs would actually follow ALL of the Constitution. Works both ways.
You can't accuse me of that. You're the one who wants it to be ALIVE so you can circumvent it and make it something it is not without the burden of amending.

It is supposed to be alive. This is why the FFs built in a mechanism to change it if needed. Yes, they made it difficult but that's a good thing.

yes, I changed the constitution 34 times today alone. Usually I do it a lot more but it's been a slow day. Get a friggin grip.

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