The Right To Bear Arms

Tyranny was when Bush lied to us and then invaded Iraq. We should have risen up.

Hard to do without sufficient arms right?

Why didn't you rise up?

I had no trained army with fighter jets, bombers, tanks, cruise missiles, spy satellites, nuclear submarines, biological weapons, etc...

Ah. So your opinion was in the extreme minority then. Because if millions of armed citizens shared your stated opinion it wouldn't have happened or it would have stopped immediately.
Hard to do without sufficient arms right?

Why didn't you rise up?

I had no trained army with fighter jets, bombers, tanks, cruise missiles, spy satellites, nuclear submarines, biological weapons, etc...

Ah. So your opinion was in the extreme minority then. Because if millions of armed citizens shared your stated opinion it wouldn't have happened or it would have stopped immediately.

I highly suspect that if millions of UNARMED citizens had simply bombarded the White House with phone calls, emails, letters, work strikes and loud massive protests that it would have also stopped immediately - and no one would have shed blood.
I had no trained army with fighter jets, bombers, tanks, cruise missiles, spy satellites, nuclear submarines, biological weapons, etc...

Ah. So your opinion was in the extreme minority then. Because if millions of armed citizens shared your stated opinion it wouldn't have happened or it would have stopped immediately.

I highly suspect that if millions of UNARMED citizens had simply bombarded the White House with phone calls, emails, letters, work strikes and loud massive protests that it would have also stopped immediately - and no one would have shed blood.

Go ahead and think that the OWS model works.

But good to see you recognize how far into the minority you are. Tell ya what, you keep thinking your online petitions and bake sales are going to serve as a good check to an absolutely out of control government. I'll keep my powder dry for when it really matters, as enumerated in the Constitution and reaffirmed in D.C. v. Heller.


Why do you keep repeating moot opinions?

D.C. v. Heller

D.C. v. Heller was simply one ruling at one point in time. There will be future rulings, and I doubt anyone expects the 2nd Amendment to be expanded rather than restricted.

The 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means - at any point in time...

Last time I checked in order to add words to the constitution required more than some Judge saying words should be added.
Mr. Morgan hates it when a guest brings up that England's violent crime rate is higher than that in the USA. He would much rather quote the number of gun murder incidents because if we did that the Sandy Hill shooting would only be counted as one murder incident. What a tool! He was kicked out of his job in England for using the same tactics that he can get away with in the USA because of another one of our rights - the first amendment.
The intent of the 2nd was and is to make sure the people PRIVATELY possess weapons comparable to those 'standing armies' they were so skeptical of.


We also have the right to carry any weapon any where we go in case the government tries to sneak up on us and oppress us.

So you are completely in favor of letting any citizen own any armament he or she feels necessary... Missile launchers, land mines, tactical nuclear weapons... Not to mention assault rifles and fully automatic weapons? do I have that right?

A literal reading of the 2nd seems like any arms would be acceptable. Are you NRA types suggesting that any citizen ought to be able to own, carry and utilize any form of arms if he feels the need to use them in self protection, or are there some limits somewhere?

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