The Right To Bear Arms

Which has no effect in Arkansas.
It is an example of a State's right. All States have a similar clause.
We're talking about the second amendment and its restrictions on the federal government. And you don't seem to comprehend the 14th amendment at all.
What is your point about the Fourteenth Amendment? Our Second Amendment is quite clear. The People are the Militia.
Confirmed. You know cocksucking SHIT about the 14th. Otherwise, you would not need to ask that question.

Have you ever read it? Do you know what it does?

You have NO understanding of our history. That disqualifies you to opine on this subject.
Which has no effect in Arkansas.
It is an example of a State's right. All States have a similar clause.
We're talking about the second amendment and its restrictions on the federal government. And you don't seem to comprehend the 14th amendment at all.
What is your point about the Fourteenth Amendment? Our Second Amendment is quite clear. The People are the Militia.
Yet you say the militia is all the people, so what's your problem? The 14th ensures that the states can't pass unconstitutional laws, which means they cannot infringe on the rights of the PEOPLE to bear arms.
What unconstitutional laws?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Our Second Amendment is Constitutional law.
It's both for the security of a free state and about securing the right of the people. The two go hand in hand.

Are you a faggot or trannie who got bounched from the army? If so, I am sorry for you. That's not right in my opinion, but that has FUCK ALL to do with the 2A.

I cannot believe I have been arguing with someone so fucking ignorant.

EVERY weapon ever called an assault weapon (either by gun manufacturers themselves or anyone else) has ALWAYS been a semi-auto at a minimum. Some "no doubters" are select fire.


Which of these weapons are not semi-automatics?
they all use the same method to fire
Neither hand gun is gas operated and the shotgun does not have a removable mag. You know nothing

Whether or not a weapon is gas-operated has nothing to do, whatsoever with it being a semi-automatic weapon. Even you should know that.
Can lgbtq persons of the People keep and bear Arms?
Yes, you butt pirates and trannies can keep and bear arms. Nobody cares whose dick you suck or chop off. That is HARDLY a qualifier within the meaning of the 2A. Totally irrelevant.
Trump's controversial transgender military policy goes into effect
“The policy is insidious in operation but designed to be as comprehensive a ban as possible,” the nonpartisan Palm Center, which studies LGBTQ military issues, stated.--

A Democrat had to reverse your right wing bigotry and hypocrisy.
Our Second Amendment is clearly about the security of our free States not individual liberty or natural rights.

It couldn't POSSIBLY be about BOTH. That would be........too deep for the likes of you.
Only if you appeal to ignorance of express law. That is usually how deep the right wing goes.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Only well regulated militia of the People have literal recourse to our Second Amendment when keeping and bearing Arms for the security needs of their State or the Union.

The unorganized militia and criminals of the People, do not.
Which has no effect in Arkansas.
It is an example of a State's right. All States have a similar clause.
We're talking about the second amendment and its restrictions on the federal government. And you don't seem to comprehend the 14th amendment at all.
What is your point about the Fourteenth Amendment? Our Second Amendment is quite clear. The People are the Militia.
Confirmed. You know cocksucking SHIT about the 14th. Otherwise, you would not need to ask that question.

Have you ever read it? Do you know what it does?

You have NO understanding of our history. That disqualifies you to opine on this subject.
Yes, I have. I understand it. That is why I ask You, right winger, how you believe it applies.
Only if you ignore history. Why was there Ever any "don't ask don't tell" legislation?

The 2A is NOT about the fucking U.S. Military.




I have been arguing with a fucking idiot....

lol. Projecting much? It is what right wingers do best.

Our Second Amendment is about the Security of our free States not Individual Liberty or Natural Rights; it says so in the first clause which the second clause Must follow.
Which has no effect in Arkansas.
It is an example of a State's right. All States have a similar clause.
We're talking about the second amendment and its restrictions on the federal government. And you don't seem to comprehend the 14th amendment at all.
What is your point about the Fourteenth Amendment? Our Second Amendment is quite clear. The People are the Militia.
Yet you say the militia is all the people, so what's your problem? The 14th ensures that the states can't pass unconstitutional laws, which means they cannot infringe on the rights of the PEOPLE to bear arms.
What unconstitutional laws?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Our Second Amendment is Constitutional law.
It's both for the security of a free state and about securing the right of the people. The two go hand in hand.

Are you a faggot or trannie who got bounched from the army? If so, I am sorry for you. That's not right in my opinion, but that has FUCK ALL to do with the 2A.

I cannot believe I have been arguing with someone so fucking ignorant.

All y'all know how to do is project, right winger.

For the security needs of our free States not Individual Liberty nor Natural Rights.
Of course.
The means of a free state is weapons that prevent a dictatorship from being able to intimidate a population, like they could if the population were unarmed.
The State not Individuals of the People.
That's not what it says. You're just making that up.
Yes, it is. You simply have nothing but right wing fantasy.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

All these months and you are still proud of the fact that you never learned English grammar and punctuation. If you ever do, even you would quit your ignorant attack on the Second Amendment.

EVERY weapon ever called an assault weapon (either by gun manufacturers themselves or anyone else) has ALWAYS been a semi-auto at a minimum. Some "no doubters" are select fire.


Which of these weapons are not semi-automatics?
they all use the same method to fire
Neither hand gun is gas operated and the shotgun does not have a removable mag. You know nothing

Whether or not a weapon is gas-operated has nothing to do, whatsoever with it being a semi-automatic weapon. Even you should know that.
But that’s not what you claimed. Your claim was that they all operated the same.

Clearly you have no clue
Of course.
The means of a free state is weapons that prevent a dictatorship from being able to intimidate a population, like they could if the population were unarmed.
The State not Individuals of the People.
That's not what it says. You're just making that up.
Yes, it is. You simply have nothing but right wing fantasy.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

All these months and you are still proud of the fact that you never learned English grammar and punctuation. If you ever do, even you would quit your ignorant attack on the Second Amendment.

Your claim appears to be that anything that comes after a comma has nothing to do with what comes after.

Ummm no. That’s not how it works
Which has no effect in Arkansas.
It is an example of a State's right. All States have a similar clause.
We're talking about the second amendment and its restrictions on the federal government. And you don't seem to comprehend the 14th amendment at all.
What is your point about the Fourteenth Amendment? Our Second Amendment is quite clear. The People are the Militia.
Yet you say the militia is all the people, so what's your problem? The 14th ensures that the states can't pass unconstitutional laws, which means they cannot infringe on the rights of the PEOPLE to bear arms.
What unconstitutional laws?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Our Second Amendment is Constitutional law.
It's both for the security of a free state and about securing the right of the people. The two go hand in hand.

Are you a faggot or trannie who got bounched from the army? If so, I am sorry for you. That's not right in my opinion, but that has FUCK ALL to do with the 2A.

I cannot believe I have been arguing with someone so fucking ignorant.

So apparently you were “bounched” and that had a profound effect on you. Sad

Was it painful?
Regardless of the reason why, the right of the PEOPLE to bear arms shall not be infringed.
Maybe in Right-Wing fantasy. In the real world, criminals of the People get infringed all the time.
Sounds like you're saying that, according to the Constitution, the government cannot legally prevent people from owning weapons.
Not even the lgbtq community when the security of our free States or the Union may require it. Don't ask, don't tell was completely unnecessary.
Which again has nothing whatsoever to do with the Second Amendment. You have reached the end of your programmed responses.
It has more to do with our Second Amendment than your right wing fantasy, Individual and Singular rights.
Do I really need to point out that you're vainly introducing new things, hoping to distract from the core subject because you don't have anything left?
Can lgbtq persons of the People keep and bear Arms? You need more than ad hominems to prove your argument.
Who is saying they cannot? That's not even on the radar screen.
Only if you ignore history. Why was there Ever any "don't ask don't tell" legislation?
That has nothing to do with the Second Amendment, thus ignored.
Which has no effect in Arkansas.
It is an example of a State's right. All States have a similar clause.
We're talking about the second amendment and its restrictions on the federal government. And you don't seem to comprehend the 14th amendment at all.
What is your point about the Fourteenth Amendment? Our Second Amendment is quite clear. The People are the Militia.
Yet you say the militia is all the people, so what's your problem? The 14th ensures that the states can't pass unconstitutional laws, which means they cannot infringe on the rights of the PEOPLE to bear arms.
What unconstitutional laws?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Our Second Amendment is Constitutional law.
That's right, and the states can't pass laws that violate it. Ever think of that?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Can lgbtq persons of the People keep and bear Arms?
Yes, you butt pirates and trannies can keep and bear arms. Nobody cares whose dick you suck or chop off. That is HARDLY a qualifier within the meaning of the 2A. Totally irrelevant.
Trump's controversial transgender military policy goes into effect
“The policy is insidious in operation but designed to be as comprehensive a ban as possible,” the nonpartisan Palm Center, which studies LGBTQ military issues, stated.--

A Democrat had to reverse your right wing bigotry and hypocrisy.
That has nothing to do with the 2nd, ignored.
Our Second Amendment is clearly about the security of our free States not individual liberty or natural rights.

It couldn't POSSIBLY be about BOTH. That would be........too deep for the likes of you.
Only if you appeal to ignorance of express law. That is usually how deep the right wing goes.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Only well regulated militia of the People have literal recourse to our Second Amendment when keeping and bearing Arms for the security needs of their State or the Union.

The unorganized militia and criminals of the People, do not.
Quit pretending the Illinois state constitution has bearing on the 2nd Amendment. And yes, individuals have literal recourse to our Second Amendment, full stop. Doesn't matter if they're part of a militia or not (you claim the militia is all the people), and it doesn't matter if they're bearing arms "for the security needs of their State or the Union". That's something you just made up.

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