The Right To Bear Arms

My morality in total war is protecting my country comes first.

Obviously you don't know what 'morality' means. Nonetheless, even your own immoral notion holds no water in light of all the FACTS that I have thrown in your face over and over again.
Changing things have consequences, so let's consider an alternative reality.

Let's not. I'm not surprised you want to avoid reality, since in it there is no justification for your un-American view, but I'll stick to the real world.
Ok, name one of these Japanese American spies. Go ahead.

Oh that's right, you can't.

Here are some names for you:

442nd Regimental Combat Team Historical Society

Did you bother to read his post?

He already named at least one I saw.

Yoshio Muto – spy operating in San Francisco.

Are you kidding? Is it possible that you are even more of an idiot than this 'dubya' clown? I informed you idiots that no Japanese Americans were ever convicted of espionage during WWII. Do you know who Yoshio Muto was? He was Japan's Consul General in the US at the time of Pearl Harbor. Not Japanese American (obviously :rolleyes:). Even at that, speculation that the Consul General was trying to recruit spies through the consul was never corroborated with concrete evidence, so you fail in every possible way. Good job helping 'dubya' look like even more of a fool, though. :clap2:
Did you bother to read his post?

He already named at least one I saw.

Yoshio Muto – spy operating in San Francisco.

Are you kidding? Is it possible that you are even more of an idiot than this 'dubya' clown? I informed you idiots that no Japanese Americans were ever convicted of espionage during WWII. Do you know who Yoshio Muto was? He was Japan's Consul General in the US at the time of Pearl Harbor. Not Japanese American (obviously :rolleyes:). Even at that, speculation that the Consul General was trying to recruit spies through the consul was never corroborated with concrete evidence, so you fail in every possible way. Good job helping 'dubya' look like even more of a fool, though. :clap2:

Japanese American were only 62% of the Japanese in internment camps. The Japanese had spies all over the west coast and they had plenty of them in Panama and Hawaii. The Japanese in Brazil are credited for sinking huge amounts of cargo.

Spies with attached to diplimates are nothing new.
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Ok, name one of these Japanese American spies. Go ahead.

Oh that's right, you can't.

Here are some names for you:

442nd Regimental Combat Team Historical Society

Did you bother to read his post?

He already named at least one I saw.

Toshio Miyazaki – Japanese Navy agent who recruited the American Harry Thomas Thompson as a secret agent in San Diego.

Did you give all your meds to 'dubya'? Is that what happened? You note in even posting the 'example' that Miyazaki was a "Japanese Navy agent." Guess what? Also NOT Japanese American :)rolleyes:). How stupid are you two? The spy in your example is Thompson, also NOT Japanese American. Duuurrrrr.....

By this brilliant reasoning, all white farm boys should have been thrown into FDR's concentration camps. :cuckoo:

You boys don't have one fully functioning brain cell between the two of you.

How much harder do you two want to fail at all this?
Yoshio Muto – spy operating in San Francisco.

Are you kidding? Is it possible that you are even more of an idiot than this 'dubya' clown? I informed you idiots that no Japanese Americans were ever convicted of espionage during WWII. Do you know who Yoshio Muto was? He was Japan's Consul General in the US at the time of Pearl Harbor. Not Japanese American (obviously :rolleyes:). Even at that, speculation that the Consul General was trying to recruit spies through the consul was never corroborated with concrete evidence, so you fail in every possible way. Good job helping 'dubya' look like even more of a fool, though. :clap2:

Japanese American were only 62% of the Japanese in internment camps.

Oh, "only" the majority, huh? :rolleyes: Another real strong argument, idiot.

So true...but they are blind to their ignorance and immorality.
That's not what I said (obviously :rolleyes:). Try to concentrate. I said, name one of these Japanese American spies. Go ahead. Don't change the subject, just name one.

He just named two 1 hour and 35 minutes before you posted. Do you bother to read anything?

Two ridiculously inapplicable 'examples,' as I've kindly pointed out, moron.

That's because you want to change it to Japanese American that were prosecuted in the continental United States. The fact that the spying was prevented by internment doesn't enter your mind. If you spy on the east coast, you can't communicate what you have discovered. Transmissions were limited in those days.

Certainly the vast majority of Japanese Americans were loyal to America, but you don't need many spies to do significant damage. You were given an example of how just one Japanese, whether American or not could alter the course of the war and change the balance of power in the Pacific theater, just by going fishing in Puget Sound.
He just named two 1 hour and 35 minutes before you posted. Do you bother to read anything?

Two ridiculously inapplicable 'examples,' as I've kindly pointed out, moron.

That's because you want to change it to Japanese American that were prosecuted in the continental United States.

Go back and read every single post. I haven't changed one thing; you stupid, dishonest shit.
The fact that the spying was prevented by internment doesn't enter your mind.

The only thing that you and your genius sidekick have demonstrated is that ONE case of actual spying could have been prevented by throwing all white farm boys into FDR's concentration camps. That would have been pretty stupid TOO.
If you spy on the east coast, you can't communicate what you have discovered. Transmissions were limited in those days.

Yeah, you couldn't possibly communicate with those German submarines off the East coast. Are you trying to make yourself look as stupid as possible? You're doing a bang-up job.
The people rounded up and put into the "relocation camps" (camps where they were concentrated - hence - concentration camps) were american citizens and native born american citizens. Not one ofthem was ever arrested for nor convicted of espionage. The cover story for this move of absolute fear by the government was to keep them from harm by other people. For that safety all their possessions were unlawfully seized and given or sold to others.

Definitely a moment of American history to be proud of - NOT!

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