The Right To Bear Arms

Then why didn't it happen?

I told you it was prevented from happening, fool!

This bit of illogic has been bebunked now several times, you dishonest fuck.

You haven't debunked anything since you started harping about this subject. You've ran your mouth and picked apart posts to increase your post count, sentence by sentence, while basically saying nothing to the basic subject. You show absolutely no common sense or knowledge of those times. You've made statements that the Japanese were sent to internment camps, but the fact is around 23% of the Japanese on American soil were sent to internment camps and the focus was on the west coast. 7,000 Japanese, including Japanese Americans, were rounded up in Latin America and sent to internment camps in America and around 1,500 or around 1% of the Japanese in Hawaii were sent to internment camps. In every one of those cases involving Japanese internment, the issue was whether they posed a threat to the security of our war interests. The critical areas involved activities on the west coast, the Panama Canal and cargo shipping that aided the war effort.

6. For defense purposes, Luzon is divided into northern and southern districts. Planes reported in Central Luzon are as follows:

Fighters 130
Bombers 30
Navy patrol planes 20
Total 180

Extensive aerial photo coverage of northern Luzon, including the Lingayen Gulf, Vigan, and Aparri coastal sectors (Plate No. 2), was obtained by Imperial General Headquarters a year before the outbreak of war. Commercial planes of the Nippon Airways, manned by military pilots and observers, flew seven photographic missions over Luzon between 27 November and 15 December 1940, ranging as far south as Lingayen Gulf on the west coast and Baler Bay on the east. Lamon Bay, where the Japanese 16th Division landed in the invasion operations, and Bataan Peninsula were not covered by these missions. Flights were made at an altitude of over 21,000 feet and, except at the southernmost point, beyond range

Source: Chapter II: Pre-war Japanese Espionage and Intelligence

Try some research, fool!
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You've made statements that the Japanese were sent to internment camps, but the fact is around 23% of the Japanese on American soil were sent to internment camps and the focus was on the west coast.

Japanese and Japanese Americans WERE thrown into FDR's concentration camps. I never said every single person of Japanese descent in the country ended up in that scumbag Roosevelt's concentration camps, you dishonest fuck. You've been kicked around so completely that you have nothing left but repetition and fabrication.
You've made statements that the Japanese were sent to internment camps, but the fact is around 23% of the Japanese on American soil were sent to internment camps and the focus was on the west coast.

Japanese and Japanese Americans WERE thrown into FDR's concentration camps. I never said every single person of Japanese descent in the country ended up in that scumbag Roosevelt's concentration camps, you dishonest fuck. You've been kicked around so completely that you have nothing left but repetition and fabrication.

The only thing you have proven in all these pages is that's the way you believe.
You've made statements that the Japanese were sent to internment camps, but the fact is around 23% of the Japanese on American soil were sent to internment camps and the focus was on the west coast.

Japanese and Japanese Americans WERE thrown into FDR's concentration camps. I never said every single person of Japanese descent in the country ended up in that scumbag Roosevelt's concentration camps, you dishonest fuck. You've been kicked around so completely that you have nothing left but repetition and fabrication.

The only thing you have proven in all these pages is that's the way you believe.

No, YOU are the one who has been relying on phrases like "I'm sure" and "I'll bet" and "I suppose" and the like because you are talking out your ass and can't back anything up. I have provided link after link, fact after fact, quote after quote and mountains of real information to prove how wrong and un-American your stupid view is.

It's all right there for anyone to see.
Japanese and Japanese Americans WERE thrown into FDR's concentration camps. I never said every single person of Japanese descent in the country ended up in that scumbag Roosevelt's concentration camps, you dishonest fuck. You've been kicked around so completely that you have nothing left but repetition and fabrication.

The only thing you have proven in all these pages is that's the way you believe.

No, YOU are the one who has been relying on phrases like "I'm sure" and "I'll bet" and "I suppose" and the like because you are talking out your ass and can't back anything up. I have provided link after link, fact after fact, quote after quote and mountains of real information to prove how wrong and un-American your stupid view is.

It's all right there for anyone to see.

You've had information given to you of spying by Japan. They don't need the whole Japanese west coast population involved in spying. The Japanese only needed one person to tell them the location of the USS Saratoga being repaired and that would be enough to destroy an aircraft carrier. The United States had 7 aircraft carriers to guard the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans at the beginning of the war and 6 after the Lexington sunk at Coral Sea. One was the Saratoga being repaired on the west coast in a navy yard up at Puget Sound. The Saratoga was the last of our Lexington class aircraft carriers. The two carriers helping convoys against submarines in the Atlantic were small compare to the 3 Yorktown class carriers in the Pacific. Carriers are large, so how are you going to hide it in Puget Sound? One report is enough to wipe out 22.4% of our eventual carrier strength in the Pacific and it wouldn't been able to fire a shot. One ship has enough fire power to completely alter the outcome of a naval battle.

Under those conditions, I'd would have told the Japanese, sorry about your sushi, but you're going camping.
The only thing you have proven in all these pages is that's the way you believe.

No, YOU are the one who has been relying on phrases like "I'm sure" and "I'll bet" and "I suppose" and the like because you are talking out your ass and can't back anything up. I have provided link after link, fact after fact, quote after quote and mountains of real information to prove how wrong and un-American your stupid view is.

It's all right there for anyone to see.

You've had information given to you of spying by Japan. .

You are such a dishonest fuck. You try to mention overflights and operations in the Philippines as some kind of lame distraction from the FACT that NO JAPANESE AMERICANS WERE EVER CONVICTED OF ESPIONAGE DURING WWII. A very lame attempt by a very lame and dishonest fuck.
There were very good reasons to get all the Japanese away from the west coast and the reasons have been explained.

There were none, and all of your empty, false arguments have been shredded several times now.

lets be honest shall we, when the soviets needed to recruit new spies they would look among the liberals as Oleg Klugian said and when the Japanese needed to recruit new spies they would look among the Japanese Americans. Its only common sense!!
Under those conditions, I'd would have told the Japanese, sorry about your sushi, but you're going camping.

It has already been established that you are an un-American piece of shit who does not deserve to set one foot in this great nation. Even most of those caught up in FDR's evil at the time recognized eventually that they were wrong. YOU are too stupid and too immoral to learn the lesson even all these years later. The good news is that if you tried to tell anyone "you're going camping" today, you'd get what you deserve, scumbag.
Under those conditions, I'd would have told the Japanese, sorry about your sushi, but you're going camping.

you're making sense of course!!

Cables decoded from the Japanese in May 1941 said in part,

“We have already established contacts with absolutely reliable Japanese in the San Pedro and San Diego area, who will keep a close watch on all shipments of airplanes and other war materials…”

That same cable also stated that the Japanese had Japanese-American spies in the Army and that they were watching traffic crossing the American / Mexican border.

A January 3rd, 1942 army MID memo states, “‘there can be no doubt that’ most of the leaders within the Japanese espionage network of Japanese clubs, business groups, and labor organizations “continue to function as key operatives for the Japanese government along the West Coast”.

So we knew that the Japanese had a spy network in America before Pearl Harbor and we believed it was still operating after the attacks.
There were very good reasons to get all the Japanese away from the west coast and the reasons have been explained.

There were none, and all of your empty, false arguments have been shredded several times now.

lets be honest shall we, when the soviets needed to recruit new spies they would look among the liberals as Oleg Klugian said and when the Japanese needed to recruit new spies they would look among the Japanese Americans. Its only common sense!!

The difference being that the Soviets found some. For the 1000th time, NO JAPANESE AMERICANS WERE EVER CONVICTED OF ESPIONAGE DURING WWII. FDR's own intelligence agents told him BEFORE THE WAR not to expect any. Is this getting through to you yet?
The difference being that the Soviets found some. For the 1000th time, NO JAPANESE AMERICANS WERE EVER CONVICTED OF ESPIONAGE DURING WWII. FDR's own intelligence agents told him BEFORE THE WAR not to expect any. Is this getting through to you yet?

too stupid!! do you think the Japanese decided they did not need intelligence in WW 2???????????????????

Do you think they decided to recruit Irish Americans to spy for them??

And why such a bleeding heart for the Japanese when there just as many Germans picked up???

As I said even the Italians were suffering from dual loyalty during the War. This would be common sense to all but a blind man.
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Under those conditions, I'd would have told the Japanese, sorry about your sushi, but you're going camping.

you're making sense of course!!

Cables decoded from the Japanese in May 1941 said in part,

“We have already established contacts with absolutely reliable Japanese in the San Pedro and San Diego area, who will keep a close watch on all shipments of airplanes and other war materials…”

That same cable also stated that the Japanese had Japanese-American spies in the Army and that they were watching traffic crossing the American / Mexican border.

A January 3rd, 1942 army MID memo states, “‘there can be no doubt that’ most of the leaders within the Japanese espionage network of Japanese clubs, business groups, and labor organizations “continue to function as key operatives for the Japanese government along the West Coast”.

So we knew that the Japanese had a spy network in America before Pearl Harbor and we believed it was still operating after the attacks.

Ok, name one of these Japanese American spies. Go ahead.

Oh that's right, you can't.

Here are some names for you:

442nd Regimental Combat Team Historical Society
Under those conditions, I'd would have told the Japanese, sorry about your sushi, but you're going camping.

It has already been established that you are an un-American piece of shit who does not deserve to set one foot in this great nation. Even most of those caught up in FDR's evil at the time recognized eventually that they were wrong. YOU are too stupid and too immoral to learn the lesson even all these years later. The good news is that if you tried to tell anyone "you're going camping" today, you'd get what you deserve, scumbag.

My morality in total war is protecting my country comes first. I certainly regret that innocent people were put in internment camps, but I consider the alternative. There was no way of sorting out the bad apples from the rest and just one spy could have seriously hurt our war effort.

It's possible the only reason you have the right to hold your opinion is because of the Japanese Internment order. Changing things have consequences, so let's consider an alternative reality. What if the Japanese weren't interned and Japan recieved information from a spy on the location of the Saratoga. What if they changed their plans and sent two carriers and battle group to Puget Sound and 4 carriers to the Coral Sea, instead of 2. The Yorktown was damaged at the Battle of Coral Sea and the Lexington was sunk. The two carriers go to Puget Sound and destroy the Saratoga. The 4 carriers in the Coral Sea destroy both Lexington and the Yorktown. That's a big enough victory to take Port Moresby, stop the shipping of supplies in the Pacific to Australia and MacArthur and send the British all the way back to India with the fall of Australia. After the Saratoga is destroyed and the two naval groups link together to attack Midway. Our remaining two carriers in the Pacific are not going to be able to beat that Japanese force. Eventually Hawaii falls and a carrier group is sent to destroy the locks on the Panama Canal. The Japanese navy parks out of range off the west coast and harasses the shit out of them at will, destroying radar installations, shipping and conducting raids against key military targets. Without supplies MacArthur can't fight in the Pacific and the Japanese control all of it. You aren't going to be able to build ships on the west coast with the Japanese destroying what you build before it can fight. We could have lost the whole west coast's contribution to the war effort.

Catching a carrier with it's pants down would have been a big enough prize to alter plans.
Under those conditions, I'd would have told the Japanese, sorry about your sushi, but you're going camping.

you're making sense of course!!

Cables decoded from the Japanese in May 1941 said in part,

“We have already established contacts with absolutely reliable Japanese in the San Pedro and San Diego area, who will keep a close watch on all shipments of airplanes and other war materials…”

That same cable also stated that the Japanese had Japanese-American spies in the Army and that they were watching traffic crossing the American / Mexican border.

A January 3rd, 1942 army MID memo states, “‘there can be no doubt that’ most of the leaders within the Japanese espionage network of Japanese clubs, business groups, and labor organizations “continue to function as key operatives for the Japanese government along the West Coast”.

So we knew that the Japanese had a spy network in America before Pearl Harbor and we believed it was still operating after the attacks.

Ok, name one of these Japanese American spies. Go ahead.

Oh that's right, you can't.

Here are some names for you:

442nd Regimental Combat Team Historical Society

Did you bother to read his post?

He already named at least one I saw.
you're making sense of course!!

Cables decoded from the Japanese in May 1941 said in part,

“We have already established contacts with absolutely reliable Japanese in the San Pedro and San Diego area, who will keep a close watch on all shipments of airplanes and other war materials…”

That same cable also stated that the Japanese had Japanese-American spies in the Army and that they were watching traffic crossing the American / Mexican border.

A January 3rd, 1942 army MID memo states, “‘there can be no doubt that’ most of the leaders within the Japanese espionage network of Japanese clubs, business groups, and labor organizations “continue to function as key operatives for the Japanese government along the West Coast”.

So we knew that the Japanese had a spy network in America before Pearl Harbor and we believed it was still operating after the attacks.

Ok, name one of these Japanese American spies. Go ahead.

Oh that's right, you can't.

Here are some names for you:

442nd Regimental Combat Team Historical Society

Did you bother to read his post?

He already named at least one I saw.

Yoshio Muto – spy operating in San Francisco.

Toshio Miyazaki – Japanese Navy agent who recruited the American Harry Thomas Thompson as a secret agent in San Diego.

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