The Right To Bear Arms

williepete, I applaud your wisdom and open mind. It's a pleasure to discuss this topic with you.

What can you say about all this? Meeting of minds, the NRA is an embarrassment to reasonable rational gun enthusiast. As I have no guns, but have excellent shooting experience. The language was absolutely developed from a different mindset and technology understanding of that time. Along with no standing army. But from the standpoint of being out in THE back country townships at that time, were dangers just on their own ,during these times I would've felt great comfort knowing that I can keep my guns. I can apply the right to bear arms no matter what during these dangerous periods. But the volatility of small weapons like the assault rifle vs. Today's modern army technology to decimate you. The second amendment is flawed!

Since you say you have no guns your opinion about guns is irrelevant. I suggest that you shut the fuck up.

NOT TRUE. This person has the same rights to their opinions as gun owners!
There is nothing about the second amendment that is obsolete or even confusing. That people might think it is wrong to keep and be versed in the use of the same weapons as the military infantry don't understand that all citizens are the militia; a back-up support for the defense of our constitution. I would never attempt to overthrow the government unless it was overstepping the limits placed on it by the constitution. Every soldier, agent, politition, and law enforcement officer in the country has taken an oath to serve and protect that constitution. Violating that oath is a crime against this country and worse - against G_d. It should be named an act of treason and prosecuted as such.
Holy shit you're stupid. And, your juvenile attempts at spin are only making you look worse.

Spin my ass, the attempt to spy on the United States by the Japanese during WWII was foiled, .

What attempts were those? You and your little boy wonder could only come up with the name of one actual spy and he was white dude from Maryland.

You were given names of spies in America and only a fool would think the Japanese would start a war and not have spies on the west coast.
Name the Japanese American spies on the West coast. So far you've only named one white dude from Maryland.

Do you know who you CAN name? You can name the extraordinarily brave and loyal Japanese Americans who, despite being thown into FDR's concentration camps along with their families, volunteered to serve their country and went on to become members of the most decorated military unit in US history.

uess you omitted the fact that on the onset FDR ordered Germans and Italians into concentration camps along with the Japanese. California was the first to incarcerate all three until they found it interfered with the draft and staffing the armed forces.

Italian Internment WWII Italian Internment WWII - Similarto Italian Internment WWII

Roosevelt sent envoys to Italy and Mussolini's son visited the United States ... of names of aliens from Germany, Japan and Italy without regard for anything ... the head of the household and support of their families who were arrested. ... However, the 300 or so who were incarcerated remained so until the end of the war in ...

History of Internment - German American Internee Coalition German American Internee Coalition - Similarto History of Internment - German American Internee Coalition

World War II Violations of the Civil Liberties of German Americans and ... We also have much to learn about the Japanese and Italian Latin American programs. ... Families were disrupted, reputations destroyed, homes and belongings lost. ... and their subsequent incarceration overseen by the War Relocation Authority.
Spin my ass, the attempt to spy on the United States by the Japanese during WWII was foiled, .

What attempts were those? You and your little boy wonder could only come up with the name of one actual spy and he was white dude from Maryland.

You were given names of spies in America .

You and Boy Wonder there could only come up with the name of ONE actual spy - some white dude from Maryland.

You continue to fail.
Name the Japanese American spies on the West coast. So far you've only named one white dude from Maryland.

Do you know who you CAN name? You can name the extraordinarily brave and loyal Japanese Americans who, despite being thown into FDR's concentration camps along with their families, volunteered to serve their country and went on to become members of the most decorated military unit in US history.

uess you omitted the fact that on the onset FDR ordered Germans and Italians into concentration camps along with the Japanese. California was the first to incarcerate all three until they found it interfered with the draft and staffing the armed forces.

Italian Internment WWII Italian Internment WWII - Similarto Italian Internment WWII

Roosevelt sent envoys to Italy and Mussolini's son visited the United States ... of names of aliens from Germany, Japan and Italy without regard for anything ... the head of the household and support of their families who were arrested. ... However, the 300 or so who were incarcerated remained so until the end of the war in ...

History of Internment - German American Internee Coalition German American Internee Coalition - Similarto History of Internment - German American Internee Coalition

World War II Violations of the Civil Liberties of German Americans and ... We also have much to learn about the Japanese and Italian Latin American programs. ... Families were disrupted, reputations destroyed, homes and belongings lost. ... and their subsequent incarceration overseen by the War Relocation Authority.

I omitted nothing. Several pages back I provided facts and figures on German and Italian Americans similarly deprived of their rights.

Your Second Amendment rights are not unlimited — never have been and never will be – Applesauce - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Is that because the gov't is scared of the people? The Constitution is based upon small gov't and the People controlling the gov't not the other way around. The problem today is that the government has become to large and is subjugating the people.
What attempts were those? You and your little boy wonder could only come up with the name of one actual spy and he was white dude from Maryland.

You were given names of spies in America .

You and Boy Wonder there could only come up with the name of ONE actual spy - some white dude from Maryland.

You continue to fail.

You failed Common Sense 001. We knew there were Japanese spies, but we didn't know who they were. If a spy can't communicate, their spying amounts to nothing. Now, I pointed out how we had an aircraft carrier being repaired on the west coast and how the entire outcome of that war could be changed by one spy. Reports of an aircraft carrier sitting there defenseless is enough to change planning, because it's too big of a prize to allow it to pass by. One Japanese spy pretending to be fishing in Puget Sound is all it would take to locate the Saratoga. The spy could communicate that to a submarine offshore and the Japanese would send a carrier to destroy it. They could have postponed Midway and concentrated all their other carriers in their Coral Sea campaign. Once the Midway campaign started, the Yorktown would be at the bottom of the ocean and it would be 5 carriers against 2. The Battle of the Coral Sea was the first carrier against carrier battle in history. It was the experienced Yorktown pilots that did major damage on the Japanese at Midway. Those additional Japanese carriers would have been enough to finish the Yorktown off when it was damaged and withdrew from the battle. Midway falls, Hawaii falls, the Panama Canal is put of commission and the Japanese stay off the west coast raiding it at will. Japanese spies are reporting locations of radar installations and commandos from submarines put out their eyes.
The 2nd Amendment is nothing more than a fossil of days long past.

Perhaps you'd prefer to adopt the Marxist Constitution? How about China's Constitution and Bill of Rights? Would you be able to sleep better under those conditions?
Repeating your failed arguments that have already been shot full of holes several times now is not going to make them any more valid, you dishonest fuck. Your little habit of dropping in unrelated and commonly-known bits of information in an attempt to distract from what you're really trying to do also does not work at all.

You continue to fail at defending the indefensible, you un-American scumbag.
We knew there were Japanese spies, but we didn't know who they were.

What we "know" is that no Japanese Americans were ever convicted of espionage during WWII.

FDR's concentration camps were an inexcusable offense and affront to everything that this great nation stands for. Your pathetic and failed attempts at defending them brands you an un-American scumbag who does not deserve to live here.
We are both pointing out the hypocrisy of the idiot Obama and his dumbocrats. The man is looking to ban assault weapons while his family is heavily guarded by assault weapons. It's speaks volumes that both you and he are too fucking stupid to see the irony/hypocrisy of that.

It is ridiculous to compare the security surrounding the president of the united states and his family with that provided private citizens. Bringing that necessary security provided for the president into the national debate on gun control is what is hypocritical.

The president and his family are entitled to government provided security. Private citizens are entitled to provide their own security through the same methods and with the same weapons that are effective for security for the president or any other politician

Hypocrisy exists anytime that politicians, and other elitists who exist within armed security bubbles, demean the idea that the rest of us are entitled to protect ourselves with effective weapons.
We are both pointing out the hypocrisy of the idiot Obama and his dumbocrats. The man is looking to ban assault weapons while his family is heavily guarded by assault weapons. It's speaks volumes that both you and he are too fucking stupid to see the irony/hypocrisy of that.

It is ridiculous to compare the security surrounding the president of the united states and his family with that provided private citizens. Bringing that necessary security provided for the president into the national debate on gun control is what is hypocritical.

why does the president need gun defense and not us exactly???
Repeating your failed arguments that have already been shot full of holes several times now is not going to make them any more valid, you dishonest fuck. Your little habit of dropping in unrelated and commonly-known bits of information in an attempt to distract from what you're really trying to do also does not work at all.

You continue to fail at defending the indefensible, you un-American scumbag.

You haven't shot anything down. For some reason you can't look at those times and see the danger this country was in. At the beginning of WWII, we didn't have a superior military or weapons over the enemy. The Japanese Internment was necessary.

All you posts dissecting paragraphs and disputing each sentence just proves you are an ad hom idiot.
Repeating your failed arguments that have already been shot full of holes several times now is not going to make them any more valid, you dishonest fuck. Your little habit of dropping in unrelated and commonly-known bits of information in an attempt to distract from what you're really trying to do also does not work at all.

You continue to fail at defending the indefensible, you un-American scumbag.

You haven't shot anything down. For some reason you can't look at those times and see the danger this country was in. At the beginning of WWII, we didn't have a superior military or weapons over the enemy. The Japanese Internment was necessary.

All you posts dissecting paragraphs and disputing each sentence just proves you are an ad hom idiot.

Really? Denying American citizens of their rights and placing them in concentration camps is OK? Further, becausethey were unable to maintain their property it was stolen from them and they had to wait for a pittance payment from the government for nearly 40 years...that's A-OK with you is it?

Good to know Reinhard. Good to know.
Repeating your failed arguments that have already been shot full of holes several times now is not going to make them any more valid, you dishonest fuck. Your little habit of dropping in unrelated and commonly-known bits of information in an attempt to distract from what you're really trying to do also does not work at all.

You continue to fail at defending the indefensible, you un-American scumbag.

You haven't shot anything down. For some reason you can't look at those times and see the danger this country was in. At the beginning of WWII, we didn't have a superior military or weapons over the enemy. The Japanese Internment was necessary.

All you posts dissecting paragraphs and disputing each sentence just proves you are an ad hom idiot.

Really? Denying American citizens of their rights and placing them in concentration camps is OK? Further, becausethey were unable to maintain their property it was stolen from them and they had to wait for a pittance payment from the government for nearly 40 years...that's A-OK with you is it?

Good to know Reinhard. Good to know.

If I was President, I'd order Japanese internment.

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