The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Wrong thread. Abi is on a roll today.
What happened in the world today to bring about this endless rants and in so many threads?
Must be pretty bad for you to be off topic on so many threads today.
Fantastic irony as you are destroying Jewish history on your fake thread about it.
Israel was founded on 14th May 1948 and the fighting started almost immediately. True or not true?
False. Jewish terrorists started blowing up banks, buses and business in the prior decade. These terrorists actually formed Israel's first government. There are some brutally honest accounts of this from former British soldiers who went from being totally on their side, after WWII, to seeing what they were doing and realizing how dangerous these people were from the start. By the time the Aabs fought back in '48, it was too late and they were not capable of dealing with the British and French forces who fought for the zionists.
Thanks for the rant.
The British and French forces fought for the zionists, you say.

That would be news to them.

Thanks for the clear example of destruction of Jewish history.
And the right you seem to think you have to destroy that history.

Well they fought more for the zionists than for anyone else. Why? Well they were helping to create a Jewish state.
The French were not involved in the Mandate for Palestine. They had two other mandates to deal with.

And what is wrong with recreating the Jewish State on the ancient Jewish homeland?

Did it become a crime at some point in history, especially as the Ottomans lost that whole territory and more?
So what historical facts are wrong then?

No, I doubt any thread where there are a bunch of people who make it their goal to prevent the topic from going in a direction they're not happy with is my kind of thread. You lot want to keep slapping each other's backs and telling yourself how right you are because no one can tell you have wrong you are.
Are you telling all of us that Theodore Herzl and the Zionists came into the region of Palestine with "guns blazing" ?

Do you have the source for that?

How many Jews came into the region of Palestine before or after 1892 with the "guns blazing" ?

Sigh.... you're really on the offensive now, aren't you.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948"

Israel was founded on 14th May 1948 and the fighting started almost immediately. True or not true?
The riots and attacks on Jews started much earlier.
Including the one on the Jews in Iraq, where the Palestinian Leader bothered to go in order to incite Iraqi Muslims against the Jews.

Do the research.

And I was referring to any time before 1947, before the War of Independence.

Lots happened before that.......

Yes, I know. That doesn't mean that the Jews didn't go in with guns blazing, does it?

They had to fight. It's pretty obvious they'd have to fight and the British could have seen it coming a long way off, but the British didn't care.

You set up your tent in the middle of a bear cave, and then get pissy when the bears start to grumble.... well.....
What does "guns blazing" mean?

This is not a western or gangster movie.

If you do not have specifics about any of it then why post about it?

You clearly do not know what the Mandate for Palestine was, and I will not be the one to inform you about it here.

What does it mean? It can mean whatever the hell you like, as long as it has to do with fighting.

The Jews had to fight in order to impose themselves on a land they hadn't been that much a part of for a long time. Right? It wasn't peaceful there. The Muslim majority did not want to see their land taken over as the Native Americans had seen their own land taken from them.

Imagine the scenario. The Scientologists want their own homeland. They decide that Texas is their homeland. They start moving in, they start taking control with the intention of making it their own country. Do you think the people of Texas are just going to allow them to do with?

Oh, I know what the Mandate for Palestine was, don't fucking condescend me with your uniformed bullshit that you're going to try and use to gain "debate points" or whatever the fuck it is you think you're trying to pull.
Imagine the scenario. The Scientologists want their own homeland. They decide that Texas is their homeland. They start moving in, they start taking control with the intention of making it their own country. Do you think the people of Texas are just going to allow them to do with?
And how does this paragraph of yours has anything to do with the thread's topic?

Ah, more deflecting. What does YOU post have to do with anything?
While you are at it, give us a list of Muslim and Christian homes, business and holy sites the Jews destroyed from 1892 until 1948.

Because I would like to see how many Arabs the Jews murdered before 1948.
How many times they went "guns blazing" against Christians and Muslims before 1948, before all of those Muslims ended up leaving or expelled because of the war after May 1948.

If the Jews were "gun blazing" in 1948, what were they doing between 1892 and 1948?

Then go look it up for yourself. What, am I your fucking slave or something?

Hey, just go look up the Superbowl scores between 435BC and 134AD please. I just wanna know.

Look. You seem to think I'm one of these people who will complete ignore the facts to make a narrative that is convenient for their agenda. I'm not.

I'm not pro-Israeli or pro-Jewish, even if I worked for some of the richest Jews in the US at one time in my life.
I'm not pro-Palestinian or pro-Muslims either, even if I prefer Falafel to Kosher food.

I think religion is a pretty poor excuse for hiding from reality, and as power tool.
Look it up myself......I thought you were the one who wanted to know considering all the wrong information you keep posting on this thread.

Maybe I am wrong.

If you do not know how long Jews have lived on the land, continuously, then you do not know the facts.

If you do not know how many other Nations besides Israel have had a history on the Land of Israel, then you do not know the facts.

I don't want you to be pro Jews, pro Muslims, pro Zionists or pro Palestinians. Only to be pro facts.
Who you ever worked for does not matter one iota where historical facts are concerned.

You are anti religion. Good for you. Believe in whatever you wish to believe spiritually.

Historical facts remain, and you have not been able to give me one historical fact I have asked for which anyone who really wants to know history can find in history books.
Israel was founded on 14th May 1948 and the fighting started almost immediately. True or not true?
False. Jewish terrorists started blowing up banks, buses and business in the prior decade. These terrorists actually formed Israel's first government. There are some brutally honest accounts of this from former British soldiers who went from being totally on their side, after WWII, to seeing what they were doing and realizing how dangerous these people were from the start. By the time the Aabs fought back in '48, it was too late and they were not capable of dealing with the British and French forces who fought for the zionists.
Thanks for the rant.
The British and French forces fought for the zionists, you say.

That would be news to them.

Thanks for the clear example of destruction of Jewish history.
And the right you seem to think you have to destroy that history.

Well they fought more for the zionists than for anyone else. Why? Well they were helping to create a Jewish state.
The French were not involved in the Mandate for Palestine. They had two other mandates to deal with.

And what is wrong with recreating the Jewish State on the ancient Jewish homeland?

Did it become a crime at some point in history, especially as the Ottomans lost that whole territory and more?

Well, I'd disagree. I'd say the French were involved in the fact that they and the British did a deal. The British get this, the French get this and they'd leave each other alone. There were times during the whole empire building of the two nations where they rubbed up against each other massively. Like in Sudan where the British turned up at some fort and found the French there, not many of them, just a few, but enough that they'd have to start a war in order to get them removed. It happened all the time, but as German strength increased and Wilhelm II wanted to use Britain as an "enemy" in order to push for military ship building, the French and British became allies. It was inconceivable a few decades before, but there you are. Now they were allies, they shared things. And with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, they were dividing up the spoils.

So, the French let it happen. Oh, just to let you know, one of my direct relatives was posted to Palestine at the end of WW2 as one of those soldiers.

What is wrong with recreating a land where other people already live, and where all surrounding countries are going to be massively hostile? A lot, that's what. Jews were offered other potential places to move to that would have been far less hostile.

Is it a crime to displace a people? Well, some would call that ethic cleansing. Others might call it Genocide. Would you say ethnic cleansing is a crime?

The War Crimes Court in the Hague is trying people from the former Yugoslavia for doing just what the Jews did with Israel. But hey, if you have the power behind you, you don't get tried.
Are you telling all of us that Theodore Herzl and the Zionists came into the region of Palestine with "guns blazing" ?

Do you have the source for that?

How many Jews came into the region of Palestine before or after 1892 with the "guns blazing" ?

Sigh.... you're really on the offensive now, aren't you.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948"

Israel was founded on 14th May 1948 and the fighting started almost immediately. True or not true?
The riots and attacks on Jews started much earlier.
Including the one on the Jews in Iraq, where the Palestinian Leader bothered to go in order to incite Iraqi Muslims against the Jews.

Do the research.

And I was referring to any time before 1947, before the War of Independence.

Lots happened before that.......

Yes, I know. That doesn't mean that the Jews didn't go in with guns blazing, does it?

They had to fight. It's pretty obvious they'd have to fight and the British could have seen it coming a long way off, but the British didn't care.

You set up your tent in the middle of a bear cave, and then get pissy when the bears start to grumble.... well.....
What does "guns blazing" mean?

This is not a western or gangster movie.

If you do not have specifics about any of it then why post about it?

You clearly do not know what the Mandate for Palestine was, and I will not be the one to inform you about it here.

What does it mean? It can mean whatever the hell you like, as long as it has to do with fighting.

The Jews had to fight in order to impose themselves on a land they hadn't been that much a part of for a long time. Right? It wasn't peaceful there. The Muslim majority did not want to see their land taken over as the Native Americans had seen their own land taken from them.

Imagine the scenario. The Scientologists want their own homeland. They decide that Texas is their homeland. They start moving in, they start taking control with the intention of making it their own country. Do you think the people of Texas are just going to allow them to do with?

Oh, I know what the Mandate for Palestine was, don't fucking condescend me with your uniformed bullshit that you're going to try and use to gain "debate points" or whatever the fuck it is you think you're trying to pull.
More paragraphs and more wrong sense of history.

Such a lack of knowledge as to where the Muslims came from and how long they had been conquering the world.

Being a majority makes the Muslims the indigenous people of the land?
They are the same as the First nations of the Americas?

How about the first Nation of the ancient land of Canaan?

It was known as Israel and then Judea.

No one left? Are you sure?
The Quran mentions them. Who were they?
Ah, more deflecting. What does YOU post have to do with anything?
While you are at it, give us a list of Muslim and Christian homes, business and holy sites the Jews destroyed from 1892 until 1948.

Because I would like to see how many Arabs the Jews murdered before 1948.
How many times they went "guns blazing" against Christians and Muslims before 1948, before all of those Muslims ended up leaving or expelled because of the war after May 1948.

If the Jews were "gun blazing" in 1948, what were they doing between 1892 and 1948?

Then go look it up for yourself. What, am I your fucking slave or something?

Hey, just go look up the Superbowl scores between 435BC and 134AD please. I just wanna know.

Look. You seem to think I'm one of these people who will complete ignore the facts to make a narrative that is convenient for their agenda. I'm not.

I'm not pro-Israeli or pro-Jewish, even if I worked for some of the richest Jews in the US at one time in my life.
I'm not pro-Palestinian or pro-Muslims either, even if I prefer Falafel to Kosher food.

I think religion is a pretty poor excuse for hiding from reality, and as power tool.
Look it up myself......I thought you were the one who wanted to know considering all the wrong information you keep posting on this thread.

Maybe I am wrong.

If you do not know how long Jews have lived on the land, continuously, then you do not know the facts.

If you do not know how many other Nations besides Israel have had a history on the Land of Israel, then you do not know the facts.

I don't want you to be pro Jews, pro Muslims, pro Zionists or pro Palestinians. Only to be pro facts.
Who you ever worked for does not matter one iota where historical facts are concerned.

You are anti religion. Good for you. Believe in whatever you wish to believe spiritually.

Historical facts remain, and you have not been able to give me one historical fact I have asked for which anyone who really wants to know history can find in history books.

You keep talking about all this wrong information I'm supposedly posting, and yet, and yet, you've provided no evidence that I've posted anything that is wrong. Oh....

You come on here and you bring up something I've not spoke about and then demand I do your homework. I'm sure you had some kind of point to make, so why don't you just make it?

Demographic history of Palestine (region) - Wikipedia

Around 1700 there were only about 2,000 Jews in the area. Muslims have lived in the area from the point Islam arrived in the area to the present day.

It's even conceivable that some of the Jews became Christians who then became Muslims. The same people, different religion.

Basically though, your irritating little argument is this.

"Give me some statistics about something that has nothing to do with your argument"
"Oh, you don't know anything"

Look, this is ridiculous. You're playing games and I'm not taking part. You want to discuss things. Fine. We don't need to agree. But playing these silly games as if somehow it'll win you the argument. Nah, you don't win arguments with irritating tactics. It'll just make me stop talking to you.
Sigh.... you're really on the offensive now, aren't you.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948"

Israel was founded on 14th May 1948 and the fighting started almost immediately. True or not true?
The riots and attacks on Jews started much earlier.
Including the one on the Jews in Iraq, where the Palestinian Leader bothered to go in order to incite Iraqi Muslims against the Jews.

Do the research.

And I was referring to any time before 1947, before the War of Independence.

Lots happened before that.......

Yes, I know. That doesn't mean that the Jews didn't go in with guns blazing, does it?

They had to fight. It's pretty obvious they'd have to fight and the British could have seen it coming a long way off, but the British didn't care.

You set up your tent in the middle of a bear cave, and then get pissy when the bears start to grumble.... well.....
What does "guns blazing" mean?

This is not a western or gangster movie.

If you do not have specifics about any of it then why post about it?

You clearly do not know what the Mandate for Palestine was, and I will not be the one to inform you about it here.

What does it mean? It can mean whatever the hell you like, as long as it has to do with fighting.

The Jews had to fight in order to impose themselves on a land they hadn't been that much a part of for a long time. Right? It wasn't peaceful there. The Muslim majority did not want to see their land taken over as the Native Americans had seen their own land taken from them.

Imagine the scenario. The Scientologists want their own homeland. They decide that Texas is their homeland. They start moving in, they start taking control with the intention of making it their own country. Do you think the people of Texas are just going to allow them to do with?

Oh, I know what the Mandate for Palestine was, don't fucking condescend me with your uniformed bullshit that you're going to try and use to gain "debate points" or whatever the fuck it is you think you're trying to pull.
More paragraphs and more wrong sense of history.

Such a lack of knowledge as to where the Muslims came from and how long they had been conquering the world.

Being a majority makes the Muslims the indigenous people of the land?
They are the same as the First nations of the Americas?

How about the first Nation of the ancient land of Canaan?

It was known as Israel and then Judea.

No one left? Are you sure?
The Quran mentions them. Who were they?

What is indigenous to a land?

The Muslims have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.
The Christians have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.

Are you going to kick out all the white people in the USA and give the power back to the Native Americas just so that you have an argument that Jews are the most indigenous to Israel?

Wait, no, you're not. Why? Because you fuck over the white people in the US and Israel doesn't exist any more. It's that simple.

You're making an argument which actually goes against your own interests. Shocking.
Would it really matter if their ancient ancestors lived their or not?

Well, speaking of precedent ... I would LOVE it for these guys to come in and take your home.

Would it really matter if their ancient ancestors lived their or not?

Well, speaking of precedent ... I would LOVE it for these guys to come in and take your home.

You would not. The irony, look one post above:

What is indigenous to a land?

The Muslims have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.
The Christians have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.

Are you going to kick out all the white people in the USA and give the power back to the Native Americas just so that you have an argument that Jews are the most indigenous to Israel?

Wait, no, you're not. Why? Because you fuck over the white people in the US and Israel doesn't exist any more. It's that simple.

You're making an argument which actually goes against your own interests. Shocking.
Would it really matter if their ancient ancestors lived their or not?

Well, speaking of precedent ... I would LOVE it for these guys to come in and take your home.

You would not. The irony, look one post above:

What is indigenous to a land?

The Muslims have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.
The Christians have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.

Are you going to kick out all the white people in the USA and give the power back to the Native Americas just so that you have an argument that Jews are the most indigenous to Israel?

Wait, no, you're not. Why? Because you fuck over the white people in the US and Israel doesn't exist any more. It's that simple.

You're making an argument which actually goes against your own interests. Shocking.

I don't get the point you're making.
Would it really matter if their ancient ancestors lived their or not?

Well, speaking of precedent ... I would LOVE it for these guys to come in and take your home.

You would not. The irony, look one post above:

What is indigenous to a land?

The Muslims have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.
The Christians have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.

Are you going to kick out all the white people in the USA and give the power back to the Native Americas just so that you have an argument that Jews are the most indigenous to Israel?

Wait, no, you're not. Why? Because you fuck over the white people in the US and Israel doesn't exist any more. It's that simple.

You're making an argument which actually goes against your own interests. Shocking.

I don't get the point you're making.
You answered his post before he posted it, Kreskin. :udaman:
Israel was founded on 14th May 1948 and the fighting started almost immediately. True or not true?
False. Jewish terrorists started blowing up banks, buses and business in the prior decade. These terrorists actually formed Israel's first government. There are some brutally honest accounts of this from former British soldiers who went from being totally on their side, after WWII, to seeing what they were doing and realizing how dangerous these people were from the start. By the time the Aabs fought back in '48, it was too late and they were not capable of dealing with the British and French forces who fought for the zionists.
Thanks for the rant.
The British and French forces fought for the zionists, you say.

That would be news to them.

Thanks for the clear example of destruction of Jewish history.
And the right you seem to think you have to destroy that history.

Well they fought more for the zionists than for anyone else. Why? Well they were helping to create a Jewish state.
The French were not involved in the Mandate for Palestine. They had two other mandates to deal with.

And what is wrong with recreating the Jewish State on the ancient Jewish homeland?

Did it become a crime at some point in history, especially as the Ottomans lost that whole territory and more?

Well, I'd disagree. I'd say the French were involved in the fact that they and the British did a deal. The British get this, the French get this and they'd leave each other alone. There were times during the whole empire building of the two nations where they rubbed up against each other massively. Like in Sudan where the British turned up at some fort and found the French there, not many of them, just a few, but enough that they'd have to start a war in order to get them removed. It happened all the time, but as German strength increased and Wilhelm II wanted to use Britain as an "enemy" in order to push for military ship building, the French and British became allies. It was inconceivable a few decades before, but there you are. Now they were allies, they shared things. And with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, they were dividing up the spoils.

So, the French let it happen. Oh, just to let you know, one of my direct relatives was posted to Palestine at the end of WW2 as one of those soldiers.

What is wrong with recreating a land where other people already live, and where all surrounding countries are going to be massively hostile? A lot, that's what. Jews were offered other potential places to move to that would have been far less hostile.

Is it a crime to displace a people? Well, some would call that ethic cleansing. Others might call it Genocide. Would you say ethnic cleansing is a crime?

The War Crimes Court in the Hague is trying people from the former Yugoslavia for doing just what the Jews did with Israel. But hey, if you have the power behind you, you don't get tried.
What books or sources do you read?

You say you know what the Mandate for Palestine was. You do not.
You do not seem to be aware of the other three Mandates and why they ended up divided between the British and the French.

What is wrong with the Jews not accepting any other place in the world as their homeland?

Because the Land of Israel IS their homeland, their ancestral homeland, one which they were never absent of. That is why.
Because that land has always been important to them, even if living somewhere else. That is why.

Because even if living far away, they always faced Jerusalem and prayed that one day they would return to it and set it free and live on it again as FREE people.

The region of Palestine, including TranJordan is the Ancient Homeland of the Jews. One where they have ALWAYS lived on, no matter how many times they were invaded or conquered during the ages INCLUDING the Muslims who invaded and conquered in the 7th Century.

You can cry for peace all you like, but do it with facts and not all the nonsense you seem to have learned from I don't know how many sources.

What you are doing with your posts IS the destruction of Jewish history.

Do you have the right to do it?

Who gave you that right?

In your mind, if Israel is surrounded by so many Arabs, then "gosh forbid" she better just pick up her luggage and run for her life.

You have no understanding AT ALL of how Indigenous people feel about their ancient lands.

Jews are on THEIR ancient land. The Land of Israel, as much as the Maoris are on THEIR ancient land, now known as New Zealand.
Just as one example.

Jews are not giving up their homeland. They are not going back to being wandering Jews, treated as inferior, spat on, attacked, murdered or expelled at anyone's whim.

That is exactly why Israel exists today. For Jews to have a save place to go to if they have nowhere else to go, as evidenced by the number of Jews immigrating to Israel because IT IS THEIR ANCIENT homeland.

You are reading too many comic books where the Jews are the boogie man.

Try reading history. And stop attempting to destroy our history.

You are even more of an example why Jews must protect their country and defend all of its population and all Jews around the world.

It has never been about Israel.

It is about being Jews.

(Read the endless accusations in the New Testament and the Quran about Jews for the past 1950 years and then tell us that it is because of Israel and how Jews have no right to their land and should not have the right to defend themselves against all of those "enemy countries" all around it and all of the destruction of Jewish history so many Muslims have already accomplished in order to convince the world that the Jews have no right to that land. )
False. Jewish terrorists started blowing up banks, buses and business in the prior decade. These terrorists actually formed Israel's first government. There are some brutally honest accounts of this from former British soldiers who went from being totally on their side, after WWII, to seeing what they were doing and realizing how dangerous these people were from the start. By the time the Aabs fought back in '48, it was too late and they were not capable of dealing with the British and French forces who fought for the zionists.
Thanks for the rant.
The British and French forces fought for the zionists, you say.

That would be news to them.

Thanks for the clear example of destruction of Jewish history.
And the right you seem to think you have to destroy that history.

Well they fought more for the zionists than for anyone else. Why? Well they were helping to create a Jewish state.
The French were not involved in the Mandate for Palestine. They had two other mandates to deal with.

And what is wrong with recreating the Jewish State on the ancient Jewish homeland?

Did it become a crime at some point in history, especially as the Ottomans lost that whole territory and more?

Well, I'd disagree. I'd say the French were involved in the fact that they and the British did a deal. The British get this, the French get this and they'd leave each other alone. There were times during the whole empire building of the two nations where they rubbed up against each other massively. Like in Sudan where the British turned up at some fort and found the French there, not many of them, just a few, but enough that they'd have to start a war in order to get them removed. It happened all the time, but as German strength increased and Wilhelm II wanted to use Britain as an "enemy" in order to push for military ship building, the French and British became allies. It was inconceivable a few decades before, but there you are. Now they were allies, they shared things. And with the decline of the Ottoman Empire, they were dividing up the spoils.

So, the French let it happen. Oh, just to let you know, one of my direct relatives was posted to Palestine at the end of WW2 as one of those soldiers.

What is wrong with recreating a land where other people already live, and where all surrounding countries are going to be massively hostile? A lot, that's what. Jews were offered other potential places to move to that would have been far less hostile.

Is it a crime to displace a people? Well, some would call that ethic cleansing. Others might call it Genocide. Would you say ethnic cleansing is a crime?

The War Crimes Court in the Hague is trying people from the former Yugoslavia for doing just what the Jews did with Israel. But hey, if you have the power behind you, you don't get tried.
What books or sources do you read?

You say you know what the Mandate for Palestine was. You do not.
You do not seem to be aware of the other three Mandates and why they ended up divided between the British and the French.

What is wrong with the Jews not accepting any other place in the world as their homeland?

Because the Land of Israel IS their homeland, their ancestral homeland, one which they were never absent of. That is why.
Because that land has always been important to them, even if living somewhere else. That is why.

Because even if living far away, they always faced Jerusalem and prayed that one day they would return to it and set it free and live on it again as FREE people.

The region of Palestine, including TranJordan is the Ancient Homeland of the Jews. One where they have ALWAYS lived on, no matter how many times they were invaded or conquered during the ages INCLUDING the Muslims who invaded and conquered in the 7th Century.

You can cry for peace all you like, but do it with facts and not all the nonsense you seem to have learned from I don't know how many sources.

What you are doing with your posts IS the destruction of Jewish history.

Do you have the right to do it?

Who gave you that right?

In your mind, if Israel is surrounded by so many Arabs, then "gosh forbid" she better just pick up her luggage and run for her life.

You have no understanding AT ALL of how Indigenous people feel about their ancient lands.

Jews are on THEIR ancient land. The Land of Israel, as much as the Maoris are on THEIR ancient land, now known as New Zealand.
Just as one example.

Jews are not giving up their homeland. They are not going back to being wandering Jews, treated as inferior, spat on, attacked, murdered or expelled at anyone's whim.

That is exactly why Israel exists today. For Jews to have a save place to go to if they have nowhere else to go, as evidenced by the number of Jews immigrating to Israel because IT IS THEIR ANCIENT homeland.

You are reading too many comic books where the Jews are the boogie man.

Try reading history. And stop attempting to destroy our history.

You are even more of an example why Jews must protect their country and defend all of its population and all Jews around the world.

It has never been about Israel.

It is about being Jews.

(Read the endless accusations in the New Testament and the Quran about Jews for the past 1950 years and then tell us that it is because of Israel and how Jews have no right to their land and should not have the right to defend themselves against all of those "enemy countries" all around it and all of the destruction of Jewish history so many Muslims have already accomplished in order to convince the world that the Jews have no right to that land. )

I'm sorry, I'm not playing this game.
Would it really matter if their ancient ancestors lived their or not?

Well, speaking of precedent ... I would LOVE it for these guys to come in and take your home.

You would not. The irony, look one post above:

What is indigenous to a land?

The Muslims have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.
The Christians have more claim to the land of Palestine than the white people do in the US.

Are you going to kick out all the white people in the USA and give the power back to the Native Americas just so that you have an argument that Jews are the most indigenous to Israel?

Wait, no, you're not. Why? Because you fuck over the white people in the US and Israel doesn't exist any more. It's that simple.

You're making an argument which actually goes against your own interests. Shocking.

I don't get the point you're making.
You answered his post before he posted it, Kreskin. :udaman:

Oh, haha.
Because you fuck over the white people in the US and Israel doesn't exist any more. It's that simple.

Israel existed for 20 years under a US arms embargo.

Pretty sure she could continue to exist if the Indians took back their land and set you all back to Ireland.

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