The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Hebron was never an Arab village.
There is an Arab colony in Hebron, that until Israeli independence,
prevent any Jewish presence, let alone prayer at the Cave of the Patriarchs.

Arabs settled in existing towns,
they didn't build any villages except for
a handful that bear names of foreign regions.
The only town they ever built, Ramle - as capital in substitution to Jerusalem.
The Zionist refugees destroyed over 300 Palestinian villages.
The Arab Jews left in 1948-56-67 and 73.

Those whom Arab supremacists frame as "Arab Jews" today,
initiated Zionism in response to the Arab pogroms...

Jews from Morocco built the first neighborhoods
outside the walls of Jerusalem and went to
Europe to influence Herzl's Rabbi.

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Those whom Arab supremacists frame as "Arab Jews" today,
initiated Zionism in response to the Arab pogroms...

Morrocan Jews built the first neighborhoods
outside the walls of Jerusalem and went to
Europe to influence Herzl's Rabbi.

You have to wonder why Jews chose to live all over the Arab world and North Africa for 2000 years.
You have to wonder why Jews chose to live all over the Arab world and North Africa for 2000 years.
They lived in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and the Americas

They lived all over because they could, just like anyone else.
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You have to wonder why Jews chose to live all over the Arab world and North Africa for 2000 years.

What is there to wonder,
Jews have been living all over the Middle East
and the Middeteranean for much longer than 2000 years.

When saying "Arab world"
do Arab supremacists assume the entire Middle East and Africa
belong to them, or that they gave birth to all civilizations before them?

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This chapter is based upon the essential article by Ben Dror Yemini, “The Jewish Nakba,” published in Ma’ariv on May 16, 2009, as well as Adi Schwartz’s important essay, “The Destruction of the Communities in Arab States: The Hidden Catastrophe” in volume 43 of the journal, “Techelet.” Sometimes, the truth has no PR. With all the propaganda of the “Nakba”being pumped into us, basic facts such as the expulsion of Jews from Arab states have been abandoned and forgotten. In quantitative terms, the Jews who lived in Arab countries were not just viciously persecuted, tormented by pogroms and banished from their homes; they also left behind possessions – several times more than the amount left by the Arabs in Israel. Their suffering was not forgotten, but was deliberately concealed with the clear intention to tip the moral scale in favor of the Arabs.

There is no reason to pit a Palestinian narrative against a Zionist one. The truth is that narratives need to be avoided altogether, along with the word “narrative” itself, which has become a whitewashed generic term for Middle Eastern imagination, at best, and for an outright lie, most of the time. The Jews in Arab states went through hell; they were forcibly separated from their property, murdered by capricious mobs and in effect, expelled from their homes. So how is it that we never hear about it? First of all, because someone wanted to silence it, to hide the catastrophe of the Jews from Arab states and sweep it under the rug. The drama of their lives was muted. Pogroms accompanied by acts of rape, slaughter, robbery and pillaging of hundreds of thousands of Jews do not “sell,” and certainly, do not leave a mark on the Israeli public and its collective memory.

As Adi Schwartz pointed out in his article in the journal, “Techelet,” in the last decade, Israel’s five universities produced only one doctoral thesis on the destruction of the Jewish communities in Arab countries. In contrast, over the same in the last decade, Israel’s universities produced only one doctoral thesis on the destruction of the Jewish communities in Arab countries. over the same period, thousands of articles were written on the Arab “Nakba.” period, thousands of articles and research papers were written by professors in Israeli academic institutions on the Arab “Nakba.” That fact – only one doctoral thesis – should arouse incredulity. While our “humanities” professors and elites join forces with the enemy’s claims and explain with furrowed faces full of gravity and forced compassion that Israel must correct the historical injustice caused to the Palestinians in 1948, a similar, if not worse, catastrophe – the catastrophe of the Jews in Arab countries – does not warrant even the smallest reference. Perhaps this is because it does not come with honors, awards and academic positions; perhaps because the parallel story ruins Palestinian “righteousness.”
In the Hijaz, for example, the region of origin of the royal Hashemite dynasty, there lived three Jewish tribes: Banu Qaynuqa, Nadir and Banu Qurayzah. In the course of Islam’s takeover of Mecca and Medina, Mohammed’s army slaughtered the tribes, decimated their leaders, pillaged their property and took their wives and daughters captive. If you happen to hear the slogan, “Khaybar, Khaybar, ya yahud, jaish Mohammed sa-yaud” (Remember Khaybar, Khaybar, Jews, Mohammed’s army will yet return) at a Palestinian or Israeli Arab demonstration, you should know that this is a vulgar nationalist cry referring to the Battle of Khaybar, in which Mohammed, by means of lie and deceit, annihilated the proud Jewish tribe that lived there. In Spain as well, in a time and place that earned the title ‘The Golden Age’, at the glorious peak of Jewish integration into the culture and the fabric of life in the state under Islamic rule, the Jews’ lives were not always happy and content. The Golden Age included a series of harassments for the Jews. In 1011, in Muslim Cordoba, a massacre was orchestrated in which, according to various estimates, hundreds to thousands of Jews were murdered. In 1066, in Granada, Yosef Hanagid was executed, along with 4,000-6,000 Jews. One of the worst periods for the Jews began in 1148 with the rise of the Almohad dynasty (al Muwahhidūn) which ruled Spain and North Africa in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Today, Morocco is thought of as a place that was safe for Jews; there are those who remember fondly the history of the Jews in that country. Yet an examination of the facts teaches us that Morocco was a Muslim country where Jews suffered an extremely harsh series of massacres. In the eighth century, entire communities were wiped out by King Idris I. In Fez in 1033, 6,000 Jews were murdered by a Muslim mob. The rise of the Almohad dynasty caused a wave of mass murders. According to testimony from those times, several large massacres of Jews in Fez and Marrakesh were carried out. In 1465, there was another mass slaughter in Fez, one that spread to other cities in Morocco. In Tetouan, pogroms were conducted in 1790 and 1792. There, pillaging was rampant, women were raped and children murdered. Between 1864 and 1880, a series of pogroms were carried out against the Jews in Marrakesh and hundreds were massacred. In 1903, there was a pogrom in two cities, Taza and Settat, in which over 40 Jews were killed. In 1907, in Casablanca, approximately 30 Jews were murdered and many women were raped. In 1912, another massacre took place in Fez.

(full article online )

The Arab world has seen more displacement than almost any other region, as modern refugee populations from Iraq and Syria can attest. Although my family is Muslim, I was born in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, then under Jordanian control. In 1966, when I was 8 years old, the Jordanian government moved my family north of Jerusalem to the Shuafat Refugee Camp. It was the government of Jordan, not the government of Israel, that made me a refugee.

The difference between a Palestinian culture taught to celebrate grievance and an Israeli culture that idealizes freedom is stark. The Christian minority population, for example, has plummeted in Palestinian Authority-controlled territory. In Bethlehem, it has dropped from 84% to 22% in the last decade alone. Meanwhile, a party with Islamic foundations has a critical role in Israel’s current government, and Israel’s Supreme Court recently appointed its first Muslim justice, Khaled Kabub.

Palestinians should celebrate our rich heritage and, like our Jewish cousins, grieve our losses. But now is the time for negotiated reconciliation, not the perpetuation of generation-old victimhood. “Nakba Day” is part of the victimhood problem, not part of the forward-looking solution. Reconciliation happens only when both sides take a step back and acknowledge joint suffering. “Nakba Day” does the reverse. Whereas Israel has three times offered Palestinians peace, dignity and independence, Yasser Arafat launched — and Mahmoud Abbas has failed to contain — the violent public culture of the 2000-05 Second Intifada, for which the 1998 establishment of “Nakba Day” can be understood as a buildup.

The fetishization of Israel’s very existence as a catastrophe is a distortion that wounds our children and leads them to war and suicide bombing. Nearly 1 million Jews in Islamic lands faced their own nakba after Israel’s independence. Perhaps if more Palestinians understood this, we would better understand our Israeli neighbors.

We must teach our children about our neighbors, seek understanding and champion peace. The Palestinian leadership should reverse course on the incitement against Israel and Jews — including the spread of antisemitic stereotypes — in public education and media. Instead, Palestinian schoolchildren and citizens should learn the history, the joys and the traumas of our neighbors the Israelis, with whom we have a great deal in common. In so doing, we can lay the foundations of a new Middle East, and cities like my native Jericho in the Jordan Valley can blossom as hubs of international cooperation and commerce. This can only be achieved if we learn to understand our neighbors’ grief, not exacerbate our own.

“Nakba Day” does the opposite and should be abolished.

Bassem Eid is a Palestinian human-rights activist, political analyst and journalist.

(full article online)

He said it in 1945.. it was contemporaneous.
He said. Based on what? Being a Hashemite Arab Muslim who gladly took 78% of the Jewish Homeland out of the Mandate for Palestine for the Jewish Homeland and expelled all the Jews from TranJordan ? Without one ounce of remorse for it?
He said it in 1945.. it was contemporaneous.
1). It was November 1947

2). The article comes from an Arab clan which was kicked out of Arabia by the Saudis around WWI.

3) He can call himself a Palestinian all he likes, but his clan is nothing but Arabs who had money and befriended the British and got lucky to get 78% of the Mandate for Palestine for nothing.

4). Muslims do not give a darn about the indigenous people of anywhere they invaded and conquered. Just ask the Kurds, the Copts, the Berbers, the Yazidis, the Assyrians and every other Muslim conquered land in Asia and North Africa.

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