The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Tiferes Yisrael on the left, Hurva on the right, ;ate 1930s

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs of Jordan was created by the late King Hussein in 1971 and reconstituted in 1994. Its mission:

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs is working to raise awareness of the importance of the issue of Jerusalem and not to separate it from its Arab and Islamic dimension, expose the Judaization and daily Israeli violations it is subjected to, and increase efforts working to stabilize Jerusalemites, support their steadfastness and publicize their suffering.
Its website is filled with antisemitic invective, calling every Jew in Jerusalem a "colonialist."

Here is a typical article that exposes how thoroughly antisemitic the Committee is - as well as the government that funds it. It rails against the Israeli plans to rebuild the Tireres Yisrael synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, which was destroyed along with every single other synagogue in the Old City in 1948 by Jordanian forces.

[Israel's] plans to start building a synagogue allegedly called Tiferes Israel, on an endowment land in which there is an Islamic historical building, about 200 meters from the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from its western side, at a cost of $13 million, and with a construction area of 387 square meters, consisting of six floors, four of them underground and two above the ground, 23 meters high. It includes a synagogue, facilities for holding Talmudic prayers, a false Talmudic museum and public services, to be one of the largest synagogues in the world.This comes after the building of the Hurva synagogue, which was also erected on confiscated Jerusalem land and property, in implementation of an Israeli rabbi’s proposal claiming that it speeds up salvation and the coming of the Messiah and building the temple, according to their claim.

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs stresses the danger of this alleged synagogue, as well as other Jewish centers, which are trying to obliterate the Arab identity of Jerusalem and its authentic Arab (Islamic and Christian) identity, and aims to change the space of the Arab city of Jerusalem in preparation for the expulsion of its Arab residents and the settlement of settlers, and an attempt to create an alleged Jewish climate by creating Talmudic paths and stations and building synagogues and biblical gardens in the vicinity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the city of Jerusalem, which destroys peace and security in the region and ends the chance of the two-state solution to establish a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 1967 borders, which was adopted by international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs affirms that the firm position of Jordan under its historical Hashemite leadership, which has historical guardianship over the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, will remain the defender of Palestine and Jerusalem, regardless of the cost and sacrifices as a national and national cause. The unanimous agreement that includes deterring Israel (the occupying power) to stop its crimes and violations, including hundreds of international resolutions issued by the United Nations and its affiliated organizations, including UNESCO, which affirmed the exclusive Arab identity of Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian holy sites, and international organizations must protect human rights and humanitarian organizations ....[and expose] Israel's racist crimes.

Tiferes Yisrael was built on land legally purchased, at a huge cost, by the city's Chassidic Jews in the 1840s. But besides the lies in the history is the seething hatred of Jews throughout the article - its emphasis on how Jerusalem has no Jewish history, using the word "Talmudic" as an epithet, calling Jews liars.

This is Jordan, today.

The JCPA published an interesting article about how the status quo has changed on the Temple Mount since 1967 - mostly towards Muslim control.

One point made in the article struck me:
The expansion of the Muslims’ prayer areas and the establishment of additional mosques on the mount stemmed from a new definition of the Temple Mount compound by the Muslims, who began to refer to all of the all of it as “Al-Aqsa” and to regard the entire mount as one great mosque. They began to call the Al-Aqsa Mosque itself, which is on the mount’s southern edge, “Al-Jamia al-Kibli”—the Mosque of the Direction of Prayer (in the direction of Mecca, signifying Jerusalem was Muslims’ first direction of prayer).
Until the Six-Day War the southern mosque was defined differently from the other parts of the compound and was called by its real name, Al-Aqsa; the compound as a whole was called “Al-Haram al-Sharif” (the Holy and Noble Place). But after the Six-Day War—as the Jewish-Muslim dispute over the mount intensified—the situation gradually changed and the Muslims applied the name “Al-Aqsa” to the whole compound, with all its buildings, streets, and walls.
This is absolutely true. Here is how the Waqf guidebook for the Temple Mount looked until 1967:

And here it is now:

In the new guide, it says - contrary to the previous editions - that the entire complex is Al Aqsa and the building that has been called the Al Aqsa Mosque by Muslims themselves has always been called "al-Qibly."

Either they are lying now, or the Waqf had no idea what they were talking about for the past hundred years in the previous editions, like 1925 and 1961, when the Al Aqsa Mosque was a building, not the entire Haram:

(full article online)

Jordan, the Arab League and the UN’s failure to condemn the virulent Jew-hatred on public display during Ramadan at Islam’s third holiest religious site – the Al-Aksa Mosque – located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, although the Wakf now calls the entire site by that name - is despicable. The US reaction to the violence is to blame both sides and ask Bennett to foster calm as if that is up to Israel.

Thousands of Muslim rioters defiled what they claim to venerate as a Muslim Holy Shrine -- converting it into a rallying point for flag-waving slogan-shouting Palestinian Arabs armed with rocks and Molotov cocktails to vent their hatred against Jews.

Clauses 9.1 and 9.2 of the 1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty state:

9.1. Each Party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.

9.2. In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.

The reaction in the Jordanian Parliament to the rioting - expressed by Jordan’s Prime Minister - Bisher Al-Khasawneh - was mind-boggling:

“I salute every Palestinian, and all the employees of the Jordanian Islamic Waqf, who proudly stand like minarets, hurling their stones in a volley of clay at the Zionist sympathizers defiling the Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli occupation government”

Instead of publicly condemning his Prime Minister’s provocative and offensive remarks and pledging to uphold the terms of Jordan’s Peace Treaty with Israel – Jordan’s King Abdullah phoned Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi where they:

“stressed the need to cease all illegal and provocative Israeli measures in Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

The Arab League called on Israel to end Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount - warning it was a flagrant affront to Muslim feelings that could trigger wider conflict.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al Safadi - standing alongside Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit after an emergency Arab League meeting in Amman stated:

"Our demands are clear that Al-Aqsa and Haram al Sharif in all its area is a sole place of worship for Muslims,"

(full article online)


What Jewish Refugees? Media Ignore Mass Expulsion​

During Israel’s War of Independence, approximately the same number of Jewish refugees arrived in the fledgling Jewish state as Palestinians who fled their homes. Yet one side of these historic events has seemingly been buried by leading news organizations.

HonestReporting examined thousands of articles and news segments to gauge how the media have reported on the Jewish refugee story compared to the Palestinian refugee issue over the last 12 months. While ‘Palestinian refugees’ was cited nearly six and a half thousand times, there were only 865 ‘Jewish refugees’ citations during the same period.

No Recognition From United Nations of Jews Driven From Arab Countries​

The media’s unwillingness to report on the story of Jewish refugees isn’t occurring in a vacuum. The United Nations is pushing the Palestinian narrative as well.

In 2008, the US House of Representatives unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the recognition of Jewish, Christian, and other refugees from Arab lands. The resolution states that any agreement between Israelis and Palestinians must include recognition of Jewish refugees as well. The resolution makes it clear that the subject should be brought before the UN General Assembly.

Yet the United Nations refuses to recognize the Jews who were brutally expelled from Arab states. In response, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan informed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in December 2020 of his intention to submit a draft resolution requiring the international body to hold an annual commemoration for the hundreds of thousands of Jews exiled from Arab countries due to the creation of the State of Israel.

Erdan also asked the UN to launch a global research project on the deportation of Jews from the Arab world and to back the study of the subject in various UN forums.

(full article online)

The reader will learn that, according to Tauber, there was no preplanned massacre. As for the numbers, while on April 10, the day after the battle, The New York Times reported: “In house-to-house fighting, the Jews killed more than 200 Arabs, half of them women and children,” Tauber actually lists each and every one of the 101 Arab fatalities. Furthermore, on page 207, Tauber concludes that “most of the [Arabs] killed in the village were killed during the battle and under battle conditions and not in a subsequent deliberate massacre.”

In other words, while noncombatants were indeed killed, according to his research, only a very few were purposely murdered outside the framework of actual combat. None of this justifies Israel’s fighters’ conduct during that period in instances when there were violations, like those of many other armed forces. And there were certainly differences in many parts of the war between the Hagana and the other forces. But Tauber’s research puts the incident in a new light, especially compared to some Palestinian conduct during the war, and it reveals how the Hagana may also have had an interest in allowing the Palestinians to frame its Jewish rival groups for worse violations than what actually occurred.

Tauber adds historical depth to the incident. Did Deir Yasin live in peace with its Jewish neighbors? Many did. Yet in March 1914, some made an assault on the Jews residing in nearby Givat Shaul, throwing stones at the Jews praying in the synagogue and beating them. Police intervention rescued them.

Bernard Wasserstein, in his The British in Palestine: The Mandatory Government and the Arab-Jewish Conflict 1917-1929, page 69, missing from Tauber’s bibliography, quotes British documents that the village served as a center of weapons trafficking during the violent 1920 riot. Indeed, throughout the Mandate period, Jews suffered from attacks of Deir Yasinites, especially during 1929 and the 1936-1939 wave of anti-Jewish terrorism.

On April 2, 1948, sniping from Deir Yasin was directed at the Jewish neighborhoods of Bet Hakerem and Yefeh Nof. According to reports by the Shai (Hagana Intelligence), fortifications were being constructed in the village, and a large number of arms were being stockpiled. Men of Deir Yasin took an active part in the battle for Castel, had dug trenches at the entry to the village, and many of the villagers were armed. As Tauber makes clear, the residents planned for a battle and, mistakenly, presumed the attacking Jewish force had planned for just a raid.

On the other hand, the attackers also made a mistaken assumption that the villagers would flee at the first shots. While 70% of the villagers escaped via a route purposely left open, of those who remained in the village, 90% survived, according to Tauber’s book. That would put into question the claims of a massacre.

In addition, Tauber makes sure we also know more of the involvement of the Red Cross, the Jewish Agency, Hagana and Palmah.

Of course, one could feel quite uncomfortable learning that in the end Arab civilians were killed. On the other hand, Tauber details how Arab leaders themselves falsified the events at Deir Yasin and then turned that fabrication to their disadvantage, with no less that Azzam Pasha, the Arab League’s secretary-general, admitting Deir Yasin was the “turning point” in the war.

Today, 75 years later, we still face Arab canards. Deconstructing Deir Yasin, even if unpleasant because it also draws attention to an incident where Israel was not at its best by any account, may also assist addressing ongoing contemporary distortions.

There is much more to be found in Tauber’s meticulous and comprehensive review of material in three languages, his comparing testimonies and testing their reliability, challenging notions and prejudices as well as bringing order and sense not only to the events of those few hours of combat but to the decades of lies, cover-ups, false accusations and ignored facts.

As bad as the events at Deir Yasin were, there is enough information that has been brought to light by Tauber that begs for a reassessment of its massacre label.

(full article online)



Israel sequentially commemorates the Holocaust, Israeli soldiers, and the creation of the state, promoting false Zionist narratives that:

1) The Holocaust justifies the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
2) Jews can only be safe and free in a militarized, colonial, apartheid state.

Swipe left to learn how.

We don't buy any part of these narratives.

We reject the Israeli state's distortion of our religion's liberation story into an ahistorical myth of endless Jewish persecution. We refuse the idea that we are doomed to victimhood unless we accept militarism and nationalism.

We don't want the memories of ancestors murdered in the Holocaust to be instrumentalized to justify the murder and expulsion of Palestinians. And we want the stories of our ancestors' resistance to Nazis to inspire oppressed people around the world — not valorize oppressors.

We don't need a militarized, colonial, apartheid state to keep us safe at Palestinians' expense.

We want to live in a world with freedom, justice, and dignity for ALL, and we're building it through solidarity with other communities targeted by racism and white supremacy.

State Ceremonies of Israel: Remembrance Day and Independence Day by Handelman and Katz
The Memorial Ceremony in Israeli Schools: Between the State and Civil Society by Lomsky-Feder

#YomHaShoah #YomHazikaron#yomhaatzmaut

Israel's Independence Day is observed on the Hebrew calendar date Iyar 5, which coincided with the day that Israel declared independence on May 14 1948.

"We don't buy any part of this Zionist narrative," said JVP. "We reject the Israeli state's distortion of our religion's liberation story into an ahistorical myth of endless Jewish persecution. We refuse the idea that we are doomed to victimhood unless we accept militarism and nationalism. We don't want the memories of ancestors murdered in the Holocaust to be instrumentalized to justify the murder and expulsion of Palestinians."

"Attempts like those by JVP to distort history and reality don’t stay just within their followers online - it legitimizes all actors of hate," Saskia Pantell of the Sweden Israel Alliance & Zionist Federation of Sweden said in response to JVP's posts. "Being an American liberal Jew that grew up in Europe I’m horrified by these extremist lies. I’ve witnessed firsthand how this kind of propaganda harms the daily lives of Jews globally resulting in death threats and attacks against Jews myself included."

(full article online)

On April 30, MSNBC host Ali Velshi delivered a lengthy rant against the Jewish state that was as dishonest as it was rabid. The monologue was riddled with false statements and exaggerations that betray Velshi’s willingness to twist the facts to fit his preferred narrative.

During the segment, Velshi claimed: “The map of the Palestinian Authority, sometimes described as Swiss cheese, has been carved up by Israel over the past century.”

The Palestinian Authority (“PA”) did not exist until 1994, a mere 28 years ago, so the reference to the “past century” is erroneous. Furthermore, the PA was created under the Oslo Accords, mutually agreed to between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization. It is under these same agreements that the current map of the Palestinian Authority’s varying levels of autonomy (Areas A, B, and C) was agreed to during negotiations.

To thus claim that Israel “carved up” the territory of the Palestinian Authority is fundamentally false.

The map and territorial changes, entailing Israel transferring 40% of the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority, mainly under Area B status, were drawn in negotiations between the two parties and implemented. Indeed, Velshi himself acknowledges that drawing of borders in this way is entirely legitimate when, later in the monologue, he states: “It is not illegitimate to change borders as long as it’s done through negotiations…”

Velshi goes on to claim that Israeli settlers live on “illegally occupied Palestinian land.” He also claims that “forcibly occupying another territory is illegal.” Even if one considers the territory occupied, it is not considered illegal. Indeed, “occupation” is clearly provided for in international law (see, e.g., the Fourth Geneva Convention). CAMERA has repeatedly had this error corrected in outlets such as CNBC, the New York Times, the Independent, and Bloomberg.

The reference to Israeli settlers living on “Palestinian land” is also incorrect. Under the Oslo Accords, both sides agreed that the status of the West Bank would be decided in final status negotiations between the parties. Until then, the status of the West Bank is disputed, not “Palestinian.” This is particularly true for Area C, where Israeli settlements are located, and where the PA was not accorded the substantial levels of autonomy it was in Areas A and B. Having made similar errors, outlets like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times subsequently issued corrections.

Velshi also stated that “occupation is just a step toward annexation.” While this is technically true in the most generous sense – annexation would typically be preceded by occupation except under quite unusual circumstances – annexation is not the inevitable conclusion of occupation. The concept of “occupation” under international law, which we’ll assume arguendo applies to Israel, is designed to govern the territory pending a final status deal between the parties. By implying that occupation, which is entirely legal, will inevitably end in an illegal annexation, Velshi is misleading viewers.

Finally, during the rant, Velshi called Israel the “leading occupying force in the world.” Under what metric did Velshi make this statement? In terms of land area, Western Sahara is approximately 10 times the size of the entire State of Israel, including all the disputed territories. In terms of length of time, China’s occupation of Tibet preceded Israel’s capture of the territories by more than a decade and a half.

In response to CAMERA’s request for corrections, MSNBC made various excuses for Velshi’s disconnect from factual reality, such as that he wasn’t actually making factual assertions, or that he was speaking in “shorthand.”

The phrase “illegally occupied Palestinian land” is not a statement of opinion. It is a false statement of fact, as multiple other outlets have clearly understood.

(full article online)

They who (?) had lived in TransJordan?

Not the Hashemites who were given all of TranJordan by the British, and then expelled all the Jews who had lived there for thousands of years.

Try again. :)
The Jewish population of Palestine was a tiny minority. See the Ottoman census of 1870. They didn't even try to count the Bedouin. Why did the Palestinian Jews leave transjordan?
NPR's All Things Considered has a worshipful interviewwith Reem Assil about her new cookbook, "Arabiyya: Recipes from the Life of an Arab in Diaspora."

During the interview, Assil laughingly says that Israel stole Palestinian culture and cuisine and land:

And that is the entire reason NPR devotes a segment to a first time cookbook author. Not because her food is so unique or noteworthy, but because it is ammunition against Israel.

And who is Reem?

We've discussed her before. Here is what her restaurant looks like:

Yes, that's a huge mural of terrorist Rasmea Odeh, murderer of two Jews.

NPR is praising a person whose hero is a terrorist.

Reem adds this ironic note:

Except for Jews.

Did you all eat hummus in Russia or Poland?
Velshi makes it sound like Israel illegally stole land from Jordan, when the world never recognized Jordan's truly illegal annexation of the West Bank in 1949. Instead of this textbook case of annexation, he extends his definition of "annexation" to include "occupation," and he doesn't even undertand that:

Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981, not 1967. And Velshi implies that Israel's capture of the Golan was from an aggressive war on Israel's part, not Syrian aggression in 1967 and 1973. He fails to mention that capturing land in a defensive war was never considered illegal before Israel did it. He also doesn't mention that Syria liked to shoot at Israeli civilians from the high ground and this is unacceptable.

None of that is relevant in his zeal to paint Israel as a unique thief of land.

Not to mention that Velshi is strikingly supportive of a regime that kills its own people. How do you think Assad would treat the "traitors" and "spies" that live in the Golan now if Israel would give it up as he demands? Suddenly, human rights are not nearly as important as misapplying international law against the Jewish state.

See the sleight of hand here? At first (above), Israel occupied the land from Jordan. Then, both Israel and Palestinians claim rights to the land. Finally, Velshi declares it unambiguously Palestinian land - and also claims that the "occupation" is illegal, when occupation is emphatically not illegal under international law.

This is a complete falsehood. No Israeli settlements are built on land where Palestinians have been "kicked out." (The only possible exception is Hebron, on properties that had been stolen from Jews in the 1920s and 1930s.) The Palestinians whose homes are demolished either built them illegally or they are families of terrorists. Say what you want about the circumstances, but Israel's Supreme Court rules on each and every one of these cases, and it has never been credibly accused of operating under false pretenses or accepting invalid legal justifications.

This is not only a smear job. It is riddled with basic errors and inaccuracies - all in one direction.

Which is par for the course for MSNBC.

(full article online)

Hebron was an Arab village until 1500 when some Jews from Spain and Portugal settled there without incident.
Did you all eat hummus in Russia or Poland?

Is the accusation only against Jews who came from Russia and Poland,
or is it to evade the fact most Israelis are refugees from the Middle East?

The irony is it doesn't make hummus turn into a Palestinian dish,
neither fried eggs for that matter... but to claim it's a crime
for Jews to eat hummus - does make one a xenophobe.
The Jewish population of Palestine was a tiny minority. See the Ottoman census of 1870. They didn't even try to count the Bedouin. Why did the Palestinian Jews leave transjordan?

Read the post you're responding to - they were expelled.

Why do Arab supremacists assume minorities have no rights?
Is the accusation only against Jews who came from Russia and Poland,
or is it to evade the fact most Israelis are refugees from the Middle East?

The irony is it doesn't make hummus turn into a Palestinian dish,
neither fried eggs for that matter... but to claim it's a crime
for Jews to eat hummus - does make one a xenophobe.
The Arab Jews left in 1948-56-67 and 73.
Hebron was an Arab village until 1500 when some Jews from Spain and Portugal settled there without incident.

Hebron was never an Arab village.
There is an Arab colony in Hebron, that until Israeli independence,
prevent any Jewish presence, let alone prayer at the Cave of the Patriarchs.

Arabs settled in existing towns,
they didn't build any villages except for
a handful that bear names of foreign regions.
The only town they ever built, Ramle - as capital in substitution to Jerusalem.

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