The Right To Destroy Jewish History

What did they do to earn it? They didn't fight with the British to oust the Turks.. but the Arabs did.
What???? I can't hear you !!!!

The Jewish Legion (1917–1921) is an unofficial name used to refer to five battalions of Jewish volunteers, the 38th to 42nd (Service) Battalions of the Royal Fusiliers in the British Army, raised to fight against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War.

An evolution of the Zion Mule Corps that was raised in 1915 and fought in Gallipoli, the Jewish Legion started being formed in August 1917 with the formation of one Jewish battalion. The legion would incorporate a number of Russian Jews and later Jews from the United States and Canada with the unit reaching five battalions. The Legion fought in the Battle of Jerusalem and the Battle of Megiddo, before being reduced to one battalion, known as First Judaeans.

What did they do to earn it? They didn't fight with the British to oust the Turks.. but the Arabs did.
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the rights of the Jewish People/Nation to rebuild their Nation on their ancient homeland.

It was a gift. You did nothing to earn land in Palestine.
It is ours. We do not need to be given a gift of something that does belong to us and has been stolen by many invaders, from the Romans to the Muslim Arabs, Ottoman and British.

You are beyond delusional. :(
Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) official Muhammad Shalah said in an April 24, 2022 show on Al-Quds Al-Youm TV (Islamic Jihad – Gaza) that Palestine is unquestionably Palestinian land, and that the Jews have no historical claim to it. He also said that Allah brought the Jews to Palestine for the Palestinians to "finish them off. In addition, he said that the PIJ is part of the Iran-backed "resistance axis" and that while Iran supplied the Palestinians with rockets and weapons, the Arabs only gave them school supplies. Muhammad Shalah is the brother of the former leader of the Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Abdullah Shalah who died in 2020.

They had always lived in transjordan.
They who (?) had lived in TransJordan?

Not the Hashemites who were given all of TranJordan by the British, and then expelled all the Jews who had lived there for thousands of years.

Try again. :)
They call it the Nakba, the disaster, pretending they were expelled. We call it a lot of people turning tail. Whatever you call it, it happened after the nascent State of Israel was attacked by multiple Arab nations, just for declaring independence from British rule.

The vast majority of Arab residents left Israel of their own volition. No one forced them out of their homes. They could have stayed. But they didn’t.

Why did the Arabs flee? For one things, the leaders of the invading Arab armies told them to leave. In effect, the Arabs who fled at the behest of Arab heads of state, were told that they should get out of the way while they made short shrift of the Jews and pushed them into the sea. Then, they intimated, the Arab residents who fled could return to their homes, free of Jews forever, while enjoying the spoils left behind by a presumably exterminated people.

History, however, proved these leaders, and the runners who listened to them, wrong. Little Israel/David defeated Goliath, in the form of the multitude of soldiers who poured into the new Jewish State from five separate Arab countries to murder Jews and take their land. It may have been a Nakba/Disaster, but it was a disaster of their own making (the idjits). Not only because they lost, but because they became political pawns in perpetuity, kept in refugee camps by their own people—but the losers—blaming it on Israel.

On the bright side, the Arabist world of antisemites, took their side and called them “refugees,” changing the definition of that word forever, but only for those who ran away from Israel in 1948. That meant they could get lots of money and stuff from UNRWA, and be lamented by the media and other entities and people biased against Jews and their indigenous land rights. They also inflated the number of “refugees” so the situation looked far worse than it was, and so more people could claim hereditary rights to land that was never theirs in the first place.

It’s all one big sack of lies. Expulsion? Nonsense. The kind of nonsense that froufrou psychopathic self-hating Israelis just love to trumpet. From the Im Tirtzu booklet "Nakba Nonsense" (Erez Tadmor, Erel Segal):

Teddy Katz, a graduate student from Haifa University, wrote an MA thesis entitled ”The Tantura Massacre.” Katz determined that the soldiers of the Alexandroni Brigade had perpetrated a massacre on approximately 200 unarmed men who had resided in the village of Tantura. Veterans of the brigade sued Katz for having published a libel, and in a compromise agreement it was determined that Katz would retract his accusation and would publish an apology in the press. Katz signed the agreement and the press release, but soon went back on his word and submitted a petition to the Supreme Court that was eventually rejected. It was discovered that Katz had distorted and completely modified witness accounts he had collected from the villagers. The archives which had documented the battle, the comparison of the alleged numbers of casualties with the number of residents of the village and a book which had been written by one of the villagers all proved that Katz's thesis had been false. Apparently, until Katz had appeared, not even the residents of the village had claimed that a massacre had taken place there. Haifa University had no other choice but to disqualify the thesis.
Do not delude yourself in thinking that this was just one false claim in a sea of truth. The Nakba is rather, a lie cut from whole synthetic cloth. There was no ethnic cleansing, they could have stayed and lived in peace.

But the lies have flowed for decade, from one mouth to the next to the entire world, all of them telling lies about Israel. More from "Nakba Nonsense":

One of the most prominent stories concerns the case of Haifa. In 1948 the second-largest Arab community in the country resided in Haifa; the largest Arab community resided in Jaffa. Haifa was the home of the Arab elite and leadership classes of the northern part of the country and before the war erupted counted 62,500 Arab inhabitants. At the end of the war no more than a few thousand remained. No less than a tenth of the Arab refugees who had left the country in the years 1947-1949 originated from Haifa.
One of [Efraim] Karsh's most interesting findings is that although the fighting in Haifa reached its peak on April 21-22, 1948, the mass desertion of Arabs from the city had already begun in October 1947, a month prior to the UN Resolution of November 29th that had prompted the start of the war. A British intelligence brief dated October 23, 1947 reveals that the city's most prominent families realized that the confrontation was imminent and began to evacuate their families to the Arab countries.

(full article online)

As we approach Yom HaShoah, the question of learning from the great catastrophe of the Holocaust — without diminishing it in any way — is more intensely on the agenda than ever before.

Several factors have come together to make the need for appropriate distinctions today so important on the day that the world pauses to remember the millions who died in the Holocaust and listen to those who survived.

First, of course, is the concern about declining knowledge of the Holocaust among the younger generations, a product of time passing by, of survivors passing away and of the diminution of the reality of the Holocaust by trivialization and false comparisons.
While many ingredients go into the challenge of educating about the Shoah and making it relevant in today’s world, the need to avoid trivialization by the abusive use of comparisons to today’s evils is primary. If everything that goes wrong is comparable to the Holocaust, what understanding can there be of the unique evil of that event?

One of the sharpest manifestations of this took place when Vladimir Zelensky spoke to the Knesset last month about the horrific Russian assault against his country. His task was to move Israel to do more to support Ukraine. Unfortunately, unlike his prior presentations to the U.K. House of Commons and the U.S. Congress, where he was spot-on in touching the appropriate emotional chords — in the U.S., for example, he spoke to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. and the 9-11 terrorist attacks — in Israel he distracted from his message by comparing what Ukrainians were experiencing to the Holocaust. And very quickly that became the topic of the day rather than the horrors of the invasion itself and what Israel could do to better assist Ukraine.

It’s noteworthy that CBC ignored how the Temple Mount is Judaism’s holiest site and that Israel asserts its sovereignty there, though it may be disputed by the Palestinians. Importantly, when Jordan occupied the area from 1948-1967, Jews were denied access to the Old City, and Jewish holy sites and artifacts were desecrated and destroyed. For many years, the Islamic Waqf, which oversees the site, removed thousands of tonnes of rubble from the Temple Mount that included archeological remnants from the First and Second Temple periods. In so doing, Jewish artifacts were destroyed at Judaism’s holiest site in an attempt to erase every sign and memory of its Jewish past, including the destruction of archaeological evidence of the site’s very connection to Judaism.

Yet, when Israel reunified the area, capturing it in a defensive battle in the Six-Day War, the area suddenly became “occupied” in the eyes of the international community and the media, but these lands weren’t regarded as “occupied” when Jordan held the land for 19 years. And when Israel captured the area, again in a war it didn’t initiate, but that it had preexisting claims to, Israel allowed Jordan, by way of the Islamic Waqf, to maintain control of the Temple Mount site. This included allowing only a small number of Jews to visit the Temple Mount, but denied them the right to pray at Judaism’s holiest site.

While Palestinian Authority leaders frequently repeat the lie that there was never a Jewish temple, something the CBC never reports on, this ploy did not succeed. Excavations and copious archeological evidence prove 3,000 years of Jewish indigeneity in Jerusalem.

(full article online)

We've been discussing this since the riots began.

The newspaper shows some examples of the stones being moved and broken, many in an attempt to build roadblocks so Jews cannot walk around the perimeter of the site, especially along the eastern wall where many of the ancient artifacts are piled without protection.

Some of the stones on the eastern side were dumped there when the Waqf excavated the "Solomon's Stables" area underneath the Mount.

The Israel Antiquities Authority response is unbelievable:

Dr. Amit Re'em, the Jerusalem District archaeologist for the Israel Antiquities Authority, responded to Visoli's letter, saying the IAA was handling the issue. Re'em stressed that most of the rocks photographed were modern, and only a few were actually archaeological remnants.

Re'em wrote that it would only be able to conduct a full assessment of damage to Temple Mount antiquities after Ramadan and the recent spate of violence were over. He noted that the IAA was keeping tabs on the situation.

"Only a few"? So that makes it OK somehow?

And forgive me if I'm skeptical about the IAA keeping tabs on the situation, because it allowed the wholesale destruction and removal of 400 truckloads of material from the Temple Mount in the 1990s, the biggest archaeological crime in history.

If the IAA is so blasé about the destruction of the most important Jewish artifacts in the world, why should we expect UNESCO or other organizations to care?

This is a crime, happening right now. Palestinians are knowingly destroying Jewish and Christian archaeological treasures. The IAA should be in the forefront of enforcing Israeli laws in protecting this site, and instead it says that "the IAA and the Waqf were cooperating on archaeological matters."

We can see the fruits of this cooperation in the photos above.

(full article online)

Velshi makes it sound like Israel illegally stole land from Jordan, when the world never recognized Jordan's truly illegal annexation of the West Bank in 1949. Instead of this textbook case of annexation, he extends his definition of "annexation" to include "occupation," and he doesn't even undertand that:

Israel actually did annex two thirds of the Golan from Syria during the Six Day War., passing a law extending Israeli law, jurisdiction, and administration to the area.
Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981, not 1967. And Velshi implies that Israel's capture of the Golan was from an aggressive war on Israel's part, not Syrian aggression in 1967 and 1973. He fails to mention that capturing land in a defensive war was never considered illegal before Israel did it. He also doesn't mention that Syria liked to shoot at Israeli civilians from the high ground and this is unacceptable.

None of that is relevant in his zeal to paint Israel as a unique thief of land.

Not to mention that Velshi is strikingly supportive of a regime that kills its own people. How do you think Assad would treat the "traitors" and "spies" that live in the Golan now if Israel would give it up as he demands? Suddenly, human rights are not nearly as important as misapplying international law against the Jewish state.

...Since 1967, Israel and the Palestinians both assert rights in the West Bank. Leaving its status unresolved. Israel claims historical and religious rights to the West Bank, as the ancestral land of the Jewish people. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers now live on illegally occupied palestinian land in the West Bank.
See the sleight of hand here? At first (above), Israel occupied the land from Jordan. Then, both Israel and Palestinians claim rights to the land. Finally, Velshi declares it unambiguously Palestinian land - and also claims that the "occupation" is illegal, when occupation is emphatically not illegal under international law.

Palestinian families are constantly kicked out of their homes to make room for more Israeli settlements, often, under false pretenses and legal justifications.
This is a complete falsehood. No Israeli settlements are built on land where Palestinians have been "kicked out." (The only possible exception is Hebron, on properties that had been stolen from Jews in the 1920s and 1930s.) The Palestinians whose homes are demolished either built them illegally or they are families of terrorists. Say what you want about the circumstances, but Israel's Supreme Court rules on each and every one of these cases, and it has never been credibly accused of operating under false pretenses or accepting invalid legal justifications.

This is not only a smear job. It is riddled with basic errors and inaccuracies - all in one direction.

Which is par for the course for MSNBC.

(full article online)

NPR's All Things Considered has a worshipful interviewwith Reem Assil about her new cookbook, "Arabiyya: Recipes from the Life of an Arab in Diaspora."

During the interview, Assil laughingly says that Israel stole Palestinian culture and cuisine and land:

Well, you know, hummus existed long before the state of Israel was created in 1948, and so there is an intentional omission of Palestinian (laughter). And that invisibilizes me - you know? - the fact not just that Israeli hummus is the Trader Joe's hummus, the, you know, the Americanized versions of hummus...
And it feels - yeah. That sort of, you know, whether intentional or not intentional, devoiding food from its - cutting it off from its lineage and negating a whole people that enjoyed and subsisted off of that food for generations is really dangerous. You know, for Palestinians, we don't have much left. You know, we - you know, a lot of our lands have been taken from us. Our - you know, we've been cut off from our foodways. So our food is like the last frontier of, you know, marking our identity. And so it's really important for me as a chef here in this country to be able to talk about that food and have people question where the food comes from.... It's inherently political.

And that is the entire reason NPR devotes a segment to a first time cookbook author. Not because her food is so unique or noteworthy, but because it is ammunition against Israel.

And who is Reem?

We've discussed her before. Here is what her restaurant looks like:

Yes, that's a huge mural of terrorist Rasmea Odeh, murderer of two Jews.

NPR is praising a person whose hero is a terrorist.

Reem adds this ironic note:
When I created my restaurants, you know, seven years ago, I wanted anybody to walk into Reem's and feel at home, whether they knew anything about Arab food or not.
Except for Jews.

  • The status quo on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as formulated by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan in 1967, no longer exists. In the 55 years since the Six-Day War, changes in the status quo have greatly improved the Muslims’ hold on the Temple Mount.
  • Muslims have inaugurated four new mosques on the Temple Mount since 1967: the Dome of the Rock, which originally was not built as a mosque; the El-Marwani Mosque, located underground in Solomon’s Stables; the “Ancient Al-Aqsa” Mosque, established in 1998 under the existing upper mosque; and the Gate of Mercy (Golden Gate) prayer area, set up and turned into a mosque in 2019.
  • The establishment of additional mosques on the mount stemmed from a new definition of the Temple Mount compound by the Muslims, who began to refer to all of the area as “Al-Aqsa” and to regard the entire mount as one great mosque. Until the Six-Day War, the compound as a whole was called “Al-Haram al-Sharif” (the Holy and Noble Place), and was defined differently from the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • In the first decade after the Six-Day War, Jews were allowed to enter the mount through the Chain Gate and the Cotton Merchants’ Gate, but today can only enter through the Mughrabi Gate. For two decades, Jews were allowed to visit for more hours of the day and at all parts of the mount, even the interior of the mosques. Today, Jews’ visits to the mount are much more limited in time and in the areas permitted.
  • While displaying flags is prohibited on the Temple Mount, in practice, the only flag not displayed there is Israel’s. Palestinian Authority, PLO, Hamas, and Hizb al-Tahrir flags can often be seen, while a small Israeli flag on the desk of an officer at the Temple Mount police station had to be removed following Muslim protest.

(full article online)


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