The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Here's the thing, removing ancient pillars,
and taking that mosque apart for the stones...

doesn't this look a preparation of the location,
rather opposite of their openly stated intentions?

Maybe can yet consciously admit, but they too want the renovation.

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[ Why do Palestinians destroy their "Ancient Palestine" heritage? Or is it Palestinian heritage at all? ]

Last week I noted that Palestinians were breaking rocks on the Temple Mount in preparation for throwing them at Israeli police and Jews. I noted that there are some artifacts on the Temple Mount, sitting out in the sun, that look like they were part of ancient structures, and wondering whether Palestinians use those.

Now we know - they do.

Palestinians took large rocks from the east side of the Temple Mount to build obstacles where Jews circumnavigate the site, and Eli Kohn published a video showing what it looked like Tuesday morning.

I saw this in the video:

This is from a column of an old, perhaps ancient, building.

Where is UNESCO? Where are the people who claim Israel targets "Palestinian archaeology"? Here we see direct evidence of Palestinians destroying cultural objects - and no one gives a damn.

So I ranted on video about that as well as a MEMRI video where a top aide of Mahmoud Abbas contradicts himself, lies about Jews, lies about history, and - again - no one cares.

Jordan has fully backed not only the desecration of Al Aqsa by Palestinians, but also the antisemitic incitement and lies that accompany it.

From Jordan's Al Anbat News as well as Ammon News, credited to the official Jordanian Petra news agency, here are excerpts of a long article filled with antisemitic lies and incitement by interviewing "experts."

Professor of Political Science at Hebron University, Dr. Imad Al-Bishtawi, in an interview with Petra via Messenger, confirms that the Israeli attacks are getting fiercer in the month of Ramadan, against the background of Israeli allegations and myths that have no basis in order to reproduce the history of the Palestinian place according to the biblical vision that hates Arabs and Muslims.

The Israelis claim that there is a structure under the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which calls for a unified Arab and Islamic stance regarding this ugly Talmudic nonsense, according to Al-Bishtawi.

He added, “Israel cannot make peace in its true objective sense, as it wants Arab and Islamic surrender with its narrative that says the existence of the temple, which therefore means the demolition of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the destruction of history from its roots, especially since Al-Aqsa is the cornerstone of the concept of Palestine’s existence and the escalation of its resistance to sweeping the occupation and defeating its project.” .

For his part, the Secretary-General of the Jordanian Academic Campaign to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People, Dr. Muhammad Al-Masalha, said that what is happening in Al-Aqsa is a Zionist conspiracy linked to the Jewish thought that wants to seize the sanctities. Al-Masalha, head of the Parliamentary Studies Center (Damia), said that they call the Al-Aqsa area the Temple Mount, which is evidence that they want to own this mosque and the mountain on which it resides, which means that they link the political dimension with the religious dimension. They always talk about the Temple Mount and the Kingdom of Solomon and other superstitions, which is evidence of linking their illusions to this place, in an effort to strip the historical Arab identity of the place.

Political analyst and specialist in the Palestinian issue, Dr. Ahmed Said Nofal, said that the Israeli incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially during the month of Ramadan, carry in their meanings a disregard for the feelings of Arabs, Muslims and the Palestinian people who are suffering horrors under the Zionist occupation. Nofal, a professor of political science, pointed out that what is happening at Al-Aqsa is part of a series of official Israeli attacks on Islamic and Christian sanctities, and in order to understand the whole picture, not fragmented, the Zionist presence in Palestine is not directed against Al-Aqsa or the Church of the Resurrection only, but is against the Palestinian presence as a whole and against the Arab existence and even against the Islamic existence, by just talking about the attacks on the sanctity of prayer and worshippers, pointing out that the truth is that Palestine is occupied and Israel is an actual ugly embodiment of the most hateful forms of occupation that will only be removed by continuous confrontation.

The Secretary-General of the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs, Abdullah Kanaan, indicates that the Israeli occupation continues its colonial approach in the city of Jerusalem with the aim of Judaizing it and expelling its Arab people, and based on the false mythological Talmudic narrative, which falsely says that the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram Al-Sharif is the alleged Temple Mount.

Extremist groups (Temple organizations), and with the protection of the Israeli occupation forces, repeatedly stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and constantly endeavored to establish Talmudic rituals in the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, in addition to the rituals they conduct at Al-Buraq Wall (the western wall) of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

He said that their false pretext for storming Al-Aqsa Mosque is the celebration of the Jewish religious holidays, which have become a dangerous date to justify the attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem, especially what accompanies these Jewish holidays in terms of restrictions on Jerusalemites and the brutal attack on worshipers and those who stationed in Al-Aqsa.

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs confirms that the true, non-false history, facts and archaeological evidence, including research conducted by Western and Jewish scholars In addition to the international legal resolutions, explicitly demonstrate the Arabism of the city of Jerusalem, the Islamicness of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the absence of any relationship for the Jews with it.

Keep in mind that Jordan's own Waqf guards were the only people supposed to be maintaining order on Al Aqsa before during the riots - and they didn't do a thing to stop Palestinians from preparing and stockpiling rocks and fireworks. In al probability, they facilitated the violent rioting.

When Jordanian officials appeal for "calm," they mean they want to physically bar Jews and Israelis from Judaism's holiest site.

There’s a new Yiddish trio in town! Their name is The Mamales, and they just premiered a new and incredibly delightful video for a catchy cover of the Yiddish classic “Abi Gezunt.” The video was filmed entirely in New York City, and sees the three professional singers go from frumpy clown-like frolicking (and rollerblading!) in the park to seductive singing in their evening wear at a local bar.

“When I heard the Barry Sister’s cover of ‘Abi Gezunt,’ my first thought was how hot is this?! I think a lot of Jewish people my age associate Yiddish with their grandparents, but it is so sexy,” Maya Jacobson, one of the members of the trio, tells Kveller over e-mail.

The Mamales are not the first all-female group to try to make Yiddish sexy again. Israeli duo Vibers have filmed two incredibly seductive technicolor videos to Yiddish classics — “Bei Mir Bitsu Shein” and “Chiribim Chiribom.” After watching these three videos, I can safely say that the sultry Yiddish revival is happening, and it is glorious.

National Public Radio takes a nice look at the issue of relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem. Unfortunately, Daniel Estrin’s dispatch assumes Jewish ties to eastern Jerusalem only began in 1967.

The western part of Jerusalem is almost entirely Jewish. The eastern part of the city was entirely Arab when Israel captured it in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Many Israeli Jews have moved into the eastern part of the city, and Israel claims all of Jerusalem as its capital, though no other country recognizes this.
Talk about twisted context.

Jerusalem was a unified city. There were no distinctions between “East” and “West” Jerusalem until Jordan captured the city’s eastern neighborhoods and Old City. The only reason it was “entirely Arab” when Israel reunified the Jerusalem during the Six-Day War was because the Jordanians expelled the Jews from its jurisdiction, systematically destroyed synagogues, and generally made its half of the city judenfrei.

In this video, survivors of the 1948 war shared their stories of living in eastern Jerusalem and their expulsion.

Memo to NPR: The 19 years that Jerusalem was divided are a mere blip in the city’s and Jewish people’s thousands of years of history.

We contacted NPR about a clarification. Watch this space.


[ Plenty of Jewish history to be found. No Palestinian history anywhere ]​

The House of David Victory Stone – 1993​

Also known as the Tel Dan Stele, this slab of stone that was found in northern Israel in 1993 provides proof of Israel’s most famous ruler. The Aramaic inscription carved into it offers the first evidence of King David’s dynasty outside of Biblical sources.

It has been dated to the eighth or ninth century BCE and appears to recount the victory of King Hazael of Aram-Damascus, Syria, over King Joram of Israel and King Ahaziah of the House of David. This account differs from the Book of Kings, which states Jehu killed Joram and Ahaziah before taking the Israeli throne. The fragmented inscription reads:

[…] and cut […] my father went up [against him when] he fought at […] And my father lay down, he went to his [ancestors]. And the king of Irael entered previously in my father’s land. [And] Hadad made me king. And Hadad went in front of me, [and] I departed from [the] seven […]s of my kingdom, and I slew [seve]nty kings, who harnessed thou[sands of cha]riots and thousands of horsemen (or: horses). [I killed Jeho]ram son of [Ahab] king of Israel, and killed [Ahaz]iahu son of [Jehoram kin]g of theHouse of David. And I set [their towns into ruins and turned] their land into [desolation …] other [… and Jehu ru]led over Is[rael … and I laid] siege upon […]”

Providing undisputed evidence of the rule of David, the Tel Dan Stele is perhaps the most important relic of Biblical significance to have ever been found in the Jewish state.

Tel Dan Stele
The “House of David” Inscribed on a Victory Stone (photo: Israel Antiquities Authority)

King Solomon’s Wall – 2010​

A three-month excavation in Israel’s capital Jerusalem, just over a decade ago, uncovered a section of a wall that is believed to date from the tenth century BCE. Influential archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University led the dig in a location known as the Ophel, close to the Temple Mount. The wall, which is an impressive 70 meters long and six meters high, appears to confirm the Book of the Kings’ account of King Solomon building a huge defensive barrier in Jerusalem (1 Kings 3:1).

“We don’t have many kings during the tenth century that could have built such a structure, basically just David and Solomon,” Dr. Mazar said in 2010. “This is the first time that a structure from that time has been found that may correlate with written descriptions of Solomon’s building in Jerusalem.” Other relics found at the site appear to support her assertion. They included figurines of women that symbolize fertility, as well as jar handles inscribed with the message “to the king” and seals that bear Hebrew names.

Hezekiah’s Tunnel – 1867​

Charles Warren discovered Hezekiah’s Tunnel in 1867, after being sent to conduct excavations close to the Temple Mount. The tunnel, which was constructed around the eighth century BCE, formed part of a system used to transport water from the Gihon Spring to within the city’s walls. Its discovery also confirms the Biblical account of Hezekiah preparing the city for a siege led by Assyrians after the King of Judah offended Assyrian King Sennacherib. An inscription found on the tunnel wall confirms this feat of engineering was made possible by two teams using axes, who dug through rock and gravel from opposite ends until they eventually met in the middle.

(full article online)


Jerusalem’s Old City​

Jerusalem’s Old City features some of the most important and ancient holy sites in the world — all enclosed within one square kilometer. Pilgrims from all over the world pass through the Old City walls (built during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent) to visit the Temple Mount and its mosques (the iconic Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque), the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

UNESCO’s World Heritage designation doesn’t associate Jerusalem with Israel or the Palestinian Authority. Further angering Israel, the Old City was also placed on UNESCO’s list of Endangered World Heritage Sites.

More information at UNESCO and the Jerusalem Municipality.

Jerusalem Old City
Jerusalem Old City

Related reading: Jewish Ties to the Temple Mount: What’s the Story?

Hebron’s Old Town​

Hebron is one of the world’s oldest cities and the most-visited site in the Old City is the Tomb of the Patriarchs, the burial place of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives and is holy to Jews, Christians and Moslems. In 2017, UNESCO raised a firestorm of controversy and anger in Israel when it labeled Hebron’s Old City as an endangered Palestinian heritage site and ignored Jewish ties to the holy spot. It too is on UNESCO’s list of endangered World Heritage sites.

More information at UNESCO, the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hebron.


This fortress complex built by Herod the Great sits atop a rock plateau some 450 meters above the Judean Desert and Dead Sea. Towards the end of the Jewish Revolt, besieged by the Roman Army, more than 900 Jews committed mass suicide, preferring to die free than to live as slaves.

Today, tourists can hike up Masada or take a cable car.

(full article online)

The Orthodox Patriarchate issued a statement condemning the Israeli police for limiting visitors to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Holy Saturday:

The Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem condemned the practices of the Israeli police in the Old City of Jerusalem during the Holy Fire Saturday celebrations.

The Patriarchate said in a statement that the police, deprived thousands of Christians of their natural right to worship freely, through military checkpoints it had deployed in the vicinity of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the form of security cordons, all the way from the gates of the old city leading to the church. These barriers prevented worshipers and those celebrating the feast from reaching the church of the Holy Sepulchre.

So let's look at how the ceremony was done ninety years ago, and the role of the police at that time, from the Enquirer and Evening News of Battle Creek, MI, March 27, 1932:

There were lots of police around Jerusalem in 1932 for Easter week.

No one complained that their presence, or their job to maintain order and peace, was violating anyone's religious rights. And, just like this year, police presence was partially a response to recent violent Muslim riots.

What about worshipping freely at the Church on Holy Saturday? Not, not exactly freely - it used to cost a lot of money to get a seat.

And even with the tickets, the church was overcrowded and dangerous.

And guess who enforced limits on who can enter the Church? That's right - the police!

Later on, the writer says that the smoke from the candles lit by the fire nearly suffocated him in the poorly-ventilated church, further indication that by today's standards, it was overcrowded and dangerous. Allowing unlimited attendees, as the Church now demands, is irresponsible.

Israeli police this year did not act very differently than the Palestine police did in 1932. It is certain that similar restrictions were in place every year, although there was more concern this year in Israel after the Meron disaster.

(full article online)

On April 12, 1945, General Dwight Eisenhower visited Ohrdruf, a subcamp of Buchenwald. Upon his return to the United States, he emphasized the importance of spreading the truth about the Holocaust:

I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to propaganda.

The words of Eisenhower still ring true 77 years later. In February 2022, Sheffield Hallam University in England reinstated Shahd Abusalama, an associate lecturer, after she defended a student’s poster that said: “Stop the Palestinian Holocaust.”

On Twitter, Abusalama wrote that she understood why the student used the term Holocaust in reference to Israel’s strikes in Gaza. Never mind the fact that Israel’s military actions in Gaza are in response to indiscriminate rocket fire from Hamas or that efforts are made to minimize civilian casualties through precision strikes and roof-knocking.

The world ingrained the phrase “never forget” into our collective psyche to prevent another Holocaust from occurring. Yet, has the Holocaust lost its significance? On social media and college campuses, anti-Zionists have made it a habit to compare the plight of Palestinians with the Holocaust. Historian — and now Biden administration envoy — Deborah Lipstadt describes such comparisons between Jews in Israel and Nazis as a form of “soft-core denial,” also known as Holocaust inversion.

From 1939 to 1945, more than six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi regime and their collaborators. Throughout Europe, Jews were dehumanized, sent to concentration camps and death camps, and murdered in gas chambers and by other horrific means. However, anti-Israel activists on college campuses contend there is a “Palestinian Holocaust.” They accuse Israel of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians ever since the founding of the Jewish state.

This is blatantly false.

I.F. Stone, a Zionist advocate and left-wing political journalist of the 1940s, describes a particularly horrifying account of how several Nazi collaborators who were part of pro-Nazi Arab military units arrived in Palestine to battle the newly founded Jewish state. About the Arab refugees who fled from the fighting, Stone states, “While the Arab guerrillas were moving in, the Arab civilian population was moving out.” It is ironic that Shabtai Levy, the mayor of Haifa, pleaded with Arab leaders to remain in their homes. They told Levy that the Arab Higher Committee, chaired by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Nazi collaborator Haj Amin al-Husseini, ordered them to leave.

Referring to the “Nakba,” anti-Zionists falsely claim that over 700,000 Palestinians have been displaced from their homes since the establishment of the Jewish state. But as stated above, that distorts the history and also ignores the similar number of Jews who were expelled from Arab lands just for the crime of being Jewish, and were forced to come to Israel.

Furthermore, the Palestinian population has grown significantly since 1948. Anyone with a modicum of critical reasoning ability can see that the claim of ethnic cleansing or genocide against the Palestinians is just absurd.

In 2020, the Arab population in Israel comprised 1.96 million people, or 21.1% of the population, compared with 20.2 percent in 2008. Since 1960, the Palestinian population has increased by 2.65% every year. Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship also have the same rights as all Israelis, and serve in the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the IDF, and every facet of public and private life.

Somehow, Jews were never afforded any of those privileges by the Nazis.

Despite this factual evidence, antisemitic groups like SJP, have made it common practice to fabricate facts about the Holocaust on social media, and even to harassHolocaust survivors.

Furthermore, in examining Palestinian leadership during World War II, it is distressing to learn that the Palestinians collaborated with the Nazis.

Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, participated in Hitler’s vision to annihilate the Jewish people. He encouraged Muslim recruits to join the SS regiments in the Balkans, promoted Nazi propaganda in the Arab world, and even toured death camps in Europe and met with Adolf Hitler.

In 2021, the Palestinian leadership recognized the Grand Mufti as a role model, naming schools after him and honoring him on social media. With 63% of millennials and Gen Z’ers in the United States lacking the basic knowledge that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, it could be easy for anti-Israel groups to persuade these youths to deny the Holocaust or the lie that the same thing is happening to Palestinians.

(full article online)

Jordan has fully backed not only the desecration of Al Aqsa by Palestinians, but also the antisemitic incitement and lies that accompany it.

From Jordan's Al Anbat News as well as Ammon News, credited to the official Jordanian Petra news agency, here are excerpts of a long article filled with antisemitic lies and incitement by interviewing "experts."

Keep in mind that Jordan's own Waqf guards were the only people supposed to be maintaining order on Al Aqsa before during the riots - and they didn't do a thing to stop Palestinians from preparing and stockpiling rocks and fireworks. In al probability, they facilitated the violent rioting.

When Jordanian officials appeal for "calm," they mean they want to physically bar Jews and Israelis from Judaism's holiest site.

The Haram Al Shariff is 1300 years old. Why not leave it alone?
National Public Radio takes a nice look at the issue of relocating the US embassy to Jerusalem. Unfortunately, Daniel Estrin’s dispatch assumes Jewish ties to eastern Jerusalem only began in 1967.

Talk about twisted context.

Jerusalem was a unified city. There were no distinctions between “East” and “West” Jerusalem until Jordan captured the city’s eastern neighborhoods and Old City. The only reason it was “entirely Arab” when Israel reunified the Jerusalem during the Six-Day War was because the Jordanians expelled the Jews from its jurisdiction, systematically destroyed synagogues, and generally made its half of the city judenfrei.

In this video, survivors of the 1948 war shared their stories of living in eastern Jerusalem and their expulsion.

Memo to NPR: The 19 years that Jerusalem was divided are a mere blip in the city’s and Jewish people’s thousands of years of history.

We contacted NPR about a clarification. Watch this space.

The Arab quarter is large and very, very old.
On April 12, 1945, General Dwight Eisenhower visited Ohrdruf, a subcamp of Buchenwald. Upon his return to the United States, he emphasized the importance of spreading the truth about the Holocaust:

The words of Eisenhower still ring true 77 years later. In February 2022, Sheffield Hallam University in England reinstated Shahd Abusalama, an associate lecturer, after she defended a student’s poster that said: “Stop the Palestinian Holocaust.”

On Twitter, Abusalama wrote that she understood why the student used the term Holocaust in reference to Israel’s strikes in Gaza. Never mind the fact that Israel’s military actions in Gaza are in response to indiscriminate rocket fire from Hamas or that efforts are made to minimize civilian casualties through precision strikes and roof-knocking.

The world ingrained the phrase “never forget” into our collective psyche to prevent another Holocaust from occurring. Yet, has the Holocaust lost its significance? On social media and college campuses, anti-Zionists have made it a habit to compare the plight of Palestinians with the Holocaust. Historian — and now Biden administration envoy — Deborah Lipstadt describes such comparisons between Jews in Israel and Nazis as a form of “soft-core denial,” also known as Holocaust inversion.

From 1939 to 1945, more than six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi regime and their collaborators. Throughout Europe, Jews were dehumanized, sent to concentration camps and death camps, and murdered in gas chambers and by other horrific means. However, anti-Israel activists on college campuses contend there is a “Palestinian Holocaust.” They accuse Israel of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians ever since the founding of the Jewish state.

This is blatantly false.

I.F. Stone, a Zionist advocate and left-wing political journalist of the 1940s, describes a particularly horrifying account of how several Nazi collaborators who were part of pro-Nazi Arab military units arrived in Palestine to battle the newly founded Jewish state. About the Arab refugees who fled from the fighting, Stone states, “While the Arab guerrillas were moving in, the Arab civilian population was moving out.” It is ironic that Shabtai Levy, the mayor of Haifa, pleaded with Arab leaders to remain in their homes. They told Levy that the Arab Higher Committee, chaired by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Nazi collaborator Haj Amin al-Husseini, ordered them to leave.

Referring to the “Nakba,” anti-Zionists falsely claim that over 700,000 Palestinians have been displaced from their homes since the establishment of the Jewish state. But as stated above, that distorts the history and also ignores the similar number of Jews who were expelled from Arab lands just for the crime of being Jewish, and were forced to come to Israel.

Furthermore, the Palestinian population has grown significantly since 1948. Anyone with a modicum of critical reasoning ability can see that the claim of ethnic cleansing or genocide against the Palestinians is just absurd.

In 2020, the Arab population in Israel comprised 1.96 million people, or 21.1% of the population, compared with 20.2 percent in 2008. Since 1960, the Palestinian population has increased by 2.65% every year. Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship also have the same rights as all Israelis, and serve in the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the IDF, and every facet of public and private life.

Somehow, Jews were never afforded any of those privileges by the Nazis.

Despite this factual evidence, antisemitic groups like SJP, have made it common practice to fabricate facts about the Holocaust on social media, and even to harassHolocaust survivors.

Furthermore, in examining Palestinian leadership during World War II, it is distressing to learn that the Palestinians collaborated with the Nazis.

Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, participated in Hitler’s vision to annihilate the Jewish people. He encouraged Muslim recruits to join the SS regiments in the Balkans, promoted Nazi propaganda in the Arab world, and even toured death camps in Europe and met with Adolf Hitler.

In 2021, the Palestinian leadership recognized the Grand Mufti as a role model, naming schools after him and honoring him on social media. With 63% of millennials and Gen Z’ers in the United States lacking the basic knowledge that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, it could be easy for anti-Israel groups to persuade these youths to deny the Holocaust or the lie that the same thing is happening to Palestinians.

(full article online)

[ Endless Surada revisionism and need to not look into what that group was about, why they came to be and how long they lasted.
Israel is a Democratic country which said a big NO to Russia's invitation to become a communist country. But apparently going against the British in Palestine, during the Mandate, who allowed Arabs to attack Jews any time in their own Jewish Homeland, is a terrible thing in the eyes of one who loves Arabs as much as Surada does ]

The Strongmen Alliance (Alliance of Thugs[1])) was a clandestine, self-declared fascist faction of the Revisionist Zionist Movement (ZRM) in Mandatory Palestine, active between 1930 and 1933.[2][3] It was founded by the trio of Abba Ahimeir, Uri Zvi Greenberg and Yehoshua Yeivin.

The 1929 Arab riots and the Haganah's inability to successfully prevent the 1929 Hebron massacre and the Safed massacre led to the creation of the first militant organization characterized by its complete disassociation from the existing Zionist establishment dominated by the Labor Zionist movement.[4]

Members of Brit HaBirionim carried out several operations, including demonstrations against visiting British dignitaries, rallies against the British arrest and deportation to Europe of Jewish refugees who overstayed their tourist visas, attempts to interrupt a census conducted by the British, and other illegal activities intended as public provocations such as blowing the Shofar at the Western Wall (forbidden to Jews at that time), and removing the Nazi flags from two German consulates.[10][11]

In 1933, the British Mandatory Authority arrested several members, including Ahimeir, and charged them with the murder of Chaim Arlosoroff. Though acquitted of the charges in 1934, the trial tarnished the group's reputation and led to its isolation by former political supporters among the Jewish populace, and eventually to its demise.

(full article online)

[ Endless Surada revisionism and need to not look into what that group was about, why they came to be and how long they lasted.
Israel is a Democratic country which said a big NO to Russia's invitation to become a communist country. But apparently going against the British in Palestine, during the Mandate, who allowed Arabs to attack Jews any time in their own Jewish Homeland, is a terrible thing in the eyes of one who loves Arabs as much as Surada does ]

The Strongmen Alliance (Alliance of Thugs[1])) was a clandestine, self-declared fascist faction of the Revisionist Zionist Movement (ZRM) in Mandatory Palestine, active between 1930 and 1933.[2][3] It was founded by the trio of Abba Ahimeir, Uri Zvi Greenberg and Yehoshua Yeivin.

The 1929 Arab riots and the Haganah's inability to successfully prevent the 1929 Hebron massacre and the Safed massacre led to the creation of the first militant organization characterized by its complete disassociation from the existing Zionist establishment dominated by the Labor Zionist movement.[4]

Members of Brit HaBirionim carried out several operations, including demonstrations against visiting British dignitaries, rallies against the British arrest and deportation to Europe of Jewish refugees who overstayed their tourist visas, attempts to interrupt a census conducted by the British, and other illegal activities intended as public provocations such as blowing the Shofar at the Western Wall (forbidden to Jews at that time), and removing the Nazi flags from two German consulates.[10][11]

In 1933, the British Mandatory Authority arrested several members, including Ahimeir, and charged them with the murder of Chaim Arlosoroff. Though acquitted of the charges in 1934, the trial tarnished the group's reputation and led to its isolation by former political supporters among the Jewish populace, and eventually to its demise.

(full article online)

It was home to the Arabs too for 2500 years. They didn't immigrate from Europe and Russia.
It was home to the Arabs too for 2500 years. They didn't immigrate from Europe and Russia.
Oh, have you decided finally on how long any Arab clan has lived in Ancient Canaan, Israel, Judea?

Or maybe not.

Your "Zionists are fascists" continues to miss the mark.

Try again.
Oh, have you decided finally on how long any Arab clan has lived in Ancient Canaan, Israel, Judea?

Or maybe not.

Your "Zionists are fascists" continues to miss the mark.

Try again.
Four Arab tribes settled in Samaria around 600 BC and obviously Abraham and Moses had Arab wives.

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