The Right To Destroy Jewish History

So, you are not lying in order to give Palestinian Arabs, who moved to the area mostly with the Mandate, a right they do not have?
The Arabs have been in Palestine since long before Islam. The Akkadian and Amorite Arabs have been there since before Abraham. Sargon was an Arab. Keturah and Zipporah were Arabs and all those Canaanite tribes weren't Jews.
The Arabs have been in Palestine since long before Islam. The Akkadian and Amorite Arabs have been there since before Abraham. Sargon was an Arab. Keturah and Zipporah were Arabs and all those Canaanite tribes weren't Jews.
You really think that you can destroy Jewish History, change the history of other peoples, all in order to convince others that Palestinians today are descended from Arabs who lived in the area over 2000 years ago.

The Al Husseini clan only came to the area in the 10th or 11th century.

Many other clans only came to the area from the time of the Muslim invasion.

Many other Arabs only came to the area because of jobs Jews created at the end of the 19th century, and early 20th century.

BUT......all Arabs who find themselves in Palestine now, ARE according to you, rightful indigenous people of the land, as IF, the Arabs of the past and present were not indigenous of Arabia and mostly made their history in that sub Peninsula.

Akkadians were not Arabs any more then the English were Polish, even though they are all called Europeans and come from the same continent.

Try again.
You really think that you can destroy Jewish History, change the history of other peoples, all in order to convince others that Palestinians today are descended from Arabs who lived in the area over 2000 years ago.

The Al Husseini clan only came to the area in the 10th or 11th century.

Many other clans only came to the area from the time of the Muslim invasion.

Many other Arabs only came to the area because of jobs Jews created at the end of the 19th century, and early 20th century.

BUT......all Arabs who find themselves in Palestine now, ARE according to you, rightful indigenous people of the land, as IF, the Arabs of the past and present were not indigenous of Arabia and mostly made their history in that sub Peninsula.

Akkadians were not Arabs any more then the English were Polish, even though they are all called Europeans and come from the same continent.

Try again.
The Akkadians and Amorites originated in the Arabian peninsula.
Not only was Ayyash’s depiction of Palestinian rioting on the Temple Mount as being somehow Israel’s fault driven by ideology, not facts, his attempt to describe Israel as a settler-colonial state, which purportedly “must secure and expand supreme sovereign control over the land of historic Palestine,” is even more fantastical.

Ayyash’s argument rests on either remarkable ignorance, or of an ideologically-driven agenda. Jerusalem was founded as the capital of the Jewish nation-state three thousand years ago, and Jews have inhabited the land for three millennia, outlasting a string of foreign invaders, including the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and others.

After the Roman Empire sacked Jerusalem and expelled many of the region’s Jews two thousand years ago, they purposefully changed the name of Judea into Palestine (after an ancient seafaring group, the Philistines). Thus, what Ayyash refers to as “historic Palestine” is in actuality ancient Judea, which is where the term Jew originates.

Today, the State of Israel, while possessing only a fraction of its historic homeland, nevertheless has repeatedly offered the Palestinians a huge swath of ancient Israel in exchange for peace. Most notably, during the 2000 Camp David negotiations, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Yasser Arafat all of Gaza, eastern Jerusalem, and virtually all of Judea & Samaria (often called the West Bank). His offer was rejected, and Palestinian violence ensued.

Nevertheless, in 2005, Israel voluntarily withdrew from the Gaza Strip, uprooting thousands of its own citizens from the enclave. But before long, the 360 square kilometre area became a fiefdom for Hamas, the Islamist terrorist group, and a launching pad for terrorism against Israel.

In 1948, Israel achieved independence from the United Kingdom, which had previously overseen management of the land. For nearly two thousand years, since the Roman occupation of Judea, had the Jewish people achieved self-determination in their historic homeland, but Ayyash somehow sees fit to describe this yearning as somehow colonial.

In fact, not only is Zionism – the Jewish people’s striving for self-rule in their ancestral land – decidedly not colonialist by any definition, it represents the epitome of anti-colonialism: an ancient people, reclaiming their land, language and home, from the hands of a foreign occupier (or in the case of the Jews, from the hands of a string of foreign occupiers).

While the contemporary State of Israel today sits on only a portion of its historic land, Israel has shown time and time again its willingness – even enthusiasm – to give up land in the cause of peace. But every offer it has made to the Palestinians has been rejected, and often met with violence.

After three thousand years, the Jewish People clearly will not be giving up their historic homeland. Still, much of Palestinian rejectionism today is based on this baseless hope. Though Ayyash may believe his opinion article helps the Palestinian cause, all it does is enable the long-running Palestinian failure to achieve self-determination. The sooner that Ayyash and others accept Israel’s right to exist, and legitimacy as a nation-state, the better off Palestinians will be.

(full article online)

Not only was Ayyash’s depiction of Palestinian rioting on the Temple Mount as being somehow Israel’s fault driven by ideology, not facts, his attempt to describe Israel as a settler-colonial state, which purportedly “must secure and expand supreme sovereign control over the land of historic Palestine,” is even more fantastical.

Ayyash’s argument rests on either remarkable ignorance, or of an ideologically-driven agenda. Jerusalem was founded as the capital of the Jewish nation-state three thousand years ago, and Jews have inhabited the land for three millennia, outlasting a string of foreign invaders, including the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and others.

After the Roman Empire sacked Jerusalem and expelled many of the region’s Jews two thousand years ago, they purposefully changed the name of Judea into Palestine (after an ancient seafaring group, the Philistines). Thus, what Ayyash refers to as “historic Palestine” is in actuality ancient Judea, which is where the term Jew originates.

Today, the State of Israel, while possessing only a fraction of its historic homeland, nevertheless has repeatedly offered the Palestinians a huge swath of ancient Israel in exchange for peace. Most notably, during the 2000 Camp David negotiations, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Yasser Arafat all of Gaza, eastern Jerusalem, and virtually all of Judea & Samaria (often called the West Bank). His offer was rejected, and Palestinian violence ensued.

Nevertheless, in 2005, Israel voluntarily withdrew from the Gaza Strip, uprooting thousands of its own citizens from the enclave. But before long, the 360 square kilometre area became a fiefdom for Hamas, the Islamist terrorist group, and a launching pad for terrorism against Israel.

In 1948, Israel achieved independence from the United Kingdom, which had previously overseen management of the land. For nearly two thousand years, since the Roman occupation of Judea, had the Jewish people achieved self-determination in their historic homeland, but Ayyash somehow sees fit to describe this yearning as somehow colonial.

In fact, not only is Zionism – the Jewish people’s striving for self-rule in their ancestral land – decidedly not colonialist by any definition, it represents the epitome of anti-colonialism: an ancient people, reclaiming their land, language and home, from the hands of a foreign occupier (or in the case of the Jews, from the hands of a string of foreign occupiers).

While the contemporary State of Israel today sits on only a portion of its historic land, Israel has shown time and time again its willingness – even enthusiasm – to give up land in the cause of peace. But every offer it has made to the Palestinians has been rejected, and often met with violence.

After three thousand years, the Jewish People clearly will not be giving up their historic homeland. Still, much of Palestinian rejectionism today is based on this baseless hope. Though Ayyash may believe his opinion article helps the Palestinian cause, all it does is enable the long-running Palestinian failure to achieve self-determination. The sooner that Ayyash and others accept Israel’s right to exist, and legitimacy as a nation-state, the better off Palestinians will be.

(full article online)

The Egyptians, Babylonians and Assyrians also ruled Palestine.
The Egyptians, Babylonians and Assyrians also ruled Palestine.
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The day you choose to show up again with every allegation that Israel does not have a right to exist, and Jews do not have a right to their ancient homeland.

We profoundly appreciate your thoughts.
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The day you choose to show up again with every allegation that Israel does not have a right to exist, and Jews do not have a right to their ancient homeland.

We profoundly appreciate your thoughts.
Who says that they have no right to exist? The British gave them some land on condition they didn't abuse the other people who also lived there for thousands of years.
Who says that they have no right to exist? The British gave them some land on condition they didn't abuse the other people who also lived there for thousands of years.
You are destroying Jewish History again.
The British tried to give the Arabs some land too.
But the Arabs fucked it up, eh?
And continue doing so to this day.
The British did not give anyone land. They were merely to administer the land until ready to become a State/country, like Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.
Totally asinine comparison.

Jews earned the right to return to their homeland and rebuild their Nation.

Stop rewriting Jewish History .
What did they do to earn it? They didn't fight with the British to oust the Turks.. but the Arabs did.

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