The Right To Destroy Jewish History

You have a remarkable ability to reverse the reality. Palestine was divided into a Jewish State (Israel) and an Arab State (Jordan). Arabs rejected this outcome and wanted more land. The Jewish part of Palestine was then divided again into a Jewish State (Israel) and an Arab State (Arab Palestine). Arabs rejected this outcome and wanted more land.

Arabs are now demanding that the Jewish people should have NO LAND and that it is all Arab land. Just in the past few days, someone was posting that there were NO JEWS and NO JEWISH HISTORY in the land.

If you support the idea that the Jewish people should have some part of the territory, you need to be arguing AGAINST the March of Return. You need to be arguing AGAINST the kites, the tunnels, the IEDs, the protest, the rockets and the attacks on Israeli citizens. If you support the idea that the Jewish people have rights based on their pre-existing history with the land, then you should be acknowledging that there is nothing for the people of Gaza to win with war or "resistance".

The blockade is a security measure. Security measures don't end with war and resistance.
At the time of the Zionist migration, Palestinian-Arabs were the majority population. But because Zionists kissed major British ass at the time, the Mandate came in and gave 70% of the land, to 10% of the population. What Arab would agree to that?

As far as the March of Return, if you can return after 3000 years, they can return after 70 years.

And no, the blockade has nothing to do with security. It is to punish Gazans for voting for Hamas in a fair and democratic election. The blockade is "collective punishment" on a population of 1.5 million people. And THAT, is a war crime.
Amazing world you live in.

Europeans are the majority in Australia and the Americas. Does it take away the rights of the indigenous people as the indigenous people of the land? No.

The Jewish people did not "return" after 3000 years. There were always Jewish people on the land present at every time of history. The ancient homeland of the Jewish Nation was never empty of Jewish people.

If you can call firing thousands of rockets, which kill people and destroy property
not a security necessity for a legal blockade.......enough said.

The collective punishment you are referring to comes from Hamas which teaches and feeds hatred for Israel and all Jews, and incites those poor ignorant people to go and die instead of the leaders.

The leaders get rich, the rest of the population pays for their decisions.

You are absolutely correct. What Hamas has been doing to the Arab population in Gaza is definitely a war crime.

Using human shields.
Kidnapping soldiers or civilian Israelis, Jews and non Jews.
Refusing that the Red Cross be allowed to visit those Israelis it has captured.
Firing rockets from civilian areas.

I could mention more......but you do get the gist now of what war crimes actually are, do you not?

They are definitely not what you decide they are, just because the other party is Israel.
At the time of the Zionist migration, Palestinian-Arabs were the majority population.

And your point is? Right now Jews are the majority population. So should they get the whole territory? Look you either agree that the Jewish people should have part of the territory or you don't. Stop making excuses now for your own words.

And no, the blockade has nothing to do with security. It is to punish Gazans for voting for Hamas in a fair and democratic election. The blockade is "collective punishment" on a population of 1.5 million people.

Sure. Nothing to see here in Gaza. Just peaceful protests, kindness kites, respect rockets, benevolence bombs and tolerance tunnels.
Amazing world you live in.
I know. SoCal is pretty kick-ass!

Europeans are the majority in Australia and the Americas. Does it take away the rights of the indigenous people as the indigenous people of the land? No.
Of coarse they did. We wiped out the native Americans and they wiped out the Aborigines. But we made it up to them. They have lots of casinos to get rich on. When do the Pals get their casinos?

The Jewish people did not "return" after 3000 years. There were always Jewish people on the land present at every time of history. The ancient homeland of the Jewish Nation was never empty of Jewish people.
That is correct. Palestinian-Jews have always lived there. Right next to their Palestinian-Arab neighbors. For hundreds of years, there were very few major incidents of violence. But as soon as the Zionists showed up, all hell broke loose.

If you can call firing thousands of rockets, which kill people and destroy property
not a security necessity for a legal blockade.......enough said.
The rockets didn't start until 2001. A full 34 years after the occupation began. And what do you expect is going to happen when you constantly conduct commando raids into their territory? Constant drone strikes. Constant missile strikes. Christ, they can't even fish and farm without you fuckers shooting at them. When you do shit like that, of coarse you're going to get rockets! They have an inalienable right to defend themselves form foreign aggression.

The collective punishment you are referring to comes from Hamas which teaches and feeds hatred for Israel and all Jews, and incites those poor ignorant people to go and die instead of the leaders.
Wrong! That's just the bullshit lie you keep telling, because you don't have the balls to be responsible for your own actions.

The leaders get rich, the rest of the population pays for their decisions.
I'll agree with that. No one is saying Hamas are angels. But they're not the big, bad, boogie you keep making them out to be.

You are absolutely correct. What Hamas has been doing to the Arab population in Gaza is definitely a war crime.
I didn't say that.

Using human shields.
Kidnapping soldiers or civilian Israelis, Jews and non Jews.
Refusing that the Red Cross be allowed to visit those Israelis it has captured.
Firing rockets from civilian areas.

I could mention more......but you do get the gist now of what war crimes actually are, do you not?
You just listed everything the IDF does and I can prove it. In regards to human shields, do you know what a "Johnnie" is?

They are definitely not what you decide they are, just because the other party is Israel.
And it doesn't matter what you say, you're not going to convince the world that the emperor has new clothes.
And your point is? Right now Jews are the majority population. So should they get the whole territory? Look you either agree that the Jewish people should have part of the territory or you don't. Stop making excuses now for your own words.
Get back on your meds, you're speaking gibberish.

Sure. Nothing to see here in Gaza. Just peaceful protests, kindness kites, respect rockets, benevolence bombs and tolerance tunnels.
All caused by the blockade.
Halevi’s full response:

Those who traffic in that kind of language are on very thin ice. My understanding of anti-Semitism is the following: anti-Semitism is not simply hating the other, the Jew as other. Anti-Semitism works a little bit differently. What anti-Semitism does is turn the Jews, the Jew, into the symbol of whatever it is that a given civilization defines as its most loathsome qualities. And so, under Christianity, before the Holocaust and Vatican II, the Jew was the Christ-killer, his blood be upon our heads and upon our children; that’s forever. Under communism, the Jew was the capitalist. Under Nazism, the Jew was the race-polluter, the ultimate race-polluter.

Now we live in a different civilization. Now we live in a civilization where the most loathsome qualities are racism, colonialism, apartheid. And lo and behold, the greatest offender in the world today, with all the beautiful countries of the world, is the Jewish state. The Jewish state is the symbol of the genocidal racist apartheid state. That’s Israel. That’s the Jewish state.

An Israeli political philosopher named Jacob Talmon once put it this way: ‘The state of the Jews has become the Jew of the states.’ What that means to me is criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism. Criticism of Israel’s existence, denying Israel the right to exist, calling Israel the ‘Zionist entity,’ that is anti-Semitism.

That is a classical continuity of thousands of years of symbolizing the Jew. So using that kind of language places you in very uncomfortable company. That kind of language can come today from the far left, it can come from white supremacists, it can come from Islamist extremists, it can come from many sources. But all of those groups converge on one idea: the Jew remains humanity’s great problem.

(full article online)

Author: Criticizing Israel's Existence, Denying Its Right to Exist Is Modern Anti-Semitism
Amazing world you live in.
I know. SoCal is pretty kick-ass!

Europeans are the majority in Australia and the Americas. Does it take away the rights of the indigenous people as the indigenous people of the land? No.
Of coarse they did. We wiped out the native Americans and they wiped out the Aborigines. But we made it up to them. They have lots of casinos to get rich on. When do the Pals get their casinos?

The Jewish people did not "return" after 3000 years. There were always Jewish people on the land present at every time of history. The ancient homeland of the Jewish Nation was never empty of Jewish people.
That is correct. Palestinian-Jews have always lived there. Right next to their Palestinian-Arab neighbors. For hundreds of years, there were very few major incidents of violence. But as soon as the Zionists showed up, all hell broke loose.

If you can call firing thousands of rockets, which kill people and destroy property
not a security necessity for a legal blockade.......enough said.
The rockets didn't start until 2001. A full 34 years after the occupation began. And what do you expect is going to happen when you constantly conduct commando raids into their territory? Constant drone strikes. Constant missile strikes. Christ, they can't even fish and farm without you fuckers shooting at them. When you do shit like that, of coarse you're going to get rockets! They have an inalienable right to defend themselves form foreign aggression.

The collective punishment you are referring to comes from Hamas which teaches and feeds hatred for Israel and all Jews, and incites those poor ignorant people to go and die instead of the leaders.
Wrong! That's just the bullshit lie you keep telling, because you don't have the balls to be responsible for your own actions.

The leaders get rich, the rest of the population pays for their decisions.
I'll agree with that. No one is saying Hamas are angels. But they're not the big, bad, boogie you keep making them out to be.

You are absolutely correct. What Hamas has been doing to the Arab population in Gaza is definitely a war crime.
I didn't say that.

Using human shields.
Kidnapping soldiers or civilian Israelis, Jews and non Jews.
Refusing that the Red Cross be allowed to visit those Israelis it has captured.
Firing rockets from civilian areas.

I could mention more......but you do get the gist now of what war crimes actually are, do you not?
You just listed everything the IDF does and I can prove it. In regards to human shields, do you know what a "Johnnie" is?

They are definitely not what you decide they are, just because the other party is Israel.
And it doesn't matter what you say, you're not going to convince the world that the emperor has new clothes.
Your answers, your posts, are a prime example of those who think that they have the right to destroy Jewish History.

You do not get one fact right. All of your answers come either from willful ignorance or willful hatred learned all of your life.

You are a waste of time with your repetitive BDS one liners.

BDS is not based on facts.

Neither are you.

You are absolutely correct. No one can convince ignorant people that the Emperors (Hamas and the PLO/Fatah) have no clothes.

Keep enjoying your fictional world just as those Arab groups and the whole Arab League have been since 1920.

Defending oneself and one's country is a crime.

Attempting to destroy a country, and all of its citizens (Israel) is not.

Message received

(same message the Muslims, Christians and all who will believe them keep voicing against Israel. Hurray to the UN, made now of the greatest Christian and Muslim powers in the world who think they can and will destroy Israel AND its People AND its history one way or another, regardless of their horrible records in human rights which can be seen on a daily basis)

The right to destroy Jewish history and Israel

Your answers, your posts, are a prime example of those who think that they have the right to destroy Jewish History.

You do not get one fact right. All of your answers come either from willful ignorance or willful hatred learned all of your life.

You are a waste of time with your repetitive BDS one liners.

BDS is not based on facts.

Neither are you.

You are absolutely correct. No one can convince ignorant people that the Emperors (Hamas and the PLO/Fatah) have no clothes.

Keep enjoying your fictional world just as those Arab groups and the whole Arab League have been since 1920.

Defending oneself and one's country is a crime.

Attempting to destroy a country, and all of its citizens (Israel) is not.

Message received

(same message the Muslims, Christians and all who will believe them keep voicing against Israel. Hurray to the UN, made now of the greatest Christian and Muslim powers in the world who think they can and will destroy Israel AND its People AND its history one way or another, regardless of their horrible records in human rights which can be seen on a daily basis)

The right to destroy Jewish history and Israel

You do know a lot about hypocrisy. You claim the Palestinians didn't exist until the mid-sixties, yet say it is Jewish history that people want the right to destroy.

You are the poster child for everything that is wrong with China!

Maybe that's why China has brown air? From all the shit flying from your gums.
The Jewish people did not "return" after 3000 years. There were always Jewish people on the land present at every time of history. The ancient homeland of the Jewish Nation was never empty of Jewish people.

then why did they need to import so many of them from Europe.

The Census figures show that Jews have been a minority in Palestine for centuries... until Europe decided to start dumping their unwanted Jews there.

That these Europeans happen to practice a bastardized version of the religion practiced there 2000 years ago is besides the point.
I think the destruction of history is always a bad thing.

But the Zionists are bombing women and children... I think that's a little worse.

I’m guessing the hundreds of rockets fired from the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza’istan is of no concern. Just another day in the world of the Islamist barbarian.
The Jewish people did not "return" after 3000 years. There were always Jewish people on the land present at every time of history. The ancient homeland of the Jewish Nation was never empty of Jewish people.

then why did they need to import so many of them from Europe.

The Census figures show that Jews have been a minority in Palestine for centuries... until Europe decided to start dumping their unwanted Jews there.

That these Europeans happen to practice a bastardized version of the religion practiced there 2000 years ago is besides the point.

Europe didn’t dump Jews in the State of Israel. Jews had a desire to leave Europe after WW2 due to a recent history of folks who share your illness.
I’m guessing the hundreds of rockets fired from the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza’istan is of no concern. Just another day in the world of the Islamist barbarian.

I'm always reminded of that film, "The Battle of Algeirs" when they rebel leader is asked why they deliver bombs in baskets... and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs form planes? We'd rather have your planes, you can have our baskets".

The stupidity is living next to people who want to kill you for stealing their land because a Magic Sky Fairy promised you their land.

Europe didn’t dump Jews in the State of Israel. Jews had a desire to leave Europe after WW2 due to a recent history of folks who share your illness.

And if you proposed giving the Jews a big slice of Germany as a homeland in compensation, I'd have no argument with you. But giving them Palestine because you feel bad about what the Germans did to them is like me giving someone your TV because I feel sorry for them.
I’m guessing the hundreds of rockets fired from the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza’istan is of no concern. Just another day in the world of the Islamist barbarian.

I'm always reminded of that film, "The Battle of Algeirs" when they rebel leader is asked why they deliver bombs in baskets... and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs form planes? We'd rather have your planes, you can have our baskets".

The stupidity is living next to people who want to kill you for stealing their land because a Magic Sky Fairy promised you their land.

Europe didn’t dump Jews in the State of Israel. Jews had a desire to leave Europe after WW2 due to a recent history of folks who share your illness.

And if you proposed giving the Jews a big slice of Germany as a homeland in compensation, I'd have no argument with you. But giving them Palestine because you feel bad about what the Germans did to them is like me giving someone your TV because I feel sorry for them.

The fact that you disconnect the Jewish people's wish to live in and have self-determination in their own national homeland demonstrates the source of your arguments as anti-semitism.
The Jewish people did not "return" after 3000 years. There were always Jewish people on the land present at every time of history. The ancient homeland of the Jewish Nation was never empty of Jewish people.

then why did they need to import so many of them from Europe.

The Census figures show that Jews have been a minority in Palestine for centuries... until Europe decided to start dumping their unwanted Jews there.

That these Europeans happen to practice a bastardized version of the religion practiced there 2000 years ago is besides the point.

Europe didn’t dump Jews in the State of Israel. Jews had a desire to leave Europe after WW2 due to a recent history of folks who share your illness.
Jews always left Europe when they saw that there was no future for them there due to Christian oppression.

And they realized, as early as the early 1820s that there would be no Renaissance for them on that Continent. Lots of Jews returned home to their ancient homeland from the early 1800's on.

But some people are ignorant of it, or sweep it under the rug, because it is much easier to give the land to the invading Arabs, Europeans, and Turks who conquered the land until 1917 and keep the Jews in the place Christians and Muslims want them to remain.

As needy subjects of Christianity and Islam.

Not that anything has changed with the State of Israel.
Just look at the history of the area and the world, and how the UN changed, and what the EU wants and supports.

Deny the Jewish People their land and history. Put an end to them. From Martin Luther to Hitler.....the idea of getting rid of all Jews is alive and well, and many are trying to make sure it is implemented.
I’m guessing the hundreds of rockets fired from the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza’istan is of no concern. Just another day in the world of the Islamist barbarian.

I'm always reminded of that film, "The Battle of Algeirs" when they rebel leader is asked why they deliver bombs in baskets... and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs form planes? We'd rather have your planes, you can have our baskets".

The stupidity is living next to people who want to kill you for stealing their land because a Magic Sky Fairy promised you their land.

Europe didn’t dump Jews in the State of Israel. Jews had a desire to leave Europe after WW2 due to a recent history of folks who share your illness.

And if you proposed giving the Jews a big slice of Germany as a homeland in compensation, I'd have no argument with you. But giving them Palestine because you feel bad about what the Germans did to them is like me giving someone your TV because I feel sorry for them.
You have given us your distorted version of history many times.
None of what you have posted is correct, but it does not bother you and you could not care less.

The Balfour Declaration was long before WWII, so you really need to figure out what the Declaration was and how the Jews got the right to become sovereign over any part of their ancient homeland again, lonnnng before WWII and Germany happened.
Deny the Jewish People their land and history. Put an end to them. From Martin Luther to Hitler.....the idea of getting rid of all Jews is alive and well, and many are trying to make sure it is implemented.

The modern turn this concept takes, for those not calling for actually "ripping the hearts out of Jews", is to disappear the Jewish people by claiming that most Jews are not "real" Jews. We see this on this forum all the time.
Deny the Jewish People their land and history. Put an end to them. From Martin Luther to Hitler.....the idea of getting rid of all Jews is alive and well, and many are trying to make sure it is implemented.

The modern turn this concept takes, for those not calling for actually "ripping the hearts out of Jews", is to disappear the Jewish people by claiming that most Jews are not "real" Jews. We see this on this forum all the time.
The best version is that ALL Jews disappeared, somehow, and that some idiots apparently thought that it was a good idea to take over that religion, and then the land.

But those ideas seem to only apply to the Jewish Nation/People and no other Nation/People on the planet.

And we do not have to guess why.

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